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Chapter 424 Still Wanting to Divorce

Chapter 424 Still Wanting to Divorce

On the morning of October 10th, early in the morning, the days when Wu Ruohan and Gao Yang were glued to each other at the Lucheng Seaview Hotel were still interrupted.

Gu Yawen called: "My husband, I'm sorry, I couldn't hide the matter of Ruohan, so I had to tell my parents, my second uncle and my aunt.

Grandpa and grandmother also know.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family wants you to go back to Jinyang for the festival..."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then let's book a ticket right away."

At noon on October 10, Gao Yang and his party arrived at Jinyang Airport. Gu Yawen, Wu Peng and Jiang Bing came to pick them up at the airport.

Jiang Bing took Xu Xiaodong and Hu Chunfen to Xishan Garden to settle down. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan got into Wu Peng's car and went directly to Wu's house with Gu Yawen.

When Wu Peng saw Wu Ruohan, his expression was complicated: "You and Gao Yang have finally come to this point, Ruohan, don't make trouble anymore."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother, I haven't made trouble for a long time. Originally, I planned to marry and go to the United States next year."

Wu Peng's face darkened: "Nonsense, how could our family accept foreign devils..."

When he arrived at Wu's house, Gao Yang greeted the elders as usual, and also prepared holiday gifts bought in Lucheng.

Including the two old people, everyone's attitude was neutral, neither blame nor joy.

It's time for lunch, let's sit down to eat first, Gao Yang's parents and elder sister Gao Yue are also there.

During the meal, no one talked about Wu Ruohan and Gao Yang.

After resting for a while, Gu Yawen called Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan to the waiter.

In the room, there were Mr. and Mrs. Wu, Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan, Gao Yang's parents, and Wu Ruohan's parents.

After Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan came in, no one said a word, Wu Ruohan's face gradually turned red, and she lowered her head.

Seeing Gao Yang, he grabbed Wu Ruohan's hand, and when he was about to speak, Mr. Wu finally spoke:

"We all know about Ruohan, its cause and effect.

Xiao Gao, the elders of several families are here today. In the past two days, after discussing with us about you and Ruohan, Yawen decided to divorce you first and let you marry Ruohan.

In a few years, Yawen will remarry you again. How do you think about this matter? "

Gao Yang shook his head: "Grandpa, I can't divorce Yawen, there's no need for that. If Han wants to have a child, I'll just arrange for her to invest in Hong Kong Island in the future."

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa, my sister has already paid a lot for my affairs. I am content with being with my brother-in-law in this life and having a child for him. I can no longer let my sister sacrifice for me.

My sister and brother-in-law have always had a good relationship, and the family is happy and happy. I have affected their lives, and they shouldn't have divorced because of me. "

Mr. Wu sighed: "Xiao Gao, if Ruohan is like this, speaking of it, she was spoiled by us when she was a child, and now, if she wants to live with you, so be it.

Such a thing would have been nothing a few decades ago, but the times are different now, and if the name is not right, the words are not right.

You have always been a prudent person. I heard that you are now a well-known person in the whole country. When it comes to Ruohan, you should not be arrogant and act according to the opinions of your elders and Yawen.

From now on, how you, Ruohan, and Yawen will live is your own choice.

However, if Han wants to have a baby, he should not engage in investment immigration. It is better to solve it as a formal husband and wife. "

The old lady persuaded: "Xiao Gao, your grandfather and I were really shocked when we found out what Ruohan had been hiding all these years.

Ruohan, this child, is good at everything, but he got into a blind alley emotionally, and he was so stubborn that he developed into what he is now.

Up to now, it's not that Ruohan absolutely needs a title, but that this arrangement is the most appropriate.

For this matter, it is our Wu family that owes Yawen and you.

I heard from Yawen and Wu Lan that you have a very good relationship with Yawen, and you haven't been promiscuous outside these years. You are very self-disciplined and work hard.

If Ruohan got sick because of her feelings for you, you and Yawen are willing to do this for her. As a grandmother, I also want to thank you.

It's just that this matter, after all, involves the Gao family, the Gu family and the Wu family. You are still young, and you can live quietly behind closed doors. It's just that such an idea is immature and inappropriate.

Your children will grow up in the future. If Ruohan gives birth to a child with you privately, how will they, brothers and sisters, understand every day in the future, and how will your and Ruohan's children grow up normally?
You and the child, how will you face the crowd in the future..."

Gao Yang said: "Grandpa, grandma, since I have accepted Ruohan, I will treat her sincerely and be responsible to her. It's just that I really can't accept a divorce from Yawen, even if it's just a temporary arrangement. It's not me Ruthless, if Han chooses this kind of life, then she should admit it."

Gu Yawen walked up to Gao Yang, and whispered: "Husband, I have nothing to do, just listen to the arrangement at home, okay?"

Gao Yang still shook his head, Wu Ruohan also said: "Sister, I don't need it, you really don't need to divorce your brother-in-law."

Neither Gao Yang's parents nor Gu Yawen's parents expressed their opinions.

Last spring, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen staged a play in front of the family and made a fake divorce, but now it is about to become real.

Wu Lan suddenly sighed: "Gao Yang, the matter between you and Ruohan has been discussed by the elders in the family. You are still young, and the elders think about problems longer than you young people.

Your grandparents are getting old, and our generation is getting old too.

With your ability, in the future, you will be the backbone of the new generation of this big family. Yawen herself is willing to give in this way, and I, a mother, don't have any objections. Don't be stubborn about this matter.

If Han wants to have a child, she should also have a child, but she must have a status, and this is also related to your own future..."

Seeing that Gao Yang was still unwilling to let go, Wu Ruohan's father, Wu Guanghua, frowned and greeted: "Gao Yang, Yawen, Ruohan, come with me."

The three of Gao Yang followed Wu Guanghua to the study, while Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen hurried to make tea.

Wu Guanghua, who seldom smokes, took out a pack of cigarettes, opened it, handed one to Gao Yang, and lit a cigarette himself.

Wu Guanghua sighed: "Gao Yang, the matter between Ruohan and you, the elders in the family, after understanding the cause and effect, the matter has come to this point, and they all recognize and agree.

How you live in the future is your own business. You and Ruohan's arrangement to get married and have children must be taken seriously.

It's not that our Wu family wants to force you to give Ruohan a title. First of all, it's about yourself and your career future.

Your household registration is still in Jinyang. Because of the success and reputation of the 51 Group, the leader of the CPPCC in the city suggested to me that you should be added as a member of the Jinyang CPPCC.

Your public image cannot be lost because of these family affairs, do you understand? "

Gao Yang said: "Second uncle, the CPPCC in Mentougou also approached me, I don't want to think about these things yet."

Wu Guanghua frowned: "You are a talent who came from Jinyang. You invested in an orchard in Renshui Township, and you attracted donations to solve the renovation and expansion of Anren Road. The local people all miss you.

You care about the development of your hometown, and the future development of Jinyang also requires your suggestions.

If you have such ability, you should work hard to take corresponding responsibilities, and you should not refuse the CPPCC's proposal.

In this way, it is also beneficial for you to continue to develop the business of 51 Group in the future.

If Han wants to live with you, then you need to have a marriage relationship. When dealing with family issues, remember not to be arrogant. "

Gu Yawen also persuaded: "Gao Yang, let's just listen to the second uncle's arrangement, shall we?"

Gao Yang stubbed out a cigarette, lit another, and after smoking half a cigarette, he nodded and said: "Okay, Second Uncle, I agree..."

Gao Yang also knew that this arrangement was the most appropriate, but psychologically, he really didn't want to divorce Gu Yawen.

Such a good wife, divorced, even if it is only a short-term arrangement, the marriage in this life will become imperfect.

Afterwards, several people returned to the waiter. After Gao Yang said that he agreed to divorce Gu Yawen for a short time, the old man and the old lady breathed a sigh of relief.

The elders in the family were worried that Gao Yang would be stubborn on this matter.

Compared with the private life between men and women, the future of the entire family is more important, and Gao Yang is obviously the pillar of the younger generation of the three families.

As Wu Guanghua explained, at least in name, Gao Yang cannot seriously lose points in his social image.

The matter of Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, especially when they have children in the future, cannot be completely hidden.

Once married, it's completely different.

Gao Yang's parents couldn't understand these things, although they felt sorry for Gao Yang and Gu Yawen's divorce, they were also happy for having an extra daughter-in-law.

It is also something to be happy about having another grandson or granddaughter soon.

In the evening, it was Mid-Autumn Festival night. The old villa of the Wu family was brightly lit in the dining room. Two tables of Mid-Autumn Festival banquets were set up. Mr. Wu drank three glasses of wine with a smile on his face.

The whole family had a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

After the meal, Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu summoned Gao Yang, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan.

The old lady said: "Ruohan, after Yawen and Xiao Gao get a divorce, you and Xiao Gao will apply for a marriage certificate. According to your grandfather and your father's wishes, you don't need to hold a wedding, and the family will eat together at that time." A meal is a celebration for you.

Ruohan, Yawen and Xiaogao have been worrying about you for these years. You and Xiaogao are married, so you can live a stable life and stop thinking about it. Can you do it? "

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandma, Grandpa, I understand, this arrangement is good enough, I don't need any wedding."

The old lady said: "It's good that you understand. When the time comes, you and Xiao Gao will spend a honeymoon in the name of traveling and getting married."

In the end, the two old people left Gu Yawen alone again, and said a lot of comforting words.

Wu Ruohan walked out of the house with Gao Yang on her arm: "Brother-in-law, I will stay at home tonight, let my sister accompany you to spend a good Mid-Autumn Festival night, okay?"

Gao Yang said: "Okay, that's it."

It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening, in Xishan Garden, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen sat hugging each other on the roof terrace.

In the sky, a full moon cast bright and clear moonlight on the two of them.

Gao Yang suddenly sighed: "Unexpectedly, I still have to divorce you, life is not perfect."

Gu Yawen said: "Husband, marriage is just a formality. Our hearts are always together, that's enough. I really don't care."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, I understand, in this life, I will never let you go, it's just a little unhappy."

Gu Yawen hooked Gao Yang's neck, and the two kissed each other longer than ever.

Just like the New Year's Eve 5 years ago, it seemed that time no longer existed...

(End of this chapter)

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