Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 421 I'm Not Sick And I'm Not Crazy

Chapter 421 I'm Not Sick And I'm Not Crazy

At 8:7 in the evening, in Villa No. [-] of Wanliuhua Mansion, Wu Ruohan said goodnight to Liu Li and Liu Yifei who lived in this house, and then took Gu Yawen to her study, and locked the door behind her.

Seeing Wu Ruohan being so mysterious, Gu Yawen also followed her.

Wu Ruohan first made tea for Gu Yawen, then turned on the computer, clicked on a few photos in the picture folder, and it turned out to be Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter.

In the photo, Dorsey is smiling and has soft eyes, but he looks heroic.

Wu Ruohan smiled and asked, "Sister, what do you think of this Yankee?"

Gu Yawen took a closer look and said with a smile: "He's pretty handsome, Ruohan, do you like him?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "It's not like I like it, but I don't dislike it.

Sister, he is one of the founders of Twitter, named Jack Dorsey, 30 years old, born in a middle-class family in St. Louis, USA..."

After introducing the basic situation of Dorsey, Wu Ruohan clicked on 51talk again, and showed Gu Yawen her chat records with Dorsey:

"Sister, this guy likes me very much and fell in love with me at first sight."

After reading these chat records, Gu Yawen was silent for a while, and looked at Wu Ruohan: "Ruohan, this Dorsey is the reason why you are thinking about marrying abroad?"

Wu Ruohan nodded: "Well, if I want to marry abroad, there is a high probability that it will be him."

Gu Yawen sighed: "Ruohan, now you are willing to open your heart, and my sister is happy for you, but, do you have to marry to the United States, are you willing to leave us so far away?

Why don't you find one in your country?

Marrying a foreigner involves cultural differences, living habits, etc., which is very complicated. "

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Sister, it's too early to talk about my marriage or something. This trip to the United States, what I saw and heard, and my own feelings, thinking...

In the past few days, I have also figured it out. I have to live in the United States. For my brother-in-law and our family, I must be a steward of overseas investment. "

Gu Yawen was stunned: "Ruohan, if you think so, elder brother and sister-in-law are in the United States, so you don't need to go."

Wu Ruohan sighed: "Sister, the investment arranged by brother-in-law in the United States, the hedge fund established by elder brother and sister-in-law, and his personal investment of 2000 million US dollars in android company, and the investment of 8000 million US dollars in Hongyang Asset Management Company registered as a company, and This time, it invested 400 million US dollars in Twitter.

These investments, together with the current floating profit in the US stock market, have a book value of more than 2.5 million US dollars. If they are valued, they may be worth billions of dollars in the future when Android and Twitter grow.

In addition, when I went to the United States this time, my brother-in-law asked my eldest brother and sister-in-law to secretly investigate the US real estate market last year, as well as Wall Street's subprime mortgage asset securitization products packaged around real estate mortgages.

After I read the investigation, I realized that my brother-in-law had long been planning to short the US subprime mortgage market.

I don't know why my brother-in-law has such foresight about the US real estate market, including my eldest brother and sister-in-law are very surprised.

However, once the brother-in-law succeeds, he may be able to make dozens of times the profit in just one year or so.

Brother-in-law, he is too smart, and the pattern is too big.

When I came back this time, I told my brother-in-law about my deduction. My brother-in-law also admitted that he has been considering investing overseas for a long-term layout. In the future, our overseas investment income may reach tens of billions or even tens of billions of dollars.

I have always believed in my brother-in-law's ability.

This is a very considerable, shocking wealth.

Sister, the so-called money touches people's hearts. Although you and your brother-in-law trust your elder brother and sister-in-law, I can't fully trust you, especially your sister-in-law.

With such huge interests involved, I have to go to the United States by myself. I want to control the two companies Android and Twitter for my brother-in-law, and I also need to control the large sum of money invested in the stock market.

My brother-in-law also recognized that I have some talents in trading, and I am a certified public accountant. When I come to the United States, I can also take the North American certified public accountant exam.

At present, apart from me, there is no other suitable candidate..."

Gu Yawen was silent for a moment, and asked: "Ruohan, your brother-in-law is used to thinking long-term, and I believe the plan he arranged is likely to succeed. Have you communicated with your brother-in-law about your idea of ​​going to the United States?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "Not yet, sister, I have to discuss this matter with you first."

Gu Yawen asked again: "It's because of these plans that you consider contacting this Jack Dorsey and accepting him?"

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Well, it's just that it's far from it now, I just don't dislike him, but my brother-in-law thinks highly of Dorsey, so I have a little affection for him.

If you associate with Dorsey in the future and feel that he is good and acceptable, then he is the most suitable person.

The brother-in-law said that Dorsey is very important to the future development of Twitter, and the brother-in-law is also optimistic about the development prospects of Twitter, but I feel that Dorsey lacks ambition and may be easily dealt with.

If I marry him and serve as a director of Twitter on behalf of the android company, Dorsey and I can join forces to firmly control the company. "

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "Ruohan, marriage is such a major event in life, you just have a good impression of this Dorsey now, so you start thinking about getting married?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, it's too early to marry or not. I can't fall in love with any man now. Sister, I came to discuss with you today because I want you to help me, even if I want to marry this Dorsey in the future." , I also want to be my brother-in-law's woman first."

Gu Yawen was shocked: "Ruohan, you still miss your brother-in-law, are you sick again?"

Wu Ruohan smiled slightly: "Sister, I'm not sick, let alone crazy, I'm sober and rational now.

At the beginning, my brother-in-law accompanied me to the south to see the sea, which cured my depression. After that, I have never been depressed again, and I sleep well.

Now I am no longer the crazy girl in your eyes.

I locked my feelings for my brother-in-law and my obsession with him in my heart, and never touched it.

It's just that I also lost the ability to love, and I instinctively refused to approach men.

This time I went to the United States and met Dorsey. He is very handsome and sunny. I don't dislike him.

You know how I reacted when Dorsey was with me for a day and a half in San Francisco and he accidentally touched my finger?

I got goosebumps and felt nauseous.

I know, it has nothing to do with Dorsey, he is a cultivated man.

It can only mean that I have cured my depression and may have another disease.

I swore to myself that only my brother-in-law could be my first man.

So, I'm 26 years old now, and I'm still completely intact. I haven't even kissed a man. I just kissed my brother-in-law secretly once, like a superficial touch.

Sister, I also want to experience what it is like to be a woman. My illness may only be cured by my brother-in-law.

I hope that my brother-in-law turned me from a girl into a woman, and let me stay with him for a year, half a year, or three months.

After that, I locked my brother-in-law in my heart. If I can talk to Dorsey, then I should be able to accept him, provided that he has to marry me and marry me.

After getting married, I will not betray him, and I will fulfill my responsibilities as a wife.

Sister, please forgive me, I locked myself and can only be unlocked by my brother-in-law. If I can stay with my brother-in-law for a while, I should be able to get better, start a family and live a normal life.

When I get old and leave this world in the future, I can still recall that there was once a man I loved deeply who gave me the happiest time.

Sister, I really don't want to hurt your feelings for brother-in-law, but I'm also afraid that when I grow old, I'll still be the same as I am now, I really don't want to live like this for the rest of my life..."

Gu Yawen was silent. Unexpectedly, when she was only 20 years old, she recommended herself to watch the film, and urged herself to have a baby with Gao Yang earlier. She talked about war on paper, and this sister was very sensible.

Now, even the opposite sex can't bear to touch the body unintentionally.

It must be sick.

In a flash, 6 years have passed...

Seeing that Gu Yawen remained silent, Wu Ruohan smiled sourly:
"Sister, I was wrong, I went too far."

Gu Yawen hugged Wu Ruohan in her arms, tears rolled down:

"Ruohan, you're right, it's my sister who doesn't care enough about you and ignores your life.

Sister promises you, I will convince your brother-in-law..."

(End of this chapter)

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