Chapter 230

On November 11th, Gaoyang's two accounts completed the opening of nearly 20 million shares of Shanghai Heavy Machinery in early trading, and the funds were raised that day.

At the close of trading in the afternoon, Shanghai Heavy Machinery rose by nearly 5%, closing at the highest price of 5.50 yuan throughout the day.

Wu Ruohan ran over, a little proudly: "Brother-in-law, I have helped you earn nearly 10 yuan."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, you can pay attention to the trend of Shanghai Heavy Machinery in the future, instead of watching it every day. We are long-term investment, and it is estimated that we will hold the position for three or four years. During this period, you don't need to operate any more. "

Wu Ruohan asked curiously: "Brother-in-law, let's invest 600 million in this ticket. What is the long-term logic of your optimism?"

Gao Yang said: "Huaxia's shipbuilding industry is developing very fast. I bet this company has a great chance of reorganization. If you have time, you can find some information to study in detail."

"Well, brother-in-law, I will."

Wu Ruohan behaved very well, chatted about stocks for a while, and then left.

After get off work, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen went home together, after spending time with the children, they rested earlier.

Gao Yang is now used to going to bed early and waking up early. He exercises for about 40 minutes in the morning. He lives a regular life and is in good health.

After lying down, Gu Yawen snuggled into Gao Yang's arms, and the two kissed for a while, Gao Yang said: "You have come to relatives these two days, there is no need to go to the company to take some shift."

Gu Yawen said: "I won't go tomorrow, and I won't have a stomachache when I come to relatives, it's fine."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "If Ruohan wants me to take her to the hot spring on weekends, do you really agree?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "You play with her, why should I object?"

Gao Yang said: "Don't worry about this lonely man and widow, what if I can't hold it?"

Gu Yawen giggled: "Then you can't hold it?"

Gao Yang said: "I must hold on to it, I've said it all, Ruohan's figure is not good."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Ruohan is pretty and has a good figure, why not?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "It's better without you."

Gu Yawen giggled again, and gave Gao Yang a hug: "In front of Ruohan, if you can't hold back, I don't mind. Anyway, you will always be my husband."

Gao Yang was a little speechless, and really wanted to say, I believe in you...

Bai Fumei is also used to making these jokes now, which makes Gao Yang find it funny.

In another month, his son will be one year old every day, Gao Yang feels that Gu Yawen has changed a lot in the past few years.

Such a wife is gentle and virtuous, quite interesting, really nice.

Now, Gao Yang has begun to forget many things from his previous life.

Thinking of that pair of children is not as sad as the first two years of rebirth.

On November 11, Saturday, after 22:10 am, Gao Yang excused himself to go to the company to do something, drove the Mercedes-Benz G, and set off with Wu Ruohan.

The destination is a hot spring hotel in Xiaotangshan.

Before leaving, Gu Yawen still had a smile on her face, blinked, and whispered: "My husband, you have to have fun with Ruohan."

Gao Yang was speechless. As soon as he drove out of the villa, Wu Ruohan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said happily, "Brother-in-law, today, you are my boyfriend."

Gao Yang stared: "Come on, brother-in-law won't let you do that."

Wu Ruohan played pitifully: "Brother-in-law, my sister agrees."

Gao Yang shook his head: "It doesn't matter if she agrees, I'm your brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense with me."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "I don't care, anyway, I want you to be my boyfriend."

Gao Yang raised his hand and tapped Wu Ruohan's forehead: "I'll be your big-headed boyfriend. If you want to go crazy, it's your business. Don't take me with you, don't cheat on your brother-in-law."

Wu Ruohan said: "I won't cheat on brother-in-law. I like brother-in-law, and it's for brother-in-law's good. Brother-in-law, when I become your man, I won't pester you. You don't have to think about other women anymore when you have me. "

Gao Yang was delighted: "Nonsense, I'm on good terms with your sister, why should I think about other women, I'm sick."

Wu Ruohan said: "You men are all lustful, I don't believe it."

Gao Yang said: "Do you believe it or not."

Wu Ruohan said: "Then I don't care, anyway, I want my brother-in-law to be my man."

Gao Yang said: "Don't talk nonsense, your brother will hack me to death."

Wu Ruohan snorted, "He doesn't dare! If he dares to kill my man, I'll kill his whole family."

Gao Yang was speechless, this ghost girl really just opened her mouth.

Gao Yang pretended to be angry and said: "If you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will turn around and go home immediately."

Wu Ruohan hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, don't be angry, it's all agreed, you want to play with me."

Gao Yang said: "It's fine to play with you, then you should be good and stop running the train with your mouth full."

Wu Ruohan said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, I know, I will be good..."

After driving to the hotel, Wu Ruohan got out of the car and said happily, "Brother-in-law, let's check in the room."

Gao Yang said: "I want to go home tonight, what room should I register?"

Wu Ruohan said: "No, if you come out to play with me on the weekend, you have to stay here for one night."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Okay, then stay for one night."

No matter what idea you ghost girl has, it's all useless.

Wu Ruohan said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, then we need a room."

Gao Yang frowned: "Stop doing this."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "Brother-in-law, you are my boyfriend today, why don't you act for a while?"

Gao Yang said angrily, "No way!"

Wu Ruohan obediently registered two rooms, both of which were rooms with a double bed.

Gao Yang doesn't care about her, it's up to you.

After the lunch break, Gao Yang talked on the phone with Gu Yawen for a while, and then Wu Ruohan dragged him to the hot spring.

Wu Ruohan put on a bikini-like black two-piece swimsuit, which was not very revealing.

Before entering the water, Wu Ruohan deliberately turned twice in front of Gao Yang: "Brother-in-law, how is my figure?"

Gao Yang took a look: "It's not bad."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "What do you mean it's okay, I have a great figure, okay?"

Wu Ruohan's figure is actually very good, her face is very beautiful, and her skin is also very good, which has already attracted many people nearby to secretly look at her.

After entering the water, Wu Ruohan hung on Gao Yang's back like an octopus again, and whispered in Gao Yang's ear, "Brother-in-law, I like you so much."

Gao Yang grabbed her down: "Stop doing this."

Wu Ruohan hugged Gao Yang with one arm and did not let go, coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, you are my boyfriend today."

Gao Yang shook his head: "I am not."

Wu Ruohan was instantly defeated in the fight, she became angry from embarrassment, threw herself on Gao Yang, and punched Gao Yang...

After soaking in the hot spring, the two changed their clothes, and Wu Ruohan took Gao Yang for a walk again, holding his arm and not letting go.

Gao Yang felt a little helpless: "Ruohan, I'm your brother-in-law, you can't get along with a man or a woman."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "You are brother-in-law and also my boyfriend."

Gao Yang said: "Come on, I'm not."

Wu Ruohan said: "I don't care, you are, brother-in-law, I want to kiss."

Gao Yang said disgustedly: "Come on, there's no way!"

Wu Ruohan acted like a baby: "Brother-in-law, let's try."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ruohan, don't do it, your way is useless to brother-in-law..."

No matter how Wu Ruohan acted coquettishly, or pretended to be pitiful, Gao Yang remained steadfast.

Wu Ruohan was a little discouraged: "Brother-in-law, am I just so unattractive?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, in front of brother-in-law, your charm is far from enough."

Unable to reason with this girl, Gao Yang chose to hit her hard without mercy.

After dinner, it suddenly snowed in the sky, Wu Ruohan dragged Gao Yang to go for a walk in the snow again, tried his best, but Gao Yang was indifferent.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, when we returned to the hotel, Wu Ruohan took a bath, changed into his pajamas, ran to the next room and knocked on the door of Gao Yang's room.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yang would not open the door at all: "Ruohan, brother-in-law is tired today, and wants to rest early."

Wu Ruohan knocked on the door for nearly 10 minutes, and finally could only go back to her room angrily.

At this time, Gu Yawen called: "Husband, did you have a good day today?"

"Very good", Gao Yang asked with a smile, "Why, do you want to check the post?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "That's not true, where is Ruohan?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Go back to her room, I won't open the door for her, she can't do anything."

Gu Yawen giggled: "If you can stand the test, why bother?"

Gao Yang said: "I don't want to go through this kind of test, I'll be back tomorrow morning."

After chatting for a while, Gu Yawen hung up the phone with a smile, and called Wu Ruohan again, listening to the girl complaining wildly...

(End of this chapter)

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