Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 283 Convincing Top Programmers

Chapter 283 Convincing Top Programmers (4 more requests for tickets)
At 6:25 in the evening, Gao Yang and his party arrived at the agreed hotel.

After waiting for a while, at exactly 6:[-], Zhang Xiaolong showed up on time.

Shao Hanyun asked for a private room, and the five of them ate and drank behind closed doors.

The chat started, and Gao Yang and Jin Yang started to brag about each other's business.

Gao Yang introduced Jinyang's education background and background of studying abroad, as well as his early Internet entrepreneurship.

Jin Yang introduced Gao Yang's professional experience in Beijing in the past few years, as well as his achievements in entrepreneurship.

Zhang Xiaolong listened with a smile all the time, and then suddenly came to his senses:

"It turns out that Mr. Gao worked in the IT media CPI. Are you the editor-in-chief Gao who wrote "Death of .com" back then?"

Gao Yang was a little surprised: "Mr. Zhang also read that little article?"

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I saw it, and I was very impressed. I talked with a few friends at the time. Mr. Gao's summary and judgment on the investment situation of the Internet industry at the beginning was thought-provoking. Didn't the media discuss it for a while later? Did the com bubble burst?"

Gao Yang filled Zhang Xiaolong's cup with wine, made a toast, and asked, "What year is Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I am 69 years old, which year did Mr. Gao come from?"

Gao Yang said: "Jin Yang and I were both in 74, and we called Mr. Zhang long brother. Now that the Internet has developed into the web2.0 era, I wonder what Long brother thinks about this era?"

Zhang Xiaolong thought about it: "In the era of web 2.0, in terms of industrial investment and development, as Mr. Gao predicted in that article, capital investment has become more rational, and Internet applications have become more practical.

Just like the 51 Tongcheng website you made, it is very close to the lives of ordinary people. is very unique. How did you come up with this project? "

Jin Yang immediately said: "Brother Long, the idea of ​​the project was originally proposed by Mr. Gao, and after everyone discussed it, it was immediately implemented.

Many subsequent business plans and promotions were mainly proposed by Mr. Gao. has been online for almost 7 months, and the development speed has exceeded expectations. We quickly opened up a breakthrough in the real estate industry and generated cash flow.

At present, the number of registered users exceeds 100 million, and there are more than 60 in Beijing, and tens of thousands of merchants in Beijing have registered.

This year, we expect to have a cash flow of 700 million to 800 million.

From the perspective of project investment, the cash flow will become positive this year, the reputation of users is also very good, and the influence of the website is growing..."

Zhang Xiaolong praised: "It is very rare to invest in a website and realize positive cash flow in the first year."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Baidu once approached us, wanting to acquire or inject capital, but we declined.

Even if cannot generate cash flow so quickly, we are not short of funds.

The solar energy industry media we do is expected to have hundreds of millions of revenue this year, and the profit is very good. This media has already established branches in six other regions across the country this year.

Next year, will also start to expand in Shanghai and the Special Economic Zone. It is planned to develop [-] or [-] city life websites in major provincial capital cities within two years, directly copying the development model of Beijing, and it is expected to quickly generate cash flow .

In addition, we will soon launch a social platform project called 51 Renren. Tomorrow we will start an internal test with tens of thousands of users, and we will launch a public test in mid-October..."

Zhang Xiaolong asked curiously, "What kind of social platform?"

After Gao Yang talked about the general model of 51 Renren, Zhang Xiaolong's eyes lit up:
"The direction of this project is very good. SNS is very promising. How much do you invest in this project?"

"The initial capital is 2000 million, and if necessary, we will continue to invest in it." Gao Yang asked suddenly, "Brother Long, do you think there is hope for us to negotiate the acquisition of Foxmail?"

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "I don't know what to say. In terms of Yingtai, you have also seen it and hope to transfer Boda as a whole. I can only say that any acquisition is ultimately a matter of valuation."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Long, if we sincerely invite you to join, or bring you along as a Foxmail team, are you interested?"

"I join?" Zhang Xiaolong asked curiously, "What does Mr. Gao want me to do?"

"Let's do web2.0 projects together..."

Gao Yang explained: "Brother Long, our understanding of web2.0 is to be a platform and a pan-media direction, and the technical architecture is SNS in nature.

The project of also has a certain industry information function. We have set up a research department. Currently, we regularly publish some research and analysis reports on the real estate industry, and will create relevant industry indexes later.

This research department will be transformed into a registered research company next year to commercialize the analysis report. will also transition to SNS in the future, and some of these functions are required.

In addition, next year we will invest 4000 million to build a financial platform project, which is also a structure of industry information plus SNS.

After the financial platform project is completed, we will establish 51 Group in the Internet business.

Afterwards, we may continue to invest in similar platform projects, a pan-media concept combined with social networking.

In the longer term, it is to accumulate brand and platform popularity traffic for the mobile era.

Therefore, there are many ways to invite Long Ge to join. At this stage, if Foxmail can be successfully acquired, then Long Ge can lead the technical team to continue to do Foxmail well.

Let's find a way together to gradually import Foxmail's user traffic into these platform projects.

For example, the financial platform is only a preliminary idea now, and the funds have basically been negotiated. If Brother Long is interested, he can also invest some funds. Let's do it together. "

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Your projects, one after another, have invested a lot, can you sustain it?"

Gao Yangdao: "We have channels to solve the funding problem, and we are not short of funds, let alone in the medium and long term. We don't consider bringing in angel investors, we invest by ourselves.

The current investors are all friends, and there are already more than [-] people. They have invested in this way since Solar Energy Media, and many of them have media experience.

We do not lack funds for the medium and long-term development and investment of these projects, and we will only introduce PE investors before considering listing in the future..."

Zhang Xiaolong was a little surprised: "I didn't expect that you are so young and have such strong capital strength."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Capital strength is one aspect. The most important thing is that everyone has the same goals. In the Web2.0 era, with capital and like-minded teams, there are many opportunities.

Like the project, our goal is to cover hundreds of cities with a population of one million across the country within three years. has initially succeeded in the capital city. It is possible to achieve a nationwide layout in the future and have a cash flow of billions. At that time, it will naturally come to the stage of planning to go public.

Brother Long, no matter whether the acquisition of Foxmail is successful or not, we sincerely invite you to join us.

Of course, if Brother Long is willing, he can even bring a technical team to join. I think the possibility of our successful acquisition of Foxmail will increase greatly. "

Zhang Xiaolong was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Gao and Mr. Jin for your kind invitation, but I can't make a promise to you two yet.

Let me explain to you two that Yingtai really wants to transfer Boda. The operation of Boda has not been good in the past two years. Zhu Yue is ready to quit. Yingtai hopes that I will take over as the CEO.

In the past two or three years, Borda has made too many strides and cannot make any money. Faced with this situation, I am actually very embarrassed.

If I want to leave, I definitely hope to leave with the technical team. There are 20 people in this technical team besides me.

The development of Boda in the past few years has little to do with the technical team. The main reason is that there are major problems in the operation strategy, so Yingtai considers the overall sale.

As for Mr. Gao and Mr. Jin, they hope to only acquire the Foxmail project. I can only suggest that you continue to talk to Yingtai tomorrow. Yingtai is the controlling party of Boda, and only they can decide how to transfer it..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Thank you Long Ge for the suggestion, our goal is of course to acquire Foxmail, and then Long Ge will bring the entire technical team to join.

If you have the opportunity to cooperate, I can't promise anything now. I can only say that the development prospects and the treatment in all aspects will definitely be much better than your current ones.

If the projects we planned are successful one by one, the future will be very bright..."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded and smiled, and stopped talking about it.

Just now, he has hinted that he can consider leaving Boda, provided that he brings the entire technical team with him.

In addition, Zhang Xiaolong also hinted that he hopes that 51 Tongcheng can acquire foxmail, which is his painstaking effort after all.

Gao Yang and Jin Yang naturally understood these meanings.

According to Zhang Xiaolong, the acquisition of Foxmail alone is ultimately a matter of price.

As long as the money is sufficient, it is not impossible for Yingtai to sell this project...

(End of this chapter)

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