Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 30 Do you want to go to the capital?

Chapter 30 Do you want to go to the capital?
Chen Sen hailed a taxi on the street, Gao Yang saw a cigarette shop, after thinking about it, he ran to buy a soft cloud.

Gao Yang threw the cigarette to Chen Sen, and Chen Sen asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Gao Yang said: "Are you looking for someone to do something, talking in plain language?"

Chen Sen smiled and said, "My friend, it's really a matter of one sentence."

Gao Yang shook his head: "No matter how good a friend is, how convenient a favor is, once you use it like this, it will be one less time, and it will disappear gradually."

Chen Sen thought about it: "It makes sense."

The two took a taxi to the traffic police team. When Chen Sen was looking for a friend to apply for a permit, Gao Yang called the pager of Fang Jian, a high school classmate.

Soon, Fang Jian called back.

Gao Yang said: "Old classmate, I'm going back to Jinyang, let's have dinner together in the evening, and Chen Sen."

Fang Jian said: "Okay, I will contact you after get off work."

Chen Sen's friend is very efficient. In less than an hour, Gao Yang's driver's license was obtained.

In this era, the informatization construction of government agencies has just started, and it is far from being able to talk about the Internet and networking of data files.

Gao Yang remembered that after Fang Jian was seconded from the county to the municipal party committee, he was currently working in the dry training center of the organization department, and his task was computer training.

In terms of computers, Fang Jian is purely self-taught. After graduating from technical secondary school, this guy was assigned to work in the county party committee and worked in the confidential department. He started to use computers very early.

Then, Fang Jian took advantage of the time he was often on night shifts to take a self-examination for a junior college diploma. Holding a "TCP/IP Protocol" in his hands, he stumbled and passed the exam for an assistant software engineer certificate.

This is a person who has goals, pursues, is clear-headed, and can endure loneliness.

Coming out of the traffic police team, Chen Sen said with a smile: "Now that you have returned home, do you want to go to the newspaper office to show off?"

Gao Yang said: "What am I doing showing off? If you have something to do, you should go back first. I have invited Fang Jian to dinner tonight, so you should call it a day."

Chen Sen said: "Forget it, I don't want to write a manuscript today, I will accompany you, what are you doing now, find a place to drink tea?"

Gao Yang looked at the time, it was not until 04:30: "Go, buy something with me."

Taking a taxi to the computer city, Gao Yang bought a set of computer stereos for more than 300 yuan, and bought more than 20 DVDs at a nearby video store, all of which were domestic old movies, old songs, and even Sichuan opera.

Chen Sen asked curiously, "Why are you buying these?"

Gao Yang said: "I bought it for my parents."

Chen Sen said: "Then you still want to buy a DVD player?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, we have to add a color TV, the black and white TV at home, bought in 84."

Later, the two rushed to the home appliance store. Gao Yang bought a 21-inch color TV and a DVD player, which cost more than 2200 yuan.

After returning to Jinyang for more than three hours, Gao Yang spent just over 3000 yuan, leaving only more than 5000 yuan in his pocket.

However, compared to the dry Spring Festival in the pockets of the previous two years, I am still very fat.

After the two moved their things to Chen Sen's dormitory, it was almost 6 o'clock in the evening. Fang Jian called at this time, saying that he had reserved a table and had hot pot.

What Fang Jian meant was that he would treat him tonight.

Fang Jian is less than 170 centimeters tall, a little shorter than Chen Sen, wearing glasses, smiling, and welcomes Gao Yang and the others into the hot pot restaurant.

As soon as he sat down and lit a cigarette, Chen Sen patted Gao Yang's computer bag beside him:
"Old Fang, this fellow Gao Yang has only been in the capital for more than three months before posting it. Look, I have already bought a laptop."

Fang Jian had suspected that Gao Yang was carrying a laptop just now, so he quickly took it out to have a look, and praised, "Compaq's is last year's new model, it's amazing, how much is this laptop?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The market price is [-], but I didn't buy it, it's a lucky draw."

Chen Sen was shocked: "Eighteen thousand, is it still in the lottery?"

Gao Yang said: "COMPAQ is a major client of our newspaper, and I was the one who was in touch. Some time ago, COMPAQ invited media reporters to socialize and took out things worth tens of thousands to draw a prize..."

After hearing the story of Gao Yang winning the grand prize, Chen Sen was even more shocked: "IT companies are so generous to reporters?"

Fang Jian smiled slightly: "COMPAQ should be the number one PC brand in the world, right, Gao Yang?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This is the current status. COMPAQ invested more than 300 million advertisements in our newspaper last year. Its annual promotional expenses in the Chinese market are estimated to be [-] million."

Chen Sen asked again: "Gao Yang, how much is your current income?"

Gao Yang said: "All the income added up, calculated on an annual basis, is about 15."

Fang Jian's hands trembled, and the piece of beef he had just picked up fell away.

Chen Sen was stunned: "Ge Laozi, your income has doubled by more than ten times. Does your CPI still need a reporter? Can I go for a living?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Eat first, for these matters, find a place to drink tea and chat slowly."

This time, Chen Sen and Fang Jian were not in the mood to chew and eat slowly. Chen Sen poured the dishes he had ordered into the soup pot, and then raised his glass frequently, urging Gao Yang to drink.

After eating, the three of them found a teahouse nearby, and as soon as they sat down, Chen Sen said eagerly: "Can I go to the capital, give me a word."

Gao Yang said: "What's the hurry, let me talk about the IT media first..."

After Gao Yang roughly talked about the operation mode of IT media in the capital and the daily life of IT reporters, Chen Sen exclaimed: "You guys are living too well, Gao Yang, you have to help your brother."

Gao Yang shook his head: "You don't meet the requirements yet. If you want to work in IT media, you need to have some basic understanding of IT products and the market. I just started working at CPI here, and people speak lightly, so it's not easy to recommend successfully."

Chen Sen was immediately discouraged, and suddenly realized: "No, you didn't know IT before, and Wu Bo also introduced you to it."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ms. Wu greeted me in May, and I have been studying since then. I went to the bookstore to read IT books, bought IT newspapers at newsstands, and read what people were writing..."

Chen Sen interrupted: "No, I have never seen you buy an IT newspaper."

Gao Yang didn't blush: "After reading it, I sold it as a waste product."

Gao Yang said again: "If you want to be an IT reporter, you have to spend time learning it. CPI's national edition newspapers and Jinyang newsstands probably don't sell them. We mainly deliver them to merchants for free. Some merchants in Computer City probably have them. "

Fang Jiandao: "I have a friend who runs a company in the computer city, and Jinyang can rank among the top three. I seem to have seen your newspapers there. In addition, our dry training center has also subscribed to several IT newspapers. Chen Sen, I can help you find some."

Gao Yang said: "One more thing, when you are a reporter in the capital, everyone uses a computer. Chen Sen, you must learn to type on a computer, register a QQ, and chat with netizens. This is the fastest way to practice typing."

Chen Sen asked again: "If I have learned this, when can you introduce me to the capital?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I don't know either. I can only wait for the opportunity. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared."

Chen Sen gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll work hard, what the hell, Internet cafes cost 6 yuan an hour."

Gao Yang looked at Fang Jian again: "If you are willing to go to the capital, you may have a chance soon."

"Me?" Fang Jian was a little stunned, "I've never been a reporter."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "You know computers. Besides, you are good at writing essays. When writing essays in high school, your essays were also taught as model essays by the teacher. Also, you often read IT newspapers and periodicals now, and you generally understand IT newspapers and periodicals. What content is needed. In short, if there is a vacancy for CPI reporters, if I recommend you, the chances are relatively high.”

Fang Jian thought about it and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will think about it."

Gao Yang said again: "However, if you choose this path, your iron rice bowl will be gone."

Fang Jian said with a wry smile: "I have been seconded for more than two years. A few days ago, the Ministry reported it, but it was rejected at the city's staffing meeting. Now the staffing is very tight, and my work relationship cannot be transferred. , I have to go back to work in the county sooner or later. It’s meaningless to calculate a salary of several hundred yuan a month.”

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then you should read more IT newspapers and periodicals recently. From another perspective, if you write such a manuscript by yourself, how should you write it. In addition, you should prepare a detailed resume to highlight your understanding of the IT industry. , go to work after the Spring Festival, I will take it there first, and recommend it to the leader."

Fang Jian nodded: "Okay, Gao Yang, thank you."

 In the new book stage, readers are welcome to invest in this article, there will be returns, thank you...

(End of this chapter)

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