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Chapter 463 Android Ecosystem: AMS

Chapter 463 Android Ecosystem: AMS
On the morning of February 2, Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun, accompanied by Chen Lan, visited android company for exchange.

Today is Saturday, more than a dozen core R&D personnel headed by Andy Rubin and Yang Ruian communicated with Gao Yang and others in the conference room.

Among these people, in addition to Andy Rubin, there are 8 people who are minority shareholders of android company.

Rubin introduced in detail the android system that has been developed.

Rubin purchased 20 of the latest Motorola touch-screen mobile phones, including the newly launched moto E6 more than two months ago. After flashing the phone, he installed the android DEMO.

Gao Yang tried this batch of the first batch of Android smartphones in the world, and the experience was not good.

moto E6 uses the Linux operating system, TFT touch screen, known as the latest screen touch technology Touchscreen.

Gao Yang also understands that the main reason is that the hardware technology of this era is relatively backward, and there is no way to do this.

More than 90% of touch screens are actually handwriting screens, which require a stylus.

moto E6, as Motorola's Linux flagship smart touch-screen mobile phone, has gained a good reputation both in terms of design and function.

The first-generation iPhone was officially released on January 1 last month at a convention center in San Francisco, when Apple held the Macworld conference.

The first-generation iPhone will be officially launched in the US market soon.

Gao Yang can't do anything about it, he can't catch up with Jobs, unless he has already accumulated tens of billions of wealth two or three years ago.

Therefore, after experiencing this android smart phone, Gao Yang greatly praised the excellent system engineers of the android company.

Under the leadership of Andy Rubin, from the initial emergency recruitment, a team of 80 engineers was formed to the current more than 170 engineers. It took two years of research and development. The android test version presented in front of Gao Yang is actually very good. up.

Whether it is the response speed of the system or the ease of use, it surpasses the first smartphone that Gao Yang used in 2009 in his memory.

It was an operator-customized, windows system smartphone.

Next, Edgar Smith, the CMO of the Android company, introduced the official release plan of Android, as well as the preliminary publicity and promotion plan:
Publish the source code of the android system;
Sponsor important global open source software forums;
Send senior engineers to participate in various open source forum activities to preach android;

Call on geeks to develop applications based on android, and set up an android annual development award;

advertise on the Internet;
Negotiate and cooperate with brand mobile phone manufacturers and telecom operators...

Smith's publicity and promotion plan was made in a hurry, and many details have not yet been determined.

This is Andy Rubin's temporary arrangement, mainly for communicating with Gao Yang.

After hearing it, Gao Yang expressed his appreciation for Edgar Smith's marketing plan:

"The release of android, as well as the key publicity and promotion direction after that, Mr. Smith's team, is more thoughtful.

After the official release of android, I had a brief exchange with Andy about the longer-term development plan. Now, I would like to talk about some more specific suggestions for your reference.

After the release of android, the most important task is to build a developer ecology and a user ecology.

We can consider being more proactive, and don't be afraid to invest resources and funds.

First of all, android must have an integrated service platform that constantly enriches applications, such as calling it [Android Mobile Service], or AMS for short.

The service platform AMS is the core of the Android company, and it is also the main channel for our company to achieve profitability in the future.

It first needs an android application market to build a developer ecosystem.

Secondly, AMS also needs various core services such as search, map, mobile payment, email, and office applications. I suggest that Android companies develop these services by themselves, or acquire some excellent small companies.

In addition, we can also cooperate with some partners. For example, we have invested in Twitter, and we can suggest that Twitter develop a mobile version of the android platform in time.

Only when the service platform of AMS continues to enrich the application, develop and grow, and cooperate with the continuous update and iteration of the android version, can android have the possibility of success.

With AMS, android can carry out hierarchical authorization for mobile phone brand manufacturers.

For example, it is a purely free authorization that allows mobile phone manufacturers to use android without embedding our AMS and build an ecosystem by themselves.

This authorization model can allow android to gain market share as soon as possible, especially suitable for potential markets like China.

Android also needs to go to China to set up a research and development center to develop and accumulate the Chinese version of AMS.

The second type of authorization can allow mobile phone manufacturers to embed part of the AMS, and then let them allow them to develop their own service framework.

The third category is to fully embed AMS, which needs to pass the audit of the Android company and obtain full authorization.

Although android is an open source system, any mobile phone manufacturer needs to be certified by the android company to use this system, which is the hierarchical authorization model I suggested just now..."

After Gao Yang finished his suggestion, Yang Ruian's eyes lit up: "Mr. Gao, this is a development strategy similar to Google."

Gao Yangdao: "Yes, I suggest that the long-term development strategy of android is to build a mobile version of Google, center on the open source platform of android, and seek comprehensive strategic cooperation with the entire smart phone industry chain.

Jobs released the iPhone, which is a very beautiful and very innovative smart phone, and the era of mobile Internet has begun.

In addition to mobile phone manufacturers, chip manufacturers and chip designers are also very important, such as ARM in Europe, Qualcomm in the United States, and Samsung in South Korea. Android should strive to reach strategic partnerships with them.

If you have capital in the future, you can also consider investing directly in such companies to develop together.

The first version of android has been developed, and it took two years. Everyone worked very hard and put a lot of effort into it.

Next, the continuous optimization of the android system, technical updates and version iterations are very important, and the construction of developer and user ecology, as well as the strategic alliance of the industrial chain, are even more important.

I suggest that, based on such a long-term development strategy, the company should adjust its management and organizational structure in a timely manner, advance in all directions, and carry out overall promotion.

Android must prevent companies like Google from entering the field of mobile services, so it is necessary to consider the layout for the mobile Internet era in time and implement it effectively..."

The strategic pie drawn by Gao Yang surprised these senior android engineers, feeling incredible.

How can a small company like Android compare with a technology giant like Google, whose stock market value is as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

Gao Yang understood the thoughts of these technical nerds, and explained with a serious face:
"Confidence is worth more than gold in my eyes and we need more confidence.

Android is undoubtedly a great product, it will be welcomed by mobile phone manufacturers and users, as well as open source software lovers and supporters.

Apple released iPhone and iOS not long ago, and it took you two years to develop android OS. Because of the characteristics of android development, I believe its future growth will win iOS and all other operating systems on the market.

What we need now is to face the mobile Internet era, plan a layout, and seize every opportunity to promote android.

In 2002, we started our business in China with a capital equivalent to 100 million US dollars. In less than 5 years, the value of 51 Group is no less than 50 billion US dollars.

With the continuous development of science and technology, new consumer markets are emerging. This is our best opportunity and should not be missed.

Please believe that android will be the platform for all of us to succeed.

Within three years, we will have more than 1 million users in the Chinese market alone, and I have this confidence.

51 Group has more than 5 million users in China, and soon, 51 Group will seek a joint venture in China to develop its own brand of smartphones..."

Andy Rubin smiled heartily: "Gentlemen and ladies, Mr. Gao is the entrepreneur with the most strategic vision I have ever seen, and the 51 Group has achieved great success in China.

With the support of Mr. Gao, android has never been short of funds, and android will make all of us realize our dreams.

I very much agree with Mr. Gao's suggestion to build an AMS service platform, which is the strategic core of Android's future development. "

Andy Rubin naturally knows about Titan Fund's plan to invest in subprime loans. In the past two years, Android's investment in US stocks has made more than 1.2 million U.S. dollars, which also makes Andy Rubin clueless about Gao Yang's investment ability Worshiped.

After Andy Rubin made his statement, CTO Yang Ruian followed up with a speech, expressing his firm support for the strategic planning direction proposed by Gao Yang.

Then, several small shareholders also expressed their support.

Finally, Gao Yang suggested: "I have two more suggestions, first, after the official release of the first version of android, the android company should prepare a global android developer forum centered on me.

For example, the first session will be held in the second half of this year, held once a year, as the most important window for Android companies to communicate with global open source software peers.

Such a developer conference is very beneficial for android to shape the image of an open source software leader.

Second, the android version that supports mobile 3G technology is recommended to be established immediately. 3G is the general trend and the mainstream of the next generation of smart phones. The 3G version of android should be released before the iPhone 3G model, even if it can be released a day earlier than iOS , is also a victory.

The iPhone is a revolutionary product, and I am very optimistic about its growth potential. In my opinion, the iPhone and iOS are the main competitors of android in the future.

Although Symbian and Windows systems currently occupy the mainstream of the market, it is not easy to turn around. From the perspective of innovation, they have lagged behind iOS..."

(End of this chapter)

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