Chapter 265 The regional exhibition breaks [-] million (seeking double monthly tickets)
The management meeting on the morning of April 4 is equivalent to a management thought meeting of the project.

Gao Yang actually controls the development direction of several companies now, and he really doesn't have much involvement in the specific daily operation of the project, and he doesn't have the time.

However, Gao Yang will not hesitate to correct the direction of the company's management and development in a timely manner, and will not show affection just because Jin Yang and others are old classmates and well-educated intellectuals.

Work is work, nothing to do with personal feelings.

If 51 Tongcheng even dares to accept advertisements with 5% rebates, it will be a strange thing that it will not be finished in the future.

Gao Yang worked as project general manager and group vice president in CPI, and now controls a public relations and advertising agency such as Yuanda Company for his wife. Naturally, he is very clear about many rules of the game in the industry, including industry rules and unspoken rules.

In doing business, these rules cannot be avoided, but there must be a degree.

That's why Gao Yang gave Lu Yonggang and Zhang Hua a deadly order to draw a line on the customer's business rebates and follow the industry rules.

I would rather not do business that crosses the line.

On the afternoon of April 4, Gao Yang flew directly to Guangdong Province. As usual, he had his wife and children, plus his mother-in-law Wu Lan.

Today, Shen Xin is also on the same flight, and she is the host of the solar energy exhibition as usual.

On April 4th, the solar energy exhibition in South China was about to open again. This time, Gao Yang stopped speaking, and still had to communicate with customers on behalf of the company and be an audience in the audience for a day and a half.

The love relationship between Shen Xin and Lu Yonggang is progressing rapidly. Both of them have their own love history before, and they are not pretentious. They have officially lived together for more than half a month.

Now, Shen Xin has a very good relationship with Gu Yawen, and she often asks Gu Yawen to go shopping together, just like best friends.

For Shen Xin's business relationship, neither Gao Yang nor Gu Yawen would be disgusted, and even happy to see it.

In the afternoon, Wu Ruohan drove a group of people to the airport. After checking in at the airport, while waiting for the plane, Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Shen Xin, have you talked about marriage with Yong Gang? When can we have your wedding wine? "

Shen Xin smiled and said: "It's over, but Yong Gang is very busy. On May Day, I'll take him home to meet his parents, and see if we can hold a wedding on National Day."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "That's right, then you can have a baby next year."

Shen Xin smiled again: "I have discussed with Yong Gang, I will go to Shanghai to apply for a certificate on May Day, after that, if the child can be conceived earlier, at the turn of spring and summer next year, I may have a child. I am not young at this age I don't care about marrying a son."

Gu Yawen said: "Sister Xin, if you have a baby at the turn of spring and summer next year, it will be fine, and you are still very young. On my side, if you want to have a second child, I don't know how many years there will be a policy. "

Gao Yang said: "Yawen is right. In fact, I read a research document that said that women's childbearing age spans 15 years from 55 to 40."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Although it is rare for a woman to have a baby at 50, it does happen. When I was young, I saw it in Yawen's father's hometown, and there were women who were almost 50 years old giving birth."

Shen Xin said: "Auntie, I am an only daughter, and Yong Gang is also an only son. Yong Gang's hometown is in the countryside. According to their hometown's policy, I can actually have a second child."

Gu Yawen was a little envious: "That's great, Sister Xin, if you have a baby next year, you can definitely catch up with the appearance in 07 and have a second child."

Shen Xin smiled and said: "It depends on the situation. If I can have one at that time, I still want to have one. One child in the family is really too lonely."

Wu Lan quite sympathized with this: "Yes, a child in the family is indeed lonely. Yawen was like this when she was a child, from the age of two to four, and she almost lived at her grandfather's house. At that time, her father was still in the army, and we A person can't take care of him..."

The flight landed after 4:7 p.m., and He Jin drove a [-]-seater Mercedes-Benz MPV to pick him up at the airport.

This car, of course, is rented.

In Guangdong Province in mid-April, the weather is relatively hot. The temperature is around 4, which is almost the same as the early summer in Beijing.

In the air, there was even a faint smell of the sea.

After getting in the car, He Jin asked with a smile: "Boss, what shall we arrange for dinner tonight?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "When you arrive in Guangdong Province, you must eat some seafood."

He Jin smiled and said: "Yes, you must eat seafood. Teacher Wu and I discussed it like this. We will accompany the client to eat at the hotel in the evening. Later, we will go to the food stall by ourselves. In Guangdong Province, the food stall It can make noise until three or four o'clock in the morning..."

Gao Yang said: "As long as it doesn't affect tomorrow's exhibition, you can try the food stall."

He Jin said: "Just relax, tomorrow's activities are all arranged, no problem, the exhibition in South China will definitely earn more than [-] million yuan, it's so satisfying."

Settled down in the hotel, went to the exhibition hall to see the scene, after that, it was time to have dinner with the client.

Tonight, Gao Yang didn't drink much, and chatted more with several big clients.

Originally, in Gao Yang's mind, although the economy in South China is developed, but the summer is long, the sales prospects of solar water heaters should not be very good.

As a result, the bosses of several major customers paid more attention to the attraction of foreign businessmen, such as Southeast Asia and Africa, by holding industry exhibitions in Guangdong.

On April 4, the exhibition officially opened. Shen Xin was dressed in a beautiful cheongsam, and Zhou Wenbin in a suit took the stage to host.

After the sub-forum started in the afternoon, Gao Yang listened to it for a while, and then went to visit the exhibition. Sure enough, he saw no less than a hundred foreigners.

Liu Yue and Zeng Yulan, the manager of the company's South China branch, accompanied Gao Yang on the tour. Zeng Yulan said that as a solar water heater agent in South China, more than a dozen companies are promoting export business, and the effect is not bad.

The export business is estimated to be large, even two or three million US dollars a year, and it is only in its infancy, probably in less than two years.

Gao Yang suddenly realized that the solar energy industry also has the strength of Huaxia Manufacturing.

This reminded Gao Yang of the future Huaxia photovoltaic industry.

Made in China, once it goes abroad, it is often invincible, which is really proud.

At 4:18 pm on April 4th, the second solar energy industry regional exhibition was successfully concluded in Guangdong Province.

Gao Yang's family stayed in the hotel, along with seven or eight people including Shen Xin, Zhou Wenbin, He Jin and Liu Yue.

Tomorrow, everyone will spend most of the day in Guangdong Province and fly back to Beijing after 4 pm.

Tonight, everyone just got together and ate seafood stalls on the streets of Guangdong Province.

For this exhibition in South China, the revenue from activities and catalog advertising is close to 1100 million, which is really a joy.

For Gao Yang's ability, Wu Lan is now completely convinced, no wonder she was determined to start a business in the capital.

Gao Yang's ability, as well as the charm of being a man, can make so many people follow him firmly, it is really amazing.

Wu Lan thought of how hard she had worked hard in the business world for the past ten years or so.

Now, Gao Yang has a balanced career and family, it is much easier than in those years, and the speed of making money is even more frightening.

Monday, April 4th.

Last night, a group of people played until after 11 o'clock at night before going back to the hotel. After getting up in the morning, they had dinner at the hotel. Gao Yang waited until 9:15 a.m., when the stock market call auction started, and connected the computer to the hotel's network.

Then, from 19.35 yuan to 19.10 yuan, 4 prices were divided. After the call auction ended, a sell order was placed in advance, and the remaining half of the position was cleared.

In the morning, He Jin continued to drive the rented Mercedes-Benz MPV, and the others took taxis to play in the city of Guangdong.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I just rushed to the airport collectively to catch the flight back to Beijing.

Another breakthrough in the revenue scale of regional exhibitions made everyone look radiant.

Earn a lot...

 There are still more than 40 monthly tickets to reach 600 votes. It is the period of double tickets. Readers can smash the monthly tickets and give Eggplant a reason to add more :)

(End of this chapter)

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