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Chapter 499 Going to Wall Street Again

Chapter 499 Going to Wall Street Again

On July 7, A-shares started to rise again, and the blue-chip stocks represented by real estate, insurance and banks started to make up the market.

As of August 8, the Shanghai stock index had reached 3 points.

At 8:4 pm on August 5th, Gao Yang and his party were about to fly to New York from Beijing Airport. Professor Qin Xianglin had already flown to Beijing in the morning.

At 3:[-] in the afternoon, Gao Yang, Zhang Wei, and Wang Xiaolong, two security guards, set off from Wanliu's home, went to the hotel to pick up Professor Qin Xianglin and Lin Yunjiao, and then went straight to the airport.

Wu Ruohan, who was four and a half months pregnant, insisted on seeing off at the airport with Gu Yawen.

After arriving at the airport, to Wu Ruohan's surprise, Yang Ming walked over with a suitcase and greeted her and Gu Yawen warmly.

Although Wu Ruohan was extremely surprised in her heart, she responded with a smile on her face, and then secretly glanced at Gu Yawen, Gu Yawen's face was very calm.

After going through the boarding procedures, Gao Yang held Wu Ruohan in his arms, and told her to rest more and care less about the stock market. At this stage, she mainly holds the whole position without moving.

The amount of funds is already very large, so there is no need to chase the small profits of doing T.

After sending Gao Yang and his party away, Wu Ruohan took Gu Yawen out of the airport and whispered, "Sister, tell me..."

Before finishing speaking, Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, I know what you want to say, let's talk about it when we go home, okay?"

Wu Ruohan nodded and stopped mentioning it.

Back home, the two sisters went to the study, and after sitting down, Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, you want to talk about Yang Ming going to America with you?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Yes, sister, did you know she would go?"

Gu Yawen nodded and said: "I know, Gao Yang told me a few days ago, he didn't tell you, because he was worried about your overthinking. Gao Yang said, Yang Ming just went to America for a few days."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, you should have found out, Yang Ming looked at him in a special way, obviously interested in him, aren't you worried?"

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Ruohan, are you worried?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, to be honest, I'm a little worried."

Gu Yawen looked at Wu Ruohan: "Ruohan, you are pregnant now, I didn't want to discuss this topic with you.

I just want to ask you a question, can Gao Yang still pretend to be another woman in his heart? "

Wu Ruohan shook her head: "Sister, I understand, he's not a passionate man, I'm just worried that he won't be able to stand the temptation, Yang Ming is young and beautiful, and he's still a starlet."

Gu Yawen smiled again: "Ruohan, did you try your best to seduce him back then? You were also very young at the time, and Yang Ming was no more beautiful than you."

Wu Ruohan blushed slightly: "Sister, don't laugh at me..."

Gu Yawen said seriously: "Ruohan, in a man's world, what he pursues is success, wealth, beauty, and power. What do you think Gao Yang has been pursuing?"

Wu Ruohan thought about it: "What he pursues is success, wealth, and a happy family."

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, you are right to think this way, my sister told you before, for us, we must first trust our man, and then guard this family well.

Gao Yang is exceptionally good, successful, and charming. Isn't it normal for a girl who has the opportunity to meet him to have a crush on him, or even admire him?
Like Shao Hanyun before, she must have some admiration for Gao Yang, but she just knew that she would never have a chance, so she would be very rational and would not pursue it.

The current Yang Yunjiao is very beautiful and excellent, and Gao Yang values ​​her more.

Why do you worry about Yang Ming instead of Yang Yunjiao?

In other words, there will be many young and beautiful girls who have the opportunity to meet Gao Yang in the future. If we all have to worry about it, can we worry about it?
A few days ago, when Gao Yang told me that Yang Ming would accompany him to the United States, he was telling us not to worry about these things, he would take care of them himself.

If he liked beauty, he wouldn't have treated you like that at the beginning, as long as he was willing to nod, there are plenty of beautiful girls who will fall into his arms..."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I understand, I shouldn't think about him that way."

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, it's not your fault, Gao Yang didn't want to accept you before, which made you lack emotional security.

You know, I felt the same way when I first fell in love with him.

After I gave birth to Tiantian, I really understood what family is and what kind of man Gao Yang is.

I've always been so proud of him..."

On the plane, in the first-class cabin, Yang Ming sat next to Gao Yang, Lin Yunjiao sat next to Professor Qin Xianglin, Zhang Wei and Wang Yilong sat in the front row of Gao Yang.

This is a B314 aircraft with 777 seats. The first-class cabin has two rows and 12 seats.

To chat with Professor Qin on the plane is a task Gao Yang arranged for Lin Yunjiao.

"Brother Yang, how long are we going to stay in the United States this time?"

"It's not sure yet, it may take ten days and a half months."

"Have you been in New York all this time?"

"Stay in New York for a few days first. If everything goes well, we will mainly stay in San Francisco, California. San Francisco has a Mediterranean climate. This season is similar to the temperature in Beijing in April, and the weather is very comfortable."

"Brother Yang, San Francisco is Silicon Valley, right?"

"Yes, Silicon Valley is just south of San Francisco, near Stanford University..."

In the middle row, across the road from Gao Yang, were Professor Qin Xianglin and Lin Yunjiao.

Lin Yunjiao asked: "Professor Qin, Mr. Gao and Sister Ruohan said that you are the world's top financial quantification expert. In the financial field, what specific quantitative application scenarios do you have?"

Qin Xianglin replied: "The essence of quantification is actually the risk pricing and risk management of financial products through mathematical calculation models.

In the financial industry, there are mainly different quantitative professional positions such as quantitative traders, researchers, analysts, developers, and risk control, with different requirements for professional backgrounds.

However, one thing in common is that they require a talent for mathematics, especially applied mathematics, as well as an understanding of computers and financial transactions.

The combination of quantification and computers will have broad application prospects in the field of financial transactions in the future, such as quantitative trading, which will be a high-income occupation.

However, purely from the perspective of investment, the top category must be people, and the quantification comes from human wisdom.

You, President Gao, and Ruohan, are talented in financial investment, which is the embodiment of human wisdom. Even the top quantitative management can't reach their level.

People with investment talent can judge opportunities and risks by analyzing various data, including cyclical big opportunities, which cannot be done by quantitative research..."

After 7 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang ordered dinner. After eating, he stood up and moved around for a while, then put on the blindfold and began to rest.

Yang Ming glanced at Gao Yang's handsome face from time to time, imagining that when he came to the United States, he could be in the same room with Gao Yang and be accepted and recognized by him.

Gao Yang slept for 8 hours. After waking up, he turned his watch back for 12 hours, which happened to be 8:5 pm on August 4th, US Eastern Time.

Gao Yang took a glance, everyone else was asleep, only Yang Ming beside him was still asleep.

Gao Yang touched Yang Ming's shoulder, and Yang Ming woke up immediately.

Gao Yang said: "New York is coming soon, you can sleep well now, it will be troublesome to adjust the time difference at night."

Yang Ming looked at his watch and smiled: "After you rested, I have been reading and slept for less than 4 hours."

After 5:[-] p.m. Eastern time, the plane landed at Kennedy Airport. Professor Qin held a Maple Leaf green card, Gao Yang and the others had business visas, and they went through customs smoothly.

Only Yang Ming, who holds a tourist visa, was questioned for several minutes because he was young and a college student.

Yang Ming's English level was mediocre, Lin Yunjiao accompanied him and helped with translation, and finally passed.

Because Yang Ming still has an identity, a contracted artist of 51 Entertainment Company, there is proof in her tourist visa application documents.

Wu Fei and Chen Lan, together with Huang Yi from Titan Fund, drove a Chevrolet off-road vehicle and a Mercedes-Benz car to pick them up.

Gao Yang's group of 6 people was still arranged to stay at the Hilton Garden Inn in southern Manhattan, where they stayed last time.

Both Gao Yang and Professor Qin Xianglin lived in luxury business suites.

Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming, Zhang Wei and Wang Xiaolong all live in business double rooms.

(End of this chapter)

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