Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 447 Twitter Visitors

Chapter 447 Twitter Visitors
On December 12, after 28 p.m., 3-year-old Jack Dorsey and his Twitter entrepreneurial partner, 30-year-old Biz Stone, took a nearly 26-hour transoceanic flight and arrived in the capital of Huaxia. Airport.

"Oh, that's Jessica!"

When the two walked to the exit, the tall Jack Dorsey immediately saw Shao Hanyun holding a sign with his and Biz Stone's names on it.

The two have been netizens on 51talk for almost 3 months, often video chatting, and are already very familiar with each other.

Jessica is the English name Shao Hanyun chose for herself.

"Jessica, this is Biz, Biz Stone."

Dorsey introduced his partner to Shao Hanyun. Shao Hanyun smiled enthusiastically, stretched out his jade hand, and shook lightly with Biz Stone: "Mr. Stone, welcome."

Then, Shao Hanyun introduced Li Qin, Gao Yang's assistant, to the two guests.

Dorsey and Stone followed the two women out of the airport, and a Mercedes-Benz business car and a Mercedes-Benz G drove over.

On the big G of the Mercedes-Benz, a man and a woman came down quickly, it was Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan.

Wu Ruohan smiled: "Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Stone, welcome. This is the founder of 51 Group, Mr. Gao Yang. He is also my boyfriend."

"Mr. Gao, hello."

Dorsey did not expect that Gao Yang would come to the airport to greet him in person. He said something in Chinese that was a bit awkward, and hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands warmly.

Dorsey was also a little confused, Wu Ruohan had said before that Gao Yang was her brother-in-law, how did she become her boyfriend?
It turned out that this mysterious Mr. Gao was the beloved man Wu Ruohan had mentioned.

Gao Yang held Dorsey's hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Dorsey, you speak Chinese well."

Wu Ruohan immediately translated. After listening to Dorsey, Dorsey replied: "Jessica taught me. I am trying to learn Chinese from her, but Chinese is very difficult. I can only say a few greetings."

After listening to Wu Ruohan's translation, Gao Yang smiled again: "Mr. Dorsey, if you want to learn Chinese, there will always be a day when you can speak Chinese. I heard that you like Chinese culture, and learning Chinese will make it easier for you to understand China's 5000-year cultural history."

After listening to Wu Ruohan's translation, Dorsey said: "Yes, I now study Chinese for one to two hours every day."

Gao Yang chatted with Biz Stone for a few more words, and then the group got into the car and went into the city.

Dorsey and Stone were sent to the Friendship Hotel to settle down, accompanied by Shao Hanyun and Li Qin, and had dinner together.

Before, Shao Hanyun had already informed Dorsey that during their visit to China this time, apart from their own air tickets, the 51 Group was responsible for the board, lodging, travel expenses, and return air tickets.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan went home directly, and tomorrow they will arrange for Dorsey and Stone to formally visit and communicate with 51 Group.

The next day, December 12th, in the morning, Dorsey and Stone were brought to the Weber Building, first went to Gao Yang's office to have a cup of tea, and at 29:9 in the morning, they began to communicate formally in the conference room of the President's Office.

51 Group participated in the exchange, including Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Zhang Xiaolong, and Zhang Yue and Shao Hanyun from 51 Weibo.

First, Dorsey gave a PPT about the development of Twitter, and Li Qin was responsible for the on-site translation.

Dorsey first talked about the general situation of the development of the US Internet social product market, and then the development of Twitter since its establishment.

Twitter was launched on March 3 this year. In late September, the number of users exceeded 21. In late December, before Christmas, the number of users exceeded 9, and the number of messages generated every day exceeded 40.

For the user development in the fourth quarter, due to the financing of 400 million US dollars and some publicity and promotion, the number of new users began to accelerate.

Currently, the Twitter team has more than 30 people.

Dorsey predicts that in 2007, the number of Twitter users will exceed 200 million, and may even exceed 300 million, and the average number of news generated per day is expected to exceed 1.

In 2007, Twitter is expected to begin penetrating markets outside the US...

Everyone in the 51 Group has heard about the development of Twitter, and most people think it is too low, and it is too far behind 51 Weibo.

It's just that Gao Yang doesn't think so. The mainstream users of 51 Weibo are destined to be in the Chinese market.And Twitter's mainstream users are destined to be in the global market outside of China.

Before today, Gao Yang hadn't introduced Twitter at the internal meeting of 51 Group, and now he knew that he was optimistic about the future development of Twitter, only Wu Ruohan, Shao Hanyun, and Gu Yawen.

Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun are naturally Gao Yang's diehard fans, so they don't feel that the development of Twitter is low.

Next, Fang Jian briefly introduced the development of the 51 Group, also speaking on PPT, with Li Qin as the main translator and Shao Ruohan as the assistant.

"Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Stone, 51 Group is a new type of Internet platform company focusing on Internet business, with social products as the core, and pan-media as the content direction.

Up to now, our layout on the Internet includes city life website, social networking site, free email, instant messaging, financial platform, microblog, online payment, online game, enterprise antivirus, application software distribution, industry research and other projects.

There are also Internet application technology research and development centers such as the 51 Research Institute.

The entire group currently has more than 720 engineers.

The total user traffic of these Internet projects of the 51 Group has exceeded 5 million, and the users of each platform have a high degree of overlap, and a relatively complete user ecosystem has initially formed.

At present, 51 Group has more than 80 legal person companies in China, with a total of more than 3500 employees.

In 2006, 51 Group's revenue is expected to be around 12 billion soft sister coins, of which the Internet segment is expected to be around 7.5 million.


From 2002 to 2006, Solar Media created a cash flow of nearly 11 billion soft sister coins, which provided cash flow support for 51 Group to establish various Internet platform projects since 2003..."

When Fang Jian introduced the 51 Group, Stone whispered to Dorsey: "51 Group, a bit like Google."

Dorsey replied: "There are similarities with Google, but there are also many differences, and the development speed of 51 Group is much faster than the early Google."

Fang Jian's introduction lasted only 15 minutes. Next, Zhang Yue began to introduce the development of 51 Weibo.

As soon as Zhang Yue opened the PPT to give a lecture, Dorsey and Stone were dumbfounded:
6223 million registered users, 1300 million DAU, 2200 million messages per day!

Dorsey was really stunned.

In late September, when Wu Ruohan had dinner with Dorsey in the United States, he once told him that the number of users of 9 Weibo was as high as 51 million.

Today, just in the past three months, there are more than 2200 million new users, more than 20% of active users, and a huge amount of information generated every day.

The launch of Twitter was only 51 days later than 10 Weibo. Today, 51 Weibo is like an elephant, while Twitter is still an ant.

Zhang Yue went on to introduce: "51 Weibo's positioning when it was founded was the two attributes of social networking and media.

The entertainment star receives the most attention and ranks first, with more than 1500 million fans.

Secondly, various media organizations represented by newspapers, magazines, and TV stations.

Then there are all kinds of well-known public figures and prolific self-media authors.

In terms of operations, 51 Weibo’s revenue in 2006 is expected to exceed 6000 million Ruanmei coins…”

After Zhang Yue's introduction, Zhang Xiaolong introduced the rapid iteration of 51 Weibo products since its launch, centering on users' social and media needs, how to solve user pain points step by step and improve user experience.

@function, like function, popularity, user tags, hyperlink topics...

Dorsey and Stone were dumbfounded again.

Whether it is user development, business operations or technology research and development, 51 Weibo is excellent.

Twitter is too low, too primitive.

Dorsey and Stone's eyes glowed as if they had discovered the New World. This visit to China was so worthwhile.

After Zhang Xiaolong's introduction, Dorsey and Stone couldn't wait, and began to ask questions one after another, humbly asking for advice and communicating enthusiastically.

From project operation to application research and development, the two have many topics of concern.

Gao Yang saw it and smiled slightly.

Inviting Dorsey to visit and communicate, this effect is what we want...

(End of this chapter)

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