Chapter 167 Chapter 160 VI Reviving the family business and reappearing the glory of the ancestors

Inner sect disciples lack spiritual energy, but true disciples do not lack it. They each have their own spiritual peak, and they can exclusively enjoy a top-level spiritual vein.

And these extra auras are the sharp weapon used by true disciples to attract subordinates.

They can invite some familiar inner disciples to come to their spiritual peak to practice. If these disciples agree, they will naturally be branded as this true disciple, and thus be regarded as his by outsiders.

"Brother doesn't think we're bored, it's good that we will come here to bother you more often in the future." Hearing this, everyone beamed with joy, and politely replied to Jiang Chen.

Most of the people who came here had the idea of ​​taking refuge in Jiang Chen, and seeing him showing his intention to solicit, they were naturally overjoyed.

Although Jiang Chen is not yet a true disciple, he has already owned a spiritual peak of his own in advance, and it is also the place where the head teacher of Zixu Palace once lived, guarding the main peak.

Among other things, just the name of Shou Zhengfeng is enough to attract many disciples to join Jiang Chen.Which disciple of Zixu Palace does not yearn for the place where the head teacher once cultivated?

And the fact that Jiang Chen can live in Shouzheng Peak already speaks volumes.There are so many vacant peaks in the inner gate of Zixu Palace, and the Shouzheng Immortal arranged Jiang Chen in his own Shouzheng Peak. It's hard not to think about this move.

Is it because Immortal Shouzheng deliberately trained Jiang Chen to be the heir to the head of the sect?
Whether or not the Immortal Shouzheng arranged Jiang Chen at Shouzheng Peak had any deep meaning is unknown.But after the news spread, Jiang Chen became a popular candidate for the next Zixu Palace head teacher, which is true.

There are only 300 years left before Zixu Palace changes. If there are no accidents, the next head teacher of Zixu Palace will be selected from among the true disciples who have entered the Fourth Palace within these 700 years.

For the remaining 300 years, although there are still two sessions of true disciples, they started late, and there is not enough time to grow up and compete with the senior brothers who started first for the position of master.

Although there are few Earth Immortals who are three hundred years old, there are always a few that appear every thousand years.

Two-hundred-year-old earth immortals are really rare, and they can be counted on one hand, and it is not possible to produce one in thousands of years.

As for the centenary earth immortals, they only exist in ancient legends. After ancient times, there are no centenary earth immortals in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Therefore, Zixu Palace has a generation of thousands of years, and the masters of all dynasties are basically from the true disciples who started in the previous 700 years.Although Jiang Chen got started late, but he just happened to be stuck at the limit of 700 years. In addition, there is a contemporary head teacher standing behind him. Naturally, he became a popular candidate for the head election.

With this name, there are naturally many disciples in the inner sect who want to seek refuge with Jiang Chen.


Sensing Jiang Chen's intention of soliciting, all the disciples said with a smile that they would come to guard Zhengfeng when they had time, and then they all took their leave and left.

That's what they said, but it's not certain whether they will really come to bother them later.Jiang Chen couldn't be sure whether they would come, but he knew that the disciple who came to Shouzheng Peak for the second time must have really moved to join him.

"Brother also intends to be the head teacher?"

After the disciples left, Li Qingzhao asked Jiang Chen curiously.When she asked this question, she seemed very natural, without feeling presumptuous at all.

This is normal, because in Zixu Palace, it is not a taboo for true disciples to take the position of teacher, but it is something to be encouraged.

A long time ago, there was a saying in the Four Halls, that is, if true disciples don't want to be teachers, then what's the point of cultivating them?

From this, it can be seen that the senior officials of Zixu Palace have a supportive attitude towards the true disciples' competition to be the master.

In fact, it was true. If a true disciple showed his intention to compete for the position of head teacher, then he would get more resources accordingly. This was the encouragement from the Fourth Hall.

"Teacher?" Hearing Li Qingzhao's question, Jiang Chen shook his head, and said with a smile: "Brother has no intention of being the headteacher of Zixu Palace, but just wants to revive the family business and regain its former glory."

"Pfft!" Hearing this, before Li Qingzhao could speak, Zhao Wan'er beside her couldn't help laughing out loud, and said to Jiang Chen with disbelief, "Senior brother really knows how to joke, if you don't intend to be the head teacher, why do you want to recruit?" These inner disciples?"

"Or, brother's family business is huge, and if you want to revive the family, you need the help of so many inner disciples?"

Zhao Wan'er really felt that Jiang Chen was joking. His intention to recruit disciples was too obvious, and he didn't hide it at all. It was clear that he was going for the position of head teacher.

But now he said that he recruited disciples to revive his family business and reappear the glory of his ancestors. Isn't this a joke, what is it?As long as he becomes the head teacher of Zixu Palace, no family business can be revived!
"I don't know which clan the senior brother came from, and what was it like at the peak?"

Li Qingzhao didn't smile, she could tell that Jiang Chen spoke very seriously, that's what he really thought.

Therefore, she was curious about how strong the family Jiang Chen said was, which made him never forget it.

"My family is not very strong..."

"In the peak period, even when the ancestor was still there, he was not able to command the entire Xuanhuang Realm, but only controlled the entire East Continent."

Jiang Chen's tone was extremely flat, as if he was talking about something trivial, but his voice fell into everyone's ears, but it made their faces change drastically.

Not strong?

But to master the entire Eastern Continent?

What kind of family is so powerful that they can control the entire Dongzhou. You must know that Dongzhou is a place of immortality, created by Tianyang Xianjun...

Thinking of Tianyang Xianjun, what Jiang Chen said just now, and Jiang Chen's surname, everyone seemed to understand something.

"Senior brother is the descendant of Tianyang Xianjun? Then what the senior brother said, to revive the family business and reappear the glory of the ancestors, does it mean that you want to follow the example of Tianyang Xianjun and become the master of Dongzhou?"

Li Xian didn't hold back, and asked directly.

Tianyang Xianjun is the patriarch of immortality and the true master of Dongzhou. Jiang Chen said that if he wanted to reappear his glory, what else could he be besides becoming the master of Dongzhou?
"Of course!"

Jiang Chen nodded and admitted directly.It is indeed not his goal to be the head teacher of Zixu Palace. His goal has always been to become the master of Dongzhou and lead the entire immortal way.


"Brother's ambition is really lofty!"

Everyone was pretended by Jiang Chen, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Zixu Palace is indeed very strong, but obviously, Jiang Chen's family business is even bigger, covering the entire East Continent, and Zixu Palace is only a part of his goal.

No wonder he dared to say that he had no intention of being the head teacher of Zixu Palace, because compared with his goal, the position of head teacher of Zixu Palace was indeed a little smaller.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, senior brother recently got a batch of pills, and I want to invite you to taste them." Seeing that everyone was silent, Jiang Chen stepped forward and said with a smile, he wanted to take them to taste the Qingshen Pills.

By leaking his identity, Jiang Chen's goal has been achieved.

He just wants to use the mouths of the people to spread the fact that he is a descendant of Tianyang Xianjun, and only in this way can he appear to be invisible.Otherwise, he couldn't just tell everyone that he was a descendant of Tianyang Xianjun, that would be too deliberate.

For Jiang Chen, exposing himself as a descendant of Tianyang Immortal Lord would do more good than harm.

Immortal Lord Tianyang is the patriarch of the immortal way, and knowing that Jiang Chen is his descendant, no matter whether they recognize him or not, everyone will look at him highly.This move will help Jiang Chen to look after him, and it will help him become powerful.

Lao Tzu is a hero, his son is a hero, this is the most reasonable thing in this world.Even if it is the way of immortality, it is also about blood inheritance, but it is not as serious as martial arts.

As for the danger brought by revealing his identity, it seemed that Jiang Chen would not be in danger if he did not reveal himself.Too many people saw Jiang Chen's awakening of Tianyang's bloodline that day, so he couldn't hide it.

Not to mention Jiang Chen's scorching Tianyang blood, ordinary monks may not be able to see it, but as long as the immortal sees it, he can recognize it at a glance.

It's pointless to hide things that can't be concealed anymore. It's better for him to expose them actively and win some benefits for himself.

"Pillage, what kind of medicine?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, everyone came back to their senses and asked him curiously.

Everyone is a smart person. Although Jiang Chen didn't say it directly, they still understood what Jiang Chen meant, and knew that Jiang Chen wanted to use their mouths to publicize that he was a descendant of Tianyang Xianjun.It's not easy for Jiang Chen to speak up about this matter, they can only do it.

Keeping this matter in mind, everyone skipped this topic tacitly and started discussing the pill.

"This elixir is a bit special. It has a similar effect to Zixu elixir, but it is more effective. I can't explain it for a while. I will take it out later. After you take it, you will understand the mystery of it."

Jiang Chen's words are true, the Qingshen Pill is the same as the Zixu Pill, and it can improve one's cultivation after taking it.However, whether Qingshen Pill is better than Zixu Pill remains to be discussed.

Ordinary Qingshen pills are definitely not as effective as Zixu pills, so there is nothing to discuss.The elixir needed to refine Zixu Pill is several times that of Qingshen Pill, and its medicinal effect is naturally better than Qingshen Pill.

However, the essence of the Qingshen Pill with pill patterns has changed, and the power contained in it has become more pure and powerful, and it is better than the Zixu Pill.The more pill patterns you have on your body, the more purple pills you can beat.

Anyway, the Qingshen Pill in Jiang Chen's hand has at least six pill lines, and it is far better than Zixu Pill of the same level in terms of quality and efficacy.

"Similar to Zixu Pill, it is a pill to improve cultivation. Could it be the Chunyang Pill from Chunyang Palace, or the Longyang Pill from Longyang Palace?"

When everyone heard Jiang Chen's introduction, they immediately became curious.There are actually many pills in the Xuanhuang Realm that can directly improve one's cultivation without any side effects.

But among these pills, only Sangong's Zixu Pill, Chunyang Pill, and Longyang Pill are the most common.For the rest, because the materials are too difficult to collect, one may not appear in hundreds of years.

Although there were not many people present, only Li Xian and others and the disciples of the sword hall, there were 26 people in total. If Jiang Chen took out a pill that could improve his cultivation, it would definitely be a relatively common one.

All the people could think of were the pills from the other two palaces.The three palaces have the same origin, and even the exercises are interoperable, let alone the pills.

"You'll know it when you eat it."

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word, how could he explain the efficacy of the Qingshen Pill without taking one to experience it by himself.

Smiling, he took out 26 Liuwen Qingshen Pills from the Qiankun bracelet, and Jiang Chen distributed them to everyone.Because everyone's cultivation base is not high, only the sixth grade, so the Qingshen Dan that Jiang Chen took out is also the sixth grade.

"This medicine pill..."

Looking at the Qingshen Pill in his hand, Li Qingzhao was shocked.

The medicinal effect of the Qingshen Pill is so good that the body naturally exudes a fragrance. Just taking a sip, it makes people feel a sense of euphoria, and the bones of the body are three points lighter.
However, what surprised Li Qingzhao was not the efficacy of the Qingshen Pill, but the mysterious lines of pills on its body.This pattern was branded on the body of the elixir, firmly locking the potency of the elixir, preventing it from leaking out.

And this pill pattern is more like the creation of heaven and earth. It is integrated and exudes a mysterious Taoist rhyme. Against the backdrop of these pill patterns, the Qingshen Pill suddenly becomes mysterious, as if it has life and is full of vitality.

Yes, vitality!
This is very weird, obviously the pill is a dead thing, but it gives people a feeling of vitality.

"Brother, what is the dao pattern on this pill, why has junior sister never seen it on other pills?" After being shocked, Li Qingzhao asked Jiang Chen curiously.

"Well, junior sister also knows alchemy?"

Hearing Li Qingzhao's tone, it was obvious that he knew something about alchemy, Jiang Chen couldn't help but glanced at her in surprise.If I remember correctly, Li Qingzhao is a disciple of the Fa Hall, not a disciple of the Medicine Hall.

"Senior brother, that's why you don't know. I, Li Jiadan, possesses two great swordsmanships, the sword immortal and the medicine immortal. The disciples in the clan are either practicing swordsmanship or learning the way of alchemy." Before Li Qingzhao could speak, Li Xian had already Said quite proudly.

It is indeed something to be proud of. Since the Sword Immortal and the Medicine Immortal are called Immortals, they are Tier [-] Immortals.There are two immortals in the family, and it is normal for the disciples of the younger generation to be proud of it.Li Xian's backstage is so big, Jiang Chen did not expect it to be true.

No wonder Li Qingzhao was no longer afraid of Tai Peng, a true disciple, when he was in the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, it was all because the background was too strong.

"It turned out to be a family history!"

Jiang Chen nodded, he was born in a family of elixirs, even if he didn't know how to make alchemy, he still knew some knowledge of elixirs through his ears and eyes.What's more, looking at Li Qingzhao like this, it doesn't seem like he knows how to make alchemy.

"Brother, you may not know that although Sister Qingzhao is a disciple of the Fa Hall, her swordsmanship is actually not very good. On the contrary, she is the alchemist herself, and she has all the true teachings in her family, which can almost catch up with the true disciples of the Medicine Hall. "Li Xian laughed loudly, and began to expose his sister's faults.

It is indeed a real brother, no one else would dare to do this.

"To shut up!"

After being told the truth, Li Qingzhao felt that he couldn't hold back his face, so he scolded Li Xian in a low voice, telling him to shut up.

"Junior Sister doesn't need to be like this. The Dharma hall is not a sword hall, and the disciple's swordsmanship is not good, so it's nothing. After all, the Dharma hall is good at spells and supernatural powers, and swordsmanship is just one of them, not the root."

Seeing that Li Qingzhao's expression was a little uneasy, Jiang Chen comforted him.

(End of this chapter)

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