Chapter 527
When Gao Yang talked about 51 Group investing 20 billion to become a theater company, that kind of casual and calm attitude, whether it was Liu Li and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter, or Yang Ming's chest was pounding.

They all know that Gao Yang never brags, but they don't know that 51 Group now holds more than 1500 billion in cash.

What Yang Ming could think of was that Gao Yang went to the United States with Gao Yang in August, and Gao Yang negotiated a deal with Goldman Sachs for 8 billion US dollars, which might be the money.

Next, while drinking and eating, everyone chatted about the development of China's film and television industry.

Wang Zongjun gradually realized that the young boss of 51 Group and several executives who followed him were really interested in the film and television entertainment industry.

Wang Zongjun couldn't help asking: "Mr. Gao, 51 Group really intends to invest 20 billion in theaters?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, Mr. Wang, in the next three years, our investment in film and television entertainment will not be less than 50 billion. There are three major directions, one is entertainment brokerage related business, the other is film and television drama investment, and the third is Cinema investment.

51 Group also has a game company, which is currently developing very well, and will consider further expansion through mergers and acquisitions in the future.

In addition, we also plan to invest in online literature, promote the development of domestic original popular literature, and focus on creating a number of well-known IPs.

Such a layout is probably the model for 51 Group to create a pan-entertainment industry chain.

I just proposed to Mr. Wang that we are serious about cooperating in the theater chain. If Huayi is interested, we can find another time to discuss it in detail. "

Wang Zongjun smiled and said, "Okay, then let's talk another time."

Gao Yang picked up the wine glass again and toasted Li Lianjie: "Brother Lianjie, Yifei said that you took good care of her when she was filming. As a brother-in-law, I thank you for taking care of Yifei."

Li Lianjie said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about, Yifei is very good and cute, and the colleagues in the production team like her very much."

Gao Yang said again: "I have watched "Jing Wu Heroes" starring you five or six times, and the first time I watched it, the scene of punching to the flesh was very shocking.

Last year's "Fearless" was also very good-looking, and I look forward to your work like this again. "

Li Lianjie shook his head and smiled: "I'm getting old now, I suffered some injuries when I was young, and I can't move anymore. I initiated the establishment of a public welfare organization called One Foundation this year. In the future, I will focus on public welfare."

Gao Yang pretended to be curious and said, "Brother Lianjie, what kind of public welfare is the One Foundation focusing on?"

Li Lianjie said: "The One Foundation is committed to building a professional and transparent public welfare platform. Through fundraising, it focuses on disaster relief, children's care and the cultivation of public welfare talents."

Gao Yang asked again: "How big is the fund of this fund now?"

Li Lianjie said with a smile: "It has only been established for a few months, and it is only tens of millions. Recently, I have been visiting friends everywhere for alms."

Gao Yang raised his glass again: "Brother Lianjie is so generous, I admire him very much, 51 Group is willing to donate 1 million to the One Foundation."

Li Lianjie said in surprise, "Mr. Gao, are you serious?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm talking about a gentleman, I'm not joking.

51 Group is also preparing to set up a public welfare fund. It plans to seek cooperation from the Ministry of Education to focus on educational public welfare undertakings and help those children who are excellent in character and learning and whose families are financially difficult complete their studies.

The scale of this education public welfare fund, we consider the initial capital injection of 10 billion.

It’s just that there is still a lack of professional talents in public welfare management. If the One Foundation cultivates talents in this field in the future, please send us some. "

Li Lianjie clinked glasses with Gao Yang, drank it all in one gulp, and picked up the wine dispenser: "Mr. Gao is so generous, I must toast you three glasses!"

Wang Zongjun and Feng Xiaogang were dumbfounded watching the two drank three glasses of wine in a row.

Do Internet companies make money so much, donate 11 billion for public welfare?

Next, Li Lianjie offered Fang Jian, Jin Yang, Chen Sen and Liu Li a glass of wine each.

Liu Yifei and the other girls naturally didn't drink.

Afterwards, Wang Zongjun and his wife, and Feng Xiaogang and his wife also rose to offer a toast.

When Wang Zongjun toasted, he asked curiously: "Mr. Gao, what is the revenue scale of 51 Group now?"

Gao Yangdao: "In terms of our main business, we expect to have a revenue of about 30 billion this year, but we also have some other investments, both domestically and overseas.

The current valuation of the 51 Group is still several billion dollars. Our Internet business revenue is growing rapidly, and there is no pressure on cash flow.

We are also serious about doing public welfare undertakings. "

Wang Zongjun smiled heartily: "Mr. Gao is really a man of temperament. He is so forthright. It's rare to see him. It's really admirable."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I was born in a rural area, and my family was very poor when I was a child. Now that I have some ability, it is right to do something that can help the common people."

Seeing this, Fang Jian and the others felt very refreshed. Being rich is arrogance.

In the past, Huayi, Boss Wang, and Director Feng were actually putting on airs. Gao Yang looked too young.

Because of Liu Yifei, although Li Lianjie didn't put on airs, he still had a bit of a reputation.

Now, when looking at Gao Yang and these people around him, his attitude has naturally changed, and he really wants to make friends.

After a round of drinking, the relationship quickly became harmonious, and they began to call each other brothers.

In terms of age, Feng Xiaogang is 59 years old, Wang Zongjun is 61 years old, Li Lianjie is 63 years old, Gao Yang and Fang Jian are all 74 years old.

Gao Yang called these three "brothers" to get closer. Li Lianjie and Li Lianjie also called Gao Yang's name directly.

Gao Yang is naturally willing to call Li Lianjie a brother and brother. First, he is indeed a true fan. Second, he also knows that although this superstar was born in an ordinary family, the background he worked out all the way is not simple.

Donating 1 million yuan to the One Foundation is not a lot of money for Gao Yang, and it is not a strong wind.

If the 1 million yuan is invested in agricultural projects in my hometown, it can improve the lives of many villagers.

Naturally, Gao Yang really admired Li Lianjie, the only thing he found a little funny was that he and Boss Ma used to be guests of a certain master.

Even if Gao Yang lived his life again, he would not believe in these so-called masters.People should believe in themselves.

From 1999 to the present, it has been 8 years. Although Gao Yang has the advantage of foresight, if he does not work hard enough, it is impossible to have the current 51 Group.

After a few glasses of wine, Gao Yang became closer. Gao Yang asked Li Lianjie again: "Brother Jie, can the funds from the One Foundation be used for investment?"

Li Lianjie asked curiously, "What kind of investment?"

Gao Yang said: "Just like the Gates Foundation, investing in stocks, funds or bonds to invest in pension funds."

Li Lianjie shook his head and smiled: "Now we can only deposit in a special bank account. We are trying to register as a private equity foundation. We need approval from relevant departments and operate in accordance with the "Foundation Management Regulations" before we can invest. It's too late this year. Let's see if we can do it next year." .”

Gao Yang immediately understood that these problems should not exist for the 51 Group to set up an education public welfare fund solely by itself.

Gao Yang asked again: "Brother Jie, have you registered on our 51 Weibo?"

Li Lianjie shook his head and smiled, "I heard Yifei talk about your Weibo, but I don't use the computer much and haven't registered."

Gao Yang asked other people, Wang Zongjun, his wife Xiao Mei, and Feng Xiaogang did not register on Weibo.

Only Feng Xiaogang's wife, Yu Fan, registered. Yu Fan smiled and said, "Gao Yang, I'm just a little transparent on your 51 Weibo. There are only tens of thousands of followers, and I don't spend much time on Weibo."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister Fan has kept up with the trend. 51 Weibo has more than 9000 million users. Many people in the entertainment industry have registered and are using it frequently. They often take care of it and participate in some topic discussions. Popularity is good."

Gao Yang looked at Li Lianjie again: "Brother Jie, I suggest that the One Foundation register an official account on 51 Weibo, which will help publicize the image of public welfare.

In addition, although you don't need to use Weibo to promote yourself, how about registering a real-name account to support 51 Weibo? "

Li Lianjie smiled cheerfully: "Okay, then register one."

Gao Yang said again: "Brother Jie, if you don't have time, you can leave Weibo to an assistant.

And Brother Jun, Brother Gang, you are the same. With the convenient and fast self-media platform like Weibo, the company can also register an official account, which is very beneficial for publicity and promotion without paying a penny. "

Wang Zongjun raised his thumb and said with a smile: "I finally understand that the success of 51 Group is not accidental. Brother Gao is such a big boss, and he is still doing it himself to promote his own products. I admire it."

Feng Xiaogang said: "The way to play the Internet is indeed becoming more and more fresh. Well, let's also register one and play Weibo."

Gao Yang said: "Innovative applications will continue to appear on the Internet, such as smartphones to realize real mobile Internet access.

Another example is that we are a theater chain. 51 Group has 51pay, an online payment tool, which can carry out online ordering of movie tickets, popcorn, drinks, etc., which can reduce some manual service links and improve management efficiency..."

The meal ended with a happy conversation, and it didn't end until 8:[-] in the evening.

When parting, Gao Yang told Li Lianjie that he could send One Foundation staff to 51 Group to handle donations at any time.

Li Lianjie was naturally very happy and thanked again and again. The One Foundation was established in Shanghai, and Li Lianjie often lives in Shanghai.

Li Lianjie also made an appointment with Gao Yang, and we will make an appointment for a dinner in a few days, and let him be the host...

(End of this chapter)

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