Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 504 Goldman Sachs Wants an Interview

Chapter 504 Goldman Sachs Wants an Interview

For the next two days, Shao Hanyun would come over in the morning, accompany Gao Yang and others to play in the city for half a day, rest in the hotel in the afternoon, and then go home in the evening.

It was Friday, August 8th. After get off work in the afternoon, Dorsey also came to the hotel and warmly invited Gao Yang and others to visit his home on weekends.

Gao Yang also agreed, and went to Shao Hanyun's house as a guest on August 8, and on August 11, everyone, including Andy Rubin and Yang Ruian, went to Wu Fei's house as a guest.

Chen Lan and Wu Fei invited everyone to hold a party for Gao Yang and his party to visit Silicon Valley.

Shao Hanyun and Dorsey are still renting an apartment complex in the northeast of Palo Alto, a small house with an area of ​​80 square meters.

When they arrived at Shao Hanyun's house, two girls, Lin Yunjiao and Yang Ming, helped Shao Hanyun prepare lunch.

Dorsey accompanied Gao Yang and Qin Xianglin in the living room. Now, Dorsey's oral Chinese has improved rapidly, and he can already communicate in a simple way.

Since 2007, Twitter has developed rapidly, and now the number of users has exceeded 200 million. The company's operation team has learned from 51 Weibo, whether it is product promotion or advertising management, it is constantly making new breakthroughs.

Marrying such a virtuous and considerate wife as Shao Hanyun, Dorsey now also has the satisfaction of having a successful career and family.

Two days ago, Shao Hanyun told Dorsey that with the help of Wu Ruohan, the 500 million Ruanmei coins she invested in Huaxia A shares rolled to 5 million in less than 7000 months, and it may reach hundreds of millions by the end of the year.

Dorsey was completely flabbergasted.

Afterwards, Shao Hanyun explained that she and Gao Yang's family were like family members, and Gao Yang also arranged for her future investment plans in the United States, as well as investing in Twitter next year.

Gao Yang came to Silicon Valley this time, intending to buy a big house for Wu Ruohan, and let his family stay temporarily and help take care of the house.

These things made Dorsey very happy. It is a blessing that his wife has such a relationship with Gao Yang's family.

Now, Shao Hanyun has obtained a green card, and the couple have a salary of 24 US dollars a year at Twitter, which is above the income level of the middle class.

Moreover, Shao Hanyun still holds nearly ten million US dollars of A shares, which is already considered a little rich woman.

Now Dorsey finally understands that if he keeps going with Boss Gao in this way, he will surely be a great success.

On August 8th, Sunday, noon, south of Palo Alto, Los Altos, Wu Fei's family's two-story single-family villa welcomed more than 12 guests including Gao Yang.

The backyard was set up as an open-air restaurant. Chen Lan ordered a buffet at the hotel, and the table was full of delicious food and wine, just like Chinese New Year.

In addition to Gao Yang and his party, Dorsey, Shao Hanyun, and Andy Rubin, Yang Ruian and other four or five Android company executives came with their families as guests.

After the dinner party started, Dorsey, Andy Rubin and others took the initiative to toast Gao Yang one by one, and Gao Yang never refused to come.

In the past few days, Gao Yang has not been interested in paying attention to the affairs of Android and Twitter. Andy Rubin, Yang Rui'an and others have not mentioned work matters.

Titan Fund made a heavy bet on shorting subprime mortgages. As the CEO of Android, Andy Rubin naturally knew about it.

Holding a glass of red wine, Lu Bin approached Gao Yang who was chatting with Chen Lan:

"Lucas, the subprime bond crisis is spreading rapidly, should we continue to wait?"

Chen Lan immediately translated, Gao Yang smiled and said, "Andy, we have the bargaining chips that Wall Street needs, why don't we wait?

Opportunities like this are rare in decades, and trust me, we just need a little more patience right now.

When the real default rate of subprime loans is exposed, or the price of subprime bonds starts to collapse, it is the time for us to cash in. "

Rubin nodded and smiled: "Lucas, you are a genius investor. I trust your judgment very much. Now I am more concerned about how the Android company will use it when we make a lot of money."

Gao Yang said: "Andy, we will discuss this matter in detail later.

In principle, I suggest that Android use this fund to invest in a global industrial chain. We need to seek industry chain allies with the same interests to expand the open source market together.

As I mentioned before, android's main competitor in the future is Apple's iOS. "

Lu Bin said: "Yes, on this matter, the entire team of the company agrees with your judgment..."

Satisfied, Lu Bin left, and went to chat with other people. Yang Ming saw the opportunity, and approached Gao Yang with red wine: "Brother Yang, I would like to toast you."

Gao Yang took the glass of wine with a smile, and seeing that Yang Ming wanted to say something else, he said, "Ming, this trip to America is for you to have fun for a few days, no matter what else you have to do, we can talk about it after you return to China, okay?" ?”

"Okay, Brother Yang."

At this moment, Yang Ming finally understood why Gao Yang said "this is America" ​​that night.

Even if Gao Yang is willing to accept her, he is unwilling to have an intimate relationship with her in this foreign country.

Yang Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief, Gao Yang didn't directly refuse, which means there is still a chance.

These two days, because of Gao Yang's ambiguous attitude, Yang Ming has been worrying about gains and losses.

Yang Ming finally became happy and went to chat with Lin Yunjiao and Shao Hanyun.

On August 8, Gao Yang and others continued to play around San Francisco accompanied by Shao Hanyun.

These days, the subprime mortgage crisis has begun to spread to the world.

On August 8, BNP Paribas, the largest French banking institution, announced that it was involved in the US subprime debt, and the world's major stock indexes all fell that day.

On August 8, Huaxia's A shares were affected by this, and there was a wave of diving in the market, but they were pulled back by the long funds at the close.

On August 8th, the European Central Bank began to intervene by releasing funds.

On August 8, the global central banks injected more than 11 billion US dollars into the market within two days to prevent the stock market from collapsing.

On August 8, dozens of companies around the world announced that they were involved in US subprime debt and suffered huge losses, including retail giants such as Wal-Mart.

On the same day, the three major central banks of Europe, America and Japan, as well as many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, announced capital injections into the banking system.

U.S. stocks also fell sharply on the same day, with major stock indexes falling to their lowest point since April this year.

After 8 am on August 15th, Gao Yang and his party were visiting Chinatown in San Francisco when they suddenly received a call from Chen Lan.

Chen Lan was very excited: "Gao Yang, there is something new. The time you have been waiting for has come. I will rush to the hotel right away."

Gao Yang and others followed suit and rushed back to the Hilton Garden Hotel.

At almost 11:8 in the morning, in Gao Yang’s business suite, Chen Lan was in high spirits: “Today’s Wall Street Journal reported that the default rate of subprime mortgages broke through the warning line of [-]%, guaranteed bonds began to plunge, and Wall Street was powerless to cover up the truth of the market. , The time we have been waiting for has finally arrived."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It should be some big institutions on Wall Street, ready to start harvesting."

Later, Qin Xianglin's cell phone rang.

Qin Xianglin went to the bedroom to answer the phone, came out and said with a smile: "Gao Yang, you have waited, Goldman Sachs hopes to have a direct interview with you. Now, Wall Street should be snapping up swap contracts like crazy."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Professor Qin, please tell the chief executive of Goldman Sachs that we are in San Francisco, waiting for his visit."

Qin Xianglin was slightly taken aback, nodded and smiled: "Okay, I'll contact you right away."

A few minutes later, Qin Xianglin came out of the sleeping room again, and said with a smile, "The guests will arrive tonight..."

(End of this chapter)

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