Chapter 85
Gu Yawen was a little upset today.

Last weekend, I invited Gao Yang to dinner at home, and this week at the COMPAQ company event, I met Gao Yang, and even made a joke about it.

I thought that on Saturday, Gao Yang would take the initiative to contact him and invite him to dinner.

Then, Gu Yawen would take the opportunity to request and cook at Gao Yang's house.

As a result, Gao Yang didn't contact her even after waiting until it was dark today.

Gu Yawen was so angry that she called her cousin Wu Ruohan, and then drove out.

Gu Yawen swore secretly that Gao Yang would ignore him from now on.

An hour later, in a pizzeria near the University of Finance and Economics, Wu Ruohan took a sip of orange juice and looked at Gu Yawen: "Sister, your mood swings are a bit big recently, I feel that you have changed."

Gu Yawen stroked her forehead subconsciously: "Do I have it?"

"Yes." Wu Ruohan blinked and said in a low voice, "Could it be Gao Yang's heartstrings were touched?"

Gu Yawen rolled her eyes: "Nonsense..."

At this time, Gao Yang was at home, made a cup of tea, lit a cigarette, turned on the computer, and began to carefully read the emails sent by Fang Jian.

The third issue of "Towards the third and fourth tier markets", the manuscript of the Suzhou chapter.

On a nearby street, Zhao Xiaolong sat alone in a barbecue restaurant, grilled several skewers of mutton, and ordered a bottle of half-jin Erguotou.

While eating skewers and drinking wine, Zhao Xiaolong thought of Gao Yang's words... Well, it makes sense.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xiaolong hiccupped and returned to the office.

As soon as I sat down, I felt like I was full of thoughts and a bunch of inspiration in my mind.

Two hours later, Zhao Xiaolong typed a thousand or two thousand words eloquently, insisting on the shortcomings of the CPI newspaper, the closed management, etc., and then imagined a lot of powerful reform proposals.

Zhao Xiaolong finished writing the email and was going to send emails to Boss Feng, CEO Yang Limin, Vice President Ren Jing and others.

Later, he scratched his forehead again, hesitating.

Zhao Xiaolong suddenly remembered that the editorial department had sent an open letter to the staff community on the Intranet, calling out Chen Youcai.

This is a good way, you can try posting in the employee community first.

Zhao Xiaolong felt that he was enlightened.

Posting in the Intranet community is anonymous.

If his suggestion caused a sensation, the group leader would definitely investigate, and then he would stand up and admit that it was his post.

If it doesn't work, or even counterproductive, that's okay, anyway, posting in the community is anonymous.

Usually, some employees also post posts to offer suggestions on the company's business and management, and some posts are even hotly discussed.

Zhao Xiaolong lit a cigarette, thought for a while, and then posted a post in the employee community. He posted nearly 2000 words of rhetoric with one click.

Today is Saturday, so naturally few people will log into the intranet.

Zhao Xiaolong seemed to let out a big mouthful of turbid air, contented, and went home to sleep.

On Sunday morning, Gao Yanggang was sitting in front of the computer, preparing to draft the interview outline for the Channel Academy for the next week. Unexpectedly, Wu Ruohan would suddenly call.

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Brother Yang, I heard you moved to a new house?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, it's not called Xinjia, it's just a nest."

Wu Ruohan said: "You are too mean, you moved to a new house, and you didn't even invite us to dinner."

"You... oh, are you with Yawen?" Gao Yang came to his senses.

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Yes, I'm at her house."

Gao Yang said: "Then tell Yawen, I will treat you to dinner."

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, then just wait, we will be there soon."

At Gu Yawen's house, Wu Ruohan put down the phone, went into the study and shouted: "Sister, let's go, Gao Yang invited us to dinner."

Gu Yawen said unhappily: "There is no such thing as you, forcing people to buy dinner."

"Yeah, you overheard my phone call..."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Let's go, sister, Gao Yang seems to be missing a string in his brain. If you don't knock him, he won't move."

Half an hour later, Gu Yawen drove to the downstairs of Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan called, and Gao Yang came down quickly.

Gu Yawen smiled: "Gao Yang, why don't we cook at your house."

Gao Yang touched his forehead and smiled awkwardly: "I can make roasted pork ribs with potatoes."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "The three of us, let's make a dish each."

Wu Ruohan pouted: "I can make vegetable soup, does that count?"

Gu Yawen said: "Ruohan, if you don't learn how to cook, be careful that you won't get married in the future."

Wu Ruohan said: "Then I'll find someone who can cook, or I'll do it."

Gao Yang laughed happily: "Ruohan, I think Yawen is right, a girl must be able to work in the kitchen and go to the hall."

"Tch, you are a typical machismo." Wu Ruohan was quite disdainful.

The three of them talked and laughed, and went to the vegetable market together.

Shudu, CPI headquarters, Vice President Ren Jing went to the office to work overtime today.

Yesterday, Wan Hong reported the situation of reporter Zhao Xiaolong to her, hoping to return Zhao Xiaolong to the branch.

Ren Jing had a good impression of Zhao Xiaolong in the past. When he was a reporter in the branch, Zhao Xiaolong was sweet-mouthed and active in his work. The general manager of the branch spoke very well of him.

Unexpectedly, after Zhao Xiaolong was transferred to work in the editorial department of the Beijing National Edition, this would be the case.

Ren Jing flipped through the recent newspapers of the national edition, and sure enough, as Wan Hong said, after Zhao Xiaolong went to work in the capital, he hadn't written a decent article yet.

Ren Jing was lost in thought. Apart from Zhao Xiaolong not writing manuscripts, Wan Hong also reflected some of his bad habits. It seems that he can only be transferred back to the branch.

The three of Gao Yang came back from buying vegetables, and Gao Yang cooked pork ribs with potatoes and simmered them in a pot over low heat.

Gu Yawen put on her kitchen skirt and dragged Wu Ruohan into the small kitchen.

Gao Yang went back to the sleeping room, lit a cigarette, turned on the computer, and when he was bored, he logged into the intranet and looked at the discussions in the staff community of the newspaper colleagues on the topic of the national edition of the third and fourth tier markets.

Recently, colleagues working at CPI all over the country have discussed this matter a lot, and some people's views have also given Gao Yang a lot of inspiration.

There are actually many smart people.After the National Edition launched this group of topics, some colleagues quickly understood why this group of topics could be sold for money.

This is the unique resource advantage of CPI.

When Gao Yang scanned the fifth post, his eyes froze for a moment, he clicked on it for a closer look, and he laughed strangely.

Gao Yang didn't expect that Zhao Xiaolong would post anonymously in the Intranet community, writing nearly 2000 words of rhetoric, criticizing the CPI group's thinking in running a newspaper, criticizing top-down, not enterprising, and giving his so-called reform approach.

Zhao Xiaolong also signed "a CPI reporter".

Gao Yang really wanted to laugh. Although the postings in the intranet community were randomly generated virtual IPs, it was just that Zhao Xiaolong had been an IT reporter for several years, and he didn't know that there was a physical IP address.

Gao Yang could imagine Zhao Xiaolong's post, the boss would be furious after seeing it.

Zhao Xiaolong does not have a laptop, and the virtual IP generated by the post shows the Beijing branch of the CPI, so he must have posted it in the office.

Once the network administrator checks, he immediately knows which computer it is.

Gao Yang was really happy.

When Zhao Xiaolong was bragging last night, although Gao Yang urged him to send an email to the group leader to make suggestions, he only thought that Zhao Xiaolong would do such a thing if his head was too hot.

It's funny now, Zhao Xiaolong will definitely be fired.

Today is Sunday, Zhao Xiaolong's post has already been clicked by more than 50 people, and even two idiots commented and agreed.

Gao Yang can imagine that when he goes to work tomorrow, the boss will definitely notice this post.

Next, huh...

Those who act as demons must kill themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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