Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 531 Add another 3 million

Chapter 531 Add another 3 million
Chen Qiaotian burst out laughing:
"If Mr. Xu has paid attention to Shanda's business performance after listing on NASDAQ, it should be clear that since the second half of 2005, we have achieved rapid growth every quarter.

Shanda is not short of funds, our cash reserves are several billion. "

Xu Xin smiled slightly: "If Mr. Chen still thinks the valuation is too low, we can add another 1 million."

Chen Qiaotian was stunned, and said with a smile: "Sorry, Shanda has no intention of transferring the majority stake in Qidian."

Xu Xin said: "If Mr. Chen thinks that the valuation of 8 million is not enough, we will add another 1 million, and the valuation of 9 million is already a sky-high price."

Chen Qiaotian was startled again: "President Xu, is 51 Group so determined to win?"

Xu Xin said: "Mr. Chen, any transaction can be negotiated, and a price that both parties can accept can also be found.

If 51 Group spends two or three years building an online text platform by itself, the probability of success is very high.

At that time, Qidian Literature in the hands of Shanda may not be able to maintain its current growth rate. If Shanda is transferred again, it is impossible for any company to give such a high valuation.

The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has spread globally. If it continues, the global economic growth may face a decline in 2008.

If Qidian continues to lose money for another two or three years, can Shanda still bear it? "

Chen Qiaotian fell into deep thought for a while, Xu Xin added fuel to the fire when she saw this:

"Mr. Chen, we can give a valuation of 10 billion, which is also the highest authorization I have received.

Last week, we had already negotiated with Xiaoxiang Literature to acquire 75% of Xiaoxiang’s shares, and planned to inject 5000 million yuan. 51 Group’s strategy of entering the online literature market is very serious.

So, Mr. Chen, please think about it carefully. 51 Group seeks win-win cooperation with Shanda, not competition. "

After speaking, Xu Xin stood up and said goodbye.

The two walked out of the Shanda headquarters office building, Li Qin said: "Sister Xin, Boss Chen seems to really have no intention of transferring the starting point, what shall we do next?"

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Let's go back to the hotel to rest and go shopping in the afternoon. If Boss Chen is rational enough, I believe he will not refuse such a sky-high price.

Boss Chen should understand that Shanda has no chance of winning once the 51 Group makes efforts in the online literature market. The end result is that Qidian Literature has been losing money, and it is worthless in its hands. "

After seeing off Xu Xin and Li Qin, Chen Qiaotian sat in the office in a daze for a while, and then asked his assistant to notify the president that former Microsoft China president and professional manager Tang Jun had come.

After Tang Jun arrived, Chen Qiaotian opened his mouth and said, "Let's suspend the progress of the acquisition."

Tang Jun said in surprise: "Mr. Chen, we are almost done talking."

Chen Qiaotian shook his head and said, "The 51 Group has started to enter the online literature market.

Just now, Xu Xin, the new Chief Investment Officer of 51 Group and the founder of Venture Capital Today, approached me on behalf of 51 Group to discuss the acquisition of Qidian Literature, and reported a valuation of 10 billion.

What do you think about this matter? "

Tang Jun was stunned for a moment: "51 Group gave the starting point a valuation of 10 billion?"

Chen Qiaotian nodded: "Yeah, I also find it incredible, but they really gave a valuation of 10 billion.

Xu Xin also said that even if Shanda is unwilling to sell Qidian, 51 Group will invest heavily, and they have already acquired 75% of the shares of Xiaoxiang Literature..."

After Chen Qiaotian introduced the pan-entertainment strategic layout of 51 Group revealed by Xu Xin, Tang Jun also fully understood.

Tang Jun frowned and said: "Mr. Chen, 51 Group's platform traffic advantage is too great. If we continue to promote the establishment of Shanda Literature, the process of merging and acquiring the online literature platform may also be hindered. I'm afraid we can't compete with 51 Group.

Afterwards, Shanda Literature's development plan, including the realization of the IPO goal, must also face many obstacles and risks. "

Chen Qiaotian shook his head and sighed: "Yes, I think so too. Shanda's main business has grown rapidly for several years in a row, and this year's profit is only expected to be around 14 billion. They came to buy Qidian Literature and directly offered 10 yuan. [-] million."

Tang Jun asked: "Mr. Chen wants to transfer the starting point?"

Chen Qiaotian nodded: "In three years, Shanda invested nearly 1.6 million yuan in the starting point, and lost nearly 1 million yuan.

Now, 51 Group is going to enter the online literature market in a big way, and if we set up Shanda Literature as originally planned, it will be difficult to predict the future investment risks.

Knowing that the risk is very high, then simply give up early..."

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xin and Li Qin were about to go shopping when Li Qin suddenly received a call from Chen Qiaotian's assistant.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qin giggled: "Sister Xin, you really hit the spot. Boss Chen is tempted."

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Boss Chen can't refuse the 10 billion offer, otherwise, Shanda wouldn't be able to develop to its current scale."

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xin and Li Qin met with Chen Qiaotian again. To Xu Xin's surprise, Shanda decided to transfer all 90% of Qidian Literature's shares and withdraw completely.

Naturally, Xu Xin couldn't wish for it. She understood what Boss Chen was thinking. The 51 Group took 9 million yuan in cash to take over 90% of Qidian Literature's shares, and they might not be able to earn it back in 10 years.

That being the case, Shanda transferred the starting point and recovered 9 million in cash. In three years, the net investment income was as high as 7.4 million, making a lot of money.

After reporting to Gao Yang, on the morning of November 11th, on behalf of 20 Group, Xu Xin initialed the acquisition agreement with Shanda. The two parties agreed to complete the transaction before November 51th. On November 11th, they jointly held a press conference in Beijing.

After signing the agreement, Xu Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, the task was finally completed, and that night, Wu Wenfei and other 5 members of the starting team were invited to dinner.

Wu Wenfei and the others also dropped their jaws in shock, and they were even more surprised. They didn't expect that 51 Group was so rich and powerful. The 10% starting point equity in their hands was actually worth 1 million yuan.

Xu Xin also promised on behalf of 51 Group that after the acquisition of Qidian Literature, 51 Group will immediately inject 2 million in capital and establish 51 Literature, with Wu Wenfei as the CEO of 51 Literature.

On November 11, the two parties quickly completed the transaction, and 28 Group also completed the acquisition of 51% of Xiaoxiang Literature.

On November 11th, 30 Group once again held a grand press conference at the International Trade Hotel in Beijing. Tang Jun attended on behalf of Shanda. Six founders of Qidian Literature, including Wu Wenfei, and Bao Weikang, the founder of Xiaoxiang Literature, also attended the press conference. meeting.

For 51 Group, Gao Yang did not attend. CEO Fang Jian, Chief Investment Officer Xu Xin, 51 Entertainment CEO Liu Li and others attended.


Such explosive news quickly spread on the Internet and became the most popular headline news on the entire Internet.

Tens of thousands of web writers were even more excited, commenting on this major event in the web literature world on 51 Weibo, and some even shouted Long live the 51 Group.

After several years of rapid development of, it finally ushered in the end of the Internet giant in person, and it was the 51 Group that everyone loved.

However, the investors of various platforms in the Internet literature industry were extremely shocked. 51 Group entered the Internet literature market at any cost, which made the entire industry nervous.

51 Group reshuffled the antivirus software industry overnight with the free antivirus model.

Afterwards, 51 Toutiao's intelligent push and traffic sharing model changed the portal news website overnight.

Now, 51 Group has taken a fancy to the online text market, and it is not known how it will change this emerging industry.

If you can't keep up with the pace of the 51 Group, you may face the crisis of being eliminated...

(End of this chapter)

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