Chapter 443

On December 12, the police notified the case of Liu Li, Liu Yifei, and Gao Yang being slandered by fabricated rumors. The 1 people involved, led by Jin Fei, were all detained.

Now that the truth is revealed, Liu Yifei's popularity has soared again. 51 Weibo and 51 Renren have a total of more than 2800 million fans, far ahead.

The popularity is also the highest among celebrities on the entire network, and the image of the fairy sister and the golden eagle goddess once again stood up.

51 Entertainment Company, under the management of Liu Li, has already started to operate. The company has more than a dozen employees, who are temporarily serving Liu Yifei alone.

Liu Yifei also started to participate in commercial activities normally, took some commercials, and signed endorsement contracts with other companies.

Coke, Pepsi, Adidas, Nike, LV, Hermes, Johnson & Johnson...

Many international big brands have come to talk to Liu Yifei about image endorsement or advertising cooperation.

The Jade Girl star has become very popular, making many colleagues jealous.

For Liu Yifei's business cooperation, Liu Li was managing an entertainment company for the first time, so she would also communicate with Gao Yang and ask for his opinion.

Gao Yang just told Liu Li to let it go.

On December 12rd, Sunday, Gao Yang, who has been eating sea cucumbers every day recently, had some tenderness with Gu Yawen in the afternoon, and fell asleep hugging each other.

It was almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Yawen blew on Gao Yang's face, and Gao Yang woke up immediately.

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Get up quickly, people from the construction company have made an appointment to come over at 3:[-]."

Gao Yang got up quickly, and after a brief wash, the two of them rushed to the opposite villa No. 7. In Gao Yang's study, they received a visit from a top courtyard renovation and construction company called Qianjing Zhuju, and initially discussed the renovation plan of the Houhai courtyard.

The transfer of property rights of this old courtyard house, which cost nearly 1.2 million yuan, has been completed for several days.

Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, and Wu Ruohan sat in the study for a while, and at 3:[-] in the afternoon, the people from Qianjing Zhuju arrived on time.

Two people came, one was the general manager of the company named Wang Kun, and the other was a designer named Chen Yuanzhen. Both of them looked about 50 years old.

Gu Yawen had met these two people before, after introducing them to Gao Yang, Wang Kun introduced:
"Mr. Gao, the renovation of the courtyard requires that the existing architectural form and style of the Chinese courtyard must be preserved. On this premise, please talk about your specific ideas and needs."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Can it be designed as two floors on the ground, plus a basement?"

Wang Kun replied: "As long as the architectural style is preserved, it is no problem to transform the ground into two or three floors, and then excavate the basement, which meets the policy requirements."

Gao Yang said: "Then I will talk about the overall requirements.

First of all, the service life of the building should be designed according to 80 or even 100 years.

Secondly, in the selection of building materials, environmental protection is required.

For interior decoration and living facilities, a combination of Chinese and Western elements can be considered to facilitate life.

The master bedroom is considered to be designed as 8 rooms and 12 guest rooms.

For other functional rooms, such as reception room, study room, tea room, gym, leisure room, children's room, etc., you propose design proposals.

Overall, the total area of ​​this courtyard is 3028 square meters, the courtyard area can be considered 40% or even 50%, and the rest is the building use area.

Also consider building a pool.

The design of the basement is mainly an underground garage and a wine storage room, the wine storage room is divided into white wine and red wine..."

After hearing Gao Yang's request, the designer Chen Yuanzhen said:

"Mr. Gao, for the basement design, it is recommended to adopt a steel-concrete structure.

For ground buildings, considering the service life and architectural shape, it is recommended to adopt an all-wood structure, and use relatively top-grade wood.

However, the cost of such a project will be very high. For example, the supporting wooden column should be 8 to 10 meters high and 50 cm to 60 cm in diameter.

The supporting wooden pillars of the main room can be considered to be close to 10 meters high, and the height of the wing rooms can be considered to be 8 meters.

There is almost no such wood in the domestic market. It is best to go to Southeast Asia to import tropical native wood, plus taxes and transportation fees. After a comprehensive calculation, according to the current market price, the purchase price is 2.5 yuan per cubic meter.

It is also recommended to use this kind of wood for other wood materials.

It is estimated that it will cost about 1 million yuan just for the purchase of wood..."

Gao Yang said: "Teacher Chen, according to your suggestion, first design the project and make a budget for the project cost. When your budget comes out, we will hire a third-party agency to calculate it. If the cost is reasonable, there will be no problem.

We spent a lot of money to renovate and renovate this courtyard in order to live in comfort, privacy, and to pass on to generations. "

Wang Kun was overjoyed immediately, this is a rich man who is really not short of money, no wonder he can spend more than 1 million yuan to buy such a unique courtyard house.

Wang Kun hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, please rest assured that our company has a history of more than 20 years, and has renovated more than 60 courtyard houses. In the circle of the capital, both professional qualifications and service reputation are top-notch.

While striving to meet customer needs and ensure project quality, Qianjingzhuju has always insisted on earning reasonable profits and building a brand image and service reputation. "

Gao Yang nodded: "How long will it take for the transformation of this courtyard house from design, construction to delivery?"

Wang Kun said: "Mr. Gao, we can complete the design plan in one to one and a half months, and it will be confirmed by Mr. Gao.

Then the focus is on wood procurement. If the project funds can be in place in time, the ground will be broken in late February next year, and delivery can be guaranteed by the end of the year. "

Gao Yang said: "President Wang, then you can arrange a design and renovation plan. Let me emphasize one more point, please keep our personal information confidential, and the same is true within your company."

Wang Kun hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, please rest assured, we have signed a confidentiality agreement with Mr. Gu.

In the courtyard renovation industry, many customers have such requirements. Our project has a strict confidentiality system, and only a few people know customer information.

Since the establishment of Qianjingzhuju, there has never been any leakage of customer information. It is impossible for us to make fun of our own jobs. "

Gao Yang just nodded and smiled, expressing his belief.

Later, Wang Kun and Wang Kun left, full of joy.

Such a large project is rare in ten years. Taking this large order is estimated to be able to support the company's business volume for three years.

In the study, Gu Yawen said worriedly: "Husband, if according to what the designer said just now, the purchase of wood alone will cost hundreds of millions, then after the renovation of this yard, maybe two or three hundred million will not be enough?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yawen, as long as they can design well and ensure the quality of the project, money is not a problem. What we want is a big house that can be passed down for generations. It is worth spending a little more money."

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Sister, don't worry, in the eyes of brother-in-law, money is never a problem."

(End of this chapter)

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