Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 378 Caught a Big Brother

Chapter 378

On April 4, 18 Financial Services Company completed the capital increase, and the registered capital was changed to 51 million yuan.

Among them, 51 Group invested 4.25 million yuan, Yiwang and Baidu each contributed 5000 million yuan, Hengsheng Electronics Huang Chengda and other 8 founding shareholders contributed a total of 1 million yuan as natural persons.

The 51 Group settled the company's registered capital of 15 million yuan through short-term financing from a cooperative bank on the 3.25th. It is very simple, because the market value of the A-share holdings of the companies under the 51 Group has exceeded 8 million yuan, with a floating profit of more than 5 million yuan.

On April 4, A shares continued to rise, closing at 21 points.

In his spare time, Gao Yang opened his personal stock account to check the income.

Position: Shanghai Heavy Machinery 6520.8 lots (market value: 8926975 yuan)
Su Ning Electric 47250 hands (150255000 yuan)
Total market value: 1.5918 billion yuan
Cash: 100500 yuan

Principal: 1900 million yuan
Total capital: 1.5928 billion yuan
Profit: 737.79% (1.4018 billion yuan)
This personal account under Gao Yang's name ended on April 2006, 4, the position income after the stock market closed in the afternoon.

Unknowingly, after returning to A-shares in 2003, the principal of 1900 million additional investment has been increased to 1.59 million, with a net profit of 1.4 million.

Since the beginning of May last year, the income of this account has more than doubled.

Gao Yang's account is to hold on to the tickets of Shanghai Heavy Machinery (China Shipbuilding) and Su Ning Electric Appliances for a long time.

During this period, Shanghai Heavy Machinery has completed the share reform, and the consideration for the share reform is 10 shares for every 3.2 shares.

Since June 2005, Su Ning Electric has launched two high-volume transfers, and another share reform with bonus shares, 6 shares for 10 shares, 10 shares for 10 shares, and 2.5 shares for 10 shares. The share capital has expanded by 8 times.

In April 2005, Gao Yang made a band T on Su Ning Electric once, and reduced his position by more than half. Later, after Su Ning turned 4 shares into 10 shares, he added all the funds from the reduction of more than 10 million to this stock.

On the ticket of Shanghai Heavy Machinery, Gao Yang has been sticking to it, and his funds have more than tripled.

As for the ticket of Su Ning Electric Appliances, since its first day of listing, its funds have increased by more than 4.5 times.

Gu Yawen's personal account now has a market value of more than 3100 million, and the principal is only 700 million, which is more than 4 times. Among them, 7438 lots of Shanghai Heavy Machinery are held.

In Wu Lan's personal account, the market value of holdings has reached more than 9500 million, and the principal is just over 3000 million.

The funds in these three private accounts have been rolled to nearly 2.85 million through the stock market, and the principal is only more than 5600 million.

And right now, the bull market is just getting started.

Including the funds in the company's account, the total market value of the A shares currently held has exceeded 11 billion.

The 51 million funds in the account of 6.25 Financial Services Company will soon repay the 4.25 million financing from the bank, and then arrange to withdraw 1.8 million funds to open an account and enter the market.

On the afternoon of April 4, held a promotion meeting for the company's reorganization of the divisional system and the construction of regional sub-stations.

Both Gao Yang and Fang Jian participated.

The business line of has been reorganized into five major business divisions: real estate in the same city, food in the same city, housekeeping in the same city, business in the same city and online tourism.

Today, the general managers of the five business divisions were officially appointed, and the heads of the six regional companies were also appointed as the deputy general managers of

Gao Yang made a speech at the meeting:

"2006 was a crucial year for the development of, and it was also a year for laying a solid foundation in an all-round way.

One is that the business line is reorganized into business department management, and the other is that the person in charge of the regional company is upgraded to the vice president of the head office.

Regional companies will complete the construction of 23 regional sub-stations this year, and the business department will straighten out the teams and business advancement of each business line.

The construction of sub-stations of regional companies and the operation of business lines of business divisions must achieve synergy and mutual cooperation.

In addition, based on branches all over the country, Sunshine will promote the construction of 51 Express Company this year, the regional development of 51 City and the development of the business line of the business department, and strive to achieve business collaboration and common development with 51 Express.

In the second half of the year, the group's third-party payment company, 51pay, a payment tool, will be able to start online promotion and application.

With the payment tool of 51pay, each platform of the entire 51 Group can be placed on a chessboard to realize a large synergy model of drainage, promotion and business level among various platforms.

Therefore, this year is the key year for 51 to fight big battles and lay a solid foundation.

If this year's regional site construction and business department operations can go hand in hand to achieve the goal, then starting from 2007, will be able to further expand at a greater and faster pace, with provincial and key prefecture-level direct sales companies, and some prefectural-city agents The model of direct selling company quickly realizes the layout of national coverage.

Coupled with the business promotion and national coverage of the five major business divisions, 51 Tongcheng should use this part for living in the same city, and there will be no competitors that threaten us.

On this basis, if we can further expand our business and improve our cash flow, around 2010, 51 Tongcheng is fully expected to meet the conditions for an IPO and start planning for listing and financing..."

Fang Jiandao: "Everyone, just like Mr. Gao said just now, our strategic planning and implementation steps for 51 Tongcheng are very clear. I hope that everyone will work hard, work hard, and follow the steps step by step under the leadership of Mr. Jin. Planning to achieve goals. has developed to the point where it can be listed for financing. According to Mr. Gao's plan, the company will arrange for employees to hold shares in time. After the listing, all colleagues here will become tens of millions or even billionaires.

Among the senior management cadres of today, there are 4 old colleagues from CPI, Zhang Tao, Li Ming, Chen Hexiang and Mo Jianjun.

The tradition of CPI is to be able to endure hardships, to fight tough battles, to have good teamwork and strong combat effectiveness.

These are also the team building models pursued by 51 Group, and I hope you can set a good example. "

Jin Yang said: "Dear colleagues, is the first Internet project established by the group, and the group has high hopes for this project. Now the company's business department reorganization is basically completed, and the construction of new regional sites has started, just like Gao The sum is the same as Mr. Fang said, we should set an example, not hold back, please follow the established work plan, cooperate with each other, and work hard."

Next, these high-level management cadres expressed their opinions one after another, promising to complete this year's work goals.

Chen Hexiang, general manager of the online travel division, said: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Fang, and Mr. Jin, among the five major business lines of, have the weakest tourism business foundation. We will definitely work hard to complete this year's goals.

It’s just that in tourism, we rely on our own efforts, and we feel that the development will be relatively slow. I would like to ask the three leaders, can we make up for the current shortcomings of online tourism through mergers and acquisitions of entrepreneurial companies? "

Gao Yang nodded: "Hexiang, if there is a suitable acquisition target, it can be considered."

Chen Hexiang worked as the general manager of the local branch of CPI for three years before, and his ability is quite strong.

Chen Hexiang said: "Mr. Gao, there is a very distinctive start-up company called I have collected some information here..."

Chen Hexiang connected his laptop to the projector, and opened the prepared materials:
"This website was just launched in January this year. The main founder is Chen Hua, who has many years of experience in the Internet industry and is good at search.

In addition, this website also has a young engineer named Zhang Yiming, who just graduated from university and majored in software engineering. He is very powerful.

Zhang Yiming developed a small tool for Kuxun's vertical search, which is used to search for travel information such as air tickets, train tickets, and hotels in real time. It was launched before the Spring Festival last year, and it became popular all at once.

Kuxun can be said to be the best travel search engine at present..."

Zhang Yiming, just graduated from university, travel search engine?

This information immediately reminded Gao Yang of a future boss in his memory.

Gao Yang asked: "Hexiang, do you have any more detailed information about these two people from"

Chen Hexiang said: "Yes, I have their photos."

Chen Hexiang opened a few pictures on the computer, which were group photos taken at the dinner, and then began to introduce.

Gao Yang took a look, good guy, it really is that Zhang Yiming, who has caught a future boss.

Gao Yang asked curiously: "Hexiang, do you know them?"

Chen Hexiang said: "A friend of mine is very familiar with Chen Hua. After the Spring Festival, he asked me to have dinner together, and then he became acquainted. At that time, I heard them say that the travel information search on became popular. It was very shocking."

Gao Yang Anle responded: "Such a company and such talents are of great value to's online travel business. We can consider acquiring them. We must find a way to bring in outstanding talents like Zhang Yiming.

Hexiang, since you know them well, you can represent first to get in touch and express our sincerity.

When the 51 Group acquires such start-up companies, our philosophy is to cooperate and seek common development, rather than the big fish eating the small fish and trying to eat someone up. "

Chen Hexiang said happily: "Mr. Gao, then I will contact you as soon as possible and have a talk."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, try your best to talk, if necessary, I can come forward to talk..."

(End of this chapter)

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