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第560章 51手机1代,51M1

Chapter 560 51 Mobile Phone Generation, 51M1
2009 has passed, and during the Spring Festival, Lao Liu Gaolin is 4 months old.

Gao Yuan and Gao Quan are both over two years old. After the Spring Festival, they can go to the kindergarten to play in small classes, and they will officially start kindergarten in autumn.

The first day of the first month of this year coincides with February 2, Valentine's Day.

On February 2, after New Year's Eve in Jinyang, a 13BBJ took off from Jinyang Airport on the morning of February 2, flew to Yalong Bay, and checked into the five-star hotel, Yueju Holiday Hotel.

This is a hotel under the name of Gu Yawen, with an investment of 20 billion. It was completed and opened in April 2009.

On the plane that can carry 63 people, besides Gao Yang's family, there are also He Yong, Chen Sen, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and Wen Yi, all of whom are with their children.

Now, He Yong is already in the position of seniority, and he is in charge of the Shudu High-tech Development Zone, and he is not far away from being promoted.

Wu Peng is also in office, and Xiao Jin is already in office, and both of them have achieved great results.

As for Yang Yong and Wen Yi, they both have net worths in the hundreds of millions.

Needless to say, Chen Sen, the couple has been working in the 51 Department, and with Wu Ruohan's help in investing, they already have a net worth of hundreds of millions.

He Yong, Wu Peng, and Xiao Jin are also wives who go into business. Because He Yong and Wu Peng invested in Haidilao with Gao Yang, the equity of this company alone is worth more than one billion yuan.

In the future, when Haidilao goes public, it will increase several times.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, one 86 years old and the other 83 years old, did not dare to let them travel, but insisted on going.

Fortunately, the two elders are still in good health.

After getting off the plane, after drinking, two Mercedes-Benz minibuses were sent to take them to Yalong Bay.

When we arrived at the hotel, Mr. Wu asked, "Is such a big hotel making money?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Grandpa, you invested 20 billion yuan, it's still early to make money, but the Spring Festival is the peak tourist season, and it is basically full of customers.

If we don't reserve rooms, more than 400 rooms will be sold. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Grandpa, my sister has invested 20 billion in this hotel, even if it all loses, there is not much money."

Mr. Wu said: "Hey, you are called a toad and yawned so loudly."

Wu Ruohan said with a smile, "That's what it is. If I want to make money, I'll have the 20 billion in less than a month."

Old lady Wu said: "Ruohan, don't talk nonsense, how can you brag like this."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Mom, Ruohan is not bragging. If she wants to make money, she can really make 20 billion a month. Gao Yang's company has donated 60 billion in donations in the past two years."

Mr. Wu asked curiously: "You donated 60 billion yuan? What did you donate it for?"

Gu Yawen said: "Grandpa, it's all about student aid or disaster relief. Our company has donated the most money among private enterprises."

Mr. Wu said happily, "Okay, that's good."

After settling down in the hotel, more than 50 people, old and young, were ready to have lunch.

Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei, each dragging a suitcase, began to distribute new mobile phones to everyone.

Wu Guanghua opened the packing box, took out a matte black mobile phone, and handed it to the old man:
"Dad, this is the first-generation smartphone developed and produced by Gao Yang's company, 51M1."

The old man was a little surprised: "It can produce mobile phones, how much can such mobile phones sell for?"

He Yong said: "Grandpa Wu, this is a trial-produced mobile phone, which is used for testing and will be priced after mass production."

Gao Yang introduced: "Grandpa, the performance and quality of this mobile phone is considered a first-class product in the current market. It is expected to be mass-produced and launched before May Day, and the price may be around 3600 yuan."

The old man was even more surprised: "It's so expensive, how much money can you make from producing a mobile phone?"

Gao Yang explained: "Grandpa, the cost depends on the sales volume. If such a mobile phone sells 100 million units, it can make a gross profit of 1500 yuan.

In order to build a brand, the price is not high, and we have invested 100 billion in the mobile phone business. Even if the sales volume is good, it is estimated that it will take three to four years to recover the investment. "

Wu Xiaoyue came over, installed a calling card in the mobile phone, connected to the hotel's WiFi, and began to teach Mr. Wu how to use the mobile phone:
"Grandpa, this is called '51 Toutiao', you can open it to read the news every day;
This is called 51 WeChat, and it has been used by millions of people. You can add us as friends, and then you can...

No need to type, record a sentence and send it to us..."

Mr. Wu said enthusiastically, "Is this called intelligence?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Grandpa, the smart phone has only been out for two years, and it will be more convenient in a few years."

In the past life, WeChat has not yet come out.

Today, Gao Yang suggested and has detailed functional requirements. The 51 WeChat developed by Zhang Xiaolong is already equivalent to the version after 2013.

The mobile phones produced by 51 Technology will directly pre-install the 51 series APP.

As long as it is an adult, everyone has a 51 technology internal test mobile phone. After eating, many people change their mobile phone cards and start playing with smart phones.

This is the world's first smartphone using the android system. During the development of android, Gao Yang made many suggestions from the user's point of view based on his experience in the previous life.

Today is Valentine's Day. In the evening, Gao Yang accompanied Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and Lin Yunjiao to dinner alone, and gave each of them a bouquet of roses.

When it comes to rest, who to accompany has become a problem.

Wu Ruohan grinned: "How about, let's go together."

Gu Yawen blushed, and said coquettishly: "Ruohan, if you want to go crazy, go crazy yourself, you are too self-indulgent."

"I still have to breastfeed the baby." Lin Yunjiao hurriedly slipped away.

Wu Ruohan stood up with a smile: "I'll take Yuanyuan and Quanquan to sleep."

Then Gao Yang smiled, picked up Gu Yawen by the waist, and went back to the big suite where he lived.

After entering the room, Gu Yawen was put down, her face was still blushing, looking at Gao Yang's smiling face, she said in surprise:

"You don't really want to be as crazy as Ruohan, do you?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing."

Gu Yawen followed with a punch of powder: "No, what kind of words does that sound like?"

Gao Yang felt a little regretful. With Gu Yawen's character, it was naturally impossible.

Maybe, let Wu Ruohan fool Lin Yunjiao a bit.

The current Wu Ruohan has the eccentric personality of when he was in college, and Gao Yang thinks it is quite good.

This night, Gao Yang became a man three times, and Gu Yawen was so tired that she finally bit him lightly: "Honey, you have changed."

Gao Yang asked curiously, "How did I change?"

Gu Yawen said: "You haven't been like this for several years."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This shows that my body is as good as it was a few years ago."

Gu Yawen pinched him lightly again:
"I feel that since last year, you seem to have relaxed a lot.

This is something that has never happened since we met.

I remember, when I first met you, you were busy every day and often stayed up late to work overtime. "

Gao Yang kissed her: "Yawen, after investing in the mobile phone project, there are a lot of things to do in the company, basically we can follow the plan and do it step by step.

There are also many talents in the 51 series. I basically don’t need to worry too much. I should enjoy life and spend more time with you. "

Gu Yawen understood: "This is what you said, strive to retire before the age of 40?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, in another two or three years, when the mobile phone business has gained a firm foothold, the sixth child will start kindergarten, and Yunjiao can almost stand up.

I will gradually fade out, discuss some investments with Ruohan, and strive to basically retire before the age of 40.

At that time, you can also retire, and I will accompany you to travel around the world. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "That's too early, around 50 years old."

On February 2th, the fifth day of the first lunar month, there was a big sun, and it was suitable for swimming in the sea at noon.

Gao Yang changed into his swimming trunks and came out, just in time to meet Wu Xiaoyue who had changed into her swimsuit.

Seeing the blush on the girl's face, Gao Yang said in surprise: "Xiaoyue, why have you been blushing these past few days?"

Wu Xiaoyue panicked: "It's nothing, it might be from the sun."

Gao Yang raised his head and looked at the sky, feeling a little puzzled.

Sunshine, will it be pink?
(End of this chapter)

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