At the beginning of the three thousand Taoist scriptures, I became a saint

Chapter 126 Those who can heal the world can be Taoists

Chapter 126 Those who can heal the world can be Taoists

The master of the Qi Palace touched the Fire Crow Banner in his hand, and suddenly revealed a look of surprise, realizing that he had misread it. After the Fire Crow Banner returned to its original appearance, although its power has declined, the material is even better. building.

The banner surface is golden, and it feels warm and moist to the touch. It is not made of silk, but more like precious jade. There is an innate fire rising inside, and there are strands of Dao rhyme permeating.

"This streamer seems to be woven from the silk of the Ten Thousand Year Fire Jade Silkworm, so it looks warm and moist like jade, accompanied by a trace of fire."

As an expert in refining weapons, the master of the tool hall recognized the material of the Fire Crow Banner at a glance.

"Sir, would you like me to help you refine this Fire Crow Banner again? After the yin energy of this treasure has been removed, the grade has dropped from the fourth grade to the sixth grade, but its material is special and its foundation is still there. If Pindao refines it again, breaks into the Zixu restriction, and then it can be refined into a third-grade spirit treasure."

The master of Qidian thought this was an opportunity, and took the opportunity to propose to help Jiang Chen refine the Fire Crow Banner again.

Unfortunately, although he had good intentions, Jiang Chen refused without hesitation.

"Thank you for the kindness of the palace master, but Jiang Chen still wants to refine this Fire Crow Banner by himself." Jiang Chen cupped his fists and said apologetically.

He wanted to use the Golden Crow's method to refine the Fire Crow Banner, turning it into a Golden Crow Banner, which would be even more powerful than before, so naturally it was not easy to borrow the hands of others.

"Refining by yourself? It turns out that the master also understands the method of refining weapons. This is the best. The magic weapon refined by outsiders is not as easy to use as the magic weapon refined by oneself."

"Since the master wants to do it himself, the poor will not have much trouble. However, if there is anything you don't understand when the master is refining the weapon, feel free to come to the tool hall to find the poor."

Hearing that Jiang Chen wanted to refine weapons by himself, even though the master of the Artifact Hall was rejected, he still had a happy expression on his face. It's good to refine artefacts by yourself, which shows that Jiang Chen is interested in artefact refining, and he may not join the Artifact Hall in the future.

"Come, sir, Pindao will take you to have a good tour of the Hall of Qi." The master of the Hall of Qi came in great interest, and led the way ahead, leading Jiang Chen around.

The Hall of Artifacts is very large and divided into many palaces. The structure of these palaces is basically the same, and the layout inside is also extremely simple. It is probably a hammer, an oven, and the earth fire coming from the depths of the earth veins.

Jiang Chen wandered around in the Artifact Hall, and came to a conclusion that this is a very pure place, and the disciples are either refining the artefacts, or they are cultivating, as if they are not interested in mundane matters.

Pure is good, the purer the person, the faster the cultivation speed, and the higher the quality of the refined treasures.People like Jiang Chen are more thoughtful, and they are doomed to have nothing to do with purity.

The more he can't get anything, the more he envies something, Jiang Chen is very envious of this purity.

"The spirit of fire here is really too strong. If this volcano is turned into a magic weapon, it will probably be another magic weapon like the blue sea and sky."

In the depths of the Artifact Hall, the blood of Tianyang Xianjun in Jiang Chen's body has fully recovered, turning into a big sun and covering him, and then blocking the surrounding fire spirit energy.

Jiang Chen lowered his head and looked down, only to see a huge abyss in front of him, and the endless earth fire inside was rising and burning blazingly.Being in this place is like coming into the fire hell, the whole body is so hot that even the Yin God has a tendency to be melted.

"This place is the source of the volcano, which leads directly to the center of the earth, and the boundless fire of the earth's center surges out from it. If it weren't for the suppression of Zixu Palace, Dongzhou would have been turned into a sea of ​​flames."

The Immortal Shouzheng said softly at the side, because of the suppression of this place, Zixu Palace has made great achievements in the world, so the luck is prosperous and the incense is endless.

"Fortune is what misfortune depends on, misfortune is what blessing depends on, and the lack of heaven and earth is not a bad thing for people." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

He felt that the appearance of this volcano was a good thing for Zixu Palace. Without its continuous release of earth fire, how could Zixu Palace have accumulated such a deep foundation.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. What you said makes sense. From another perspective, what is bad may not necessarily turn into a good thing." Immortal Shou Zheng laughed, thinking that Jiang Chen's words were extremely reasonable.

Good fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing. It is really an interesting sentence, and the immortal Shou Zheng silently remembered it in his heart.

"Sir, we've finished watching the Hall of Qi. We should go to the next place. The Hall of Medicine is near the Hall of Qi. Let's go there next."

After coming here, even if the Hall of Qi was finished, Immortal Shouzheng asked to take Jiang Chen to the Hall of Medicine.

"It's all at the headmaster's command."

Jiang Chen had no objection. He was very satisfied with the trip to the Artifact Palace. Not only did he practice the Yin Qi on the Nether Crow Banner, but he also made him confirm that cultivating here can speed up the speed of his opening up the fire orifice.

He felt that if he jumped down from here and practiced directly in the center of the earth, he would probably be able to open up the God of Fire within a few days.

Still, the move was too risky.If there is only fire in the center of the earth, Jiang Chen is certainly not afraid, but besides fire, it is also poisonous.With Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, he might have been poisoned to death by the fire poison before reaching the center of the earth.

This matter needs to be considered in the long term.

"Sir, you can come over anytime when you are free." The master of Qidian sent the two of them outside the door and watched them go on a long journey.

"Tianyang Immortal Lord himself is a great master of the art of refining. Most of the most important weapons in the immortal way are made by his old man. Even the Zixu Bell, the number one fairy weapon in ancient times, was also forged by him."

"Jiang Chen, as a descendant of his old man, deserves to enter my Qi Palace."

After Jiang Chen left, the Master of the Qi Palace said with emotion.Qixiu took Tianyang Xianjun as his ancestor, so he naturally hoped that the descendants of the ancestor would worship under their sect.



The Medicine Hall is to the east of the Qi Hall, not far away, and it is also connected to this volcano.After all, whether it is refining equipment or alchemy, it is necessary to use fire, and it is an extremely powerful flame.

The stronger the power of the flame, the better it can refine the impurities in the heavenly material and earthly treasures, and the quality of the obtained elixir and magic weapon will be higher.

It didn't take long for Jiang Chen to arrive at the area where the Hall of Medicine was located. Compared to the area where the Hall of Equipment was located, this place was a little less angry and a little more angry.

And the further one goes, the more vigorous the vitality becomes. Affected by this, the flowers, plants and trees here are particularly vigorous.And among these flowers and plants, the figure of the panacea appeared faintly.

According to the five elements, the east belongs to wood, which corresponds to the wood element.

"It's such a strong wood spirit. There must be a lot of elixir here. The environment here is very suitable for the growth of elixir. If it is used for farming, the effect will be even better."

Jiang Chen is an expert in farming. After a few glances, he saw that this place is extremely suitable for farming. Give him some time, and he might be able to perfect his conception of spiritual seeds here.


Immortal Shouzheng thought it was a bit funny, there were a lot of people here, but Jiang Chen was the first to say that this place is suitable for farming.

However, apart from being funny, the Immortal Shouzheng couldn't help but admire him.Perhaps, it's just like this, always thinking about the people, Jiang Chen can accumulate such a huge amount of merit.

This is true goodness, and he deserves to be hailed as the person most likely to become a saint in this world.

In front of him, the endless energy of the wood spirit rose up, forming a huge image of a black dragon, entrenched in midair, exuding a compelling aura.

Jiang Chen walked all the way, and all the wood spirit energy he saw was emitted from this blue dragon.

Below the elephant of the Canglong is a majestic sacred mountain. Hundreds of millions of wisps of wood spirit energy hang down, mighty and mighty, turning into green energy and covering the sacred mountain, making the mountain look a bit hazy.

"This is the Canglong Peak where the Medicine Palace is located. Don't be too surprised, sir. The Equipment Palace and the Medicine Palace have given me the foundation. Although the combat power is not strong, they are extremely important, so there are many good things."

"The Hall of Qi sits on the Great Volcano of Dongzhou, and the Hall of Medicine is not bad, even better. In Canglong Peak, there are not only branches of the Great Volcano, but also a fragment of the ancient innate god tree Jianmu."

"The rise of wood energy here, and even the image of the black dragon in midair, are all caused by the leakage of ancient building wood energy."

"It's too far away from Canglong Peak, sir, you might not feel it yet, but when you enter Canglong Peak, you'll know how extraordinary it is. Under the building trees, the aura of the innate wood spirit permeates, and it's a truly first-class holy place for cultivation. "

"In the entire Zixu Palace, only Zixu Peak, where the head teacher is located, can outperform this place. Hey, when Pindao was young, he often regretted that he didn't know how to make alchemy, so that he missed the medicine hall."

In the voice of Immortal Shouzheng, he highly admired the Hall of Medicine, saying that when he was young, he wanted to join the Hall of Medicine.He also said bluntly that the cultivation environment of the Medicine Hall is one of the four halls, and only Zixu Peak, where the head teacher is located, can match it.

However, Zixu Peak is the place where the sect's head teacher and the elders of the Taishang practice purely, let alone disciples, even the elders are not qualified to practice there.

"Innate god tree, ancient building wood!"

Hearing this news, Jiang Chen couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and his face revealed a look of shock. He felt that all the shocks he had received before were not as much as today, and he was almost numb from the shock.

Jiang Chen has never heard of Jianmu in this world, but in his previous life, Jianmu was one of the world trees, known as the sky-reaching, connecting the two worlds of heaven and man.There are many similarities between the Xuanhuang Realm and Zhu Xia, so the building wood should be the same.

The background of Zixu Palace is really deep. First it was a big volcano, and now it is built with innate wood. These are just two halls. I don’t know what amazing treasures will be in the next two halls.

Continue to walk forward, because Jiang Chen was shocked by the news of Jianmu in the ancient times, even though the road along the way was full of various rare elixir, it still failed to make his mood fluctuate at all .

Bathed in the breath of the innate god tree all the year round, it is normal for some elixir to be produced here, and it is a problem if they cannot be produced, which is surprising.

"Mister's name, I have been waiting for it for a long time, and I finally saw it today."

Outside the Hall of Medicine, the Lord of the Hall of Medicine and many elders have been waiting for a long time.Especially the peak master of Lingzhi Peak, his eyes were shining brightly at Jiang Chen, wishing he could directly pull him over and have a chat.

Lingzhi Peak, this is the place where the Hall of Medicine is responsible for cultivating elixir. Well, it is similar to farming, but what he grows is not food, but elixir.

To be able to become the peak master of Lingzhi Peak, this elder must be a good hand in cultivating elixir. When Jiang Chen's grafting method was passed on, he had carefully studied it, and he couldn't help being greatly shocked, and regarded Jiang Chen as heaven. people.

Seeing Jiang Chen now, he naturally has a lot to say.The elder felt that the method of grafting could not only be used in food, but also in elixir. Through the method of grafting, elixir with stronger medicinal effect and shorter growth time could be cultivated.

All these, he wanted to talk to Jiang Chen, and then study with him to see if it could be realized.

On the other side, although the peak master of Yaoli Peak had a reserved expression, his eyes on Jiang Chen were also hot.There is no distinction between medicine and alchemy. Those who are good at alchemy know some pharmacology, but if they don't understand pharmacology, how can they make alchemy?
Therefore, the peak master of Yaoli Peak is not only a master of alchemy, but also a master of medicine.Before he joined Zixu Palace, he was a great doctor who was famous in all countries.

After a catastrophe, there must be a catastrophe. A few years ago, there was a flood in Jingguo. Because he was worried about the plague, Jiang Chen personally went there and wrote a manual for epidemic prevention to prevent the outbreak of the plague as much as possible. .

During this period, when Jiang Chen talked with other doctors, he inadvertently talked about many traditional Chinese medicine theories from his previous life, such as the theory of yin and yang, five elements, and the theory of six qi.

These things are so mysterious that ordinary people can't understand them, but when they fell into the ears of the Peak Master of Yaoli Peak, he understood them and was greatly shocked.

Yin and yang, five elements, and six qi of heaven and earth are all knowledge in practice. He did not expect that the way of medicine can be combined with the way of practice.

Especially Jiang Chen's sentence, "Small doctors heal diseases, Chinese medicine heals people, great healers heal the country, and Dao heals the heaven and the earth", it shocked him even more, and he was astonished as a heavenly man.

Taoism heals the world, it is truly magnificent, and directly elevates the Taoism of medicine to an extremely lofty realm.

People are sick and need doctors.

The world is sick, and naturally it needs a doctor.

But now, the Xuanhuang Realm is sick, and the disease is not serious, otherwise, there will not be no celestial beings born for tens of thousands of years.

If you are sick, you must be cured!
However, to govern people, the peak master of pharmacology can do it.Governing the country, with his experience of thousands of years, can barely do it.But governing the world, he understands these three words together, but he has no idea how to do it.

Those who can cure the world can be called Taoist medicine, the doctor of the great way.

The peak master of Yaoli Peak wants to become a Taoist doctor to cure this mysterious world, but he doesn't know how to become a Taoist doctor, so he wants to have a chat with Jiang Chen.

The theory of Taoist medicine was proposed by Jiang Chen, he must know how to become a Taoist doctor and how to treat this sick Xuanhuang world.

Different from Qidian, the master of Qidian valued the Tianyang blood in Jiang Chen's body, and that's why he treated him more favorably.

However, the Medicine Palace took a fancy to Jiang Chen's ability, even if he didn't have the blood of Tianyang Xianjun, he would still win the respect of the elders of the Medicine Palace.

Because they knew that Jiang Chen was really capable, and he was very tall, very tall, but just a few words that came out shocked their minds and shocked them into heaven, and they didn't even have the courage to argue.

(End of this chapter)

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