Chapter 562

April 4, Beijing, China World Hotel.

51 Technology grandly released its own brand smartphone, 51-M1.


Equipped with a 500-megapixel Carl Zeiss rear camera and a 30-megapixel front camera.

Configure Qualcomm chip, the operating system is android 4.2 version.

The entire phone measures 4.6 inches high, 2.36 inches wide, 9.5mm thick, and weighs 145 grams.

The design of this mobile phone can be regarded as a model of craft aesthetics. At the press conference, more than 200 media reporters all looked straight.

It's beautiful, and it's an epoch-making phone.

Powerful, simple and elegant design, completely different from the current mobile phones on the market.

Moreover, this android operating system seems to be significantly stronger than the mainstream Symbian system, and it is very convenient to operate.

On the stage of the press conference, Lu Tao, chairman and president of 51 Technology, wearing a wireless microphone, introduced with a smile at the end of the speech:

"My friends from the media, everyone is concerned about how much such an exquisite smartphone sells, and now, I will reveal the answer for you.

For the 16G version, the unified retail price is 3588 yuan; for the 32G version, the unified retail price is 4588 yuan.

51-M1 is currently the best smartphone on the market, we are confident that this is a very conscientious price.

In addition, I would like to announce here that in July, 7 Technology will release the M51 PLUS version, which will have a 1-inch super-large screen, higher resolution, better camera, and 4G as a standard storage.

At that time, the 64G version of M1 will also be on the market.

Finally, every media friend today can receive a 16G M1 for free.

This is a meeting gift from 51 Technology, thank you friends from the media for your support! "

The audience applauded thunderously, and many reporters were screaming.

It's scary, there are about 250 reporters present today, and 51 Technology gave away so many mobile phones, worth about 90!
Too embarrassing.

Moreover, the sales price of 51-M1 is really conscientious, and it is the first choice for family members to change mobile phones.

A week later, when the 51-M1 was selling well in offline physical stores across the country, as well as on, the phone was also nervously delivered to Apple's headquarters.

Apple's management was horrified. The appearance design and configuration parameters of this mobile phone were 6% similar to the iPhone 4 that Apple was scheduled to release in early June.

However, the length, width and thickness of the fuselage are almost 4% larger than that of the iPhone2.

Many details and designs are also different.

After three days of discussion, Apple finally decided that the iPhone 4 conference will be held as scheduled, and the pricing strategy will remain unchanged.

A mobile phone designed and produced by a Chinese company, and it is also the first mobile phone to use the Android system, is not a cause for concern.

Apple's judgment is not wrong. According to Gao Yang's plan, 51 Technology will not have the strength to compete with the iPhone in the next five or six years.

The 51-M series of mobile phones aims to quickly occupy a huge market share other than fruit fans, and promote the android operating system.

Time, soon to July.

7月9日,在iPhone4发布一个月之后,51科技再次发布51-M1 PLUS版。

4 inches, 1280x960 resolution screen, 800 million pixel lens, 32G memory...

The retail price is 6388 yuan.

The retail price of the 64G version is 7388 yuan.

The retail price of the 64G version of 51-M1 is 5388 yuan.


The retail price of the 32G version is 5999 yuan, which was once snatched to around 7000 yuan.

Later, many users compared and found that 51-M1 is not much worse than iPhone4.

Some evaluation sites believe that the 51-M1 is basically equivalent to the iPhone 4, and the cost performance is extremely high.

After the press conference, in the evening, Gao Yang invited Lu Tao and other 51 high-level executives to dinner at the Capital Club, as well as Yang Ruian, the CEO of Android Huaxia.

At the press conference at the end of April and today, Yang Rui'an gave a speech in person, introducing the Android system.

Today, in addition to 51 Technology, there are two domestic mobile phone brands that are developing smart phones that have introduced the Android system.

In the past two years, Lu Tao has been busy with 51 Technology and rarely met with Gao Yang.

Lu Tao was very excited and raised his glass frequently:

"Gao Yang, in two months, we sold 25 mobile phones, and the market response exceeded expectations.

This year, it seems that selling 100 million units is no problem at all.

The platform of the 51 series has too many resources for communication and promotion..."

Tonight, Gao Yang was also very happy, drinking a lot of wine with Lu Tao and others.


369 Safe Browser, as well as 369 Security Guard, naturally also vigorously cooperate with the promotion.

The image spokesperson of 51 mobile phone is Liu Yifei, a popular female star.

While Gao Yang was drinking, Houhai, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and others took their children out of the courtyard and walked along the north edge of Houhai.

Gao Lin, the 10-month-old sixth child, was pushed by Wu Xiaoyue in a stroller.

The eldest Ma Tianci is almost 8 years old, and the next semester will be the second grade of elementary school.

Walking to Wanghai Tower, Lin Yunjiao took her son out of the stroller. The little guy can now stand with support, eager to try and learn to walk.

Lin Yunjiao put both hands under the child's armpit, gently supported him, and let him try to walk with his little feet.

Gu Yawen took Wu Xiaoyue by the hand, and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyue, tomorrow is your 23rd birthday, how do you want to spend it?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Sister, just have a meal at home, I don't want to make trouble."

At almost 9 o'clock in the evening, the group returned to the courtyard and began to shower the children and arrange for them to sleep.

Gao Tianci and his 5-year-old sister and brother, Gao Yao and Gao Lei, sleep by themselves now.

Gao Yuan and Gao Quan, who are more than two years old, have to be coaxed to sleep every night.

Wu Ruohan told two fairy tales to his son and daughter, and the two little ones soon fell asleep.

Wu Ruohan was about to rest, but thinking that Gao Yang hadn't come back yet, she went to the courtyard to enjoy the cool.

Under the pomegranate tree, Wu Xiaoyue was sitting alone. When Wu Ruohan saw her, she went over and sat down:
"Xiaoyue, why are you in a daze here?"

Seeing that Wu Xiaoyue was silent, Wu Ruohan asked again: "Is there something on your mind?"

Wu Xiaoyue suddenly leaned on Wu Ruohan: "Second Sister, there is something I just dare to tell you."

Wu Ruohan hugged her lightly: "Xiaoyue, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't be bored in your heart."

Wu Xiaoyue hesitated for a while, then sighed softly: "Second sister, I like brother-in-law, I dare not tell my sister or my mother."

Wu Ruohan was stunned, and asked, "Xiaoyue, how long has it been?"

Wu Xiaoyue shook her head, with blank eyes: "I don't know, maybe two or three years."

Wu Ruohan looked at her: "Xiaoyue, are you sure you want to be with him?"

Wu Xiaoyue blushed: "Well, it's just that I'm afraid that my mother will scold me and my sister will be angry."

Wu Ruohan said: "Xiaoyue, this is a matter of a lifetime."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Second sister, I know, now, I often think of that year's Spring Festival, when I was alone and helpless, I met my brother-in-law and sister.

Now that I've grown up, I don't want to marry or leave this family.

In my heart, no man can be compared with my brother-in-law..."

Wu Xiaoyue confided, Wu Ruohan listened quietly.

After that, Wu Ruohan suddenly said:
"Xiaoyue, tonight is the opportunity. Gao Yang is drinking with Lu Tao and the others. He and Brother Tao are old friends for many years. They have a deep relationship and will definitely drink a lot.

After a while, you will live in my house, and I will live in your house..."

"Ah?" After hearing Wu Ruohan's plan, Wu Xiaoyue blushed, "Second Sister, can you do this?"

Wu Ruohan said: "If you don't, you will be like me back then, suffering for many years, and there may not be any results in the end.

With Gao Yang's personality, he will definitely not agree to you, so he can only take advantage of this opportunity tonight.

Don't worry, Second Sister will take care of this matter for you.

You are the beautiful princess of our family, apart from Gao Yang, there are really not many men who are worthy of you.

If you miss this opportunity tonight, Second Sister will hardly be able to help you..."

Later, Wu Xiaoyue gritted her teeth and went to Wu Ruohan's bedroom. After washing, she changed into her pajamas, turned off the lights and went to sleep with anxiety.

After lying down for a while, I turned on another bed lamp and turned the light to the dimmest.

It was almost 11 o'clock at night when Gao Yang returned home feeling dizzy.

Tonight, I drank more than a catty of wine with Lu Tao and others, and then drank tea and chatted for more than two hours, and I was still dizzy at this time.

After returning home, Gao Yang went directly to Wu Ruohan's sleeping room. After washing, he lay down on the bed and hugged "Wu Ruohan" who was facing away from him.

Just about to start tenderness, Gao Yang felt something was wrong as soon as he touched it.

Then, I turned on the bed light, and looked at the blushing face under him, his face changed instantly, and the drunkenness disappeared:

"Xiaoyue, why is it you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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