Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 426 She Is My Girlfriend

Chapter 426 She Is My Girlfriend

Shao Hanyun opened the door of Wu Ruohan's office:

"Ruohan, what do you want from me?"

Wu Ruohan waved: "Hanyun, come and sit first."

Shao Hanyun used to sit next to Wu Ruohan, and Wu Ruohan found a few photos on the computer:
"Xunyun, this foreigner, how do you feel?"

Shao Hanyun took a serious look: "He's pretty handsome, who is this guy?"

"His name is Jack Dorsey, one of the main founders of Twitter, American.

Connotation, Twitter is a social product similar to 51 Weibo, and it was launched ten days later than 51 Weibo.

Last month, I went on a business trip to the United States, and I had an important task, which was to help my brother-in-law invest in Twitter.

We invested 400 million US dollars in Twitter through the android company, and got 60% of the company's equity.

Twitter is a start-up company in Silicon Valley, and its current development is very average. However, my brother-in-law is very optimistic. He believes that Twitter has great potential for development in the future, and it will not be much worse than our 51 Weibo.

The product concept of Twitter was inspired by Dorsey. Dorsey is a programming expert. My brother-in-law spoke highly of him, saying that he is very talented and will definitely achieve great achievements in the future.

Dorsey is 30 years old this year, he likes Chinese culture, has a good personality, and is a good person, and he is still single now..."

Shao Hanyun smiled and said, "Ruohan, this handsome foreign guy is your favorite."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Ruohan whispered: "I already have a boyfriend, that is my brother-in-law. Now, only you know about the whole company, don't spread it, you know?"

"Ah, you finally told Mr. Gao..."

Shao Hanyun was stunned, and finally understood why Gao Yang suddenly announced within the company that he and Gu Yawen were divorced.

Wu Ruohan said: "Hanyun, I told you not to spread the word, did you hear me?"

Shao Hanyun woke up startled, and hurriedly said: "I know, Ruohan, when will you make your relationship public?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Maybe after a while, don't talk about me anymore, I want to introduce Dorsey to you, are you interested?"

Shao Hanyun smiled and said, "Ruohan, how do I know him who is far away across the ocean?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Dorsey will visit and communicate with 51 Group at the end of the year or early next year. His computer has 51talk installed, and you can communicate with him on 51talk first.

However, Dorsey lives in San Francisco, near Silicon Valley, which has a 16-hour time difference from ours.

If you chat online, there will always be one person who will be late at night. "

Shao Hanyun thought about it: "Ruohan, is this foreigner really as good as you say?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sure, don't you believe my brother-in-law's vision?
Of course, whether Dorsey is good or not, you only have to get in touch, and it is best to judge for yourself.I still have a good impression of him. "

Shao Hanyun smiled and said, "Ruohan, if this foreigner is really as good as you say, he might not be able to take a fancy to me, right?"

"Stupid, are you..."

Wu Ruohan rolled her eyes:
"Fortunately, you are still my brother-in-law's assistant, and you don't even have this little self-confidence, so all these two years have been for nothing?
Connotation, Dorsey is indeed talented, but Twitter is now just an insignificant small company in Silicon Valley, and 51 Group is more than a hundred times stronger than it.

The 51 Weibo project is now more than a hundred times stronger than Twitter.

who are you?

You are the assistant to the chairman of the 51 Group, the director of the president's office, and you have been studying with my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law praised you for growing fast enough, and I plan to arrange for you to be the vice president of 51 Weibo.

When you were in college, didn't you want to study in the United States?

If you really went to the United States back then, would you feel inferior in front of foreigners? "

Being criticized by Wu Ruohan, Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "Ruohan, you are right, I am the assistant of President Gao."

Wu Ruohan just nodded and smiled in satisfaction: "Hanyun, how does my brother-in-law treat you?"

Shao Hanyun put away his smile and looked serious: "Ruohan, without Mr. Gao, I would not be where I am today. The luckiest thing for me is that I was selected as Mr. Gao's assistant. If society is also a university, then Mr. Gao He is my most respected mentor."

Wu Ruohan said: "Yuan, if you are willing to go to the United States to develop and settle in the United States, I will introduce Dorsey to you.

Of course, I'm not La Langpei, it depends on whether you have feelings with him and whether you can get together.

If you really have a relationship with Dorsey, when you marry to the United States, I will arrange for you to take up more important positions in two companies, Android and Twitter.

My brother-in-law, including 51 Group, will use these two companies as the main platform to invest in overseas markets in the future.

If you can be loyal to my brother-in-law like you are now, then we hope that you can grow into a female general and help us control overseas investment..."

Shao Hanyun suddenly looked solemn: "Ruohan, thank you and Mr. Gao for trusting me so much. I also hope to have a relationship with this Mr. Dorsey. Looking at his photos and the situation you introduced, I have a good impression of him. .

However, if I miss him, I can take the TOEFL test again, study in the US, try to get a green card, and settle in the US. I will work hard to complete the tasks you and Mr. Gao have given. "

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Well, Hanyun, I will pass your 51talk account to Dorsey, if he is willing to communicate with you online, then you can become netizens first.

I suggest that you choose an English name. In addition, it is best to enroll in an intensive oral English training class. You must work hard to pass the oral English.

My sister's oral English is very good, you can also ask her to help you.

In addition, without considering Dorsey's factors, if you really want to live in the United States and don't have to worry about studying abroad, I will discuss with my brother-in-law and help you arrange investment immigration..."

Shao Hanyun said solemnly: "Okay, I will definitely work hard."

After talking with Shao Hanyun, Wu Ruohan went to report to Gao Yang again.

After listening, Gao Yang couldn't help but smile: "Ruohan, why do I feel like you are taking advantage of Yunyun?"

Wu Ruohan curled her lips: "Brother-in-law, I am encouraging her. Hanyun is capable and loyal to you. She herself also wanted to live in the United States. If she can achieve good things with Dorsey again, it will be good for us and Hanyun. It's the best arrangement."

Gao Yang pulled Wu Ruohan over, kissed her, and said with a smile: "Ruohan, you are much more mature than the previous two years, if Hanyun is willing to live in America, you can consider it this way.

Originally, I planned to put her in 51 Weibo as the vice president next year, so let’s make arrangements in advance so that Hanyun will start to perform her duties at 51 Weibo next week. In this way, there will be ties between her and Dorsey. More conversation topics..."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said: "This arrangement is just right, then I will tell Dorsey and introduce a new beautiful vice president of 51 Weibo to him."

During this period of time, Liu Li and Liu Yifei, mother and daughter, have been living in Wu Ruohan's No. 7 villa, living in seclusion, and eating with Gao Yang's family every day.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen's divorce, the next day, Liu Li's mother and daughter knew about it, but Gao Yang came back from get off work every day, and still lived with Gu Yawen's family, and even lived in Villa No. 5.

Although Liu Li and Liu Yifei felt amazing, they were not good at gossiping or asking anything.

The life of the family did not seem to have changed, and Wu Lan would not take the initiative to discuss this matter with Liu Li.

In the company, although the news of Gao Yang and Gu Yawen's divorce was only announced internally to dozens of executives, there was no way to hide it.

In just two or three days, the way some young girls in the company looked at Gao Yang changed and became hotter.

Just after returning to work on October 10th, Gao Yang simply pulled Wu Ruohan to stand in a large office area of ​​the company: "Let me introduce to you, Wu Ruohan is my girlfriend now, please don't gossip about my private affairs behind my back..."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yang pulled the blushing Wu Ruohan back to his office, leaving behind his eyeballs that fell to the ground.

It's amazing, the boss just left, and turned around and fell in love with my sister-in-law.

Just now, Wu Ruohan's chest was also throbbing in an instant. She never expected that Gao Yang would announce the relationship between the two so quickly and in such a way.

After returning home from get off work at night, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan lived in Villa No. 7 for the first time.

Liu Li and Liu Yifei, the mother and daughter who lived together in this villa, were also dumbfounded.

In the morning of the next day, Wu Ruohan and Gu Yawen didn't go to work in the company, but arranged for manpower to decorate Gao Yang's study in Villa No. 7.

Liu Yifei still couldn't hold back, took a chance, pulled Gu Yawen aside, and whispered: "Sister, Brother Yang and Second Sister last night..."

Gu Yawen said: "Yifei, your second sister is Gao Yang's girlfriend now, so don't gossip about these things, okay?"

Gao Yang announced his love relationship with Wu Ruohan in the company yesterday, and officially cohabited with Wu Ruohan in the evening. Firstly, he didn’t want to hide anything, and secondly, Gu Yawen’s menstrual period had come, so Gao Yang was not allowed to accompany him anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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