Chapter 475

On February 2th, the eleventh day of the first lunar month, Shao Hanyun brought Dorsey to the office. Like Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, they gave out wedding candies to colleagues working at the group headquarters.

Jack Dorsey, the main founder of Twitter, became the foreign son-in-law of 51 Group, and the company colleagues congratulated the two newcomers one after another.

It has been almost two weeks since Dorsey came to China this time. Yesterday he and Shao Hanyun got a marriage certificate in Shudu, and immediately flew to the capital, booked an afternoon ticket, and prepared to go back to the United States for work.

Dorsey's parents had flown back to the United States from Shudu a few days ago.

When he came to the capital today, Dorsey accompanied Shao Hanyun to meet his colleagues in the company, and also bid farewell to Gao Yang.

Gao Yang received Dorsey and Shao Hanyun in the office.

Gao Yang personally brewed a pot of tea for the two of them: "Jack, Ruohan and I may not have time to go to the United States to attend your formal wedding, so I wish you a happy new marriage. And Meimei."

After listening to Shao Hanyun's translation, Dorsey said: "Lucas, thank you for your blessing, I love Jessica, she is beautiful and charming, she has rare virtues, and a kind heart.

Jessica's parents are also very good, I am really lucky to know Jessica and marry her.

Every time I come to China, I have a very good experience, but I have to go back to the United States immediately, Biz and Ivan are urging me, the company is very busy recently. "

Gao Yang said: "Jack, we will help Han Yun complete the investment immigration as soon as possible, this can be regarded as our wedding gift for Han Yun.

Hanyun is a very good girl. Ruohan and I treat her like a family member. When Hanyun lives in the United States, please treat her kindly.

She is your wife and your lover. As a man, you have the responsibility to let Hanyun and your future children live a relaxed and decent life through your own efforts.

Take good control of Twitter, grow stronger and bigger step by step according to the plan, and wait until the day when Twitter successfully realizes its IPO, it will be the best gift you can give Hanyun and your children. "

Dorsey took Shao Hanyun's hand: "Yes, this is exactly my goal. For the sake of my family, I must also succeed. Thank you very much for your care of Jessica. Jessica told me that she will also take care of you Think of it as a family."

Dorsey was in a hurry. On the plane at 3:[-] in the afternoon, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan accompanied Shao Hanyun and personally sent Dorsey to the airport.

Shao Hanyun still has to wait to apply for a tourist visa to the United States, so he cannot accompany Dorsey back to the United States for the time being.

After sending Dorsey away, on the way back to the city, Shao Hanyun said: "Mr. Gao, Ruohan, it may take about a week to get my tourist visa. I want to sell this house in Beijing and go to the United States."

Gao Yang said: "Xuan, if you go to the United States, you won't be able to work until you get your green card. If you need money, I'll ask Yawen to lend it to you. There's no need to sell the house. The real estate in Beijing has a lot of room for appreciation."

Shao Hanyun said: "No, Mr. Gao, Dorsey now has a salary of 12 US dollars a year. We have no problem living, but we can't afford a house in San Francisco for the time being. I will sell the house in Beijing and pay off the mortgage. With the savings in hand, we can make up 20 US dollars.

After getting the green card, we can mortgage a house in San Francisco. "

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Xuan, it is Dorsey's responsibility to buy a house first, you really don't need to sell the house in Beijing.

When you go to the United States, I suggest that you rent a house for the time being.

At the end of this year, or early next year, Ruohan will buy a house in Palo Alto, and we may only live for a few days when we go to the United States for vacation.

When the time comes, you and Dorsey will live in the house that Ruohan bought, and just pay a token rent.

After you go to the United States and can officially work, the most important thing is to assist Dorsey and manage Twitter well. With the development of Twitter, your salary and Dorsey’s annual salary will also increase.

In a few years, when Twitter is listed on Nasdaq, it will be no problem for Dorsey to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Hanyun, when I buy a house in Palo Alto, it's equivalent to asking you to help take care of the house, we treat you like a younger sister, you must not see outsiders.

When you go to live in the United States, we will greet my eldest brother and sister-in-law. If you need any help, just ask them, you are really welcome. "

The corners of Shao Hanyun's eyes wet: "Mr. Gao, Ruohan, thank you, then I will follow your arrangement."

After the two sent Shao Hanyun home and returned to the office, Wu Ruohan suddenly said, "Husband, Hanyun has moved to the United States and lived with Dorsey. I think she still needs to be financially independent. We must prevent her and Dorsey from getting married. If the relationship changes in the future, she cannot be made to rely on Dorsey all the time."

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Well, then let Hanyun sell the house in the capital first, and she said that adding Jiyun can make up 20 U.S. dollars, so let her open an A-share account and invest 100 million Ruanmei coins in it. , you help her operate, first earn a sum of money in the A shares.

After she gets her green card in the United States, she will transfer the funds to the United States, follow the Titan Fund, and invest in U.S. stocks for a long time.

This arrangement is sufficient to guarantee her complete financial independence.

It is no problem to rely on salary to live a middle-class life after working at Twitter. "

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "This arrangement is the best. In fact, I am quite reluctant to bear it."

Gao Yang said: "Hanyun is a good girl, and she is also very good. I can't bear her, but the Twitter project is very important. She is married to Dorsey. With her assisting Dorsey in controlling this company, I can be completely relieved. "

Wu Ruohan said: "I understand, Hanyun also really wants to develop in the United States, this is also her chance."

Wu Ruohan immediately called Shao Hanyun. Shao Hanyun lived in Dahui Temple, very close to the office, only ten minutes' walk away.

Shao Hanyun knew that Wu Ruohan was very good at stocks, so he was naturally very happy after hearing Gao Yang's arrangement.

When he first came to work in 51 Group, Shao Hanyun worked as an assistant for Gao Yang. In July 2004, his parents sponsored the down payment and mortgaged an 7-square-meter elevator apartment in Dahui Temple. The house price at that time was 80 yuan per square meter.

Now, in less than three years, the house price has risen to about 3 yuan. The pre-sale price of new houses in this area starts at 1.5 square meters.

Now, Shao Hanyun has sold the house, repaid the mortgage loan of more than 30 yuan, and can still earn about 90 yuan in net income, earning more than 70 yuan.

It is also very easy for Shao Hanyun to sell a house. The location within the third ring road is also the mainstream golden apartment type, so it is easy to sell.

Gao Yang asked Wu Ruohan to directly inform Zhang Miao, the general manager of Yueju Company, to come over, and Yueju Company took over Shao Hanyun's house at a market price of 1.55 yuan per square meter, a total price of 124 million.

This arrangement is the fastest, Shao Hanyun will not suffer a loss, and Yueju Company can also make money by relying on the appreciation of the real estate.

Since 2005, part of Yueju's operating profits has been used to buy a house in Beijing with a mortgage, and then rent it out to young employees at a low price, similar to a company dormitory.

With the efficiency of Yueju Company, the real estate transfer procedures can be completed within 10 days.

After discussing this matter, Shao Hanyun went home happily.

Wu Ruohan asked: "Husband, after the 100 million in Yunyun is transferred to the stock account, which stock will you buy for her?"

Gao Yang opened the stock market software, glanced at the optional stocks, and found that the share price of Yunnan Copper was less than 20 yuan. Remembering that this stock could rise to nearly 100 yuan in the end, he said:

"100 million capital is not much. When the time comes, buy Yunnan Copper on dips. Copper prices have been in a commodity bull market, and a few copper stocks will explode sooner or later.

Yunnan copper is an authentic copper stock, and the plate is the smallest. Once it starts to dominate the rising waves, it is likely to have the strongest explosive power. "

Gao Yang thought that by October, Shao Hanyun's 10 million capital in Quancang Yunnan Copper would be raised to 100 million.

According to the current exchange rate, there will be about 65 US dollars.

The money will be transferred to the United States at that time, just in time to short the U.S. stocks under the subprime mortgage crisis. In a few months, it may be able to turn to two or three million U.S. dollars.

With this amount of money, Shao Hanyun will become a little rich woman in a few years if he buys into a few long-term big bull stocks in the US stock market at a bargain in 2008...

(End of this chapter)

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