Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 469 How many millions have you earned?

Chapter 469 Made billions?
On the morning of February 2, the group annual meeting ended.

On February 2th, Sunshine Company began to have a Spring Festival holiday. Like previous years, it had a three-week long holiday.

The rest of the 51 Group companies are scheduled to have a holiday on February 2th and the 15th of the twelfth lunar month, and start work on the eighth day of the first lunar month.

During the Spring Festival, the technical maintenance departments of each company still have to arrange personnel to be on duty, and overtime wages are calculated at three times the full salary, and compensatory leave will be arranged after the Spring Festival.

On February 2th, the 12th of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan began to take their wedding leave. The two brought Gao Yingxue, Li Xiuzhen, Wu Xiaoyue, Jiang Xue and Tiantian and rushed back to Jinyang in advance.

Gu Yawen had to stay and go to work. On the afternoon of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Wu Lan, Gu Wenlong, Yaoyao and Shitou would rush to Jinyang to celebrate the New Year.

Gao Yang rushed back to Jinyang for vacation in advance, mainly to satisfy Wu Ruohan's desire to take a set of wedding photos, and had to wash and frame a few photos before the Chinese New Year.

Although the wedding is not planned to be held publicly, within the family, the process that should be followed still needs to be followed.

To look like a newlywed.

On February 2th, the 13th of the twelfth lunar month, before dawn, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan drove a 26-seater Coaster that Wu Peng helped rent, took Wu Xiaoyue and Jiang Xue, and rushed to the Fairy Lake Scenic Area in the eastern suburbs of Jinyang , to take wedding photos.

According to Wu Xiaoyue's idea, pursue the light and shadow effect at the dawn of the morning sun, and try to make the shooting as artistic as possible.

The clothes were Chinese wedding dresses bought in Jinyang yesterday afternoon. Wu Ruohan bought four sets and Gao Yang bought two sets.

I don't want to rent other people's clothes. If I have money, it doesn't matter.

The six sets of dresses were actually not too expensive, less than 1 yuan.

Driving a Coaster is mainly to facilitate Wu Ruohan to change clothes.

The Spring Festival is approaching, the weather is good, and around 7:40 in the morning, a round of red sun emerges.

Wu Xiaoyue asked Jiang Xue to help fill in the light, and the filming was officially started.

By 9:[-] am, the sun was high, and I changed several scenic spots and took dozens of photos. Wu Xiaoyue was quite satisfied with her work and called it a day.

After returning home, after breakfast, Wu Xiaoyue and Wu Ruohan began to pick out photos, and finally picked out 10 photos, and Wu Xiaoyue took the time to retouch the pictures.

Then we went into the city together, found a washing shop, negotiated a high price of 1600 yuan, and asked for it to be washed out on the morning of December 29, and the photo framed.

In a hurry to finish taking wedding photos, Gao Yang finally had time to gather with Yang Yong, Wang Yun, Wen Yi and others to learn about the operations of Jiajiahui Supermarket, City Business DM, and Sihai Liquor last year up.

The results are pretty good.

In 2006, the Jiajiahui supermarket chain further expanded, with a revenue scale of more than 9600 million and a net profit of more than 1500 million.

The revenue of Urban Business DM is 720 million, and the revenue of Sihai Liquor is 1100 million. The net profit of these two projects totals more than 600 million.

Now, Gao Yue finally understands why Gao Yang asked her to transfer the equity and let Yang Yong and his wife become the major shareholders of the supermarket.

This year, the supermarket plans to distribute a dividend of 1000 million. Gao Yue holds 25% of the shares and can distribute a dividend of 250 million. It was unimaginable a few years ago.

February 2th, Valentine's Day, Beijing.

After Gu Yawen went to work, as soon as she walked into the office, Shao Hanyun came in with a large bouquet of roses.

"Sister Yawen, Happy Valentine's Day!"

Gu Yawen was startled, Shao Hanyun leaned over and whispered: "This is a task assigned to me by Mr. Gao, and the card was written by him himself."

Gu Yawen took the roses, found out the card that Gao Yang had written before the vacation, and pursed her lips with a smile: "He didn't like foreign festivals before, Han Yun, how are you and Dorsey doing?"

Shao Hanyun smiled and said: "He rushed to the capital on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, and spent the Spring Festival with me in Shudu."

Gu Yawen nodded and smiled: "Not bad, I went to meet the parents with you, and I still understand the rules."

At this time, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan in Jinyang also drove out of Xishan Garden to the hot spring resort in Tianchi Town to spend a day in their world.

After entering the city, Gao Yang went straight to the flower shop, bought 999 packaged roses, and still gave 1000 yuan, which instantly reminded Gao Yang of the scene of buying roses for Gu Yawen that year.

Wu Ruohan hugged the flowers with a happy face: "Thank you husband, I love you!"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Ruohan, I love you too. Do you know what kind of flower this is?"

Wu Ruohan was startled: "Isn't this a rose?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "This is a rose flower, in fact, there are no roses sold in flower shops, and they all use roses as roses.

In addition, roses are not as beautiful and stylish as Chinese roses. Roses are mainly used to extract essences, and there are seldom sold in the market.

Knowing the truth, isn't it disappointing? "

"You are so bad!"

Wu Ruohan raised her pink fist, lightly punched Gao Yang's chest a few times, and said with a smile, "Since everyone regards rose as a rose, then I don't care. How do you know it's not a rose?"

Gao Yang said: "When I was reading, I discovered it by accident.

The branches of roses are relatively soft, the flowers are not as beautiful as roses, and the price is several times more expensive.

In addition, many lavender plantations are also fake and can only be viewed.

There are only three places in the world that can grow lavender for making spices, Provence in France, Hokkaido in Japan, and our Ili River Valley.

The Yili River Valley is most similar to Provence in terms of geographical latitude, soil and climate conditions.

Even so, it took more than 20 years for Chinese scientific researchers to successfully cultivate lavender that can be grown on a large scale in the Yili Valley and can be used to extract spices. "

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Honey, you know a lot. How did you know about lavender?"

Gao Yang said: "I saw it in National Geographic magazine, Ruohan, life is only a few decades, financial freedom, life is not worrying, it is not bad to learn more about the world we live in."

Wu Ruohan suddenly said: "No wonder you have to read every issue of National Geographic, and I will also watch it from now on."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I keep all the National Geographic magazines after 2000. This is the best business magazine in China..."

Gao Yang accompanied Wu Ruohan and had a good day at the hot spring resort.

After getting the marriage certificate, Wu Ruohan became more gentle. In front of Gao Yang, she subconsciously tried to emulate Gu Yawen.

Gao Yang naturally also noticed that the current Wu Ruohan is much more mature than previous years.

Gao Yang also knew that the weirdness in Wu Ruohan's character would not disappear, that was her cutest and most unique temperament.

When they returned home in the evening, only Gao Yue and Jiang Bing were at home. Gao Yingxue, Li Xiuzhen, and Wu Xiaoyue went to Wu Ruohan's house for dinner with their three children.

At the dinner table, talking about the smooth development of Jiajiahui Supermarket, Gao Yue asked curiously, "Gao Yang, how much is our 25% equity worth now?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Sister, it's no problem that the 25% equity is now worth 2000 million.

According to Lao Yong's plan, Jiajiahui will open 8 to 10 more stores this year.

If this trend continues, in another four or five years, Jiajiahui should be able to meet the listing requirements. At that time, your equity should be worth about [-] million yuan.

From now on, relying on the company's annual dividends, you will not be short of money. "

Wu Ruohan asked: "Sister, how much money have you saved?"

Gao Yuedao: "Including this year's dividends, there are 520 million yuan, all deposited regularly."

Wu Ruohan looked at Gao Yang: "Why don't we help my sister and brother-in-law invest, it's not worthwhile to save for a fixed term."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Wu Ruohan said casually: "Sister, tomorrow I will take you to open a stock account, withdraw 500 million from the time deposit, transfer it to the stock account, and I will help you to make stocks."

Jiang Bing said in surprise, "Ruohan, stock trading is very risky, right?"

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, don't worry, we have made billions in stocks in the past few years."

"Earn billions?"

Jiang Bing shivered in shock, spilling half of the glass of wine in his hand on the dining table.

Gao Yue hurriedly found a rag to clean it up, Jiang Bing poured another glass of wine, and added to Gao Yang: "Gao Yang, did you really make billions in stocks trading?"

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "There is such a thing, mainly because of the stock account opened by the company, Ruohan is very talented in stock trading, you 500 million, you can let Ruohan help in stock trading.

Now it is a stock bull market, and it is easy to make money. After this round of bull market is over, get out first after making money, and then look for stocks for long-term investment.

In the future, you will live comfortably by relying on dividends from stocks and supermarkets every year, no problem.

When we do stocks, we just need to know what we do, and don’t spread the word.

Investing in stocks requires professional knowledge and talent. People who don't understand can easily lose money. "

Gao Yue smiled and said, "Okay, Ruohan, you can accompany me to do it tomorrow."

Taking a walk after dinner, Wu Ruohan asked Gao Yang: "My sister and the others have 500 million, what is the best stock to buy at this stage?"

Gao Yang thought for a while: "500 million is not much, so just pick a brokerage concept stock and buy it with full position."

Before going to bed at night, Wu Ruohan researched the concept stocks of securities companies, and finally suggested: "I suggest to help my sister and the others hold all positions in Aodong. Aodong has the highest amount of securities companies per share, with only 1.77 million shares in circulation.

Today's closing price is 45 yuan, and the 40 yuan line is the platform consolidation range in the early stage. I am looking for an opportunity to complete a position at this position. What do you think? "

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "I have a good vision. Ao Dong has not yet stepped out of the main rising wave form. If the bull market continues, he should be very explosive in the future."

Wu Ruohan said again: "The stock index is approaching 3000 points again. I feel that it is difficult to rush through it all at once. It is likely to step back on the 20-day line. I want to wait for the drop to help my sister open a position. Do you think so?"

Gao Yang said: "Your premonition is likely to be correct. Around 3000 points, there is likely to be a sharp adjustment in a flash. Adjustments in a bull market are always completed quickly in a sharp drop."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "I think so too."

Gao Yang originally didn't plan to take his sister Gao Yue to trade in stocks, but now that Wu Ruohan proposed, Gao Yue has 500 million spare cash in his hands, and long-term investment in A-shares is also good.

In another 15 years, through investing in stocks, Gao Yue's family will also have a net worth of more than one billion...

(End of this chapter)

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