Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 259 Earned another 1000 million

Chapter 259 Earned another 1000 million (ask for double votes)

On March 3, Monday, Gao Yang's family, including Shen Xin, booked a plane ticket at 22:11 in the morning.

Staying in the hotel in the morning, after the end of the stock market call auction at 9:25, Gao Yang immediately entered the stock account under his name on the laptop to pay the bill, and cleared the last 1000 lots of Shaogang.

Since March 3th, Gaoyang has successively cleared its positions and exited the two stocks of Shaogang and Jiangxi Copper. Last Friday, Jiangxi Copper had completed its liquidation.

After placing the order in advance and selling 1000 lots of Shaogang, Gao Yang and his party began to pack their luggage, prepare to check out, and headed to the airport to rush back to the capital.

After 3:22 noon on March 1, Wu Ruohan arrived in the capital, and Wu Ruohan drove a BMW X5 to pick him up.

Back at the office, Gu Yawen took the car again and took Wu Lan and Tiantian home.

Gao Yang went back to Weber's apartment and slept until after 3 pm. At night, he would accompany Wu Ruohan [to work overtime].

After waking up from a nap, Gao Yang went to the office, communicated with Wu Bo and the others for a while, then returned to his office, turned on the computer, and took a look at the stock account under his name.

Position: Shanghai Heavy Machinery 4940 lots (market value: 4045860 yuan)
Jichai 4300 lots (market value 5899600 yuan)
Jiangxi Changyun 3810 hands (5695950 yuan)
Total market value: 15641410 yuan

Cash: 1341.51 million yuan
Principal: 1900 million yuan
Total capital: 2905.65 million yuan
Profit: 52.92% (10056592 yuan)
Now, the new round of income from his personal account has exceeded 2905 million, and the total amount of funds has reached [-] million.

A few days ago, Jiangxi Copper and Shaoguan Iron and Steel began to liquidate their positions one after another. Today, they finally cleared all of them, and the funds released were more than 1300 million. In these two stocks, they have more than doubled their profits.

With more than 1300 million funds left in the account, Gao Yang lit a cigarette and looked at the trend of Moutai in the past few days.

After this ticket rose to 35 yuan, it started to trade sideways again in the past few days, and there is a high probability that it will fall back a little.

If you can buy the whole position at the 34 yuan line and withdraw at the 40 yuan line, you can still earn 200 million.

Not bad.

Next, wait patiently for the new stock of Su Ning Company to go public in July and August.

At that time, the whole position will be bought in. If you keep holding it, you can earn thirty to forty times in three years, and the picture is super beautiful.

Of course, in the big bull market of 2006 and 2007, opportunities to make a huge profit of thirty or forty times abound.

The more than 1000 million funds may roll to more than one billion by then.

Gao Yang quickly made a decision in his mind, so he called and informed Lu Yonggang to come over.

After Lu Yonggang entered the room, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yonggang, you are not young anymore, should you consider starting a family?"

Lu Yonggang smiled shyly: "Mr. Gao, I have been busy with work for the past two years, so I don't have time to think about this matter."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Yong Gang, what's your impression of Shen Xin from the distribution department of Sunshine Company?"

"Shen Xin?"

Lu Yonggang recalled it carefully, and said with a smile: "It's not bad, he is from Shanghai, and he looks so beautiful, so it's impossible for him to fall in love with me?"

Gao Yang laughed happily: "You guy, man, can you have more confidence in yourself, Yonggang, you have made great progress in the past two years, and you are no longer the Lu Yonggang of the United Media era.

Yawen has already asked Shen Xin about this matter. Shen Xin is also my old colleague at CPI. She is seven or eight months younger than you. She has a good image, personality, and work ability.

This matter, if you are interested, has a high probability of success. "

"Really?" Lu Yonggang was a little surprised, "I am really grateful to have Mr. Gao and Mr. Gu helping me."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This weekend, Yawen and I will treat you two to a meal, after that, it's your own business.

Yonggang, men should take the initiative and be more careful. When in love, don't be careless or machismo.

Shen Xin is from Shanghai. Girls in Shanghai may be used to living a refined life, so you should be more obedient.

You are now the person who manages a company. In the future, in addition to working hard, you must learn more and improve yourself.

The company should make relevant career plans for core employees, arrange for the backbone of the management to receive relevant professional training, and the company will provide appropriate subsidies.

If you take the time to make a plan, start with yourself, find time to study an MBA, improve yourself, and broaden your horizons..."

Lu Yonggang said: "Mr. Gao, I have also considered this matter. The company's business scale continues to grow, and key employees really need to continue to learn and improve. How should we consider this subsidy?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "If you want to study MBA, consider subsidizing half of the tuition for now."

Lu Yonggang said happily: "Great, Mr. Gao, with such a policy in the company, everyone will definitely work harder."

Gao Yang smiled and patted Lu Yonggang on the shoulder:

"Let's lead everyone to work hard, Yuanda's goal is to keep moving forward, and the business scale will reach [-] million, [-] billion, or even larger.

Our development vision is to develop into a first-class company in the industry. In the future, we will issue shares, go public for financing, and let all employees share the fruits of development.

At the present stage, it is the key to Yuanda's take-off to deepen and penetrate the solar industry.

On your side, at the end of the year or early next year, Yawen will consider transferring part of the equity to you.

In the future, key employee stock ownership will also be promoted..."

Lu Yonggang was very excited, stood up and bowed to Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, thank you, thank you and Mr. Gu for giving me such a chance."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yong Gang, today, I will have a good heart to heart relationship with you.

You have to remember that careers are achieved step by step, just like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat.

Yuanda Company is engaged in the service industry, and talents are the most important.

In the future, you must pay attention to the cultivation and improvement of the entire team, so that those who are capable and want to do things will continue to step up and share the pressure on yourself.

Yuanda Company will be handed over to you in the future. As a trader of the company, you must have a sense of the overall situation.

Company management is also an art. You have to grow into the spiritual leader of a team, plan the company's business with a long-term development perspective, and grow the team step by step.

The way of business is also a kind of way, we all need to keep learning..."

Lu Yonggang looked serious: "Mr. Gao, please don't worry. I am very at ease in following your business. I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of you and Mr. Gu."

Satisfied, Lu Yonggang left with full of excitement.

Later, Wu Ruohan came in: "Brother-in-law, Moutai has risen to 35 yuan, and the platform is being sorted out in the past few days."

Gao Yang opened Moutai's K-line to take a look again, and said with a smile, "It's normal for such a small platform to be sorted out. After the sorting is over, it may climb up to the 40-yuan line in one wave."

"I think so……"

Wu Ruohan smiled again: "I'm going home first, and I'll cook something delicious for you tonight."

Gao Yang nodded, and asked again: "Ruohan, you often don't go to school now, will you miss the class?"

Wu Ruohan said: "No, I have been keeping up with the courses. I will start preparing my graduation thesis at the end of the year, and I will be fine after that."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "I think Zhang Tao is still studying at school regularly."

Wu Ruohan said arrogantly: "I'm a top student, how can he compare with me, Brother Tao is a liberal arts major, and he needs to memorize a lot by rote."

Gao Yang asked again: "Ruohan, don't you plan to study for a doctorate?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "I don't think about it at all. It's not interesting. I think it's more interesting to manage finances and stocks in the company as it is now."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, when the company has a large amount of funds in the future, maybe we can consider setting up a professional investment department and let you take care of it."

Wu Ruohan's eyes lit up: "Brother-in-law, this is the best, I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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