Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 397 This time, domineering and arbitrary

Chapter 397 This time, domineering and arbitrary
Jin Yang's thoughts also represent the views of many people at the meeting.

Everyone felt that Gao Yang was very far-sighted in the company's strategic planning, but today was too abnormal and too cautious.

Gao Yang also understands what everyone is thinking, but now it is a meeting, and a relatively important decision is being discussed, so there is no time to delay.

Gao Yang chose to be tough:

"Everyone, there is an old saying in China, 'Anything that is forewarned can be established, and if it is not forewarned, it will be destroyed', which comes from "The Doctrine of the Mean".

This sentence is enough to represent the tradition that Huaxia people attach great importance to strategic planning.

In my opinion, one of the cores of corporate strategic planning is to avoid lightning and avoid directional mistakes.

I remember that a few years ago there was a management book called "Evergreen". It was two management experts in the United States who spent 6 years investigating and analyzing 18 large and prosperous companies, and summarized their growth along the way. experience of.

This book is very popular. After being published in China, it has caused heated discussions in the business circles. Some well-known figures even talked about how to build a century-old enterprise.

Life is only a few decades, and there will be many unpredictable storms, not to mention the 100 years of a company, or the whole world.

We, China, have been engaged in reform and opening up for less than 30 years.During this period, what important events happened in the world?

As far as the financial field is concerned, everyone should be familiar with the Plaza Accord in the early 80s and the Asian financial crisis in the late 90s.

Well, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to another matter, the birth of the euro in early 1999.

Then, connect these three things together and think about it a little bit more.

Let me remind you another clue. In the late period of World War II, an international monetary system called "Bretton Woods" was established. The US dollar replaced the British pound and became the most important international reserve currency anchored by the global central bank.

In the Bretton Woods system, there is a very core content, that is, the dollar is linked to gold, and then global central banks work together to maintain the stability of gold prices.

Later, in the early 70s, the United States canceled the peg between the US dollar and gold, and the Bretton Woods system did not exist.

The Yen Square Agreement in the 80s I just mentioned, the Asian financial crisis in the late 90s, and the birth of the euro are all closely related to the disappearance of the Bretton Woods system.

Over the past 30 years, the general trend of international financial changes, international cooperation and games seem to be far away from us. In fact, they are closely related to our 51 Group's entrepreneurship, especially its future expansion and strength.

All of you here are senior managers of the 51 Group. If the 51 Group is to become bigger and stronger, each project company cannot avoid finance or the capital market. I suggest that everyone take time to read some international financial articles books.

Now, let's go back to today's topic, the strategic adjustment of the 51 Guardians project.

I have already said that 51 Guards may become the trigger for the battle between 51 Group and Goose Factory in the near future, because technically speaking, one computer cannot accommodate two anti-virus software.

The total traffic of each platform of the 51 Group is not too far behind Goose Factory, but we don't have a platform with user traffic that can compete with QQ head-on.

Goose Factory launched QQ Doctor, cutting into the free model pioneered by 51 Guardians. This is the freedom of others. We can only despise it. What can we do?
To put it bluntly, the transfer of 51 guards is to defend first and then prepare for battle.

51 Group is in the Internet sector. In the early days of its business, Goose Factory came to the door twice, hoping to acquire us with capital advantages, but we rejected it.

With the development of the 51 Group to today's scale, direct competition with the Goose Factory is inevitable, and it is impossible for them to allow us to grow easily and happily.

After thinking over and over again, I came up with the decision to sell the majority stake in 51 Guardians. The purpose is to build a firewall, avoid it first, wait for the inevitable battle, and then find an opportunity to strike hard.

In addition, this time 51 Guardians plans to sell the majority of its shares at a valuation of 2 million US dollars. 51 Group holds 60% of the shares, and plans to sell 40%. It can obtain an investment income of 8000 million US dollars, which is very good.

We have only established this project for more than a year. Of course, because of this, everyone may be very reluctant.

Today's meeting, in addition to discussing the motion to transfer the majority stake in 51 Guardians.

I have another motion, that is, after 51 Guards sells the majority stake this time, the remaining 51% ​​stake in 20 Group will no longer be held, or in other words, held in another way.

My suggestion is to register and establish an employee stock ownership platform company, including all of you here, this time select a total of 200 people from the entire group to explore employee stock ownership.

Such a company will replace the 51 Group to hold the remaining equity of 51 Guards.

The existing shareholders of 51 Group should just hold 51% of the equity of 8 Guards, and the remaining 12% will be directly granted to non-shareholder employees among the 200 people.

Of course, it is impossible to directly grant employees equity, and it is impossible to get it for nothing, and there must be a corresponding lock-up period.

This is a big principle, and how to implement it will be determined by the Human Resources Department.

The general principle is that the executive-level employees of each project company who participated in the group's annual meeting, plus some key employees who have excellent evaluations, as well as employees from various departments of the group, plus shareholders, total 200 people, and explore employee shareholding through 51 guards... ..."

As soon as Gao Yang's words came out, some of the shareholders present had a bad look on their faces, and it was not the executives of the shareholders who were naturally quite pleasantly surprised.

This is tantamount to asking shareholders to cut their flesh and transfer benefits to non-shareholder employees.

Gao Yang smiled again: "Everyone, from the perspective of shareholders, you may feel that your interests have been damaged.

However, I suggest that everyone can have the thinking of giving up small profits for big profits.

In just three or four years, since the establishment of Sunshine Company, 51 Group has nearly 51 employees this year due to the rapid expansion of 3000 City and other projects.

51 Group has been able to develop to the present, and the main shareholders, as the project founders, have contributed investment and sweat. However, without the hard work of all employees, it is impossible for us to develop to the present level.

In the future, when 51 Group develops into tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of employees, what will we rely on to retain and attract talents?
Just rely on reasonable salary, benefits and working environment?

The management personnel who participated in the meeting today have a minimum annual salary of 30 yuan, not including year-end bonuses and other benefits.

51 Group currently has dozens of companies distributed across the country, and some ordinary employees earn only 4000 to [-] yuan a month.

As far as I am concerned, I have been receiving a monthly salary of 1 in the company, and I can receive an annual salary of 100 million, but it is not necessary, because I do not lack this income.

Colleagues here, if the annual salary starts at 30, the annual income can reach 50 to [-], and you can live a relatively decent life in the capital.

For the 51 Group to become bigger and stronger, it is definitely impossible to rely solely on shareholders and our managers. It is time for the 51 Group to explore and study the corresponding employee incentive system. Core employee shareholding is one of the forms that can be explored.

51 Group will have many projects that have the opportunity to be listed in the future, and the future employee stock ownership will be carried out in various project companies.

Personally, I hope that the shareholding of employees in each company can reach 40% or even 50% in the future to solve the problem of long-term incentives.

Of course, it is not necessary to reach this employee shareholding ratio before the project company is listed. After the listing, these problems can still be solved through the equity incentive system.

In the 21st century, talents are the most important, and for Internet companies, talents are even more important.

I hope that 51 Group can establish a distinctive corporate culture, and that the company's operation and management must be wolfish and warm.

We want to be a company that is respected by the public outside and loved and protected by employees inside, this is the foundation for the 51 Group to achieve everlasting success..."

Gao Yang crackled and said a lot, and suddenly said with a serious face:

"We called this meeting today to discuss and discuss matters. The purpose is to unify our thinking, and after being twisted into one, we will implement it immediately.

If this idea cannot be unified, then we will hold a separate board of directors and make decisions through equity voting.

After the decision is made, all everyone needs to do is to implement it resolutely and conscientiously! "

Those who originally had objections were momentarily stunned by Gao Yang's words, and immediately had no intention of raising any more opinions.

Gao Yang was originally the major shareholder of the company, and among the shareholders there were quite a few people who supported him. If voting by shareholding was used, the things that Gao Yang wanted to promote would definitely be passed.

Gao Yang, who is usually very kind, showed his domineering and assertive side at the enlarged board meeting for the first time.

Next, Gao Yang put forward several agenda items without any disputes.

Fang Jian, Liu Xu, Wu Ruohan, He Shan, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, Zhang Yue, Chen Sen...

Everyone stood up and expressed their support.

(End of this chapter)

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