Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 300 Boss, how about building an alliance?

Chapter 300 Boss, how about building an alliance?
Talking about the future of Yiwang and Baidu, Gao Yang spoke very bluntly, which made Ding Lei and Li Yan a little unhappy.

Ding Lei asked with a smile: "If you hold Goose Factory and Ali like this, you are stepping on Yiwang and Baidu in front of Lao Li and me?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, I absolutely have no intention of stepping on Yiwang and Baidu, how can I have the qualifications.

I think everyone has different directions and operating models, and each has its own characteristics and advantages.

Back then, when I was writing "The Death of .com", I mentioned that those who survived the cold winter of the Internet were all heroes, who could be reborn from the ashes.

This year, the goose factory is listed, and Brother Lei's Yiwang has already been listed. Then, Brother Yan's Baidu should be listed soon, right? "

Li Yan smiled and said: "Yes, Baidu is indeed preparing for an overseas listing. Gao Yang, in your eyes, what is the difference in the direction and operation mode of our companies?"

Gao Yangdao: "The core of Baidu is the search business, Yiwang is a portal, and its main business is games. Ali is engaged in e-commerce, and Goose Factory is based on the social tool QQ.

This is the well-known main business direction, and the specific operation aspect, in the final analysis, is a question of volume development and how high the ceiling is.

The biggest and natural advantage of doing Internet in Huaxia is the population size and potential Internet traffic.

The number of netizens in China will become the number one in the world sooner or later. This is an inevitable trend that everyone agrees on.

Brother Lei's has developed from a free mailbox to a portal website, and there are two competitors at the same level. Even if the number of Internet users in China reaches 10 billion in the future, will not be able to crush the other two major competitors.

Therefore, on the basis of portal website drainage, Yiwang provides telecom value-added services, as well as games and other services to realize traffic monetization.

The core of Baidu is a powerful Chinese search engine, which has created a business model of bidding ranking. It is also developing rapidly, with many users, and its core is 2B business.

However, whether it is Yiwang or Baidu, in terms of business models in the future, the scalability will not be too strong. Of course, this is only a relative term.

In contrast, the business models of Goose Factory and Ali have much more room for expansion. Both of them hope to fully enjoy the demographic dividend of Huaxia Internet.

Goose Factory uses IM tools as a platform, and it is in the direction of pan-entertainment. Its user base can grow to a very high level. For example, one day China has 10 billion Internet users, and it may reach [-] to [-] million users.

It can do telecom value-added, Internet value-added, Internet advertising and other businesses, and more core is its interactive entertainment, such as games, music, community, virtual cultural and entertainment products, and so on.

With IM as the core platform, Goose Factory can do too many 2C profitable businesses, which can be continuously expanded and extended, and finally become a huge and relatively closed ecology.

In the future, it can also do 2B business.

No matter how fast domestic Internet users develop, Goose Factory will only develop faster. Over the years, it has continuously acquired various start-up companies with unique characteristics in the direction of pan-entertainment, and integrated them into its own ecology.Or simply imitate directly, relying on the advantage of traffic, it is easy to crush many small companies.

As for Ali, starting from the 2B e-commerce, the initial stage is difficult, but the future development prospect is also very scary.

Ali’s Zhifubao has been launched for more than a year, which makes it a very powerful tool for its 2C business.

When the online shopping habits of Chinese netizens are cultivated, when hundreds of millions of netizens buy goods through e-commerce every day, when hundreds of thousands, millions or even more small and medium-sized merchants and enterprises promote themselves on the Ali platform After the commodity, that kind of scene, that kind of transaction volume, may develop to a shocking level.

Through the e-commerce platform, Ali may generate a very large cash flow, and then it can do a lot of business unit expansion, such as the direction of financial digital services.

With the e-commerce platform and payment tools as the core carrier, Ali can also form its own closed ecological circle, expand and grow through continuous acquisitions, and achieve winner-take-all in one field after another.

Therefore, I think that even if these two companies have ceilings in the future, they will be much higher than Yiwang and Baidu.If developed well, they can achieve a very large volume and business scale..."

Gao Yang's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

Ding Lei said with a smile: "You guys come out of the media, and the perspective of looking at problems is really interesting. You have a comprehensive and long-term vision for the entire Internet industry. Gao Yang, I understand that you do 51. , success is not accidental, right, Lao Li?"

Li Yan said with a smile: "Gao Yang's words are still very reasonable. Huaxia Internet's demographic dividend and the development potential of the 2C business model, and then, the core of our companies, and the ecosystem. That’s right, it’s in place.”

Gao Yang smiled and asked: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, you contacted me yesterday, are you interested in 51 Renren or 51 City?"

Ding Lei laughed happily: "That's right, I'm interested in it. Everyone likes a good project, but please don't be so straightforward, okay, I don't want to raise the price with Lao Li."

Li Yan also smiled: "That's right, Gao Yang, I also have the same idea. If you are willing to transfer out or 51 Renren, or Baidu and Yiwang invest in, how about everyone working together, are you interested?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brothers, you have such a big mouth, you want to swallow us up in one gulp."

"It doesn't mean that, it really doesn't mean that."

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan laughed: "We can all cooperate."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brothers, please forgive me, I just have this habit of speaking, I don't like to beat around the bush.

51 Company is still very weak now, and we are grateful for the respect of the two of you. However, we don't need to cooperate with the big fish eating the small fish, and the way of thinking that we can swallow someone in one bite.

To tell you the truth, we have great ambitions in the field of Internet.

Next year, we will establish 51 Group, and then gradually develop into a 51 series, and will continue to invest in many projects in the future.

The positioning of the 51 series is a long-term strategic plan with the social platform as the core and pan-media as the direction.

The direct competitor of the 51 series in the future is actually Goose Factory, and then, it may also face Ali.

These two companies, as I just said, have the potential to develop into industry giants. At that time, they will also become obstacles in the entire circle.

Brother Lei is engaged in portal information, games and other businesses, while Brother Yan focuses on search services. The business overlap between our three companies is not high, and there is a lot of room for cooperation.

I am the younger brother, and I boldly suggest that 51 Company establish a strategic alliance with Baidu and Yiwang to meet the needs of future development.

Specifically, everyone works hard to develop in their respective main business directions, and then they can cooperate in depth in some aspects. For example, Yan Ge’s search engine is very powerful, which can help 51 companies to attract traffic to various projects. Under the model of strategic cooperation, everyone supports each other ,mutual benefit.

This is also the case for Brother Lei's Yiwang.

Second, 51 Company is still very weak, but we are confident that it will become stronger and bigger in the direction of social media and pan-media.

In the future, Series 51 will invest in new projects. If Brother Yan and Brother Lei are interested, you can invest a little money in the name of individuals or companies, and we will do it together, but Series 51 will definitely be the leader.

If the projects that Baidu and Yiwang want to invest in the future need funds, they can also consider investing in the 51 series after research and judgment.

Third, our three companies can establish an industrial investment fund to acquire or invest in promising start-up companies that will emerge in the future.

In addition, we can also cooperate in some cutting-edge technology research and development directions, such as jointly establishing scientific research institutions, attracting talents, and aiming at future research and development.

China's Internet development is also facing global competition, especially the United States, which is clearly ahead of us.

Huaxia's Internet companies don't need to constantly think about who to eat, but work together to plan the future and jointly cope with global competition.

The long-term development strategy of the 51 series, in the end, is bound to participate in global competition.

Research on Internet infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies may require a large investment, and any company doing it alone will be under great pressure.

If we can work together sincerely to seek a common future, it will be another matter, everyone will benefit, and we will be able to have stronger strength in the future to cope with global competition..."

Ding Lei thought for a while, then smiled, "Old Li, I think Gao Yang's suggestion is good, what about you?"

Li Yan thought for a while, nodded and smiled: "We can discuss and try. For Baidu, the core task at this stage is to successfully complete the overseas listing. After that, we can have a good chat about how to cooperate."

(End of this chapter)

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