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Chapter 338 Do you want to stand up and take revenge?

Chapter 338 Do you want to stand up and take revenge?

After the meeting ended, Zhang Xiaolong knocked on Gao Yang's office again.

Gao Yang asked: "Brother Long, what is your specific impression of the technical expert named Liu Xu you mentioned, what kind of personality and character is he?"

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Liu Xu is from the early 60s, about 44 or 863 years old this year, an anti-virus expert of the [-] Project.

He is the designer and inventor of Ruixing anti-virus software, and the first expert to discover and solve CIH. It is not exaggerated to call him No.1 of Huaxia anti-virus software.

My impression of him, how should I put it, is a typical old-fashioned programmer with strong technical strength, outspoken speech, strong personality, and a little arrogance is inevitable.

In terms of character, he has no problem being a human being, and he is a person with feelings.

After founding Ruixing with Wang Xin, the two have cooperated for more than ten years. Wang Xin has always been in charge of the business of the company, and Liu Xu has been responsible for technical research.

Later, because of the price war provoked by Jingshan, the two business philosophies were completely opposite. Perhaps coupled with some conflicts of ideas in the past in cooperation, the conflict was suddenly aroused.

At the end of last year, Liu Xu sold his shares in Ruixing. At the beginning of this year, he mortgaged a housing loan, raised 1000 million, founded Guardian Software, developed a new generation of anti-virus software, active defense software, and applied for Several national patents.

Now, Guardian Software is in a predicament because it was dubbed by the media as "the first case of virus transmission by an anti-virus company in China" in December last year. Liu Xu has been running around for this, and even reported it, suspecting that it was framed by a competitor.

At such a time, Mr. Gao talked to him about cooperation. If Mr. Gao revealed his family background, I think the probability of persuading Liu Xu to cooperate is relatively high.

This is just a suggestion from me. "

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Okay, then please ask Brother Long to find a friend, and help me invite this great expert to have a meal as soon as possible."

Zhang Xiaolong asked again: "Mr. Gao, can you tell Liu Xu in advance that your father-in-law is Mr. Gu's father?"

Gao Yang thought about it again: "Okay, just mention it briefly."

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "It's definitely no problem, I'll contact my friend immediately to help make an appointment with Liu Xu."

After Zhang Xiaolong left, Gao Yang lit a cigarette and smiled.

Before, Gao Yang didn't know that there was such a talented person who was No. 1 in the field of anti-virus software, and the product he was developing now was a proactive anti-virus software.

This is exactly the 3Q battle in memory, the technical route of Qihu 369.

If 51 Group can introduce Liu Xu to make free antivirus software, it will be perfect!
If there is a 5Q war in the future, it will only be the goose factory that will suffer. Why should the 51 series be afraid of it?
At this time, Gu Yawen came in: "Gao Yang, are you really planning to invest in a free antivirus software?"

Gao Yangdao: "Yes, it's not just a piece of software, but a system that provides users with a series of free online products that actively defend against viruses."

Gu Yawen asked again: "It will definitely burn a lot of money. If it is successful, won't the antivirus software market have to be reshuffled?"

Gao Yang nodded: "That's right, in the desktop market, there will definitely be a reshuffle. This is a market rule. If 51 Group doesn't do it, there will definitely be other companies to do it. This is to compete for new network traffic entrances.

We have such a company. If the free antivirus software can be successfully promoted, the status of 51 Group in the Internet industry will be raised several levels immediately.

Such a company, even if we spend [-] million in it, is worth it.

As I just said at the board meeting, traffic is the core value. With traffic, many new business models can be discovered in the future, and there is no need to worry about making money. "

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiaolong reported that he had an appointment with Liu Xu, and he agreed to meet Gao Yang for a meal and a chat.

At first, Liu Xu, who was having a headache for the company, was not interested. Until Zhang Xiaolong's friend moved out of Gao Yang's father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, Liu Xu's attitude changed immediately.

Must see, Liu Xu is quite anxious.

On the contrary, Gao Yang was not in a hurry, he said that he had something to do at home, and it was scheduled for Sunday, that is, the night of August 8th.

On August 8th, it was the beginning of autumn. At 7:6 p.m., Gao Yang brought Gu Yawen and showed up at the Capital Club on time. This was Gao Yang's second time to treat guests to this club.

Zhang Xiaolong and his friend, an antivirus software engineer named Qin Fang, were already waiting at the club with Liu Xu.

Zhang Xiaolong introduced Gao Yang, and Gao Yang smiled and shook hands with Liu Xu and Qin Fang.

Liu Xu is indeed in his 40s, about 172 centimeters tall, and has the temperament of a typical scientific researcher.

First, Zhang Xiaolong introduced the development of 51 Group to Liu Xu, and then Liu Xu also introduced the situation of his founding of Weidian Software.

Qin Fang chimed in and introduced Liu Xu's profound technical background and a series of major contributions to Ruixing Company.

It can be said that without Liu Xu, there would be no glorious history of Ruixing Company, but in the end Liu Xu was kicked out by his former partner.

After the meal, the five of them sat down to drink tea. Gao Yang suddenly asked: "Mr. Liu, 51 Group wants to be an antivirus software company. If we go to acquire Ruixing, do you think there is great hope?"

Liu Xu was startled, shook his head and said, "Wang, it's impossible to let Ruixing go, this person is too treacherous."

Gao Yang said: "After hearing Brother Long introduce Mr. Liu's experience in this industry, I admire him very much. I wonder if Mr. Liu and Weidian Software are interested in cooperating with 51 Group?"

Liu Xu asked, "How does Mr. Gao want to cooperate?"

Gao Yang said: "The 51 Group wants to enter the anti-virus software market immediately and develop free anti-virus software. If Mr. Liu is willing, we would like to acquire Guardian Software. At the same time, Mr. Liu will be invited to join the 51 Group to host this project."

Liu Xu asked: "Mr. Gao, what does 51 Group use to support the free model?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "In this regard, Mr. Liu doesn't have to worry, 51 Group's cash flow this year is expected to exceed [-] million yuan, which is enough to support an anti-virus software company.

We have many shareholders, including Mr. Ding from Yiwang and Mr. Li from Baidu. We have not accepted any venture capital so far.

In the desktop antivirus software market, free is the best model. If we don’t do it, someone will do it, so 51 Group must do it, and then form a system with other Internet projects to support each other.

With Mr. Liu's technical strength and 51 Group's increasing industry influence, this company can definitely make money in the enterprise-level security market.

If we launch a powerful individual user security solution, such as calling it 51Guard, when it develops a user scale of over [-] million, the entire desktop market will be reshuffled, and we hope to achieve a dominant position in the industry.

On this basis, the company will naturally find many business models, and it is not difficult to go public. "

Liu Xu nodded and sighed softly: "I founded Dongfang Weidian to make active defense anti-virus software, and my goal was to issue shares and go public, but just after some achievements, I was framed by villains, and the whole team was trapped. mud."

Gao Yang nodded: "Mr. Liu, I have heard of some grievances between you and Ruixing Company. Isn't Ruixing very strong, then we will use the free model to squeeze it out of the desktop market, and then go to the enterprise market. across it.

If Mr. Liu's company is really framed by someone, I think, what's black can't be white, and what's white can't be black. The truth will always come out one day. "

Liu Xu looked at Gao Yang and said seriously, "President Gao, is this a promise?"

Gao Yang nodded seriously: "Forget it!"

Liu Xu naturally understood what Gao Yang meant, do you want to stand up, do you want to take revenge, everyone works together to solve the opponent and strengthen yourself, there is no problem.

Liu Xu thought carefully for a while, then smiled slightly:
"The 51 Group is now famous in the Internet circle, and I am willing to cooperate with Mr. Gao and the 51 Group, but I don't want to join in the form of direct acquisition.

The team, R&D results and corresponding intellectual property rights of Weidian Software, I hope to convert them into the equity of this new company based on the corresponding evaluation. "

(End of this chapter)

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