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Chapter 385 Brother Dong, We Have a Future Together

Chapter 385 Brother Dong, We Have a Future Together

Thinking of the 51 Group building its own office building, Gao Yang still felt a little overwhelmed.

Ding Lei asked with a smile, "Gao Yang, does 51 Group consider going to Guangdong Province or the Special Economic Zone for development?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, the 51 Group should build an office building in the special zone in the future as a base in the south, but the headquarters is still considered to be located in the capital.

You, Yiwang, set up your headquarters in Guangdong Province, and then set up a research and development center in Beijing. Don't you think it's troublesome to run around like this?
In my opinion, you might as well move the headquarters of to Beijing. "

Ding Lei shook his head: "The south has the benefits of the south. In comparison, the southern cities have a better open atmosphere and support for technology-based enterprises more strongly."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, Huaxia is so big, in your opinion, which city will China's Internet industry center be in in the future?"

Li Yan thought about it: "From the current point of view, there are still the most Internet companies in Beijing, followed by Hangzhou and the special zone. Hangzhou is represented by Ali, and the special zone is represented by Goose Factory.

From the perspective of regional competition, I think each has its own characteristics and advantages. In comparison, the status of the capital city is still the most special. "

Ding Lei said: "In terms of industrial development and government support, whether it is a special zone, Guangdong, or Hangzhou, it is more open than Beijing. However, it is also true that Beijing has the most concentrated IT and Internet companies. The advantages."

Gao Yangdao: "For a large Internet company, a national presence is inevitable, and the 51 Group may have a presence in central cities in various regions across the country in the future.

My thinking is that when the current project companies grow stronger, they will gradually change to group development. The first group should be

Afterwards, 51 Group was transformed into a holding company, and 51 Holdings was divided into various business groups. The headquarters of the business group may not necessarily be located in the capital, but whichever regional central city is suitable, it will be located in that city.

In addition, for Android companies in Silicon Valley, I will also consider building a research and development center in China to serve the Chinese and even Asian markets.

In the future, Europe can also consider setting up a research and development center, and France is the first choice..."

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan laughed: "It sounds like you want to dominate the world."

Gao Yang said earnestly: "One must have a dream, and the same is true for running an enterprise. North America, Europe, and China each build a R&D center, and only then can they hope to attract high-end talents from all over the world."

Ding Lei laughed: "Then I wish your great dream come true soon."

At noon, Gao Yang drank a little wine and went directly back to Weber's apartment for a lunch break.

Now, Shao Hanyun still lives in Weber's apartment, which is like helping to look after the house, and Wu Ruohan sometimes stays here for a night or two.

After getting up from lunch break, Shao Hanyun came over to report: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Jingdong Liu would like to invite you to dinner at night. How can I reply?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Gao Yang knew that Liu Dong might be suffering a bit today, so he wanted to communicate with himself.

51 Group released 51pay today, and Yiwang and Baidu are also one of the investors. Liu Dong didn't know about these things before.

Liu Dong also participated in today's press conference as an invited guest. 51pay's strong debut made Liu Dong a little dumbfounded.

For the development of 51pay, 51 Group invested 2.4 million shares in Hengsheng Electronics, and then it was fully prepared before it was released publicly.

Before 51pay went online, mainstream banking institutions had negotiated settlement cooperation.

In contrast, Jingdong's online banking, which started in 2003, is simply weak.

Moreover, 51 Tongcheng plans to do intra-city e-commerce business, which is also beyond Liu Dong's expectations.

51 Group invested 3000 million and got a 53% stake in Jingdong. Now it suddenly launched 51pay and plans to become an intra-city e-commerce company.

Liu Dong was immediately confused.

At the dinner in the evening, Gao Yang brought Fang Jian, Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun with him.

Such a battle surprised Liu Dong.

Sitting down to eat and drink, seeing Liu Dong's hesitant expression, Gao Yang took the initiative to break the topic.

"Brother Dong, 51 Group released 51pay, and is planning to do intra-city e-commerce. Didn't it surprise you?"

Liu Dongdao: "Yes, Mr. Gao, I was really surprised. I didn't expect that 51 Group invested so much resources in third-party payment, and then 51 Tongcheng would take advantage of the trend to cut into the same city e-commerce business.

I understand the value of 51pay to 51 Group, but only in the area of ​​e-commerce. Is going to compete directly with Jingdong? "

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Brother Dong, you are really worrying too much, the 51 Group has developed to the current scale of traffic, and it is inevitable to develop and promote its own third-party payment tools.

In the future, 51pay will directly compete with Ali’s Zhifubao and Goose Factory’s Fortune Tong.

As for intra-city e-commerce, it will not form direct competition with Jingdong. Jingdong’s current main business is 3C electronic products. Non-staple food and the like.

The e-commerce business of depends on the development of Jingdong. If Jingdong develops fast enough, I suggest that Jingdong can consider acquiring the e-commerce business of in the future. In this way, is equivalent to helping Jingdong advance. Develop regional markets.

As for third-party payment, Dong Ge doesn’t have to worry about it at all. I suggest Jingdong support 51pay as soon as possible to provide users with more choices, which is also of great benefit to Jingdong to improve business efficiency.

In the future, with the support of 51 Group, Yiwang and Baidu, the development speed of 51pay should be much faster than Jingdong's online banking online.

Jingdong does not necessarily have to be obsessed with being a payment platform by itself. 51pay can acquire Wangyin Online in the future, and Jingdong will become a shareholder of 51 Financial Services. Everyone works together to do what they are good at.

Brother Dong, since the day 51 Group founded Solar Energy Media, we have never considered fighting alone. Win-win cooperation is the last word and the general trend, especially in the Internet.

In the future, if Jingdong focuses on the e-commerce business and scales up, it will be beneficial to everyone to cooperate with 51 Group, Yiwang and Baidu..."

Liu Dong finally understood what Gao Yang was planning, and said, "Mr. Gao thinks very long-term. It's just that Jingdong started to do business in Shanghai and Guangdong this year. To expand the business scale, the pressure on cash flow is very high. Within a few years It’s very difficult to make a profit.”

Gao Yang said: "Brother Dong, Jingdong is definitely pursuing business scale at this stage, and when the business in the Shanghai and Guangdong markets improves, I suggest expanding to home appliances.

The home appliance distribution channel is a good business now. Boss Huang, who used to have Guomei, became the richest man relying on home appliance chain stores.

Now, Su Ning, who has just been listed on the A-share market for two years, has been favored by institutions all the way because of his rapid development and good performance. The stock market value has doubled by 8 times in two years.

Jingdong cuts into the home appliance segment, and with the support of online payment tools like 51pay, it is logical and will be welcomed by users.

Guomei and Su Ning are now very strong in the face of home appliance brand suppliers, but this is a good opportunity for Jingdong to develop this e-commerce business.

On the basis of the existing self-operated model, Jingdong can open an online home appliance supermarket and negotiate cooperation with home appliance brand manufacturers.

As for the funds, the 51 million invested by the 3000 Group, if it is almost spent, the 51 Group can also invest more.

In addition, if Jingdong's business scale is established, with market influence and service reputation, venture capital will definitely follow in.

At that time, Dong Ge can use a relatively high valuation to accept venture capital capital and solve the funds needed for the next stage of Jingdong's development.

Jingdong's e-commerce business, in order to pursue rapid scale up and establish industry status and influence, can only rely on continuous burning of money and money from venture capital institutions.

If it develops to the point where it can be listed overseas, it will basically succeed, and it will be a matter of time before it becomes profitable..."

Regarding Gao Yang's analysis, Liu Dong couldn't help nodding: "Mr. Gao, our team has repeatedly discussed and determined Jingdong's growth path, which is similar to the idea suggested by Mr. Gao. For home appliances, at this stage, we can try to compete with some brands. Manufacturers are talking about cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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