Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 3 Living in the capital is not easy

Chapter 3 Living in the capital is not easy

In this previous life, Gao Yang worked in the capital, but he never cared about housing prices, nor did he consider buying a house in the capital.

One is that there is a problem with vision, and the other is that he has never thought about living in the capital for the rest of his life.

Looking back later, I feel like I missed a few hundred million.

Now, after hearing Wu Bo's introduction, Gao Yang thought to himself, the current house price in the capital is really cheap.

In another 15 years or so, housing prices in this neighborhood can rise more than 20 times.

Thinking of these things, Gao Yang asked again: "Mr. Wu, are you planning to buy a house in the capital?"

Wu Bo smiled and said: "It's already in the plan. I went back to Jinyang on the National Day and sold the house. It was more than 150 square meters with a full set of furniture and appliances. It only sold for 100. After the Spring Festival, I plan to mortgage near the third ring road." A set of about [-] square meters, and then buy a car, it is convenient to travel.”

Gao Yang raised his thumb: "Amazing!"

Wu Bo smiled and said: "Gao Yang, work hard, you can buy a car and a house in a few years. Tomorrow you will officially go to work, and there will be a pre-editorial meeting at 9:[-] in the morning. We all know each other.

In addition, HR will take care of your temporary residence permit, work card, salary card, social insurance, medical insurance, Global Mobile phone number, and reporter’s business card for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.

You just need to concentrate on adapting to the new working environment. "

After introducing the situation, Wu Bo returned to his work station to rest.

Gao Yang went downstairs, went across the street near the folk courtyard, found a car repair shop, spent 100 yuan, and bought a second-hand bicycle that was [-]% new.

Then he rode his bicycle to the comprehensive market near the first body, bought wire beds and quilts and other supplies, tied them to the back seat of the bicycle, and rode slowly back to the office building.

At this time, it was almost 02:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Tao and Wan Hong had both gone out for a run, and Wu Bo was the only one left in the national version of the work area.

Wu Bo called the network administrator, adjusted an idle computer, and arranged for Gao Yang to sit at an idle desk.

Gao Yang sat down and cleaned up the dilapidated 586 computer.

Now the conditions are limited, Gao Yang plans to buy a laptop by himself when he has more money, even if it is a second-hand one.

Wu Bo is currently using a notebook, which is naturally provided by the company. However, Gao Yang doesn't like it, it should be a domestic product that was exchanged for advertising.

The domestic notebooks of this era are purely brand-name quality, which is far from international brands.

Gao Yang registered his own QQ account. As far as he can remember, this was in May and June of this year. Under Wu Bo's suggestion, he registered with the only computer in Jinyang Metropolis Daily that can access the Internet.

At that time, Wu Bo suggested that Gao Yang should learn to type on the computer as soon as possible, and also revealed that when the time was right, he would introduce him to work in the capital.

Afterwards, Gao Yang often went to Internet cafes, and the Internet fee was 7 yuan an hour. Although his body hurt, Gao Yang could only spend money to go to Internet cafes to practice typing.

Now, Gao Yang's QQ account doesn't even have a single friend.

None of the young colleagues from Jinyang Metropolis Daily have access to a computer yet.

Gao Yang surfed the Internet and flipped through the recent CPI national edition newspapers for a while, and finally stayed until after 4 pm when Zhang Tao came back.

As soon as Zhang Tao came back, he warmly greeted him: "Gao Yang, let's go, I'll take you shopping."

Gao Yang smiled and pointed to his side: "I've already bought it."

Zhang Tao glanced over and said with a smile: "Okay, then wait a moment, I will write a small manuscript."

After 5 pm, Zhang Tao finished his work, and two reporters came back from the office area, a man and a woman.

Gao Yang glanced at it and remembered that the female reporter was Lin Yuan, about 163 centimeters tall, from Urumqi, after graduating from university, she was employed by CPI as a reporter, and her boyfriend was an engineer at a software company in Beijing.

The male reporter is Sun Chengyi. He is of medium height and looks ordinary. He is a native of Yu Province. He is a computer enthusiast. Later, he went to the Special Economic Zone to do business.

Zhang Tao came over and introduced Gao Yang to the two of them.

Gao Yang is 178 centimeters tall, with a handsome face like a boy's face. In addition, he likes sports and has a good-looking figure, which attracted Lin Yuan to take a second look.

Lin Yuan stared wide-eyed: "You are the Gao Yang that Teacher Wu said, so handsome!"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "I'm so grateful, so please take care of me from now on."

Lin Yuanyu waved her hand and said grandly: "No problem, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask us."

Sun Chengyi's personality is relatively introverted, he just smiled and nodded to Gao Yang: "Gao Yang, if you need anything, just ask."

Zhang Tao said: "Gao Yang lives with me and Wan Hong temporarily, I will take him back to settle down."

Zhang Tao helped Gao Yang carry the luggage downstairs, hailed a taxi on the street, and went straight to the Four Seasons Village near the West Fourth Ring Road.

In the direction of the west mountain, the sunset glow in the sky was brilliant. Gao Yang thought of it, the autumn scenery in the capital city of this era is still very beautiful.

The blue sky is common, and there is no annoying haze after a few years.

The house rented by Zhang Tao and Wan Hong is on the third floor. In the previous life, Gao Yang lived here for more than a year.

Two bedrooms, plus a small hallway-like living room, less than 40 square meters at most.

The room Wan Hong lives in is about 15 square meters, with a bed, a small desk, a cloth wardrobe, and half of the room is vacant.

On the ground, there were a bunch of large coke bottles. Gao Yang knew that Happy Fat House Water was Wan Hong's favorite, but this guy drank a bottle a day, and he didn't see any growth, and he was quite thin.

After helping Gao Yang make the bed and pack his luggage, Zhang Tao took Gao Yang downstairs for dinner and gave him a house key by the way.

There is only one restaurant at the entrance of the community.This restaurant has a Northeast style, instantly reminding Gao Yang that he had drank a lot of pimple soup here in his previous life.

Zhang Tao ordered food, ordered two bottles of beer, and had a drink with Gao Yang:
"Gao Yang, the monthly rent for our apartment is 1250 yuan. I have discussed it with Wan Hong. We will pay 500 yuan each, and you can just pay 250 yuan. The rent has been paid in advance for half a year. From now on, you will pay 250 yuan per month."

In the previous life, Zhang Tao and Wan Hong arranged it like this. Now, Gao Yang is still very moved.

Gao Yang said: "Thank you all, I didn't expect that the rent in the capital is so expensive."

Zhang Tao said: "This place is close to the Fourth Ring Road, and it is relatively remote. If it is located near the newspaper office, a flat of this size will not cost 2000 to [-] yuan, and it is impossible to rent it."

Gao Yang immediately sighed: "It's not easy to live in the capital, it seems that it has been like this in all dynasties."

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "Yes, these are ordinary old houses. We cross the street from the newspaper office, and the high-end boutique community diagonally opposite is called Weber Apartment, which was built last year. Guess what the house price is, and the rent is asking price for such a community. How many?"

Gao Yang pretended to be curious: "How much?"

Zhang Tao made a gesture to drink alcohol: "The house price is 100, and the monthly rent for a [-]-square-meter house is also [-]!"

Gao Yang smacked his tongue intentionally: "It's so expensive!"

For a new house of 100 square meters, one month's rent can recover the purchase price of one square meter, which is the extremely high rent in Beijing.

If you buy a house with a down payment of [-]% mortgage and rent it out, the down payment will be recovered in less than two years.

Naturally, Zhang Tao rushed to pay for the meal again.

In memory, Gao Yang worked with Zhang Tao for more than two years in his previous life, as long as he had dinner with Zhang Tao, the money in his pocket would not be given out.

Don't let Zhang Tao pay the bill, he will be anxious with you.

Northeast man, that's how bold...

(End of this chapter)

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