Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 497 The Subprime Mortgage Storm Begins

Chapter 497 The Subprime Mortgage Storm Begins

A week passed, and on June 6, Lin Yunjiaozhen came to 29 Group to submit materials and go through the entry procedures.

A 24-year-old doctor of medicine, working in the office of the president of 51 Group, is enough to shock a lot of people's jaws.

Fortunately, Gao Yang had told Lu Yanran, the human resources director of the group, in advance not to promote Lin Yunjiao's education.

According to the procedures, Lu Yanran conducted a simple interview with Lin Yunjiao, mainly to communicate and introduce the basic situation of 51 Group and the specific work of the president.

Lin Yunjiao started as an ordinary employee in the president's office, and also had half a month of induction training.

On June 6, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell below the 29-day line again. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan were busy ordering the traders in the investment department to increase their positions in stocks.

This time, we must take advantage of institutional funds to suppress the stock index and complete the opening of positions in the final stage of the bull market.

Now the company account is a full position of more than 500 billion funds, and when it is withdrawn across the board above 5500 points, there will be at least 1300 billion.

This is the taste of a super bull market. In the next 20 years, I am afraid that there will be no such a comprehensive bull market for A shares.

On May 5.30, the number of A-share accounts opened exceeded 1 million for the first time. This round of bull market can also be called the stock investment enlightenment for Chinese people.

It's a pity that every time the bull market goes down, most stockholders will always lose money, and hundreds of millions of wealth have been transferred on this platform.

On July 7, the Shanghai stock index fell 5 points, a drop of more than 200%, and the trading volume for two consecutive days was 5 billion.

On July 7, the Shanghai stock index fell below 6 points again, and then began to rebound sharply.

After the market closed, Huang Yufei reported that the company's account position had increased to 7%.

At the close of trading on July 7, the company's account position had increased to 10%, leaving over 8 billion in funds.

The private accounts of Gao Yang and others completed the full position today, and the market value of the position has already exceeded 90 billion.

On July 7th, Wednesday, at 11 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yanggang lay down, and his phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

It was my sister-in-law Chen Lan in San Francisco who called.

At this time, it was 10:7 a.m. Eastern Time and [-]:[-] a.m. Western Time, which is the daylight saving time in the United States.

Chen Lan opened her mouth and said, "Gao Yang, there is something urgent, let's communicate online..."

Wu Ruohan was also awakened, and followed Gao Yang to the study.

Gao Yang turned on the computer, logged on to the special version of 51talk, and started a video conversation with Chen Lan.

As soon as she connected with China Unicom, Chen Lan said anxiously: "Gao Yang, the signal you wanted finally appeared today. Standard & Poor's announced the downgrade of the subprime mortgage bond rating, and the U.S. stock market fell at the opening today."

Gao Yang said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, it's just the beginning, we will contact Professor Qin to discuss it tomorrow, and I will come to the United States again soon."

Chen Lan worried: "Gao Yang, in April you let me liquidate the long position of AAA, withdrew a total of 3700 million US dollars, a loss of 300 million US dollars.

If a full-scale financial crisis breaks out and we don't react in time, if the counterparty goes bankrupt, all the money we invested will be wiped out.

Seriously, I'm nervous right now, and I'd recommend getting out as soon as possible, bond-backed swaps should be hot right now. "

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to be nervous at all. If this is a big storm, it's really just the opening stage, and it's still too early for financial institutions to go bankrupt. The more this happens, the more we have to be patient."

Chen Lan asked again: "Gao Yang, what about the stock account of your asset management company, which now has a market value of 1.6 million US dollars."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Sister-in-law, you can start to reduce your positions when the market rises, and don't reduce your positions when the market falls sharply.

The subprime mortgage crisis has just begun, and it is expected that the impact on the US stock market will not be too obvious. It is estimated that the US stock market will not fall sharply within two to three months.

The speed of reducing positions can be slower. I will discuss the specific strategy with you when I come to the United States. In the past few days, when the market starts to rebound, you can try to reduce your positions according to the situation of individual stocks. "

Chen Lan said, "Okay, when will you come to America?"

Gao Yang said: "About half a month. Don't be in a hurry. We still need to see Professor Qin's schedule. It happens to be the summer vacation soon."

The video conversation between the two ended, and the data information on the background server was automatically cleared.

Wu Ruohan asked, "Should I contact Professor Qin now?"

Gao Yang said: "It's too late, tomorrow."

After 7 o'clock in the morning on July 12, Wu Ruohan contacted Professor Qin Xianglin. Professor Qin said that the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Finance will start summer vacation on July 8.

Wu Ruohan then made an appointment that Gao Yang would go to Shanghai on the afternoon of July 7 and meet Professor Qin in the evening.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Ruohan said, "Tomorrow, I'll go to Shanghai too."

Gao Yang shook his head: "You don't need to go, just rest at home and let Lin Yunjiao accompany me."

Wu Ruohan was surprised and said, "You want Yunjiao to know about our shorting of the US subprime mortgage?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It's okay to let her know, just to see if she is suitable to be my assistant in the future.

You inform Lin Yunjiao and ask her to book a plane ticket for tomorrow afternoon, plus Xiaolong, the three of us will go. "

Later, when Lin Yunjiao was driving to work, she was overjoyed when she received a call from Wu Ruohan. She never expected that the boss would let her accompany her on the trip while she was still in the training period.

Lin Yunjiao asked: "Sister Ruohan, should I report this matter to Director Li of the President's Office?"

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Yunjiao, the company has a system for work matters."

Lin Yunjiao said: "Sister Ruohan, thank you, I understand."

After 9 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang rushed to the office, and Lin Yunjiao came in immediately to report:
"Mr. Gao, the air ticket has been booked. The plane will fly at 3:[-] pm tomorrow. In addition, Director Li arranged for me to book the Crowne Plaza Hotel near Jiaotong University, and Shanghai Sunshine Company will arrange your car."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, that's it."

Just as Lin Yunjiao left, Gao Yang's cell phone rang, and it was Yang Ming's call.

Yang Ming said: "Brother Yang, our school starts summer vacation today, can I treat you to a meal this weekend?"

Gao Yang said: "I'm sorry, Mingming, I'm going on a business trip this weekend."

Yang Ming was instantly disappointed, and asked again: "Brother Yang, next weekend, can you?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Do you have a passport?"

Yang Ming hurriedly said, "Brother Yang, I have a passport."

Gao Yang said again: "How about this, you apply for a US tourist visa as soon as possible, and if you can get it done quickly, you can go to the US with me for a few days."

Yang Ming was pleasantly surprised in an instant: "Brother Yang, I have a tourist visa for the United States. I got it a few days ago and it will be valid until the beginning of January next year."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, you're lucky, that's it, I'll let you know when the time comes."

Gao Yang didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that his new application for a six-month business visa to the United States had just been completed at the end of June, and the accompanying security personnel were planned to be Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong.

On the afternoon of July 7, accompanied by Wang Xiaolong and Lin Yunjiao, Gao Yang boarded a plane to Shanghai.

In the first-class cabin, Lin Yunjiao was sitting next to Gao Yang, ready to serve the boss at any time, including chatting with her. Unexpectedly, as soon as the plane took off, Gao Yang began to close his eyes and rest.

After 4:[-] p.m., Gao Yang rested, and Lin Yunjiao said: "Mr. Gao, you sleep really well. It's hard for me to fall asleep on the plane."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Why, don't you sleep well?"

Lin Yunjiao shook her head and smiled: "No, I finished the winter vacation of my undergraduate studies and flew to Yuzhou by plane. I encountered strong convective weather and the plane shook violently. I was terrified at the time and felt a little psychologically disturbed."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then you should know that airplanes are one of the safest means of transportation. Business people like us often take airplanes."

Lin Yun coquettishly smiled: "I know, every time I fly, whenever I encounter turbulence, I will think of the experience that day."

Looking at this baby face that looks cute but actually has a high IQ, Gao Yang suddenly felt a bad taste, and asked again: "Yunjiao, do you have a US visa?"

Lin Yunjiao said: "President Gao, what a coincidence, I applied for a one-year US tourist visa in mid-June, and originally planned to go to the US for two weeks in August."

Gao Yang was a little surprised, it was really a coincidence that he came to grandma's house.

Gao Yang asked again: "Then how is your spoken English?"

Lin Yunjiao said confidently: "President Gao, it's okay to translate for you. In addition, I can communicate normally in French and German. Japanese is a bit weaker, and communication in medical professions is no problem."

Gao Yang looked at this baby face, was stunned for a while, and praised: "You are quite powerful."

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Mr. Gao, it's normal for us to learn medicine to master two or three foreign languages. I have been learning English since I was 3 years old.

Go to junior high school later, and start learning French and German, it will be very easy.

I only started learning Japanese when I was in college, and I didn’t have any special training in oral English. I just watched cartoons, movies or TV series with the original sound and followed them. "

Gao Yang is also really convinced, Xueba is Xueba, this is Xueba among Xueba.

Gu Yawen is a graduate of the School of Foreign Languages, majoring in Business English and German, but only mastered two foreign languages.

This young medical doctor can speak four foreign languages.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "I'm going to America recently, when that time comes, you should go too."

Lin Yunjiao was pleasantly surprised: "Great, Mr. Gao, thank you. I originally planned to go to the United States with my friends for a few days during the National Day holiday."

Gao Yang originally planned to ask Shao Hanyun, Chen Lan, and Wu Fei to help translate when he went to the United States this time. Now that Lin Yunjiao can be the interpreter, he naturally took it with him.

After 5:[-] p.m., the plane arrived at Modu Airport.

After getting off the plane, Lin Yunjiao took out her mobile phone and contacted the staff from Modu Sunny Company who came to pick up the plane.

Lin Yunjiao, who entered the working state, changed her appearance again, with a gentle tone and clean speech.

Gao Yang saw it, and had a good impression of this girl.

A Ph.D. who is a master of learning, willing to start as an ordinary employee seriously, with a good attitude...

(End of this chapter)

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