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Chapter 351 Building Bridges and Paving Roads Can Accumulate Virtue

Chapter 351 Building Bridges and Paving Roads Can Accumulate Virtue

Early in the morning on October 10, He Yong and his wife rushed over from Shudu with their children.

Yang Yong and his wife, as well as Wen Yi and his wife, also brought their children, and a group of more than a dozen people rushed to the hot spring resort in Tianchi Town, Anhe County.

Young people travel together, and the elders stay in the city to do family affairs.

Arrived at the hot spring resort, settled down in the hotel, and went climbing first.

The relative height of Tianchi Mountain is only more than 300 meters. This area is the core area of ​​a national geological park. There are many jagged and strange rocks on the top of the mountain, and there is a large stone forest. The scenery is still very beautiful.

Gao Yang hadn't seen He Yong for several months. As soon as they met today, Wu Peng revealed that He Yong had performed well in his work and hoped to be promoted to the Standing Committee next year.

As for Wu Peng, if he can't do it next year, there is a high probability that he will be able to go to the deputy county in the year after.

Then there is Xiao Jin, He Yong smiled and said: "Gao Yang, I have been to Shimen Village in your hometown twice, and I went with him when I introduced agricultural technology experts to Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin worked hard enough, but you are so benevolent. In the water town, Xiao Jin couldn’t use his strength, it’s not because of his ability, but the basic conditions of Renshui Township are too poor to attract investment.”

Xiao Jin smiled wryly: "I still want to thank Brother Yong for his help. He helped me invite experts from the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and a professor from the Agricultural University to investigate the production conditions such as soil and water quality, and even set up an experimental orchard for scientific research.

The conclusion is not bad. Several new varieties can be introduced, but the scale of investment is required to have economic benefits.

The problem is that the traffic conditions in Renshui Township are not good, the road leading to the county is still a gravel road that has not been changed for decades, and there are very few local farmers who have the ability to invest.

As for industry, there is almost no foundation, there is only one small brick factory in the whole town..."

Chen Sen joked, "Gao Yang, you are the big boss now, so you should contribute to the development of your hometown."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "It can be considered, Lao Xiao, there is a thousand mu tea garden in Shimen Village, it seems to be collective land, I heard it was done in the era of Dazhai, I used to pick tea when I was young, Did the agricultural technology experts go to the tea garden to do research?"

Xiao Jindao: "I have done research on soil and water quality, and the total area of ​​the tea garden is more than 1800 mu, involving three villager groups, and it has been abandoned for more than 20 years. The expert's test orchard covers 5 mu, and it is being cultivated in that tea garden. "

Gao Yang said: "Then can this tea garden be transferred, such as the land use right for 20 or even 30 years?"

Wu Peng said: "The collective land is equivalent to a barren mountain, so it should be possible."

Xiao Jin said: "Yes, this tea garden belongs to Shimen Village. It can be transferred after negotiation with the village and the three villager groups."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and thought for a while: "Well, I can personally invest 100 million or 200 million, then I will contract this tea garden. At least 20 years, I will build a fruit garden, and introduce agricultural experts to try to plant successful tea gardens. New varieties.

In terms of sales, the main consideration is Jiajiahui Supermarket. I suggest that Jiajiahui Supermarket try to do some fresh food business, starting with fruits.

If Jiajiahui Supermarket wants to do fruit business at a lower cost, it can also invest in this orchard. What do you think? "

Yang Yong said: "This is a good idea. The supermarket can follow suit with an investment of 50. What's your opinion?"

The two shareholders, Chen Sen and Jiang Bing, both agreed, and Xiao Jin was naturally more happy.

He Yong said with a smile: "It's not bad to do this. You should be able to win some subsidies for agricultural industrialization projects in the county. There should be 30 million funds."

Yang Yong said: "The question is who will build this orchard. It must be a knowledgeable person, and a person who can be trusted."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "I have a cousin named Tang Fei, who is two years younger than me. He belongs to my aunt's family. He actually built a small orchard of about ten acres. It has been four or five years, and it is also his duty. People, if there is expert guidance, I guess he will be fine."

Yang Yong said: "Not bad, can you find someone now, let's call and talk."

Jiang Bing smiled and said, "I have Tang Fei's cell phone number here, let me inform him."

Aunt Gao Yang's house is near the old county town of Anhe, not far from Tianchi Town, only more than ten miles away.

Jiang Bing called Tang Fei, and he was indeed at home, so he asked Tang Fei to come to Tianchi Town immediately.

Wu Peng said: "It's not bad to invest in a large orchard in Shimen Village, but the road from Renshui Township to the county seat is in poor condition. It's a bit troublesome to transport fresh fruits, and it's even more difficult if it's raining."

Gao Yang asked again: "If this road is transformed into a concrete road, how much will it cost?"

Wu Peng said: "If the existing roadbed is reconstructed and slightly widened, the roadbed is 10 meters wide and the road surface is 8 meters wide. The cost per kilometer is about 60 million."

Xiao Jindao: "The road from Changzhen to the county seat in Renshui Township is 5.5 kilometers long. There is also a nearly 1000-kilometer mechanical farming road from Changzhen to the tea garden in Shimen Village. If all roads are transformed into cement roads, it will cost close to [-] million yuan, which is unrealistic. "

Gao Yang thought for a while: "How about this, I will go to the capital to find two big bosses, help you alms, and donate 600 million poverty alleviation funds. Do you have a solution for the remaining funds?"

Wu Peng said: "If you can get 600 million yuan in alms, the rest of the funds can be settled completely. From Renshui Township to the county seat, 2.5 kilometers belong to the boundary of Tianhe Town. Xiao Jin, from Renshui Township to Quanshui Town, there is How much land belongs to the boundary of Renshui?"

Xiao Jin said, "There are still 3 kilometers left."

Wu Peng said: "The total is 8.5 kilometers. Otherwise, the entire section of the road will be remodeled. The total investment is estimated to be 1400 million. If Gao Yangneng alms for 600 million, the 800 million will have to find a way to pass through the provincial, municipal and county governments. At the provincial level, I will be responsible for applying for special funds, and I will be responsible at the city and county levels. He Yong, you have to help figure out a solution for the funds at the provincial level."

He Yong smiled and said: "Okay, I will try to help you apply for 300 million to 400 million funds. This kind of road construction that benefits the people should be no problem. However, you must ensure the quality of this project, so don't let it go wrong Tofu dregs project."

Wu Peng said: "That's impossible. With Xiao Jin and I watching, who the hell dares to make money on this project, I'll take care of him!"

Gao Yang said: "Okay, if you can solve this part of the funds, then I will go for alms, but don't do the apportionment of farmers in the villages along the way. In addition, if there are quality problems on this road in the future, then I'm really looking for you two."

Xiao Jin said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, in Renshui Township, I will arrange the township cadres and village group cadres to be on duty at the construction site in shifts, and I will also keep an eye on it."

Wu Peng said: "This way, I will go to the state-owned infrastructure companies in the city and county. We have to hold an open bidding. Everything needs to be standardized. The first is to ensure the quality of the project, and the second is to keep the cost as low as possible. "

Jiang Bing said with a smile: "If this road is repaired, the people along the way will have to thank you. Building bridges and paving roads is a matter of virtue."

Xiao Jin said: "Yes, with this road, the five villages along the road in Renshui Township and the two villages in Anhe Township will benefit the common people for a long time. Renshui Township is so close to the county seat, and there are conditions for attracting investment."

Xiao Jin also knew that with this road and 1800 mu of orchard, Gao Yang and the others would be of great help to him in his work performance.

He Yong asked curiously: "Gao Yang, what big boss are you looking for in the capital to help the poor?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The founders of Yiwang and Baidu are both worth more than one billion US dollars. In addition, there are also friends who are engaged in electronic processing and branded computers, who are also worth about 20 billion. To them, it is a little money. Will sell me a face."

Wu Peng was surprised and said: "What a boy, you are awesome. You have become friends with the founders of Yiwang and Baidu. Your friend who does electronic processing, can you invite him to invest in Anhe?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Second brother, why are you in such a hurry, first build this road and benefit the people, there will be opportunities in the future."

While chatting and laughing, Gao Yang's cousin Tang Fei called and said that he had arrived in Tianchi Town.

At this time, it was approaching noon, and everyone went down the mountain and went back to the hotel together to ask Xiao Jin and Yang Yong to interview Tang Fei.

Tang Fei was dumbfounded when he heard that Gao Yang and his friends were planning to invest more than 200 million yuan to build an orchard of more than 1800 mu, and experts would provide technical guidance...

(End of this chapter)

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