Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 56 Executive Editor?i don't want to

Chapter 56 Executive Editor?i don't want to

On Friday, editing the newspaper published on February 2, Gao Yang is in charge of editing 28 editions today, and the pressure is a bit high.

The cover story of this newspaper was written by Gao Yang, and there are two editions. [Channel Academy] also has two editions, and there are four editions of regional news.

Chen Ning used to be in charge of regional news. Most of the manuscripts written by regional reporters were very rough. Gao Yang felt a headache and had to revise the manuscripts and help them polish them.

However, there are a few happy events today.

First of all, Zhongtian Real Estate almost rose by the limit again, soaring +9.44%, closing at 23.53 yuan, and closing a bald and bright line.

Position: 22800 shares of Zhongtian Real Estate

Market value: 536484 yuan

Cash: 709 yuan

Principal: 134500 yuan

Profit: 299.40% (402693 yuan)
The amount of funds has exceeded 50, and the floating profit has also reached 40.

Gao Yang recalled that in his previous life, the accumulated accumulation in his hand was probably less than 4 yuan.

In this life, it has become more than 10 times, which is very good.

In addition, Chen Sen has started to help with the mortgage loan of the store, Zheng Xiaohong has been introduced to work in Parkson Supermarket, Yang Yong has already rented a house in Jinyang, and is going to start investigating the supply of goods in the supermarket.

After the store key is received, the renovation will begin.

Xiao Jin has already paid 3 shares, and Yang Yong and Chen Sen's shares are still being raised, and it is expected to be settled in March.

Gao Yang decided to transfer back the 3 shares in gold at the end of March or early April, and don't worry about it now, just make some money on stocks first.

Wu Peng also finished his inspection of the capital, and returned to Jinyang to start investing in a mass-market KTV. The total investment is estimated to be around 60. Wu Peng meant to make it bigger.

Monday, October 2.

When I went to work in the morning, on the bulletin board of the CPI Beijing branch, there was a group appointment notice for Wan Hong as the general manager and editor-in-chief of the national edition project.

Although many people were surprised, they all expressed their congratulations to Wan Hong.

Gao Yang also smiled when he saw it, it really is such an arrangement, it's very good.

Next, it's time to be the chief reporter myself.

The basic salary of the chief reporter is 6000 yuan, and the three-fee subsidy is 400 yuan per month, which is equivalent to a salary increase of 1800 yuan.

The income of CPI is after-tax income, Gao Yang feels very good.

Wan Hong's position was replaced by Wu Bo's previous position, and he officially took office today.

Many people didn't notice that there was not much excitement after being promoted on Wan Hong's face, but there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes.

In the morning, Wan Hong first held a small meeting with Zhang Tao and He Jin, the manager of the advertising department. Afterwards, the project held a general meeting, and Feng Maonan, the vice president, also attended.

Feng Maonan put forward some hopes for the work of the National Edition this year, and Wan Hong delivered his inauguration speech, calling on everyone to work together to complete the performance tasks assigned by the group this year.

In terms of newspaper content, it is necessary to do more planning, improve original content, and compress the layout of public relations manuscripts.

We must strive to have a big plan every quarter and a regular plan every month.

In the evening, Wan Hong invited colleagues from the editorial department to dinner to communicate with each other and stabilize the morale of the army.

The situation in the advertising department is fine, as long as the work progresses as planned.

The editorial department is very bad now. Today, two more reporters submitted their resignation reports. Including Wan Hong, there are only 10 people left in the editorial department.

It took only a week to go to work after the Spring Festival. Six people, including Wu Bo, resigned and left.

This phenomenon of journalists quitting after the new year has happened in previous years, but this year it is more serious.

During the meal, everyone was in a low mood. One-third of the reporters had switched jobs, and Wan Hong, the chief reporter, had been promoted again. Everyone was under a lot of pressure. It can be expected that the next month or so will be extremely busy.

Wan Hong raised his glass and said: "I am the general manager of this project, and I am also trying to get the ducks on the shelves, and the pressure is huge. During this time, I can only work hard for everyone.

In the next issue of the newspaper, I will arrange to publish a recruitment notice for registrants. I will also try to find a way to see if I can poach two reporters.

If you have journalist friends you know, you can also recommend them, or take the initiative to contact them.We need mature journalists who can do things as soon as they take up the post. Newcomers can be recruited, but not all of them are newcomers. "

Zhou Wenbin curled his lips and said, "Wan Hong, to put it bluntly, CPI's basic salary is too low. Other media have always poached our reporters, and it is difficult for CPI to poach people."

Wan Hong said: "It depends on people's efforts. The overall treatment of CPI reporters is still good. We can explain it clearly to people."

Sun Chengyi shook his head: "It's difficult."

After drinking two glasses of wine, Wan Hong said again: "Originally, I suggested to the leaders of the group that I should not concurrently serve as the editor-in-chief, but set up a separate editor-in-chief position to focus on the content of the newspaper.

Now that the appointment notice has come out, it is a done deal, and I propose again to set up the post of executive editor, which is equivalent to the editor-in-chief.

I don't have enough work experience, and my energy is even more limited. For such a large project as the national version, someone must share the work of the content.

My energy focus is still on sales. If sales are stable and performance tasks are completed, everyone's income will be guaranteed. "

Lin Yuan said: "This idea is not bad, it should be such a position."

Zhang Tao said: "Yes, I think it is very good to have an executive editor. Wan Hong, you also need to be the editor-in-chief to deal with customers, and customers will easily agree."

Everyone agrees with Zhang Tao's statement. After all, IT companies agree with journalists more than salesmen.

Wan Hong smiled and said: "It seems that our opinions are the same. I have already recommended Gao Yang as the executive editor, but the boss has not yet made a decision. If it really doesn't work, I want to send another email, and the editorial department will give a name. , everyone recommends collectively, how about it?"

Gao Yang almost spouted tea: "Wan Hong, I have only been working at CPI for more than 4 months, and my qualifications are too low, how can I be qualified as the executive editor..."

Gao Yang was a little confused.

Executive Editor?I don't want to, I really don't want to do it.

In the previous life, Gao Yang was the executive editor in 2001. There were too many miscellaneous tasks and a lot of pressure. The key point was that the overall income could not keep up with being the chief reporter.

Wan Hong said: "Gao Yang, there are only a few people in the editorial department. I recommend you to be the executive editor. I have thought carefully and only you are the most suitable. For such a big project, you can't just watch all the pressure on me, right? .”

Gao Yang just shook his head.

I really don't want to do it, I want to make more money.

Sun Chengyi said: "Gao Yang, what Wan Hong said is correct, only you are the most suitable, writing manuscripts, making plans, we are not as good as you."

Zhou Wenbin said: "Gao Yang, you push the ball, those who can do it will work harder, if you don't go, who will go?"

Shen Xin smiled and said: "Gao Yang, you should just follow. Only you can fill this position."

Lin Yuan said: "That's right, Gao Yang, it's you, don't push."

Everyone chattered and tried to persuade Gao Yang, but they all sincerely.

Gao Yang was a little speechless, the chief reporter is talented, the salary is high, and he doesn't have to bear too many responsibilities.

On February 2th, Tuesday, Gao Yang came back from an interview in the afternoon and was summoned to the office by Vice President Feng Maonan.

As soon as Feng Maonan opened his mouth, he was really talking about the executive editor-in-chief.

Gao Yang felt helpless, which meant that the big boss Feng Jinsong approved Wan Hong's suggestion.

Feng Maonan smiled and said: "Gao Yang, Wan Hong said that the reporters in the editorial department have recommended you as the executive editor, and the boss also agrees with your ability. This is the case. The appointment notice will be issued tomorrow. Work hard."

"Mr. Nan, I haven't been in CPI for a long time, and I still want to write a few more manuscripts. You are rushing the ducks to the shelves." Gao Yang wanted to howl.

Feng Maonan said with a smile: "You are the executive editor-in-chief, so you can still write articles. Of course, the most important thing is to gather the editorial team, do a good job of planning, do a good job of original content, and enhance the industry influence of the newspaper."

Gao Yang had no choice but to say: "Mr. Nan, I can only resign myself to it."

What else can I do, this position cannot be rejected...

(End of this chapter)

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