Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 320 The 51NB alliance is done!

Chapter 320 The 51NB alliance is done! (seeking ticket support)

In Gao Yang, apart from his family background, what Ding Lei and Li Yan admired was his aura as a man.

Ding Lei is naturally very good, and now with a 50% stake in Yiwang, he is worth more than 8 million U.S. dollars.

In the past two years, Baidu has also developed rapidly, making Li Yan a bigwig in the Internet industry, and Baidu will soon be listed.

However, with such two big bosses, Gao Yang still talked and laughed happily, without any fear.

Especially the last time the three of them met for the first time, Gao Yang deliberately did not say hello, and at the same time arranged a dinner for Ding Lei and Li Yan.

Later, when Ding Lei and Li Yan talked about this incident, they found it interesting.

The three chatted and laughed for a while, and Ding Lei said, "Let's get down to business, Gao Yang, has your investment plan for any financial platform come out yet?"

Gao Yang nodded: "It's done."

Gao Yang turned on the laptop he had brought, and showed the two bigwigs the project investment plan of 51 Fortune.

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan looked at it carefully, then looked at each other, and said with a smile, "That's right, the plan is very detailed and very feasible."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, if you two have no objections, I will prepare to register the company, form a team, and officially launch."

Ding Lei asked with a smile: "You said last time that you invested 5000 million, how did you change it to 7000 million?"

Gao Yang said: "There are many friends who want to invest in this project, so it's easier to do things with more money. You two, are you investing in the name of the company or in the name of individuals?"

Ding Lei said: "On my side, I voted in the name of Yiwang."

Li Yandao: "Baidu is now involved in listing. I will invest in my own name first. If 51 Fortune develops well in the future, I will arrange for Baidu to acquire this share I hold."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, this arrangement is not bad."

Ding Lei looked at the plan again: "According to your plan, you plan to list on A-shares in the future, why not consider overseas listing?"

Gao Yang said: "This is what I think. The next step is that after the establishment of 51 Group, the project companies in the Internet sector will start to seek listing when they are mature. The first choice is A shares, followed by Hong Kong shares. Unless there is really no other way, don't consider going to the US stock market. listed."

"Why?" Ding Lei and Li Yan were surprised by Gao Yang's answer.

Gao Yang said: "After joining the WTO, the Huaxia economy has developed rapidly and is rapidly integrating into the global market. I always feel that when the size of the Huaxia economy reaches a certain level, such as ranking second in the world, it is very likely that it will be suppressed by the United States. There are even serious trade conflicts.

According to the current situation, China's economic scale is likely to rush to the second place in the world within a few years.

Let’s not mention World War II and the Cold War era that followed. Let’s just talk about the Plaza Accord in the 80s, and the creation of the European Union and the euro. Have they all been messed up by the United States?

Like the Asian financial crisis in 98, the Four Tigers were collectively harvested by Laomei, starting from Southeast Asia, harvesting all the way eastward, until the harvest was soft, and finally stopped at Hong Kong Island.

Behind the Internet is the digital age, which involves a large amount of user data. I don’t want my company to be forced to hand over user data by Laomei one day in the future..."

Ding Lei and Li Yan looked at each other, this time, they were really shocked.

Ding Lei said, "Is it necessary for you to think so long-term?"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "So, you two, do you think there will be such a possibility in the future?"

Li Yan nodded: "Logically, it is really possible. I can't find sufficient evidence to refute your point of view."

Ding Lei said: "I also agree with Gao Yang's point of view. The problem is that Internet companies, let alone A-shares, are not easy to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market."

Gao Yang said: "IPO financing, the rules of the world's major markets are different. To put it bluntly, the core is the company's revenue scale, continuous cash flow and profitability. The A-share review system is the strictest, so I will try my best to meet the requirements. Already."

Ding Lei laughed: "You are quite loud. Internet companies start a business. It is very difficult to achieve profitability in the early stage. If you can lose less money, you have to burn the incense."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Well, it depends on how we do it. The we built went online early last year, and the cash flow of that year has turned positive. There is no problem with making a profit this year.

For the 51 Fortune project, there will be more ways to generate cash flow in the future, and it will be easier to achieve profitability.

For, I plan to seek a listing on the Hong Kong stock market. If I can list on the A-share market, it would be the best.

51 Fortune must be considering A-share listing, which is expected to be within 5 years. "

Li Yan laughed loudly: "Gao Yang, you are too optimistic."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "You two brothers don't invest much money. In the future, you can just watch and see if I'm bragging. This project can be regarded as a test field for the cooperation of our three companies.

In fact, I have a long-term and more important proposal, that is, let's establish an alliance-like cooperative relationship. "

Ding Lei smiled and said, "How about an alliance, you can talk about it first."

Gao Yang said: "Last time I had a meal, I have already said that Yiwang, Baidu and 51, the three companies have their own main business development directions, and there is no conflict. Of course, the current 51 is still very weak, but I have the confidence to grow bigger.

In the future, our common opponents are Goose Factory and Ali. This is determined by our business model and development direction. Goose Factory and Ali have capital support, and they will inevitably make crazy acquisitions in the Internet circle.

Moreover, there will also be a certain competitive relationship between Goose Factory and Ali.

My suggestion is that our three companies, first, cooperate to establish a research and development institution, such as the Internet Research Institute, to face future industrial trends, carry out corresponding technology or application research and development, and share intellectual property results.

Second, we can set up an Internet industry equity investment fund. We don’t need to engage in the game of big fish eating small fish. We will be venture capital and angel investors. If there are good projects, we just invest.

Thirdly, our three companies can also cooperate in their respective business directions and marketing promotion. They are priority and strategic partners.

For example, my 51 company wants to promote a project or product, and Baidu has a huge advantage in the search ranking market, so Brother Yan has to support me, and Brother Lei also supports me through the platform of Yiwang.

Correspondingly, Baidu and Yiwang, if there are any projects or products that need to be promoted, and when the popularity of each platform of 51 Company increases, we can also help you promote them.

We are all low-cost cooperation with each other.

Generally speaking, it is this kind of cooperation idea, each goes its own way, and then supports and assists each other to grow together.

Facing opponents like Goose Factory or Ali, when we need to face the battle, we also face it together, and in the end, everyone has their own benefits. "

Li Yan said with a smile: "Cooperation is possible, even alliances are also possible. The problem is that it takes a lot of money to cooperate to establish a research institute of research and development."

Gao Yang said: "This is simple, give me two years, and I will solve the problem of burning money. Baidu and Yiwang will focus on solving problems such as technical talents.

The industrial equity investment fund is also resolved by me, and you two will just participate in a share when the time comes.

What I mean is, externally, our three companies should establish an open alliance image. For example, in the future, it will be called the '51NB Alliance' by the media. What a great name this is. "

"51NB?" Ding Lei laughed, "Why is your 51 ranked first?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "That's the most convenient way to say it. Besides, I pay the most money. Besides, you two are big brothers, and I'm a little brother. Why don't you give me some money?"

Li Yan smiled and said: "Okay, you are a little brother, Lao Ding and I can let you go, but your 51 company is now of such magnitude, and it is not enough to form an alliance with us. For this matter, wait for you to transfer this 51 Fortune Network It’s never too late to do it.”

Gao Yang said: "Okay, next year, let's use December 2006, 12 as the deadline. If the 31 Fortune platform fails to reach 51 million users, I will lose."

Ding Lei smiled and said: "Okay, then according to this standard, you have reached it, and our three companies will sign a strategic cooperation agreement. Lao Li, what do you think?"

Li Yan nodded and smiled: "I think it's okay."

Gao Yang looked at the two of them: "A word from a gentleman..."

Ding Lei and Li Yan laughed together: "It's hard to catch a four-horse horse!"

Gao Yang snorted secretly, you two big brothers just wait and see, this 51NB alliance, starting from today, has already been established!

(End of this chapter)

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