Chapter 429
After returning home, the three of Gao Yang asked Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong for their opinions. Wu Lan also felt that it would be very good if he could buy a complete courtyard house.

Once the gate of the courtyard is closed, it is the best private living environment.

Looking for a suitable courtyard house, Gu Yawen decided to hand it over to Zhang Miao, the general manager of Yueju Company. The requirement is that it has an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, has completely independent property rights, and can be traded as soon as possible.

After discussing this matter, Gu Yawen immediately called Zhang Miao to arrange the matter.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan changed into sports clothes, and Liu Yifei went out for a run together, followed by two security guards, a man and a woman, mainly to prevent anyone from getting too close and recognize Liu Yifei.

Even when Liu Yifei ran at night, she could only wear sunglasses.

After running for more than 50 minutes, he achieved the effect of sweating. After returning home, Gao Yang went to live in Wu Ruohan's No. 7 villa as usual.

Gao Yang finished rinsing, put on his nightgown, and sat in the study reading as usual, Wu Ruohan was also sitting next to him, flipping through books on financial derivatives trading brought back from the United States.

Liu Yifei knocked on the door suddenly and came in. Gao Yang closed the book and asked with a smile, "Yifei, what's the matter?"

Liu Yifei sat down, hesitated a little, and said, "Brother Yang, the TV Art Festival will open on the 28th of this month. Originally, I wanted to invite you and my sister to be guests of the family and friends group. Now... my sister can still go Will the second sister go or not?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and asked, "Yifei, have you asked Yawen?"

Liu Yifei said: "My sister said she won't go, I suggest you go with the second sister."

Gao Yang looked at Wu Ruohan, Wu Ruohan shook his head and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm not going either, the 28th happens to be Saturday, why don't you let Xiaoyue go with you."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then arrange it like this."

Liu Yifei hurriedly said: "Thank you Brother Yang and Second Sister, I'll rest first, good night."

After Liu Yifei left, Gao Yang asked: "Ruohan, your sister doesn't want to go, why don't you either?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, I'll be at home on weekends, help take care of Yaoyao and Shitou, let Auntie have a rest, and let Xiaoyue accompany you, okay?"

Gao Yang nodded with a smile, Wu Ruohan wanted to stay at home, and also wanted to accompany Gu Yawen.

Liu Yifei turned around and found Liu Li again, Liu Li said: "Yifei, Gao Yang is willing to help you, it's already very good, Yawen's current situation, you must not disturb her..."

After 10 o'clock in the evening, it's time to rest again.

Wu Ruohan's personality is very different from Gu Yawen's. Gu Yawen is as tender as water, while Wu Ruohan is as passionate as fire.

Wu Ruohan, who finally bloomed at the age of 26, when she was lingering, her face of incomparable joy also infected Gao Yang.

After the tenderness, Wu Ruohan was in Gao Yang's arms: "Brother-in-law, I checked the information and found that sea cucumbers are rich in nutrients and are very nourishing for your men. I often make sea cucumbers for you, okay?"

Gao Yang slapped Wu Ruohan's face: "I have a body like this, do I need to mend it? Random mending will be harmful instead of beneficial."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Then let's go to a professional doctor for consultation, shall we?"

Gao Yang tapped Wu Ruohan on the forehead: "I want to go by yourself, I don't want to..."

After Zhang Miao received Gu Yawen's instructions to arrange to find a courtyard house, he searched the database of for housing listings that night. However, there were several courtyard houses listed for transfer in, but the largest area was only about 600 square meters, which could not reach Gu Yawen. requirements.

On October 10, Zhang Miao put down his work and drove to visit the house in person.

There used to be tens of thousands of courtyard houses in the old capital city. After decades of old city renovation, they are now scarce resources.

They are mainly distributed in the east and west cities within the second ring road, such as Dashilan, Houhai, and Nanluoguxiang. The old alleys and courtyard houses are relatively concentrated. Zhang Miao ran for two days, but couldn't find a suitable one.

The vast majority of courtyard houses are public houses, with very few private houses, and some of them are actually large courtyard houses with very complicated property rights.

On the morning of October 10, Zhang Miao finally found a quadrangle courtyard with independent property rights that was listed for sale in Yaer Hutong in Shichahai, named Linhai Courtyard.

After Zhang Miao went to visit the site, he got the information and looked at it carefully, and was stunned: "The total price is too high for such a large area..."

After running for nearly four days, Zhang Miao finally found a courtyard house under transfer that could meet Gu Yawen's requirements.

I had no choice but to go back to the Weber Building and report to Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen read the courtyard house information given by Zhang Miao, and frowned slightly: "3000 square meters, 1.1 million quotations, sister Miao, is there no courtyard house in the early 1000 square meters?"

Zhang Miao said: "Mr. Gu, over the past few years, there have been large-scale renovations of the old city, and there are not many courtyard houses in stock, and most of them are public housing and cultural protection housing, about 1000 square meters, with completely independent property rights, almost none.

The size of this courtyard house is indeed too large, but the location is really good, the door is Shichahai, and it is located at the entrance of an alley. It is difficult to find a courtyard house for sale in such a location in the whole city.

Because the total price is very high, it has been listed for more than 4 months, and there are many people who have seen it, but almost no one can afford it. "

Gu Yawen thought about it: "Let's go, let's go to Gao Yang for help."

Looking for Mr. Gao, haven't you all left already?

Although Zhang Miao was full of suspicion, it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so he followed Gu Yawen to Gao Yang's office.

At this time, Wu Ruohan was looking at stocks in Gao Yang's office.

Gu Yawen said: "Gao Yang, Ruohan, Sister Miao helped me find a courtyard house that is being transferred. The location is very good, but the area is too large, and the total price exceeds [-] million..."

Zhang Miao stood in front of the large map hanging on the wall:
"President Gao, Ruohan, let me tell you about the position first.

This courtyard house covers a really large area, a total of 3028 square meters, but the location is really good.

Facing south, facing the sun and facing the water, it is adjacent to Houhai Huanhu Road, the main entrance is facing Houhai, the east side is the Hutong entrance, and the west side is the courtyard of the National Religious Affairs Bureau.

This area, called Houhai Beiyan, is the area with the best view of Shichahai.

The owner quoted 1.1 million yuan, and the unit price was in the early 3.6 yuan. The unit price is actually not outrageous, but the main total price is too high, and the buyer is very picky.

Mortgage loans are not allowed for the transfer of the courtyard house, and full payment is required, so the buyer is very selective..."

Gao Yang stood in front of the map, looked at it for a while, and his heart became hot instantly. The courtyard house in this location must be a masterpiece in the future.

After watching for a while, Gao Yang made up his mind and asked, "Sister Miao, did you communicate directly with the owner?"

Zhang Miao shook his head: "No, it's a high-end intermediary company specializing in courtyard houses, Mr. Gao, if you buy this courtyard house, I estimate that the agency fee will be at least 300 million.

In addition, I went in and looked at the site. The building is relatively old. If you want to live in it and spend money on decoration, it is estimated that the decoration cost will cost tens of millions.

I have learned that there are detailed city appearance requirements for the renovation and decoration of courtyard houses..."

Gao Yang nodded: "Let's go, let's go to see the scene first..."

(End of this chapter)

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