Chapter 185 Five Elements Divine Silkworm
"The Qingshen Pill just appeared today, so it's not advisable to trade too much, just these three thousand pieces, let everyone come back tomorrow after they are gone."

"By the way, when trading the Qingshen Pill, each person can only trade one piece a day, so as not to be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives."

Taking out three thousand pieces of Qingshen Pill, Jiang Chen handed it to Long Yi while admonishing him.

"Yes, Master, Long Yi understands!"

Accepting the Qingshen Pill, Long Yi bowed to accept it.Then, I saw him form a cloud of mist, wrap himself, and rush towards the foot of the mountain quickly.

It was the time when the two of them were talking, there was already a lot of strange atmosphere at the foot of the Shouzheng Peak. Obviously, after learning that Jiang Chen had left the customs, all the disciples who were thinking about the Qiwen Qingshen Pill rushed over impatiently. .


"Is this the clam dragon?"

"Brother, did you subdue him?"

At the foot of the mountain, Li Xian stared at Long Yi for a long time before he recognized his identity, and couldn't help asking Jiang Chen in surprise.

"That's right, Long Yi is the Xiaolong that day. Although this dragon wanted to eat people, he failed in the end. It would be a waste to kill him like that. Therefore, I deliberately subdued him to give him a new life." A chance to make amends."

"He harmed people the day before yesterday, but he will do his best to protect the human race from now on, and his life will not be in vain."

Nodding his head, Jiang Chen explained to Li Xian.

"Senior brother's methods are really astonishing. Even dragons can be subdued, but this clam dragon has a special status. If senior brother does this, I'm afraid there will be some disputes when we meet the dragons in the future."

Li Xian first shocked Jiang Chen's method, that he had the power to subdue the dragon, and then he thought of the identity of Xianlong, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Looking at what you said, Junior Brother, it seems that there is no such thing. My relationship with the Dragon Clan is quite good. Remember, it was the Dragon Clan who offended me first, not the Dragon Clan. It's fine if the Dragon Clan doesn't come to trouble me , if he dares to come, I will kill as many as he comes."

"Heh, I have long heard that dragon meat is a great tonic in the world, but I have never tasted it. When I hunt a real dragon in the future, I will share it with all my brothers and sisters to taste this legendary delicacy."

Mentioning the Dragon Clan, Jiang Chen was filled with anger. He thought he had no grievances with the Dragon Clan, but was chased and killed by the Dragon Clan several times. He couldn't hold back his breath.

That poisonous dragon, and his father, the Sixth Prince of the East China Sea, Jiang Chen will definitely not let them go. If he succeeds in cultivation in the future, he must go to the East China Sea to kill the dragon in person.

"It's been so long, why hasn't Zi Xuzhong come to look for me?"

Speaking of going to the Sixth Prince of the East China Sea, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of Zi Xuzhong, and half of his body.Logically speaking, it has been so long, Zixu Zhong should have come to look for him, but it still hasn't moved.

"Could it be that the Zixu Clock was consumed too much in the war outside the sky, so that there was no time to come to find me?"

Thinking of the battle in Tianwai, Jiang Chen had an answer in his heart.

"This Xianlong is very good. He does everything in an orderly manner. So many disciples came to trade Qiwen Qingshen Pill, and there is no confusion. It shows his ability." Li Qingzhao looked at it for a while, and suddenly praised him.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that at the foot of the mountain, under Long Yi's command, the inner disciples who came to trade the Qingshen Pill were divided into three rows and formed a long line.

Jiang Chen could see clearly that the sum of the number of these three teams was no more, no less, exactly 3000 people.The rest of the disciples were sent back by Xianlong, and they will come back tomorrow to avoid wasting time by staying here.

After all, Jiang Chen gave Long Yi only [-] Qiwen Qingshen Pills. If it exceeds this number, no matter how long the queue is, they will not be able to exchange for Qingshen Pills today.

"Long Yi's work is okay. Having him in charge of this matter saves me a lot of trouble." Looking away from Long Yi, Jiang Chen looked at the crowd and asked them, "Everyone, you have better news than me." Lingtong, do you know that during the period of my retreat, the Heavenly Demon Battlefield has ever recovered?"

Taking out three thousand Qingshen Pills at once, Jiang Chen couldn't help becoming anxious even though he had a lot of inventory.The number of Qiwen Qingshen Pills in his hand is only more than 1 pieces in total, and if he consumes [-] pieces a day, it won't last long at all.

But when everyone traded the Qingshen Pill, they used the peak Heavenly Demon Crystal, which was the material for refining the Xiantian Qingshen Pill, not the material for refining the Qiwen Qingshen Pill.Under such circumstances, the Qiwen Qingshen Pill in Jiang Chen's hand could not be replenished, and it would take about three or four days for him to bottom out.

Of course, Jiang Chen would not allow this to happen. He already had a solution, that is, he took out some Qiwen Qingshen Pills every day, and exchanged ten times the price for ordinary Heavenly Demon Crystals, which could solve his urgent needs.

This was indeed his mistake. At that time, he only thought about the Xiantian Qingshen Pill, but he forgot the Qiwen Qingshen Pill.

It's just that it's not advisable to change the order overnight.

Right now, the trading rules of Qingshen Pill have just been finalized, and Jiang Chen has to wait for a while before he can find a reason to change the trading rules.

And during this period of time, he had to find a way to solve the gap in Qiwen Qingshen Pill.

"The Heavenly Demon Battlefield? Well, during the period of senior retreat, the Heavenly Demon Battlefield has been repaired after being re-refined by several sect seniors, and moved back to the Xuanhuang Realm from outside the domain, so as to avoid the accident of that day." Hearing Jiang Chen Asked, everyone quickly replied.

"It's good to reopen!"

Nodding his head, Jiang Chen kept this matter in his heart, and did not rush to the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, but changed the subject and said to everyone:

"Brothers and sisters, this retreat, the senior brother has something to gain, and he has comprehended a supernatural power, which may be useful to you, so please be optimistic."

The moment the voice fell, Jiang Chen was surrounded by endless water vapor gathering and sweeping, and finally turned into nine rivers of weak water, flowing slowly in the void.

"This is a river of weak water. It is the lightest and most agile. It has the ability to dissolve turbidity. After the Yin God of the brothers and sisters returns from the big sun wheel, you can go to the river of weak water and be washed by the weak water to dissolve the yin. God's anger, by the way, baptize the Yin God, clean up the stale air inside, and make it more pure."

These nine rivers of weak water were evolved by Jiang Chen based on his experience in Fengshui Peak, and they can help everyone temper their yin gods.

At the same time, the nine rivers of weak water can also correspond to the nine great sun god wheels in the sky. The two are one fire, one water, one yin and one yang, which can just play the role of water and fire quenching the soul, similar to the water and fire alchemy. .

"Ah this..."

Looking at the weak water flowing in the sky, everyone felt that the Yin God was trembling.

Weak water, like the real fire of the sun, is a well-known treasure in the Xuanhuang world, dedicated to subduing the gods of Yin. It is impossible for everyone not to have heard of its name, so they naturally know its function.What is turbidity, it is obviously to dissolve Yinshen.

Yinshen fell into it, and within an hour or three quarters, it would be dissolved and turned into a puddle of clear water.

First it was the real fire of the sun, and now it is the weak water of the nine heavens. Now everyone has confirmed that Jiang Chen's cultivation of immortality is indeed different from theirs.

Ordinary people practice, how could they use such vicious things to temper Yinshen, if they don't do it well, they will end up in a dire situation, this is a life-threatening cultivation.

"Thank you, senior brother, I will definitely not disappoint senior brother." Although they were afraid in their hearts, everyone knew that Jiang Chen was doing it for their own good.

The Yin God is tempered by the real fire of the sun and the weak water of the nine heavens at the same time, how strong will it be?
In the future, let alone going through the thunder disaster, it is not impossible to become an earth immortal.It’s okay to suffer a little now, this is fighting for the future with your life.Moreover, with the protection of Xiantian Qingqi in the Xiantian Qingshen Dan, they may not be in danger.

"Water and fire quenching the soul is dangerous, but senior brother knows well that he has not used the power of the supernatural power to the maximum. With the protection of the Xiantian Qingshen Dan, even if you accidentally fall into it, you will not be in danger of life. At most, you will suffer some damage." It's just an injury, it's okay."

"It is important to know that if you break, you will stand. If you don't break, you can't stand. If you suffer more injuries during the tempering period, it will be more conducive to the transformation of the Yin God."

Knowing what everyone was worried about, Jiang Chen said.His purpose is to train everyone, not to kill everyone, so he naturally knows the severity.

"Senior brother is really a great talent. He was born for the Tao. He can think of such a method of quenching the soul. I really think I have never thought of it, and I can't do it for me."

Ye Qing sighed, if he hadn't met Jiang Chen, he would never have thought that there are people in the world who use the real fire of the sun and the weak water of the nine heavens to temper the Yin God.

These two treasures, ordinary people are afraid to avoid them, but Jiang Chen took the initiative to approach them, using their power to temper the Yin God, this is to seek vitality in the midst of life and death, no wonder he is so powerful.

"Everyone in the world knows that cultivation is fighting for fate with the sky. Before, my junior didn't understand what it means, but now that I've seen my senior's cultivation method, I finally understand. This is fighting for my fate with the sky!"

"Senior brother's practice concept really fully implements the four words of striving for fate with the sky."

Everyone praised again and again, making Jiang Chen speechless.Now everyone would sigh every time they saw him, senior brother is really a great talent, it has almost become their spoken word.

"I have laid down the weak water of the Nine Heavens. Brothers and sisters should be more careful when practicing in the future. Basically, there will be no problems." After uncovering this topic, Jiang Chen said to everyone: "By the way, I want to ask you to help me with something."

"Brother, please tell me!"

Hearing that Jiang Chen wanted to ask them something, everyone immediately perked up and waited for his order with serious faces.

"It's not a big deal. You juniors and younger sisters started earlier than me, and you have a wider network than me. You should know a lot of things, so I want to ask you one thing."

"Do you know who has treasures of the Lunar attribute in their hands, such as moonlight stones, Lunar Gods, and thousand-year-old cold silk?"

"Now I want to refine a Taiyin Divine Banner, and I need these treasures. Please help me find out who has such a treasure in their hands, and I am willing to exchange it with the Bawen Qingshen Pill."

Jiang Chen had an idea in his mind, he wanted to refine a Taiyin God Banner corresponding to the Golden Crow Banner, so that Yin and Yang would be in harmony, and at the same time be promoted to a third-rank Lingbao.

This Taiyin Divine Banner is not the Taiyin Star Banner in the hands of the Taiyin Emperor, it is an innate weapon, unparalleled in power, mysterious and unpredictable, it is born in accordance with the Tao, and it cannot be refined by Jiang Chen.

What he wants to refine is a Taiyin banner with the Jade Rabbit and Golden Toad as the main body, which is an acquired tool, corresponding to the Golden Crow Banner.Make it the combination of yin and yang, give birth to the opportunity of good fortune, and at the same time be promoted to a third-rank spiritual treasure.

This is the method of promotion that Jiang Chen thought of for a long time before he thought of it.

Moreover, after the fusion of the two divine flags, the nine sun god wheels will also change, resulting in nine lunar god wheels.In this way, one yin and one yang can just play the role of water and fire pill kalpa to temper the yin god.

"Treasure of the Moon?"

"Yue Yaoshi, Lunar God Iron, Millennium Cold Silk..."

"This, brother, your requirements are too high. It is completely the standard for refining Lingbao. If it is an ordinary Yin-type treasure, we disciples can raise it for you, and we can barely raise it for you."

"But the treasures you mentioned are all too precious. Even true disciples may not have them. If senior brothers really need them, they can only start from the sect."

Among the crowd, Li Qingzhao had the most knowledge. After hearing Jiang Chen's request, she immediately knew that this was beyond the ability of inner disciples, and she could only start with true disciples or sects.

After Li Qingzhao said this, Jiang Chen realized that his requirements were indeed a bit high. Yueyaoshi is not bad, it is a third-grade spiritual treasure, so go to the extremely yin place to look for it. If you are lucky, you can still find it.

But the Taiyin God Iron, which is the same as the Sun God Iron, is a first-grade spiritual object, born in the moon, it is rare to meet once in a thousand years, and it cannot be found by the disciples of Zixu Palace.

"As for the Taiyin Divine Iron, the sect actually has it. Back then, in order to refine the Demon Refining Tower, the Master of the Hall of Punishment not only went to the sun to find the Sun Divine Iron, but also went to the moon to find the Taiyin Divine Iron. If not If there is an accident, there should be Taiyin Divine Iron in the punishment hall."

"As for the cold silkworm, let alone thousands of years old, there are also sects. In the ancient times, there was a one-day alien species in my Xuanhuang Realm. It was called the five-element god silkworm. It was a true spirit born from birth, and its strength was comparable to that of a fairy."

"In the last years of ancient times, the catastrophe of heaven and earth broke out suddenly. This alien species of heaven and earth was robbed. It died in Dongzhou. Its body was torn apart and turned into five kinds of silkworms. It was acquired by my Zixu Palace patriarch."

"These five kinds of silkworms were raised in the Four Palaces and Zixu Mountain respectively, and gave birth to countless offspring."

"Wood silkworms are raised in the Hall of Medicine, fire silkworms are raised in the Hall of Qi, golden silkworms are raised in the Hall of Fa, water silkworms are raised in the Hall of Punishment, and soil silkworms are raised in Zixu Mountain."

"The robes of the true disciples of the fourth palace are made from the silk of these god silkworms. The robes of the disciples of the inner sect are refined from the silk of the descendants of these god silkworms."

"And the thousand-year-old cold silk that senior brother is looking for is Xingdian. The five-element god silkworm has countless descendants, and was fed by the masters of Zixu Palace with secret methods, and many of them have mutated. Among them, the cold silkworm is mutated from the descendants of water silkworms. , born to master the power of ice."

"Brother, if you really need these treasures, I'm afraid you will have to go to the Hall of Punishment."

The advantage of a good family background was once again manifested. Jiang Chen originally planned to give up, but after thinking about it, Li Qingzhao revealed an ancient secret and directly told Jiang Chen that all the treasures he needed were in the Hall of Punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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