Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 247 Flash! 51, city?

Chapter 247 Flash! 51, city? (4 more requests to order tickets)
After a deep talk with Wu Fei, Gao Yang started to draft a loan agreement after taking a lunch break. Wu Fei didn't have much money to register a private equity hedge fund, so he arranged for Wu Fei and Gu Yawen to borrow 100 million US dollars.

After completing the registration of the hedge fund, he will find a way to return the $100 million in the future, and then invest in Wu Fei's hedge fund through the offshore fund established by Gao Yang.

The content of the agreement is actually quite simple, and the focus is on the entrustment and trust between the family.

After Wu Fei and Chen Lan saw it, they both smiled and had no objection.

Wu Fei and his wife also discussed, simply raising 5 to 10 US dollars a year, and investing together with the 500 million US dollars that Wu Lan will invest for five years.

Chen Lan suggested that although it is an agreement between family members, it is best to go through a formal procedure, such as finding a lawyer to witness or something.

Coincidentally, He Yong's younger sister, He Shan, is a practicing lawyer, so he made an appointment on February 2, Monday morning, to ask He Shan to notarize and sign something in the name of a lawyer.

In fact, it was just a formality, what Chen Lan meant was to let Gao Yang's family rest assured.

After discussing these matters, Gao Yang took out a pen and paper, scribbled down the names of several US stock companies, and handed them to Chen Lan.

Chen Lan works in an investment bank on Wall Street. She is considered a professional. She also has a background in finance and has a better understanding of US stocks.

Gao Yang only wrote down four stocks, namely Boss Ding's Yiwang, SBA Communications, streaming media company Netflix, and a magical beverage company, Monster Beverage.

Chen Lan took a look and said with a smile: "Gao Yang, aren't you optimistic about Internet-related technology companies? How did you fall in love with Monster Drink?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, the consumer market is also good, and I am also very optimistic about this company.

Yiwang is one of the earliest Chinese Internet companies listed on the US stock market. I am optimistic that it can share the rapid development of China's Internet industry.

SBA Communications, as well as the streaming media company Netflix, each have their own characteristics. I have collected information and studied them carefully.

These four U.S. stock companies are now considered small-cap stocks. My sister-in-law can put 9% of her positions in Yiwang, SBA and Monster Beverage, and the remaining 1% of her positions in Netflix.

This is a general suggestion. In terms of operation, I ask my sister-in-law to handle it by herself.

At the current stage, in about four or five years, we will invest in these four companies first.

In the future, when the amount of funds increases, I will consider new investment targets.

This year's initial capital of 100 million US dollars, according to this loan agreement, is expected to be transferred to your account within a month..."

Chen Lan smiled and said: "Okay, when your funds arrive, your eldest brother will go to register a hedge fund, and then I will start to build positions immediately, position allocation, investment targets, I have a good idea."

Chen Lan didn't know that Gao Yang's [Xiangzhong]'s four US stocks would increase by dozens or even hundreds of times in the next ten years.

Gao Yang has never done U.S. stocks, but he only read a document and was quite impressed.

Counting from 2001 or 2002, these four stocks have increased by more than 20 times in 1000 years.

In particular, Boss Ding's Yiwang, which rose nearly 3500 times during the period, is the best stock in the US stock market, and there is no one.

However, starting from the low point, Yiwang has already increased by more than ten times. Compared with the issue price, it will soon return to the original issue price.

Gao Yang's investment in U.S. stocks is not aimed at doubling ten times in 10 years, but dozens of times, hundreds of times.

In the past, Gao Yang suffered from not having a suitable channel to invest in US stocks, but now there are Wu Fei and his wife, both of whom are family members, and his sister-in-law, Chen Lan, is also an insider in the industry.

Now, it is finally possible to continuously invest funds and let it snowball in overseas markets until it grows large enough to implement Gao Yang's huge plans.

On the morning of February 2, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen, with Wu Fei and his wife, rushed to the law firm where He Shan worked. They asked He Shan to witness and signed the agreement in both Chinese and English.

He Shan was originally a cold-faced girl, but now that she has a good relationship, she also has a warm smile on her face.

Upon hearing that Gao Yang was going to invest in US stocks, He Shan asked with a smile: "Brother Yang, do you want to bring me and my brother along and invest some money?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Shanshan, your brother has already invested in A shares, there is no need to invest in US stocks."

He Shan smiled and said, "I mean, my brother said, you are a master at stocks."

Gao Yang said: "I'm lucky, plus, I feel a little..."

He Shan, like Wu Ruohan, is now the agent of their respective brothers.

According to Gao Yang's suggestion, the shares that He Yong and Wu Peng invested in Haidilao had already been transferred to the two girls' names, and the year-end dividends would also be transferred to their accounts first.

Gao Yang quietly asked He Shan about the 400 million dividends that Haidi earned last year. He Shan smiled and said, "At that time, I transferred it to my brother, and he said he would use it to increase his position in stocks."

Gao Yang chuckled: "Then you are too honest, you can't even pluck a wild goose's hair? In this respect, you have to learn from Ruohan."

He Shan chuckled: "We are all a family, and I am not short of money."

He Shan is currently only working part-time as the legal director of, and it is expected that she will officially work in as a director in the second half of the year or early next year.

Right now, there is actually nothing that needs her to be busy.

It's been almost a month since Wu Fei and his wife went back to China for vacation, and they took a transoceanic flight back to the United States in the afternoon.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen drove to the airport.

At the airport, Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Brother, sister-in-law, I haven't been abroad yet, this transoceanic flight takes more than ten hours, will the seat be a bit more spacious?"

Wu Fei chuckled: "It's the same as domestic flights, economy class, how spacious is it, my head is too crowded, you will know when you take it once in the future."

Wu Fei is about 175 cm tall and thin.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Okay, I will experience it when I have a chance in the future."

Before leaving, Wu Fei and his wife warmly invited Gao Yang and his wife to bring their children and parents to the United States if they had time.

After seeing off Wu Fei's family, Gao Yang and Gao Yang returned to the office. It was almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon., as well as some personnel from Yuanda Company, were waiting for Gao Yang to hold a meeting.

Before the public beta launch of, according to Gao Yang's suggestion, a [flash mob] marketing promotion plan will be launched.

Flash mob culture is a product of the Internet, or a trendy culture that just appeared in the United States last year.

Huaxia, not yet at all.

Before the Spring Festival, Gao Yang thought of this incident and made Gu Yawen search the foreign language Internet for a long time before finding relevant news.

Then, translate these materials and discuss with Jin Yang and others to plan a flash mob event in the capital.

Some are true and some are false.

In the two weeks since he went to work after the Spring Festival, Jin Yang led people to pour water on several well-known forums, [discussing] the flash mob phenomenon, and the fun and interesting Internet spirit behind it.

Then, it really aroused some people's interest.

A QQ group for flash mob enthusiasts was established, and it was agreed that on February 2th, at 17:7 pm, in three lively places in the capital, after meeting, there would be a flash mob event within 38 seconds.

The two sides will be divided into two teams, one in black and one in red.

Then the group stood at attention and applauded.

At the same time, one party shouted "51?", and the other party responded "city!".

After echoing three times in a row, he turned and left.

As for the convener of the organization, it is naturally the [undercover agent] of

There are also three fake flash mobs, which are all young employees of and Yuanda.

These three groups of people will each put up a sign at the scene, with the registered trademark of 51city cut into two pieces on it.

At the same time, Yuanda Company also contacted reporters from three first-line mass media in Beijing to [encounter] on the spot, take photos, and hype the news of Huaxia's first pop-up event.

As for the hype?
It's very simple, give each reporter 1000 yuan for traveling expenses.At the same time, will also run full-page advertisements in three newspapers for two days.

Gao Yang asked Jin Yang for help in setting up an offshore asset management company in Hong Kong Island and a private equity fund in Cayman. Jin Yang is a master student majoring in international justice. He also set up an offshore company when investing in the Internet before. very familiar.

On the evening of February 2, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen rushed to Wangfujing ahead of schedule and ambushed at the scheduled assembly location.

In Gao Yang's hand, he was carrying a full-frame digital camera with a 400mm telephoto lens. The value of this set of equipment alone exceeded 10.

At 7:38 in the evening, there were indeed two groups of people, one black and one red, with 8 people in each team.

Wu Ruohan was wearing a red down coat and mixed in.

The two sides stood opposite each other in the middle of the street and suddenly applauded.

The black team shouted in unison: "51?"

The red team responded loudly: "city!"

After doing this three times in a row, the two sides joined hands and formed a circle, shouting: "51, city!"

Then, suddenly, the birds and beasts dispersed, squeezed into the crowd, and went their separate ways.

This is a real flasher all the way.

Among the crowd eating melons, many of them looked confused, and there were heated discussions immediately.

"What are these young people doing?"

"It seems to be talking about 51 and CT."

"It's strange, the hospital only has CT..."

Gao Yang, who was hiding aside, had already pressed the shutter several times to capture these shots.

After a while, Wu Ruohan, who had changed into a coat, came over and said excitedly, "Brother-in-law, did I go on camera just now?"

Gao Yang found out a close-up photo of Wu Ruohan, and said with a smile, "Pretty, very photogenic..."

(End of this chapter)

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