Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 480 Sending You to Hollywood

Chapter 480 Sending You to Hollywood

Melissa Kerber was very anxious. After the meeting with Gao Yang, she and her assistant hurried back to the hotel to sort out the materials and waited to report to Spielberg.

There is a 16-hour time difference between Huaxia Capital and California, USA. When Melissa Kerber and Gao Yang finished their talks, it was just after 7 o'clock in the evening in California.

At 11:7 in the morning, at [-]:[-] in the evening in California, Melissa Kerber contacted Spielberg and began to report:
"Steve, I just had a meeting with Mr. Gao, the boss of 51 Group, the parent company of 51 Games. Generally speaking, it's good news..."

After hearing Melissa Kerber's report, Spielberg also breathed a sigh of relief. He never thought that 51 Group was willing to invest 2000 million US dollars in "Kung Fu Panda".

Spielberg said: "Melissa, we should welcome the 51 Group's cooperation proposal. As for this Chinese female star with a very good image and temperament, it should be easy for you to arrange a suitable role for her to dub.

With her influence in China, it is a good thing for this movie, not a bad thing.

I think DreamWorks Animation can negotiate with 51 Group and sign a cooperation agreement. Mr. Gao wants to hold a press conference, and we can satisfy him.

I hope that you will complete the negotiations as soon as possible, and the out-of-court settlement of the lawsuit, without delaying the production of the film. "

Melissa Kerber said: "Steve, I will immediately arrange for business people to come to China for negotiations."

Spielberg said: "Melissa, you can collect more information about Ms. Liu. Rob is preparing to make a movie about Chinese Kung Fu, and the two kung fu players Jack Chen and Jeter Lee have been identified. Starring stars.

Rob is looking for a young Chinese actress to play the leading role. If Miss Liu is suitable, I can recommend her to Rob and arrange for her to audition in Rob's crew. "

Melissa Kerber asked, "Mr. Rob Minkoff?"

Spielberg said: "That's right, it's Minkov. The investor of this movie is a mainstream film company in Huaxia, as well as the companies of Jack Chen and Jeter Lee. The biggest selling point of this movie is that Jack .Chen and Jeter Lee collaborated for the first time."

Melissa Kerber said again: "Steve, do you have any information about this movie? I think recommending Ms. Liu to Mr. Minkoff's crew to audition is a good bargaining chip for us Mr. Gao, the boss of 51 Group, obviously wants to push Ms. Liu to Hollywood."

Spielberg said: "I will ask Rob for a copy and send it to your mailbox."

On the morning of March 3th, Melissa Kerber visited Gao Yang again. First, she mentioned that Dreamworks Animation had arranged for business negotiators to come to China to discuss a cooperation agreement. Afterwards, she turned on her laptop and showed Spielberg yesterday afternoon An email from:
"Mr. Gao, a famous Hollywood director, Mr. Rob Minkoff, who once co-directed "The Lion King" in Disney Animation, is planning to make a movie "Kings of Kungfu" about Chinese Kungfu.

Starring Chinese kung fu superstars Jack Chen and Jeter Lee, this will be the first time the two superstars will work together on the silver screen.

Mr. Minkoff is looking for a young Chinese actress to play the leading role.

Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Minkoff are friends. He told me that if Miss Liu is suitable, he can personally recommend Miss Liu to audition.

Mr. Gao, this is the kindness of Mr. Spielberg. He hopes that we can complete the negotiation and sign the cooperation agreement as soon as possible.

Mr. Spielberg also expressed his gratitude to 51 Group for their willingness to invest in "Kung Fu Panda". He hoped that we could clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible and cooperate happily. "

After Wu Ruohan translated, she whispered again: "For Yi Fei, if she can cooperate with Chen Long and Li Lianjie to star in a Hollywood blockbuster, this is a very good opportunity. Kings of Kungfu, the king of kungfu, this movie The title of the movie is quite catchy."

Gao Yang nodded, feeling a little happy in his heart.

In my memory, Liu Yifei was the female lead in "The King of Kung Fu". Gao Yang just couldn't remember when the filming of this movie started.

Now it seems that Liu Yifei's role in "The King of Kung Fu" is due to the operation of her former godfather Jin Fei. Now that Jin Fei has died, Liu Yifei has broken off the relationship with him, and the trajectory of this matter has naturally changed.

Well now, with Spielberg's personal recommendation, Liu Yifei's role in "The King of Kung Fu" has been continued.

It should be hers, it really is hers.

At this time, Melissa Kerber said again: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Spielberg hopes to get more information about Ms. Liu so that he can recommend her to audition for Mr. Minkoff."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Ms. Cobb, no problem, we will immediately arrange to collect more information on Liu Yifei.

I don't think there is any problem for Yifei to play in this movie. She is very suitable for the role that Mr. Minkoff needs.

Yifei once appeared in China as the heroine of a classic martial arts TV series. Her performance was very good, and she became a popular girl star. Fans called her fairy sister and oxygen sister.

Yifei graduated from the top film academy in China. She has a very good foundation in dance training. Her mother is a well-known dance artist in China.

Yifei's body is very flexible and her movements are very flexible. She is very dedicated to her acting career and works very hard.

I think that Mr. Minkoff will be very satisfied to see her.

Ms. Cobb also please tell Mr. Spielberg that we are very grateful for his support and help to Yifei..."

Melissa Kerber said: "Mr. Gao, Ms. Liu's role as the voice of "Kung Fu Panda" can be confirmed now. We suggest that she dub English and Chinese for the snake in the story.

Regarding the cooperation between DreamWorks Animation and 51 Group, can Mr. Gao give me a basic answer now? "

Gao Yang thought about it: "No problem, we can immediately arrange an out-of-court settlement, and we don't require Dreamworks Animation to compensate for the loss of reputation, you only need to bear the legal fees and legal fees.

In addition, 51 Group will invest 2000 million US dollars in the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda".

I don't know how you think about the authorization of the IP adaptation of "Kung Fu Panda". Is it a one-time authorization or a sub-work authorization? "

Melissa Kerber said: "Mr. Gao, we hope to cooperate in the form of sub-authorization. Although we are optimistic about the market prospects of this animated film, we still have to accept the test of the box office before considering launching a second work. .”

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then this time, we can authorize the revision of "Kung Fu Panda" for free. First, it is out of sincerity for cooperation. Second, it also represents my personal respect for Mr. Spielberg."

Melissa Cobb suddenly looked pleasantly surprised: "Mr. Gao, thank you very much. I think Mr. Spielberg will be very happy."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "We also hope that we will have the opportunity to directly cooperate with Mr. Spielberg in the future."

Melissa Kerber said: "Mr. Gao, there must be a chance. This time, Mr. Spielberg owes you a favor."

Today's meeting ended happily. After Melissa Kerber got Liu Yifei's detailed personal information, she went back to the hotel to report to the boss, Spielberg.

After Melissa Kerber left, Wu Xi, CEO of 51 Game Company, couldn't help but said, "Mr. Gao, isn't our concession a bit big?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Xi, given the popularity of the game "Kung Fu Panda" in overseas markets, after the release of this cartoon of the same name, which was cast by DreamWorks Animation, the probability of a big hit at the box office is very high.

The IP of "Kung Fu Panda" must be firmly in our own hands, and the operation of the domestic market can be outsourced to Yiwang Games.

I think that after the success of this movie, DreamWorks will start shooting the second "Kung Fu Panda" soon, and we will negotiate the normal market price for the adaptation authorization of the second movie.

This time, the 2000 million US dollars invested in the cartoon of DreamWorks will be invested in the name of 51 Games, and the investment will be made from your income in overseas markets. This investment will make money.

We extended an olive branch to DreamWorks this time for the purpose of long-term cooperation in the future, and don't care about the small interests in front of us.

Next, I will leave it to you to discuss the cooperation agreement with DreamWorks. You represent the 51 Group.

Brother Xi, you remember that when we invested in "Kung Fu Panda", we asked for a direct share of the global box office according to the investment ratio, not a share of the movie's profits. We must insist on this when negotiating. "

Wu Xi hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, I understand. If we only talk about profit sharing, how to make accounts is the business of DreamWorks Animation. People can play however they want."

On the morning of March 3, Melissa Kerber asked Gao Yang again and brought new news:

"Mr. Gao, the business negotiation team of DreamWorks Animation will arrive this afternoon.

Mr. Spielberg asked me to convey his personal thanks to you. In addition, he has officially recommended Ms. Liu to Mr. Minkoff.

Mr. Minkoff hopes that Ms. Liu will go to Los Angeles to audition as soon as possible.

In addition, Mr. Mark Osborne, the co-director of "Kung Fu Panda", also hopes to meet with Ms. Liu as soon as possible to discuss the role dubbing work. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, we will arrange for Ms. Liu Yifei to go to the United States as soon as possible. Ms. Kerber, the next step to discuss the cooperation agreement will be in charge of Mr. Wu Xi, CEO of 51 Games Company. After the agreement is negotiated, we will hold a press conference immediately .”

Melissa Kerber was satisfied again and left. Next, she waited for the company's business negotiation team to be in place and negotiated a specific cooperation agreement with the 51 Group.

Gao Yang asked his assistant Li Qin to inform Liu Li and Liu Yifei, mother and daughter, to come over. The office of 51 Entertainment Company is in Block B of Weber Building next door.

The mother and daughter Liu Li and Liu Yifei rushed to Gao Yang's office soon, and when Gao Yang introduced the arrangement of two Hollywood movies for Liu Yifei, the mother and daughter were immediately overwhelmed with excitement.

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Yifei, this time, in order to get you to star in the work of a major Hollywood director, your brother-in-law made the 51 Group give up several million dollars in benefits."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei suddenly stepped forward and hugged Gao Yang tightly: "Brother-in-law, thank you!"

"Ahem..." Gao Yang coughed twice, "Yifei, you are already a big girl, why are you so impulsive."

Liu Yifei giggled: "Brother-in-law, second sister, I'm sorry, I'm so excited and happy."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Yifei, he's your brother-in-law, he's a family member, don't be embarrassed..."

(End of this chapter)

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