Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 291 The Father of Android

Chapter 291 The Father of Android
After returning home, after 8:8 pm, that is, after [-]:[-] am New York time, Gao Yang called his uncle Wu Fei who was far away in New York.

After connecting, Gao Yang said: "Brother, I want to ask you for a favor. Do you have time recently?"

Wu Fei asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, just tell me what's going on, I can help if I can, and I will try my best to spare the time."

Gao Yang said: "Brother, it's like this, I noticed that there is a start-up company in Silicon Valley that makes open source software systems, called android, and is seeking VC investment.

I am more optimistic about this company. I would like to ask you to take the time to invite the founder of the company, Andy Rubin, to China. I would like to talk to him face to face. "

Wu Fei was surprised: "You want to be a VC, but also invest in Silicon Valley companies?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, android should be a start-up company. It looks like it has only been established for a year, and it can't invest much money."

Wu Fei said: "Then you send me the information, and I'll find a way to help you get in touch first."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, I'll send you an email right away, brother, if it's convenient, please help me solve this matter as soon as possible. It would be the best if I can meet this Mr. Rubin within a week."

Wu Fei said: "I will try my best. If he is willing to go to Huaxia, then I will also make time to come back."

Gao Yang said: "Brother, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang thought, this may be a big risk, but at this stage, it is worth 3000 to [-] million US dollars at most.

Money is a bastard, it's a trivial matter, in two years, I will have more money in my hands.

Thinking of this, Gao Yang went out of the study and found Gu Yawen who was playing with Tian Tian.

Gao Yang signaled Gu Yawen to go out with him for a walk, and the two walked arm in arm in the community, Gao Yang said:
"Yawen, this time, I may have to invest 1000 million or even 2000 million US dollars. I don't want to move the money in the stock market. I want to discuss with my mother and use her real estate as collateral to get a loan from the bank. what do you think?"

Gu Yawen said: "Is it risky to invest so much money?"

Gao Yang said: "There are definitely risks, but it's still worth a try, after all, the eldest brother and sister-in-law are in the United States, so they can help us keep an eye on them.

In addition, the laws of the United States are still relatively sound, and the possibility of being deceived is very small. If we want to invest, the other party has to come up with a project plan that impresses us.

Also, if the investment in this Silicon Valley company is successful, it will have a lot to do with the industry that Tao wants to do in the future. If Tao is willing, I would also like to persuade him to invest some money together.

2000 million U.S. dollars, it's a small deal for Brother Tao. "

Gu Yawen said: "Okay, I will definitely support the career you want to do, then let's talk to mom."

The two went home again, Gu Yawen waited for Tiantian to sleep, and invited Wu Lan to Gao Yang's study.

Gao Yang talked about his own thoughts, and then said: "Mom, we have this money now, but we just need to invest in stocks, and we can't move it for the time being, so I thought of asking you to help with the mortgage.

There are definitely risks in investing in this American company, but if it succeeds, the return may be relatively high.

In addition, if the eldest brother can help invite the founder of this company to come to talk, he will also come back together. With the eldest brother and sister-in-law there, and legal supervision, it is unlikely that we will be deceived.

This mortgage loan can be repaid on our side within three years at the latest and two years at the earliest. "

Wu Lan thought about it: "If you make up your mind, Mom has no objection, 2000 million US dollars, 1.6 million soft sister coins, right?"

Gao Yang said: "According to the current exchange rate, it will cost a little over 1.65 million. In addition to finding a foreign trade company to help exchange and remit, it will be about 300 million more."

Wu Lan said: "Okay, after you have discussed it, Mom will help you."

Gu Yawen said: "Mom, thank you for your support. I believe in Gao Yang's vision. His investment has never failed."

Later, in the Android company in Silicon Valley, the 41-year-old founder Andy Rubin, who was a little bald because of frequent brain burns, put his feet on the desk, and was working on how this small company with only 10 people developed a team. Go down and worry.

The company was founded just 13 months ago. It first developed a digital camera operating system, but it was not very successful. Later, it turned to a mobile phone operating system. Recently, it has begun to take shape, but the company is almost out of money.

Andy Rubin tried to find VC agencies to discuss financing based on his ten-year working experience at Apple and Microsoft, but his nose failed.

Full of hope, I found Samsung, the mobile phone giant, but was treated as a joke by others.

Engage in an open source mobile phone operating system?

almost crazy...

The phone in the company suddenly rang, and an engineer called, "Hey, Andy, looking for your number."

"Looking for me? Why didn't you call my cell phone..."

Andy Rubin grunted and walked over to answer the landline call.

The engineer said, "It's a professor from the School of Economics at Columbia University. He said he didn't know you."

After Andy Rubin received Wu Fei's call, he was surprised at first, and then began to look surprised: "Mister Wu, I didn't expect someone in Huaxia to know android and understand its value. This is really great. Please give me three Days to prepare materials..."

After hanging up the phone, Andy Rubin turned around twice excitedly, and snapped his fingers again: "Guys, we are saved. In the far east, a benefactor has taken a fancy to Android. I have to apply for a Chinese visa. Three We're leaving in a few days.

Everyone hurry up, I want a PPT, and I also need to prepare a Chinese version, be sure to be more detailed, don’t make mistakes, remember, don’t make any mistakes in details! "

"Watt, the Chinese patron?" A group of people suddenly looked confused.

Andy Rubin whistled smartly, and went out to apply for a Huaxia visa.

On Gao Yang's side, just after sleeping with Gu Yawen, Wu Fei's call came:

"Gao Yang, I contacted Mr. Rubin, the founder of the android company, and he said that it would take three days to prepare the materials. I made an appointment with him and flew over on November 11."

Gao Yang didn't expect it to go so smoothly: "Thank you brother, when you book the flight, please tell me the exact time..."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang simply got up again and called Lu Tao. It turned out that Lu Tao was at the headquarters of Luxshare Seiko in the special zone.

Gao Yang made an appointment with Lu Tao, asking him to return to the capital on November 11th or 25th to discuss a major matter, which may take two or three days in the capital.

Lu Tao asked: "Gao Yang, what's the matter?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Tao, it is a big event and a good one. It is related to your future industrial development. I will tell you more about it after you come back."

Lu Tao said: "Okay, then I will take the flight back on the afternoon of the 25th."

Gao Yang hung up the phone, then went back to bed and lay down, Gu Yawen asked: "Will Brother Tao be interested in such a VC investment?"

Gao Yang said: "I will clarify all expectations with him, including the risks. If Brother Tao dare not vote, we can vote by ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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