Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 302 51 Everyone is so delicious that they want to eat it in one bite?

Chapter 302 51 Everyone is so fragrant, you want to eat it in one bite?
January 1th is the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there is less than a month left in the 14 lunar year.

Several companies are already considering arranging annual meetings, and have already arranged for the Spring Festival holiday and other matters.

Finally, it was agreed that the annual meeting will be held on February 2th and 4th, and February 5th, which is the 2th of the twelfth lunar month, will be a unified holiday.

The two publications of Sunshine Company stopped publication on February 2th and 14st, and began to work on February 21st, the thirteenth day of the first month.

Yuanda Company and Yueju Company started to work on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

51 Tongcheng and 51 Renren also go to work on the ninth day of the first lunar month, but they have to arrange technical maintenance personnel to be on duty during the Spring Festival.

For those who are on duty, it will be arranged for employees who spend the New Year in Beijing or nearby cities, and the full amount will be paid 3 times the salary and subsidies.

On January 1, the financial statements of each company for 14 were released.

The company's annual revenue is just over 1.09 million yuan, and its net profit is over 6300 million yuan.

Yuanda Company has a revenue of 5630 million yuan and a net profit of 1800 million yuan. The main reason is that the advertising agency business accounts for a large proportion and the interest rate is low, which lowers the overall profit.

Yueju Company has a revenue of more than 820 million and a profit of more than 240 million. has a revenue of more than 880 million yuan and a profit of nearly 200 million yuan...

These do not include the profits of various companies on stock investment.

Sunshine Company plans to approve a net profit of 5000 million yuan, of which 1000 million yuan will be used for employee dividends, and the per capita bonus is just over 9 yuan.

Shareholder dividends, plans to take out 3000 million.

For Yuanda Company, the profit was approved to be 1500 million, and 300 million was allocated for annual employee dividends, with an average dividend of 5 per capita.

Shareholders received a dividend of 1000 million, of which the general manager Lu Yonggang paid dividends according to a 5% option. In addition, according to the valuation of 1800 million, Gu Yawen transferred 10% of the equity to Lu Yonggang, and Lu Yonggang would take out 180 million to take over the equity.

Lu Yonggang didn't have so much money, so he paid 100 million first, and another 2005 in 80.

Yueju Company and both offered a year-end bonus of 100 million, and no shareholder dividends.

Yueju Company is still solely owned by Gu Yawen. In 2005, based on a valuation of 500 million, it transferred 10% of the equity to Zhang Miao, and then transferred 5% of the equity to Hu Lin, the chief financial officer.

If there are 51 people, the year-end bonus will be given to employees at the level of 6000 yuan per capita. After all, the project has only started for more than three months.

The level of development of each company is different, and the operation is independently calculated, so it can only be arranged in this way.

After the Spring Festival, Zheng Weiqiang, the general manager of CPI Research, is about to jump ship and set up 51 Research Company.

After Gao Yang discussed with Zheng Weiqiang, it was Gao Yang who replaced Zheng Weiqiang and said hello to CPI's boss Feng first.

Gao Yang smiled and said, "President Feng, please don't blame him for Weiqiang's matter."

Feng Jinsong said: "It's okay, Research has probably achieved a performance of nearly 1000 million this year, and Zheng Weiqiang's year-end dividends will not be less than a penny."

Gao Yang asked again: "Mr. Feng, how did the CPI do in 04?"

Feng Jinsong said: "The specific data will come out in a few days, probably less than 1.8 million, which is slightly better than last year. How is your solar media doing?"

Gao Yang said: "It's not bad, there are 1 million."

Feng Jinsong was a little speechless: "You have reached [-] million in three years, is that okay? When will the financial platform you mentioned be launched?"

Gao Yang said: "I have already arranged to draft an investment plan. It is estimated that after the Spring Festival, it will be discussed and decided to start. By the way, Mr. Feng, I met Boss Ding from Yiwang and Li from Baidu a few days ago. Boss, they may also invest, I plan to enlarge the start-up capital to 5000 million, and arrange 500 million for Yiwang and Baidu each."

Feng Jinsong was a little surprised: "In this case, how about adding another 500 million to the CPI?"

Gao Yang was delighted: "Mr. Feng, 5000 million is enough, I personally plan to invest 1000 million, and then through solar media, there are several forms. I generally invest 2000 million.

If I want to control the direction of this project, it is necessary to account for about 4% of the shares.

Mr. Feng, the 51 Group will be established next year. and 51 Renren are developing very well now.

After the 51 Wealth project is launched, 51 Group will invest in some new projects. If Mr. Feng is interested, CPI Group, you and the current senior management of CPI can continue to invest.

The scale of the Internet industry is getting bigger and bigger, and there are many investment opportunities. Let's take our time, start each project, stabilize it, and then consider new projects. "

Feng Jinsong said with a smile: "Okay, if there is a suitable project, we will consider continuing to invest."

Gao Yang never expected that Goose Factory would also come to him.

On January 1, Gao Yang received a phone call from a man surnamed Zeng who claimed to be the operation director of the goose factory.

This mobile phone is usually answered by Shao Hanyun.

Gao Yang's private mobile phone number has been changed for more than a year.

After Shao Hanyun's report, Gao Yang was a little surprised. He thought for a moment and said, "How about this, you reply to Mr. Zeng, just say tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it doesn't matter. I'll be in the office, waiting for him to visit."

After Shao Hanyun replied to the other party, he asked Gao Yang again: "Mr. Gao, doesn't Goose Factory also want to buy our company?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

Shao Hanyun said: "I think the possibility is very high. Just now I searched for news about Goose Factory. Since its listing last year, there has not been a case of acquisition. Now Goose Factory has more than one billion cash."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Not necessarily. Although the Goose Factory is a listed company now, there should be no mandatory disclosure of information for the acquisition of some projects with relatively small amounts of money. You can check the relevant information and you will know."

Shao Hanyun is a girl who loves to learn. She immediately went to the Internet to look up information, and then came to report to Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, there are five 5% principles for the Hong Kong stock market's mandatory information disclosure on capital transactions of listed companies. Compulsory disclosure will only be required if any one of the indicators of capacity, market capitalization ratio and shareholding ratio reaches 5% of listed companies.”

Gao Yang nodded: "Send me the link to the website..."

On the afternoon of January 1, Gao Yang met Zeng Qin, the COO of Goose Factory and one of the founders of the company, in his meeting room. He was a tall, fat middle-aged man wearing glasses.

Gao Yang is 30 years old, and looks like he is only 26 or [-] years old. Because of regular exercise, he has maintained a good figure.

And this one looks like the physique and face of a 40-year-old man, but when Gao Yang asked, Zeng Qin was not yet 35 years old.

Zeng Qin first praised the two websites of 51 Company, and then went straight to the point, explaining the purpose of coming, saying that Goose Factory hopes to acquire 51 Renren and 51 City.

Zeng Qin brought only one assistant, a girl in her 20s.

Gao Yang felt a little happy, so he simply asked Shao Hanyun to inform Jin Yang, Fang Jian and others, including Wu Bo and others from Jiaoyang Company, to go to the large conference room on the 14th floor and sit down for a formal meeting.

The current 51 people are very fragrant, one wave after another comes to the door, and they all want to swallow it up...

(End of this chapter)

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