Chapter 285 The Snake Tunxiang That Makes a Sensation in the Industry (Subscribe)

On September 9, the A-share Shanghai Index rebounded from 24 points on September 9, and approached 13 points again in the afternoon of the same day, hitting the annual line position.

As a result, it quickly plunged from the intraday high of 1496 points, and by the end of the afternoon, it had fallen to 1435 points.

During this process, Wu Ruohan saw that something was wrong, so he quickly reduced his position.

On September 9, the Shanghai stock index was smashed to the 29 point line again.

September 9, the last trading day before the National Day holiday.

Yingtai Education suspended trading for 1 hour in early trading and issued an announcement:
The company's holding subsidiary, Boda Technology, signed a transfer agreement with 51 Tongcheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. to transfer the foxmail project and related technologies and intellectual property rights with 4000 million yuan of soft sister coins. The investment income from this transfer will increase the company's 2004 annual profit Performance...

After the announcement was made, under the background that the stock index opened all the way down, Yingtai Education, whose stock price had been in a slump for two or three years, resumed trading at 10:10 in the morning, and was swept away by big orders all the way, and the daily limit reached within [-] minutes.

Zhang Xiaolong, who sold Foxmail for 1200 million and joined Boda, became a popular figure in the Internet world again.

Zhang Xiaolong's phone calls were quickly overwhelmed by friends in the industry and some media reporters.

Regarding questions from media reporters, Zhang Xiaolong responded in a unified manner according to the caliber discussed with Jin Yang and He Guangwen, saying that he will join the operation team of More details will be held at the press conference held by on October 11. to reply.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, relevant news on the Internet came out:

"51 Tongcheng acquired Foxmail for RMB 4000 million, and Zhang Xiaolong will join 51 Tongcheng"

"Zhang Xiaolong, the second generation of programmers, joined with Foxmail"

"Snake Tunxiang M&A for the first time on the Internet:'s 4000 million take over Foxmail"

"The same city life website 51 same city, 4000 million won Foxmail, and Zhang Xiaolong..."

All of a sudden, news websites and online forums reposted the news one after another, starting a news war mode.

There are also some people with professional or media backgrounds who began to dig into the growth history of Foxmail, Zhang Xiaolong, and

In the morning, in the Goose Factory office building in the special zone, a high-level meeting with the theme of acquisition was being held. The investment department submitted several acquisition target companies, and Boda Company was on the list.

At 11:[-] in the morning, when the discussion came to Boda Company, the investment director Zeng Qin introduced:
"We suggest contacting Boda Company to discuss the acquisition, focusing on the assets of Foxmail.

Preliminary investigation revealed that in April 2000, Boda acquired foxmail, a client email product developed by programmer Zhang Xiaolong, for 4 million yuan. The public information at that time was that foxmail already had 1200 million users.

Because of its simplicity and ease of use, it has users in more than 20 countries and regions around the world, and has a good reputation among users. It has also received good reviews on international professional websites. It is the only similar product that can directly collide with Outlook.

According to our investigation, after the acquisition of Foxmail, Boda did not invest much in client products and did not promote much. It is estimated that there may be about 600 million users at present.

In the past few years, in the Foxmail project, Boda has focused on expanding the corporate mail server Foxmail Server, hoping to monetize traffic through the corporate market.

However, in the past few years, Boda has expanded too fast, and has established a headquarters in the European and American markets. Our preliminary investigation results show that Boda's operations have not done well in recent years, and the pressure is relatively high.

In addition, Boda’s parent company is an A-share listed company named Yingtai Education. Yingtai Education focuses on education and training and holds 70% of Boda’s equity. Boda is a holding subsidiary of Yingtai’s consolidated statements.

In the past two years, Yingtai’s operations have not been good, performance pressure is high, and stock price performance is sluggish. In addition, the current A-share market is in a long-term bear market. We predict that Yingtai may transfer Porda to improve the company’s performance and cash flow.

According to our speculation, it is normal for foxmail to have around 600 million users. Among them, half or even more than half of the users are expected to have no overlap with our users. For QQ, it has a good flow guiding value.

The above is the basic background of the project we propose to acquire, as well as the core value of the target..."

At this time, Zeng Qin, who recommended the M&A target, received a call and shook his head later with a smile:
"Borda's goal can be passed. There was just news that Boda transferred foxmail to a website called for 51 million. Zhang Xiaolong also expressed his opinion that he would join"

The crowd immediately discussed:

" What's the background of this website?"

"It seems to be a new website that has just been established for less than a year. It is an application for daily life in the same city. It is developing well in the capital..."

Someone opened the portal on the laptop, looked at it, and said with a smile:

"Interesting, has only been established for 7 months. Some media reporters dug out the background. The company has a registered capital of 1000 million. Currently, has just over one million registered users, mainly in Beijing.

A reporter commented that this is a snake-like acquisition rarely seen in the Internet industry in recent years. "

Another human said: "The news said that the boss of this company turned out to be an IT reporter named Gao Yang, who used to work for CPI and was the vice president of the group.

By the way, this is the reporter who wrote "Death of .com" back then. I still remember that when the meeting was held to discuss the response to the Internet winter, the boss commented on this article. "

"Oh, it turned out to be him. To be honest, this boss Gao is quite far-sighted."

"A small website that has been established for less than a year spends a huge sum of 4000 million yuan to acquire a free email address. I don't know if it will be exhausted."

Someone responded with a smile: "It's really unbelievable. Either it's not ambitious, the capital is strong, or it's the end of being pushed to death."

"The same city life website, to be honest, the project positioning is still good, this website is also developing well, maybe they have already raised capital."

"Now is the era of web 2.0. Financing is not as easy as it was in the early years. Capital is becoming more and more rational. Traffic is less important and profit models are more important."

"Yeah, in the second wave of Internet investment, capital is paying more attention to the profit model. Our goose factory has such a strong traffic advantage. In the years before it went public, it only raised a few million dollars..."

Someone laughed again: "It is impossible to buy Foxmail. In my opinion, let's wait for to buy it because of the huge sum of money this time. When it can't last, it may be 3000 million or even lower. Foxmail. It’s like, will help us take care of it first…”

In the Weber Building in Beijing, the four companies on the third floor are busy at this time.

For Sunlight, we want three publications today, namely "Solar Distributor" on October 10th and 4th, and "Solar Industry" on October 11th.

Then, Sunshine Company will have a ten-day holiday from October 10st.

Zhou Wenbin's activity department can only take 8 days off. On October 10th, he has to go to Quancheng to prepare for the three-day Second National Industry Expo from October 9th to 10th.

51 Renren and 51 can only take turns off, and someone must be on duty.

51人人将在10月12日上线公测,从10月8日起,还会安排几天的营销推广。 has decided to hold a press conference on October 10. In fact, at this conference, the news of 11 Renren's public beta launch will also be released.

During the National Day holiday, Gao Yang had to attend two weddings. Zhang Yue and Hu Lin held a wedding in Zhaoyang City in northeast Yunnan Province.

There is also the wedding between Lu Yonggang and Shen Xin held in Qinzhou City, Gan Province, which is also known as Longshang Jiangnan.

The wedding of Lu Yonggang and Shen Xin is on October 10, and the wedding of Zhang Yue and Hu Lin is on October 2.

Fortunately, these two small cities have airports...

(End of this chapter)

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