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Chapter 309 You Kidnapped Me Like This?

Chapter 309 You Kidnapped Me Like This?
Gu Yawen tonight made Gao Yang feel a little strange.

She is very gentle, and very active, and then she babbles, recalling the ups and downs she experienced in the early stage since she met Gao Yang, as well as the later love, marriage and childbirth, those times that made her feel happy and beautiful.

After listening to Gu Yawen's rambling, Gao Yang suddenly remembered that tomorrow is February 2th, Valentine's Day.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Honey, I'm usually busy with work, sometimes I don't have time to spend more time with you, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, let's find a place to play for a day, how about it?"

Gu Yawen said affectionately, "Okay, then where will you take me to play?"

Gao Yang said: "Where do you want to go?"

Gu Yawen thought about it: "Well, let's go to the Red Forest Villa in the eastern suburbs. That's the place where we went out for the first time after we confirmed our relationship. You can go fishing."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, then go to the Red Forest."

On February 2th, the sixth day of the first lunar month, after breakfast, Gao Yang greeted his family with a smile, saying that today he would go out to play with Gu Yawen alone for Valentine's Day.

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Brother-in-law, don't forget to buy roses."

Gao Yang drove out, stopped in front of a flower shop on the street, ran over and asked, "Boss, do you have 999 flowers wrapped already?"

The result is really there.

The boss was a girl in her 20s. Seeing that Gao Yang was driving a luxury car, she boldly quoted a high price of 999 yuan.

As a result, Gao Yang took out his wallet, counted 1000 yuan and handed it over: "No need to look for it, happy holidays!"

Gu Yawen hugged the flowers, smiled and waved on Gao Yang's face: "Husband, thank you, I love you!"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I love you too."

Driving on the road, Gao Yang said: "Yawen, let me sing you a song, an old song..."

I have already planted for you

Nine hundred and ninety-nine roses
from the day we broke up

Nine hundred and ninety nine roses

When flowers wither, people are haggard

In the middle of singing, Gao Yang suddenly stopped: "That's not right, this song is not well chosen, it's about reminiscing about the breakup."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's very nice to hear, why don't you continue singing."

Gao Yang shook his head: "The lyrics don't match the scene, so I have to change it."

Then, Gao Yang sang again:
Love every day as if it were the end
Every minute and every second is so beautiful that tears fall

Ignore whether others are good or bad

as long as you are brave enough to follow me

Gao Yang was driving the car, singing at the top of his voice, Gu Yawen was holding flowers, listening quietly, her face was slightly pensive, but the corners of her eyes were about to get wet.

After singing a song, Gao Yang felt very happy, with a feeling of directly expressing his heart.

Gu Yawen wiped the corners of her eyes secretly, and said with a smile: "It's so nice, it's the first time I've heard you sing this song, and it's not much different from the original song. Husband, can you record it as a CD?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, when I get back to the capital, I will record it into a CD when I have time."

Before Valentine's Day in 2003, not long after Gu Yawen gave birth, Gao Yang found a recording studio and recorded a 10-song CD, all of which were songs from beyond.

Then, I gave this CD to Gu Yawen as a Valentine's Day gift. At that time, Gu Yawen was very happy.

He also said that with Gao Yang's voice and appearance, if he trains hard for a period of time, he can even make his debut...

The two played quietly at the farmhouse for a day. The afternoon sun was very warm. Gao Yang guarded the fish pond for more than two hours, and finally caught a grass carp weighing more than 5 catties.

You can call it a day and go home.

After getting in the car, Gu Yawen took out an exquisite gift box from her handbag: "Husband, I bought you a pair of bracelets."


Gao Yang took it over and opened it to have a look: "This is red sandalwood with small leaves, isn't it quite expensive?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's authentic Indian small-leaf red sandalwood, and it's not very expensive, twenty-eight thousand."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Twenty thousand and eighty-one bracelets, isn't that expensive?"

Gu Yawen said: "It's really not expensive, this kind of bracelet is in line with your temperament and identity."

Gao Yang put on the bracelet and kissed Gu Yawen: "Thank you, wife."

Gao Yang's daily dress is more casual, and Gu Yawen will customize several sets of clothes for him every year, which can be regarded as low-key luxury.

At the beginning, when the two first fell in love, Gu Yawen bought the Tissot watch worth more than 1 yuan for Gao Yang. Gao Yang still wears it now and is unwilling to change it.

Gu Yawen suddenly embraced Gao Yang and kissed him passionately for a while, then said: "Honey, I want to discuss something with you?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "What's the matter?"

Gu Yawen looked into Gao Yang's eyes: "Let's... divorce."

Gao Yang looked at her: "Yawen, today is Valentine's Day, such a joke is not funny."

"I'm not joking," Gu Yawen took out Wu Ruohan's medical test report from her handbag, "You should read this first."

After Gao Yang saw it, he was dumbfounded: "Is Ruohan depressed, or is it severely depressed?"

"Actually, she was more serious before. It was tested in the best specialized hospital in Beijing. For more than a year, Ruohan has been insisting on treatment..."

Listening to Gu Yawen's story about Wu Ruohan's life for more than a year, Gao Yang sighed: "This girl, why are you hiding like this? No wonder sometimes she feels that she is not in a good state of mind. She said she stayed up late to read and forgot the time. Yawen, If Han suffers from depression, then he will be treated, and we can spend more time with her, what are you doing?"

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan is a heart disease, and the medicine is on you. Her greatest wish is that you can accept her feelings, and then she can give birth to a child for you, and she will be satisfied. We divorce, you and Ruohan If Han gets married and has a baby, I think Ruo Han's condition will recover."

Gao Yang said unhappily: "Yawen, you are too holy, aren't you?"

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "What do you mean I am a saint?"

Gao Yang said: "It is the heart of a Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is a god or not a human being. A woman can give up everything. Can this husband also give in?"

Gu Yawen said seriously: "If Han is a younger sister, she is a family member. I don't call it a concession, but this is justified. As I said, unless you don't want me, I will guard you for the rest of my life. This I mentioned it to my mother and my aunt."

Gao Yang sighed: "Yawen, I only have you in my heart, this is tantamount to kidnapping me, do you understand?"

Gu Yawen sighed: "Husband, Ruohan's condition is really serious, and you also know the possible consequences if this disease develops. Ruohan has a deep love for you. She said that you will not divorce until you have children. That's it, and then we will remarry. In this way, we can have an explanation to our family members."

Gao Yang said unhappily: "If you confess, it will become a piece of chicken feathers.

Yawen, I am very glad to have married such a wonderful woman as you, who can let me focus on my career and enjoy life.

A person's life seems to last for several decades, but it is actually quite short. After graduating from school in his 20s, he began to enter and leave the society, and then retired in his later years to enjoy life.

I also want to make it to 2022, and I will retire in my 48th year of life.

In the next 17 years, besides sleeping, resting and living, the time that can be used for work is only seven or eight hours.

I don't want to waste time on such complicated housework, it's too much of a headache, I don't feel that way about Ruohan, and I don't want to feel that way, do you understand? "

Gu Yawen sighed: "Then you will sacrifice for our family, okay?

I really don't want to see Ruohan live like this, and then one day there will be terrible and irreversible consequences.

Ruohan and I are sisters, a family, she is so beautiful and cute, you are a man, isn't it common to pretend to be a woman in your heart?

If Ruohan gave birth to a child for you, Tiantian also has a younger brother or younger sister, which is great.

As for other things, you don't need to worry about them. We women worry about them. If you want to do business, just concentrate on doing it.

Then, the life of our family is our own business, we don't need to care about other people's eyes, and we don't need to explain anything to others.

If things go on like this, if something really happens in the future, or the whole person collapses, I will be in pain for the rest of my life, and my second uncle's family will also be in pain.

Husband, as long as you agree, leave the rest to me, and I will be able to handle it well, okay? "

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, thought for a long time, and then said: "Does it have to be like this?"

Gu Yawen is very serious: "We already know Ruohan's thoughts about you. This time, if she doesn't take the initiative to tell her illness, we don't know that it is so serious. You are the only antidote. This is the solution.

In fact, if you marry Ruohan and have a child, then I won't worry about other women coming to provoke you in the future, and I will feel more secure. "

Gao Yang was amused: "What's the matter with me, I didn't go for sex, and it made you feel insecure?"

Gu Yawen also smiled: "Even if I am careful, just in case, as I said, I will guard you for the rest of my life, unless you drive me away."

Gao Yang shook his head: "Trouble, I am most afraid of this kind of trouble, even if I give up my principles, Ruohan's family and your parents must agree to such a thing. And my parents, my sister, I don't even know how to explain it."

Gu Yawen said: "As long as you agree, I will leave the rest to me. Grandpa and grandma can only hide it from them, just say that we have a disagreement, second uncle and aunt, and my parents, I will convince you .Your parents, as well as your sister and brother-in-law, keep it hidden."

Gao Yang scratched his forehead: "If we leave, what will you do, I can't bear you."

Gu Yawen scolded: "Can't you take more time to visit your ex-wife and children?"

Gao Yang sighed: "Then this kind of life is really a mess, troublesome."

Gu Yawen said: "I've said it all, you don't need to worry about your own career and family affairs. Husband, can you agree?"

Gao Yang looked into Gu Yawen's eyes for a long time, his eyes were firm: "Honey, I can't agree, I can't live without a bottom line!"

Gu Yawen's heart warmed, and she sighed again: "Then what should we do about Ruohan's illness, we can't watch her go to collapse like this..."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, thought for a while, and then said: "Yawen, let me try Ruohan's illness. I have such a plan, but I need your cooperation..."

(End of this chapter)

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