Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 333 Big Earning 3400 Million Dollars

Chapter 333 Big Earning 3400 Million Dollars

Back in Xishan Garden, when Li Xiuzhen and Gao Yue saw Gu Yawen's figure, they knew she was pregnant.

Then when I heard that I was pregnant with twins, I was even more overjoyed.

These two babies must be born, and the money should be paid, which is the common concept of the whole family.

What's more, Gu Wenlong also agreed with his daughter to have another child.

On July 7, the family of Wu Yun, the daughter of Wu Guangrong, the boss of the Wu family, and Wu Fei's family who were far away in the United States returned.

Gu Wenlong also arrived from the capital. When he heard that Gu Yawen was pregnant with twins, Gu Wenlong, who had been kept in the dark, couldn't keep his mouth shut for joy.

On July 7, Mr. Wu's 26th birthday was held simply. It was still mainly family members. There were only 12 tables of banquets, but some trembling old people came, all of whom were old comrades-in-arms or colleagues of the old man.

There are also some who are far away and have limited mobility. They called Mr. Wu to express their congratulations.

On July 7, Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, and Gu Wenlong returned to Beijing for work.

Gu Yawen, Wu Lan and others all stayed in Jinyang for a few days, and Wu Fei's family of three had to visit the capital before returning to the United States.

Li Xiuzhen still has to help Gao Yue take care of her second baby, and she can't get away. She plans to come to the capital to take care of Gu Yawen before she gives birth.It's summer vacation now, so it's natural to go to the capital to stay for a while.

On July 7, a large group of people returned to the capital.

Gao Yang's parents brought Jiang Xue, and Jiang Xue's younger brother, Jiang Bo, who is 9 and a half months old, also came.

Then there are Wu Fei and Chen Lan, and Wu Fei'er, who is almost 5 years old.

With adults and children, there are nearly 20 people in the family at once, which is really lively.

Wu Fei and Chen Lan are going to stay in the capital for a few days, and Gao Yang wants to talk to them about investing in US stocks.

There is also the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage in 08. Gao Yang also had to make preparations, but how to guide Wu Fei and his wife to prepare early, Gao Yang also thought about it for several days.

In the end, I decided to copy the homework from the movie, some things depicted in the movie "The big short".

Gao Yang had watched this movie no less than 5 times, but he didn't know much about the methods and principles of shorting subprime mortgages.

It's too complicated and requires a lot of professional financial knowledge.

A large family lives in Wanliu Hua Mansion. There are more than ten guest rooms in this villa, which is enough to live in.

After dinner, the whole family took a walk along the diversion canal outside the community to enjoy the cool air.

A year and a half later, when she returned to China this time, Chen Lan already had a big belly.

Chen Lan has been pregnant with her second child for almost 7 months, and the due date is in early October. This time, she will accompany Wu Fei back to China to visit relatives and wish the old man his birthday. She will not come back next year.

Walking home, Chen Lan said, "Gao Yang, let's report to you the investment income of US stocks."

"Sister-in-law, the whole family, don't say whether to report or not, I'm asking you and elder brother to help." Gao Yang invited Wu Fei and Chen Lan into the study room, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan were also with him.

After sitting down, Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, you arranged for us to invest in several US stocks, and the specific returns are as follows.

Let me talk about the income of personal accounts first:
The highest-yielding stock is Monster Beverage. Since we opened a position last year, until recently, the highest increase in this stock range has been as high as 12 times.

Last year and this year, we bought 100 million US dollars, and the overall profit was nearly 7 times. The current market value of the position is 750 million US dollars.

The second largest earner is SBA Communications. We bought US$90, a little more than four times the overall earnings, and the current market value of the position is US$4 million.

Yiwang ranked third in terms of income. We bought 80 US dollars, and the overall income was a little more than three times. The current market value of the position is 3 million US dollars.

The fourth stock, Netflix, invested 30 U.S. dollars. This stock has experienced a sharp drop after opening a position. The current market value of the position is 39 U.S. dollars, and the return looks like 30%.

Therefore, the principal of 300 million has been held in full position, and now the total market value of the position is 1470 million US dollars, which has increased by nearly 5 times.

Let's talk about the revenue of android company:
The 2500 million US dollars in the android company account, from the end of December last year to January this year, completed the task of building a position, and added a Google you suggested.

Monster Beverage bought 600 million US dollars, an increase of 262% in the range, and a market value of 1570 million;
SBA Communication bought 500 million US dollars, an increase of 194%, with a market value of 970 million;
Google bought 800 million US dollars, an increase of 162%, and a market value of 1295 million;
Netflix bought 300 million US dollars, an increase of 161%, with a market value of 480 million;
Yiwang bought 300 million US dollars, an increase of 138%, with a market value of 415 million;
The 2500 million USD invested by android company, according to your suggestion, was fully invested in January. Now the total market value is 1 million USD in cash, with a floating profit of 4730 million USD, and the rate of return is close to +2230%.

For more than a year, the stock price of Nai Fei has fluctuated greatly. It once fell by nearly 70%. At that time, we invested 10 US dollars, and the maximum floating loss was 7 US dollars. This year, we added 20 US dollars to the low position. Just made a little money.

When the android company opened a position in this stock, it happened to be at a low level, but the profit was higher.

I did some research and feel this ticket is not a good fit to continue holding at this time.

This matter, you, the boss, have to make up your mind..."

Chen Lan opened the computer she brought back, which contained information about her research on Netflix, as well as related market software, where she could view the K-line chart of Netflix in the past two years.

Both Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan read Chen Lan's research materials, and also carefully read Nai Fei's K-line charts for the past two years, as well as the corresponding volume-price relationship.

Gao Yang asked Wu Ruohan: "Ruohan, what do you think of sister-in-law's suggestion?"

Wu Ruohan said: "I agree with my sister-in-law. From the perspective of business performance and the technical trend of the stock price, Netflix is ​​not a suitable company to continue to hold. It is best to clear it and increase the position of the other three stocks."

Gao Yang nodded: "I agree to clear this stock first, and stay in the self-selected stocks for observation. Sister-in-law, after withdrawing from Netflix, which stock do you plan to increase your position with this fund?"

Chen Lan said: "I suggest increasing the position of Monster Beverage. Although the stock price of this company has risen a lot, the company's quality is very good and its development potential is great.

I have studied it carefully and found that Monster Drink is very characteristic. It is a caffeinated energy drink developed by imitating Red Bull. Its sales are growing rapidly, it is easy to become addicted, and its brand loyalty is getting higher and higher.

Monster Beverage has been on the market for almost 8 years, and since its launch in 2002, it has grown faster and faster..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, then sister-in-law, you can just watch it yourself."

After reading Chen Lan's research on Netflix just now, Gao Yang suddenly understood that it is not yet the era when the stock price of this streaming media company exploded, and its explosion should be in the era of mobile Internet.

The personal account earned 1170 million US dollars, and the android company account earned more than 2200 million US dollars, which is almost 3400 million US dollars.

It has just arrived at the end of July 2005, and Gao Yang is still satisfied with such a rate of return in US stocks...

 I didn't notice that the chapters of chapter 319 are repeated, this chapter is counted as chapter 327

(End of this chapter)

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