Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 238 Will CPI Be Hollowed Out by You?

Chapter 238 Will the CPI be Hollowed Out by You?

Yang Limin and others left before 3 o'clock in the afternoon and went back to Shudu.

Turning around, Gao Yang called Zhou Wenbin, saying that since Yang Limin, Feng Maonan and others were going to Chang'an, it would be better to ask Yang Limin or Feng Maonan to be the officiant, as they were much more suitable than himself.

Gao Yang felt that it was too young and inappropriate for him to be the officiant.

The two chatted for a few words, Zhou Wenbin smiled and agreed, and asked Yang Limin or Feng Maonan to ask.

It was because Zhou Wenbin admired Gao Yang that he insisted on asking Gao Yang to be his officiant at the beginning.

After hanging up on Zhou Wenbin's phone, Gao Yang called Sun Chengyi, who was far away in Yu Province, who was getting married tomorrow, and expressed his congratulations again and apologized.

Sun Chengyi got married in the countryside of his hometown in southern Henan. The transportation is very inconvenient, and Gaoyang really can't go.

Sun Chengyi and his wife can naturally understand.

Mainly due to the collision with Chen Sen and Zhou Wenbin, Chen Sen is Gao Yang's classmate, Gao Yang couldn't even attend Chen Sen's wedding.

Everyday, everyone is very busy at work, and we can only hold a wedding during the Spring Festival holiday.

This year, it's all in one piece.

On January 1, the third day of the first lunar month, after 24 pm, Gao Yang flew alone and arrived at Gudu Airport.

The airport is nearly 30 kilometers away from the city of Chang'an. After Gao Yang got off the plane, he just turned on his phone when he received a call from Zhou Wenbin.

After seeing Zhou Wenbin and Tong Hua, Gao Yang asked with a smile, "Why are you a couple of newcomers here? It's the same for me to take a taxi."

Zhou Wenbin smiled and said, "Not only you, but Yang Limin and the others will be here in less than half an hour."

The two smoked a cigarette outside the airport. After waiting for a while, more than a dozen people including Yang Limin, Feng Maonan, Yu Guangming, and Ren Jing left the airport.

Zhou Wenbin arranged five cars to pick him up.

When it was getting dark, we arrived at the hotel where Zhou Wenbin held his wedding, the Shangri-La Hotel located at the east gate of the ancient city.

Zhou Wenbin said that this is the second Shangri-La in the mainland and one of the earliest foreign-related five-star hotels in Chang'an, which has a history of nearly 30 years.

In 2003, this hotel was renovated, and now it has a new look and is very stylish.

Gao Yang and others were arranged to live in a hotel, Zhou Wenbin and Tong Hua had dinner with everyone, and then they were driven away.

Yu Guangming didn't bring his family with him, so Zhou Wenbin arranged for Gao Yang and Yu Guangming to share a standard room.

After Zhou Wenbin left, everyone drank coffee and chatted in the hotel.

The topic again focused on Gao Yang.

Yang Limin laughed and said, "Fang Jian will resign from work after the Spring Festival, saying that he will follow you to do the Internet, Gao Yang, if this continues, the CPI will be hollowed out by you sooner or later?"

Gao Yang laughed aloud: "Mr. Yang, there are more than 600 people in CPI, and there are a lot of talents. If one or two people are missing, it will not hinder anything. The operation mode of CPI is very mature. In the management position, there are many talents who can top it. Many."

Yu Guangming asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, Song Liangqiu and Zhang Yue, wouldn't they jump to your company?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "They won't, at least two years or so, I can guarantee that, although our company is also short of talents, we will definitely not forcefully undercut CPI. Everyone has affection for CPI."

Feng Maonan smiled and said: "Gao Yang, you made great contributions during the years at CPI, not only in terms of management, but also in team building."

Gao Yang said: "This is the concerted efforts of brothers and sisters. CPI is a private enterprise. Everyone works harder and gets more rewards. The interests converge."

He Yungang said: "Gao Yang, let's go back to the SNS website you mentioned. If Boss Feng is not willing to invest in CPI, we brothers and sisters, if we personally come to invest some money, would you accept it?"

Gao Yang thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I definitely welcome it, of course, it's just a preliminary idea now, and there are still a lot of detailed work to be done for the project concept to be implemented, which requires many discussions.

In addition, there are ugly words ahead. Although this project has a bright future and is also a new trend of globalization, the investment risk is really high. "

Yang Limin smiled and said: "We are optimistic about your vision, so we dare to take this risk. If it is successful and can be listed, then as you said, when the traditional paper media declines and the CPI is no longer popular, we will follow you. Let's eat with one bite."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Thank you for your trust, I can only say that I will do my best."

Yu Guangming smiled and said: "Gao Yang, in fact, the few of us can't afford to invest much money. Adding up, we can at most pay 300 million."

Gao Yang said: "Everyone has this kind of trust and friendship, it is better than anything else."

Feng Maonan asked again: "Gao Yang, for this social networking site project, as you said, it is difficult to find a profit model in the short term. What you are doing is traffic, and you need to burn money constantly. In your plan, you should consider introducing venture capital, right? "

Gao Yang nodded: "Mr. Nan, you are right, this project is definitely not enough to rely on ourselves to burn money, and we must introduce venture capital.

However, at the start-up stage, I still hope that we will use our own funds to achieve a certain level of traffic and popularity before considering introducing venture capital.

There is a high probability that angel investors will not be considered, and we will be angel investors ourselves.

If the project can be launched smoothly, I will work hard to solve the funds needed for the start-up stage.

My plan is that after the project reaches a certain level and the valuation can be greatly improved, I will consider introducing venture capital capital. At that time, I will be able to afford the price. "

Yang Limin smiled and said: "I almost forgot, you have a rich mother-in-law, this is your big backing."

Gao Yang just smiled: "That's right."

The mother-in-law's money has been invested in the real estate market. Although she can collect 2000 or [-] million yuan in rent every year in the future, Gao Yang will not play with the mother-in-law unless it is absolutely necessary.

Funds, for Gao Yang, are really simple, just squeeze them out in the stock market.

Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions are really trivial to Gao Yang.

Every year in the future, there will be more stocks in my mind.

In his previous life, he spent half his life as a leek in the big A-share market. In this life, Gao Yang has the greatest confidence to do any business.

With money in hand, it is not difficult to travel around the world.

CPI is a private enterprise with media as its main business. In this era, there are really a lot of talents.

CPI is also bound to decline. When these projects planned by Gao Yang grow up, many colleagues of CPI can continue to grow with Gao Yang in the future.

For Gao Yang, why not do such a thing.

We have worked together for a few years, have worked hard together, and have a friendship. In the future, we will work together much easier than a pure interest relationship.

Gao Yang wants to step by step, according to the plan, continue to grow stronger and bigger in the field of Internet media, and naturally needs some key talents, such as technology.

More, you need to convince him, a talent with strong execution ability.

The talents of CPI are really good in terms of execution ability, and they are also a large human resource pool that Gao Yang values.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, Zhou Wenbin held a grand wedding and held nearly 40 tables of banquets in the hotel.

Yang Limin became the officiant. He has been the CEO of CPI for several years, and he is also humorous. To deal with this kind of scene, he is naturally casual and trivial.

In the afternoon, Yang Limin and others stayed in Chang'an, planning to travel for two days.

Gao Yang still set off to return to Jinyang. There was still a big family at home. After the Spring Festival, it was time to get busy again.

Before coming to Chang'an, Gao Yang originally booked a return ticket for this afternoon.

Jinyang is very close to Chang'an, and the flight time is less than one and a half hours. At 1:5 in the afternoon, Gao Yang returned to Jinyang.

Wu Ruohan came to pick her up by car, Wu Xiaoyue was still sitting in the car, went straight to the hotel for dinner, and then went to Chen Sen's bridal chamber at night...

(End of this chapter)

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