Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 227 It's None of My Business

Chapter 227 It's None of My Business (Part 4 Please Subscribe)

Accompanying the company's employees, I spent two happy days in the hot spring villa. On Sunday afternoon, when I returned to the city, Wu Ruohan sent Wu Xiaoyue back to school, and I also returned to the University of Finance and Economics.

Next, Gao Yang went to work and focused on three things.

Solar energy media hot sun company was established in 2004 as a regional branch based on self-built distribution channels.

In 2004, Yuanda expanded its public relations and advertising agency business to the solar energy industry.

51 city website development, preparation, online and other matters.

In the past two months, the 51 city project has not stopped.

CTO He Guangwen has set up a technical team to do website development.

The CEO, Jin Yang, only took a week off after getting married, and his wife Lu Yanran also jumped over here. She officially became the HR director and started recruiting.

CMO Chen Sen, after the National Day holiday, also began to bring more than a dozen salesmen who were recruited in September and arrived on the job during the National Day holiday, and began to sweep the streets to accumulate business information on the relevant channels of the website.

The 9-square-meter super-large office on the 1200th floor of Block B of the Weber Building has also been renovated.

More than 40 people from Yuanda Company have already moved in to work, and more than 30 people have started work on the website project.

The 8-square-meter office area on the 580th floor is all reserved for Solar Energy Media Company. This project will also expand the number of recruits, and the event department, distribution department, advertising department, and even the editorial department will need to add some manpower.

In 2004, it was the time for the three companies to do a big battle in Gao Yang's plan.

Gao Yang discussed with Jin Yang and others about the launch of, but there was no rush.

Before the Spring Festival, all the data of more than 2000 new houses from Yueju Company will be entered into the database, and then Chen Sen's business team will also accumulate a certain amount in small business categories such as real estate, housekeeping, moving, job hunting, and even nail art. After the information data, it will be released as soon as it goes online.

What is needed is that as soon as the website goes online, users can feel the result of abundant resources.

Even, during the time when people start working after the Spring Festival and the city’s peak rental season, it’s not too late for the website to go live again.

The previous preparations must be done well and in place.

Years ago, Gao Yang was mainly busy with these things. From the perspective of the overall situation, the specific business of each company was naturally promoted by the management and team.

On October 10, the weather became colder. In the morning, Gao Yang suddenly received a call from Wu Peng.

"I'm flying from Jinyang to the capital in the afternoon, you come to pick me up, don't tell anyone, just come by yourself."

Gao Yang was surprised: "Second brother, what is so mysterious?"

Wu Peng said: "Just do what I say, and that's fine."

Although Gao Yang was a little confused, he still did it.

Today, Gu Yawen didn't go to work, and stayed at home with her children. In the afternoon, Gao Yang called and said that there was a dinner in the evening, and she would go home late.

For her husband, Gu Yawen is still very relieved.

Some girls in the company looked at Gao Yang like wolves, eager to pounce on him and eat them up.

Gu Yawen thinks this kind of thing is normal, besides, Gao Yang will not have any reaction.

Since falling in love and getting married, the relationship between the two has been very good, and all aspects are very harmonious. Gu Yawen is very satisfied.

In the capital city at the end of October, after 10 pm, it was dark.

Gao Yang drove the Mercedes-Benz G, and waited at the airport until after 6:[-] p.m. before seeing Wu Peng with a briefcase in his hand.

Wu Peng's face was not very good. After getting in the car, he said, "Go to the vicinity of the University of Finance and Economics and find a hotel. I will stay in a hotel tonight."

Gao Yang was surprised and said: "Second Brother, you came here in such a hurry, you are so mysterious, what are you doing?"

Wu Peng said: "I tell you how to do it, and you do it!"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Second brother, I think you are not in a good mood, who messed with you?"

Wu Peng said: "What nonsense, let's go!"

It was almost 7 o'clock in the evening, and I found a star hotel near the University of Finance and Economics. After Wu Peng settled down, Gao Yang accompanied him to the hotel for dinner.

When eating, Wu Peng didn't want to drink, and Gao Yang wanted to drive, so he didn't drink.

Wu Peng's complexion was always grim, and he didn't talk much. Gao Yang was a little confused, so he had to accompany him and have a quick meal.

Then, Wu Peng asked Gao Yang to go back to the hotel room with him.

Gao Yang went back to the room with Wu Peng, and he gave Wu Peng a suite with a small living room.

After entering the room, Wu Peng stood there, staring at Gao Yang with blank eyes, without saying a word.

Gao Yang felt a little nervous, and asked with a smile, "Second brother, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

Wu Peng gritted his teeth suddenly, and said viciously, "I really want to beat you up!"

Gao Yang looked confused: "Second Brother, I didn't offend you, did I?"

Wu Peng glanced at Gao Yang, sat down suddenly, threw a cigarette to Gao Yang, and sighed: "Ruohan likes you, do you know about this?"

"That's it?"

Gao Yang looked surprised: "Second brother, Ruohan is a crazy girl, she is playing with me and Yawen."

Wu Peng shook his head: "It's true, Ruohan called me in the middle of the night last night and cried, saying that she likes you for more than half a year."

Gao Yang was really surprised: "This girl, is she crazy?"

Wu Peng sighed: "Yeah, I'm really crazy, and I'm going crazy too. What do you think... what should I do about this?"

"Cold salad!"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Second brother, I know that Ruohan may have a little admiration for me. She is a 23-year-old girl and a graduate student. Just ignore her inexplicable thoughts. it will be pass away."

Wu Peng shook his head: "You kid doesn't understand her. She is serious. She also said that if she can't get along with you, she will go to become a monk."

Gao Yang was delighted: "What a crazy girl, let her try to become a monk."

Wu Peng still shook his head: "You don't understand, she can really do this kind of thing."

Gao Yang was stunned: "It's impossible to follow her, unless I go crazy, and then the whole family goes crazy."

Wu Peng glanced at Gao Yang: "You boy, are you really a disaster!"

Gao Yang was a little helpless: "Second brother, let's be reasonable, this is none of my business."

Wu Peng said: "You haven't provoke Ruohan, have you?"

Gao Yang said unhappily: "Second brother, I'm not crazy! Yawen and I are getting along well, I'm going to provoke other women, am I sick? Besides, it's still my sister-in-law."

Knowing that Gao Yang was telling the truth, Wu Peng leaned on the sofa and sighed again: "What the hell, it's troublesome to have such a younger sister, I wish I could beat her to death."

Gao Yang was a little speechless, Wu Ruohan, this girl, is really crazy, she actually wanted to hit her brother-in-law, and even made her die.

What are you doing, playing with me?

Wu Peng was smoking a stuffy cigarette, scratching his head, and suddenly said: "Forget it, you go home, tomorrow morning, you bring Yawen over, don't tell aunt that I'm here."

Gao Yang nodded: "Second Brother, don't think so much, Ruohan is just crazy, she will come to her senses."

Wu Peng waved his hand, waited for Gao Yang to leave, thought for a while, and finally dialed Wu Ruohan's number.

Wu Ruohan came to the hotel and said happily after entering the room: "Brother, are you really here to help me?"

Wu Peng said viciously: "Ruohan, are you really going crazy? This is a big pit, an abyss!"

Wu Ruohan said stubbornly: "Brother, I don't ask for much for love, but I will smash my body and bones for it, and I will not hesitate..."

(End of this chapter)

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