Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 349 Pay, is a level 1 strategy

Chapter 349 Payment is a first-level strategy (ask for a ticket)

After Fang Siwen's speech, everyone discussed for a while, and they had a clearer understanding of the value of 51 Fortune's 51 Fund Network.

Another key factor is that 51 Fortune has money in its account, tens of millions of funds in the company's bank account, and nearly 8000 million in the stock account.

Gao Yang began to talk about why he wanted to make online payment:

"Regarding the project of online payment, let me first talk about my personal understanding of the current domestic Internet development pattern.

51 Group has not been in the Internet industry for a long time, and it is still a little brother. The big brother that deserves our attention. At present, there are mainly four companies.

Ali, Goose Factory, Baidu and Yiwang, among them, we have a certain degree of cooperation with Baidu and Yiwang.

Of these four companies, Ali is the only one that is not listed at present, and I think it will be soon, within two or three years.

From the current development situation, especially the stock market value, Whiteness ranks first, Yiwang ranks second, and Goose Factory ranks third.

Baidu and Yiwang are cooperative with 51 Group, so let’s focus on Ali and Goose Factory. I personally think that these two companies are most likely to develop into super-large-scale Internet companies in the future.

This is determined by their main business direction, and in the long run, Baidu and Easynet cannot be compared.

Ali is engaged in e-commerce. The current focus of business is B2B, and B2C is also being explored. However, B2C has been successful. Once consumers develop the habit of online shopping, the number of users will be very scary.

Because we have more than one billion people, the number of Internet users has been growing rapidly.

Goose Factory is a social-centric pan-entertainment direction, and its cornerstone is QQ and its traffic of more than 3 million users.

Therefore, Ali and Goose Factory have the largest coverage of users, and may even cover every Internet user.

And our 51 Group is also centered on social networking, and is developing in the direction of pan-media. In the future, we will directly compete with Goose Factory and become a direct competitor.

51 Tongcheng acquired Foxmail, and then we launched 51 Renren, and then Internet companies and venture capital continued to come to our door.

Among them, the goose factory came to us twice, hoping to buy it as a whole, or inject capital to control it. I don't need to explain its purpose, and everyone must know it.

Now, let's go back to online payment.

Ali’s Boss Ma is very smart. To do e-commerce, he must do third-party online payment. Therefore, Zhifubao is very likely to develop into one of Ali’s core assets.

Zhifubao is not just a third-party payment tool, it is likely to evolve into a financial technology service platform. The development of the Internet industry will eventually focus on online transactions, and our 51 Group is the same.

Therefore, we see that Goose Factory has also followed up quickly, and also needs to make online payment.

For the 51 Group to grow stronger, online payment is a must. This is our first-level strategy, which is related to how to survive and develop in the next few decades. I hope everyone has a clear understanding of this.

51 Group does not have such a tool. We will inevitably be subject to Ali or Goose Factory in the future. Once there is a business conflict between the two parties, they may directly close the payment interface for us. What will 51 Group do then?
There must be restrictions everywhere.

In addition, 51 Group has already invested in several Internet projects, and will invest in new projects in the future. It will continue to expand and develop around the overall strategy of social platforms as the core and pan-media as the business direction.

If these projects are beads with social networking as the soul, then the development of a third-party online payment tool is a chain that can string these project beads together.

After the 51 payment is made, we can first use it on our various Internet platforms to develop the first batch of users.

51 Group wants to develop an unbreakable user ecosystem, and 51 Payment is the key to it.

Second, there is a strategic consideration.

The development of the Internet is very different from traditional industries. Technology and business models are evolving too fast, and new applications are emerging one after another. The same will be true in the future.

The 51 Group cannot fight alone, nor does it have the strength to fight alone.

Internally, we have to build a system.Externally, we need to find allies and build an alliance that is beneficial to us.

With such a tool as 51 Pay, the industrial alliance we have established will not be loose, but will gradually form a close, unbreakable cooperative relationship that is beneficial to all allies..."

Gao Yang spoke in detail for more than 20 minutes. From a strategic perspective, he explained the value, significance and necessity of 51 Group as a third-party online payment tool.

In the conference room, nearly 20 executives have been listening and thinking carefully.

After Gao Yang finished his speech, there was warm applause.

Zhang Xiaolong was the first to speak and said: "Mr. Gao stands tall and sees far. I have a feeling that listening to you is better than reading ten years of books. I have really been taught.

51 Group should do payment, and must do it, and do it well.

With such a tool, internally, the synergy among our various project companies will be much better than it is now.

Externally, as Mr. Gao said, 51 Group can establish an industrial alliance, and it is an alliance relationship led by us.

From the perspective of technological ecology, 51 Group can form a closed business loop internally, and with the help of industry alliances, it can build a larger closed business loop. "

He Guangwen smiled and said: "Brother Long's words make sense. From the perspective of technology direction and user ecology, if 51 Group can make a third-party payment tool, it will be of great significance. However, our current strength in research and development is limited, and online payment involves For financial IT, we first need to solve the problems of the technical team.”

Gao Yangdao: "I once proposed with Yiwang and Baidu to jointly establish an Internet Research Institute to carry out long-term research on basic technology and application for cutting-edge technologies in the industry.

From my point of view, within our company, we can first set up a 51 Research Institute, Guangwen, you can be the director, and use the current technical committee as a team to turn it into a research institute.

For financial IT talents, find a way to poach a few leading figures, and then solve the problem through open recruitment.

In addition, the research institute cannot operate purely as a cost center. With the research results, it can apply for technical patents and intellectual property rights externally. Internally, the project company must also pay for the intellectual property rights in the form of purchase, which is authorized by the research institute. .

Therefore, the research institute can consider developing with a profit-centered model rather than a pure pursuit of profit internally, so as to form positive incentives for specific research projects.

When the project company has a demand, it can place an order with the research institute, which will study and judge the feasibility, and then organize a research and development team to carry out technical research in the mode of project operation.

The research on basic technology must also be paid attention to. It is necessary to closely track the development of Internet technology around the world, and study and judge related directions and trends.

For basic technology research, how to formulate a set of incentive models should first be discussed by the research institute itself, and after a plan is formed, it will be reported to the board of directors for discussion and decision. "

Everyone felt that Gao Yang's approach was good, and that 51 Group must become an Internet company with research and development capabilities.

Then, the topic returned to making 51 payments.

Wu Bodao: "Since we really need to pay, we must hurry up and try not to fall behind the goose factory.

At present, Sunshine has set up 20 local branches with more than 160 regional employees. It plans to build 60 regional branches by the end of next year.

The current development speed of 51 Tongcheng is good. I suggest that the construction of local stations in 51 Tongcheng should also be accelerated. "

Jin Yang said: "Yes, Mr. Wu, has successfully piloted sub-stations in Shanghai and the Special Economic Zone this year. It plans to build 10 to 12 sub-stations next year, and complete the construction of 2007 sub-stations in key cities in 30.

After the group has a network payment tool, 51 Tongcheng can try intra-city e-commerce. I suggest that Jiaoyang Company should build an intra-city express company based on 60 regional branches.

In this way, 51 Tongcheng is engaged in intra-city e-commerce, and Sunshine Company is engaged in local logistics, and the two projects will directly cooperate. "

Wu Bo smiled and said: "That's right, Mr. Jin's suggestion is good. Sunshine Company was going to switch to self-publishing as planned. If 51 Tongcheng can start the same city e-commerce, the local company will have new business. In the future If the solar media is not done, local companies can also fully transform into logistics companies.”

The enlarged meeting of the board of directors did not end until 4:[-] pm.

Four things were determined:

51 Fortune invests in 51 Fund Network and SNS Fund Community;

Registered and established 51 Financial Technology Information Service Co., Ltd., and also established a website, and at the same time developed a third-party online payment tool tentatively named [51 Payment];

The technical committee of the group transformed and established the 51 Research Institute. At this stage, He Guangwen, Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Xuan, Wu Xi, Liu Xu and others have to work in both the 51 Research Institute and the project company;
Sunshine Company utilizes the resources of the existing 20 branches to establish a city-wide courier company and begin to explore intra-city courier services...

As the vice president of the group, Gu Yawen also participated in the entire discussion of the board of directors today, but she didn't speak much.

After get off work, on the way home, Gu Yawen sighed: "I didn't expect that in two or three years, your business has become so big, and you have begun to match the first-class companies in the Internet circle."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "If you leave Sun Media of Sunlight Company aside, 51 Group is still very weak in the Internet sector. It can only be said that the layout is at the forefront. Strategically, it should be on par with the top peers in the industry."

Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "I really don't know why you have so much stuff in your head, what investment plan do you have for the next step?"

Gao Yang said: "I also often read books, watch industry news, communicate with big shots in the circle like Brother Lei and Brother Yan, and then think often.

For the next step, let’s see next year. I suggest that Jin Yang and He Shan find friends and start a law firm together.

Then Mrs. Wu, Sister Lei, and Ruohan will start an accounting firm and just hire someone to take care of it.

Both of these two firms are operated by their private investment, and the 51 Group does not participate. In the future, they can do business with companies such as the 51 Group.

As for the 51 Group, next year I would like to do a new social platform project. Let’s wait until 51 Guardians is formally established and hold a press conference. Let’s talk about it in December. "

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "There are new social platform projects, what kind of social platform?"

Gao Yang said: "It's about the blog site, the SNS structure, I haven't figured it out yet, I'm still thinking about it."

Gu Yawen said with pity: "You use your brain like this every day, you should rest or rest."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm fine. My career is developing smoothly and my family is happy. I don't feel any pressure. You see, I sleep well all the time, and I keep exercising, so my body is pretty good."

Gu Yawen looked at Gao Yang seriously: "Your appearance has not changed much from previous years, and you look quite young."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Really?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Well, he's still so handsome and more mature."

Gao Yang grabbed Gu Yawen's hand and squeezed it: "It's because you were there along the way."

Gu Yawen returned a sweet smile.

When she first met Gao Yang, Gu Yawen was certain that he would have a future, but she never thought that he is so capable now...

(End of this chapter)

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