Chapter 445
On December 12, the Winter Solstice Festival, Wu Xiaoyue also went home to celebrate the festival in the evening.

The family, plus Liu Li's mother and daughter, two nannies, and six security personnel gathered around two tables in the restaurant of Villa No. 5, eating steaming hot mutton soup pot.

Gao Yang toasted the father-in-law, Gu Wenlong, with a glass of wine: "Dad, our company will hold a forum event at Xiaotangshan Hot Spring Resort tomorrow, and the family will go to have fun together, so you can go too."

Gu Wenlong nodded: "There is nothing to do this weekend, let's go."

Gu Yawen said: "Dad, the company's activities will start tomorrow afternoon. The day after tomorrow happens to be Tiantian's 4th birthday. At noon, we will celebrate his birthday at the hot spring villa."

Gu Wenlong nodded and smiled: "Time flies so fast, I turn 4 every day."

Wu Lan also smiled and said, "That's right, when Tian Tian turns 4 years old, he can go to elementary school the next year."

Gao Yang said: "Mom, the primary school recruits new students next year, and they are under 6 years old every day. It's not good to go to school too early, it's better to be a year late."

Wu Landao: "The kindergarten teachers say that every day is smart, and I can go to elementary school in 08."

Gu Yawen hurriedly said: "Mom, I think the same as Gao Yang, Tian Tian is still young, I can go to kindergarten for another year."

Wu Landao: "This year, preschools have been completely closed in the city, and their kindergartens have also been closed every day."

Gao Yang said: "When the time comes, let Tian Tian go to the big class for an extra year. For some necessary preschool education, tutoring at home is the same..."

Speaking of this matter, the family discussed for a while, and decided to let Tian Tian go to the kindergarten class for an extra year. On weekends and holidays, Gu Yawen, Wu Xiaoyue, Wu Ruohan, including Jiang Xue who will come to the capital, can teach some preschool education knowledge .

With the daily teachings of the three sisters Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue, Tiantian is now able to carry out daily English conversations relatively fluently.

Under Wu Lan's guidance, he memorized more than 100 Tang poems every day, as well as the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic. Gao Yang was very pleased with this.

Compared with the mother-in-law and Gu Yawen, Gao Yang spent much less time on educating the children.

After resting at night, Gao Yang stayed at Villa No. 5 to accompany Gu Yawen. After warming up, Gu Yawen joked: "Me and Ruohan, who is better?"

Gao Yang said: "Do you have to make a comparison?"

Gu Yawen smiled delicately: "I want to know."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Both of you are good, if you have to make a comparison, then you are Mudan and Ruohan is Camellia."

Gu Yawen laughed and said, "Why do you say that?"

Gao Yang said: "The peony is noble and elegant, yet charming, very similar to your personality. The camellia blooms in the high mountains, lonely and pure, persistent and unrestrained, very similar to Ruohan's temperament."

Gu Yawen thought about it, and said with a smile: "It makes sense, Ruohan has exactly such a character and temperament..."

On Saturday, December 12, Gao Yang's family drove to the hot spring resort in the afternoon.

The first investment forum of 51 opened at 3:10 p.m., and a total of 51 big V users of [-] Stock Bar were invited as guest speakers.

In the evening, there will be cultural performances, and Liu Yifei and Zhang Hangying will perform on stage.

Because the child was going to take a nap, Gao Yang and his party arrived at the hot spring hotel at 1:[-] noon.

In public, Gu Yawen is an ex-wife, so it is not appropriate to have an intimate relationship with Gao Yang.

Wu Ruohan is Gao Yang's public girlfriend. After getting off the car, she took Gao Yang's arm and checked into a suite with Gao Yang.

Gao Yang took a lunch break for an hour and a half, and went to the forum event site with Wu Ruohan.

Gu Yawen, together with Wu Lan and others, wanted to take the children to the hot spring to play in the water.

The large conference hall that can accommodate 600 people has already seated no less than 500 people.

As soon as Gao Yang appeared, Fang Siwen and Yuan Ye hurried over to report.

Yuan Ye said: "Mr. Gao, there are estimated to be more than 100 people participating in today's event. Most of them came from the capital and surrounding cities, and they are not in the list of 300 users who signed up."

Fang Siwen said: "Mr. Gao, the visitor is a guest. I suggest that we prepare 12 more tables for dinner, and arrange for these users who are not on the recruitment list to have dinner together."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "You can arrange it. This year is the first forum of 51 Fortune. The atmosphere at the event site is a little more lively, which is pretty good. Brother Lei and Brother Yan, are they here?"

Fang Siwen said: "Here we are, Mr. Fang and Mr. He will accompany you in the VIP room."

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan followed Fang Siwen to the VIP room, and upon entering the door, Ding Lei, Li Yan, Liu Dong and Zou Hongwei were all there.

Fang Jian and He Guangwen are accompanying the guests.

Gao Yang clasped his fists: "I'm late, I'm sorry, I came here at noon and rested in the hotel for two hours."

"Understand, understand..."

Ding Lei and the others responded with a smile, all with eyes that "men can understand".

Wu Ruohan blushed slightly, greeted them one by one, sat down with Gao Yang, and chatted with them.

In fact, Gao Yang didn't indulge in the gentleness every day, just now in the hotel room, he really took a lunch break.

Ding Lei smiled and said, "Gao Yang, Fang Jian said just now that 51 Fortune's revenue will exceed 3000 million this year. Congratulations, this project will be a success soon."

Gao Yang said: "As soon as 51 Fortune went online, it happened to catch up with a bull market. Users developed rapidly, advertisements also came in quickly, and value-added services such as stock software also developed very well. If it encounters a bear market, the situation may be completely different. It's the same."

Li Yandao: "Gao Yang, I think you have a better vision. The last project of 51 Group was successful, which is a miracle."

He Guangwen smiled and said, "Brother Yan, 51 Assistant has grown rapidly since its launch. In just two months, the number of users has already exceeded 500 million."

Fang Jiandao: "51 Group's fastest growing revenue this year is 51 City, which is expected to exceed 4 million..."

Everyone gathered together, and naturally chatted about the inner circle.

In the past, Gao Yang had a party of three with Ding Lei and Li Yan, but now with Liu Dong and Zou Hongwei joining, it has become a party of five.

Later, Fang Siwen brought another guest, but it was Xu Xin, the boss of Venture Capital Today.

As soon as Xu Xin entered the room, she smiled and said, "Fortunately, I'm not late. I'll go here as soon as I get off the plane..."

At 3:25, Yuan Ye came over to invite everyone to take a seat at the venue. At this time, the conference hall was densely packed with people.

At 3:51, [-] Fortune's first annual investment forum kicked off.

As the CEO, Fang Siwen presided over it together with Huang Yufei, Deputy Director of the Investment Department of the Group.

After the opening remarks, Huang Yufei introduced the first guest speaker:
"Today, the first guest speaker to share his investment philosophy is 51 Stock Bar, which has over one million followers and is currently the only ID with one million fans [I'm really not a stock god].

[I'm really not a stock god] is a lady, she is the director of the investment department of 51 Group, Miss Wu Ruohan..."

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and many people whistled directly. No one thought that this great god was actually an executive in charge of the investment business of 51 Group.

The ID "I'm really not a stock god" was originally registered by Gao Yang himself, which predicted the bull market of the stock reform and the bottom of the stock index.

Later, this ID will be handed over to Wu Ruohan. Wu Ruohan also regularly posts firm offers under this ID. For more than a year, the rate of return of firm offers has exceeded 23 times. Except for a few powerful board users, such a rate of return is impressive. Hard to come by.

Wu Ruohan came to the stage with a smile on her face, and the audience applauded once again.

No one thought that this female stock god was a beautiful woman with a super good looks, elegant demeanor, calm and confident, so charming...

(End of this chapter)

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