Chapter 193

According to the records of the Zixu Palace Mission Hall, the Guhuo Bird that appeared in the Dali Dynasty has stolen many babies in succession. Obviously, this is an evil Guhuo Bird.

As for its strength, the reward offered by Zixu Palace is [-] mission points, which is equivalent to [-] sixth-grade Zixu pills.This is a fifth-rank mission, and based on this calculation, the strength of this auntie bird should be fifth-rank.But in fact, this Guhuo bird's cultivation base is only at the sixth rank.

The mission hall of Zixu Palace has made it very clear about this mission. Killing the guhuo bird is not the main purpose. The main purpose is to investigate the origin of the guhuo bird and how it appeared.

This beast was born out of resentment, how did this resentment come from?Whether it is formed unintentionally or intentionally, it must be adjusted in detail.

Because there are too many things involved, this task has been upgraded from rank six to rank five.

The mission hall's evaluation of this task is that it is recommended that multiple disciples act together, so as to have a support.

However, Jiang Chenyi is a brave man, so he doesn't need to care about these things. After receiving the task alone, he went on the road alone and went to the Dali Dynasty.


"Being born in this world for more than twenty years, I haven't seen Dongzhou well yet, but I never imagined that this world is so magnificent and beautiful?"

Above the sky, a golden light pierced through the sky, and the mountains and rivers below are picturesque, the cities are vast, the crowds are like ants, the cities, the roads, the traffic, the prosperity of the world, and the world of mortals can all be seen.

Jiang Chen admired it from high in the sky, filled with emotion in his heart.

Landscape is a part of heaven and earth, and it is also the carrier of Tao, which contains thousands of mysteries.At this moment, Jiang Chen browsed the great mountains and rivers of Dongzhou, and felt that his heart suddenly opened up a lot, giving birth to infinite pride.Even the cultivation base that has not been moved for a long time now shows signs of loosening.

"As a practice, building a car behind closed doors is really not worth it. You still have to come out and see it more often. Even if you just browse the great mountains and rivers and see the vastness and vastness of the world, it can also breed infinite insights and help people improve their cultivation."

"Only by being close to nature can you see the great way."

Seeing a lot of mountains and rivers, Jiang Chen's mind became more open, and everything he saw was different from before.

This is exactly the realm of seeing mountains as not mountains, seeing water as not waters, viewing things and the world with an innate body, thinking and seeing are naturally different from ordinary people.

"According to the rumors, the Dongzhou in the ancient times was more vast and beautiful than the Dongzhou today."

"And in the ancient times, the Xuanhuang world at that time was countless times vaster than the Xuanhuang world at this time. It really has no end, there are many sacred mountains, and countless caves..."

"I really can't imagine what the Xuanhuang world looked like at that time, and what kind of legends were being staged?"

Thinking of the legend recorded in Xuanhuanglu, Jiang Chen couldn't help yearning for the legendary ancient times.That era should be similar to the prehistoric times of his previous life. There are treasures and opportunities everywhere in the world.


The sky is vast, endless and empty, except for white clouds and a few birds that occasionally appear, there is nothing else.

There are no obstacles in the sky, and you don't need to go over mountains and ridges to drive, and you are naturally faster than the ground.

Jiang Chen set off early in the morning, and traveled all the way with the Golden Light Curse. His speed ranged from 35 miles per breath at the beginning, to 45 miles per breath, [-] miles per breath, [-] miles per breath...

The speed is getting faster and faster, as if it really turned into light, and the distance of thousands of miles is easily crossed by him.

The Dali Dynasty is about a million miles away from Zixu Palace, and under Jiang Chen's full drive, this distance is rapidly shrinking.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen rushed to the territory of the Dali Dynasty.After a while, he arrived at the place where Guhuo Bird appeared in the sect's mission records, Guo County, Danhe County.

Guo County is named after Guo, and it can be guessed that Guo should be a common surname in the city. In other words, Guo County is dominated by the Guo family.

The fact is indeed the case. There was a famous person named Guo Hua in the Guo family of Danhe County 300 years ago.This person has good talent, not only successfully entered the Zixu Palace, but also entered the inner sect, has a considerable reputation, is the seed disciple of the alchemy hall, and is expected to become a true disciple in the future.

It's a pity that although Guo Hua's talent is good, his luck is not very good. He had an accident during the process of eliminating the demon, and was dragged by the evildoer on the road together.

For this, Zixu Palace is also very sorry, but the dead cannot be brought back to life, what Zixu Palace can do is to treat Guo Hua's family members favorably.

Guo County was born because of this. It was a city specially built to commemorate Guo Hua under the instruction of Zixu Palace in the Dali Dynasty. The people in it were mainly relatives and friends of Guo Hua before his death.

At the same time, this is also the main reason why the Guhuo Bird was born in Guo County, but it was able to alarm Zixu Palace.

Dongzhou is very big, a sixth-rank Guhuo bird is nothing at all, unless it slaughters the city and makes a lot of noise, otherwise it will not disturb Zixu Palace at all.

The reason why Zixu Palace reacted so violently this time and directly issued the fifth-rank task was because it involved the Guo family of Guo County.

Worrying that someone would take the opportunity to attack Guo Shi, it was related to the relatives of the deceased disciple, Zixu Palace couldn't help but not take it seriously.


As the time approached dusk, Jiang Chen's figure appeared on the boundary of Guo County.

Along the way, the yellow grass lies on the ground, the river is long and winding, and it is a scene of bleak and fallen trees.Jiang Chen looked around, and suddenly realized that it was the late autumn of another year.

Jiang Chen wore a star crown, a blue Taoist robe, and a jade belt around his waist. He was dressed as a Taoist. In addition to his extraordinary temperament, he seemed to be surrounded by immortal energy, which could be seen at a glance as unusual.

Before he entered the county town, the peasants around the fields saw him, and they tiptoed to look at him. When they saw his appearance and attire, they immediately shouted in surprise: "It's a Taoist, a young Taoist wearing a blue Taoist robe." .”

While shouting, everyone around hurriedly ran towards Jiang Chen.Seeing this, Jiang Chen slowed down and waited for people from Guo County to come over.

"Pindao is Jiang Chen, an inner disciple of Zixu Palace. I dare to ask you, how to get to the Guo's Ancestral Hall?" When the farmers came over, Jiang Chen asked them politely.

Since the disciples of Zixu Palace came to Guo County, they naturally went to Guo's house for a visit. One was to express Zixu Palace's concern for Guo's family, and the other was to inquire about the situation.

"Zixu Palace, it's the Immortal of Zixu Palace, the Taoist chief is going this way, let's call the patriarch." Hearing this, several farmers were overjoyed and shouted quickly.

Guo County is dominated by people with the surname Guo, and the head of the clan is the most famous person in the county. Although he has no official position, his power is even greater than that of the local county magistrate.

After some communication, Jiang Chen was led to the front of Guo's ancestral hall.

This ancestral hall is extremely luxurious and spacious, and the wood used is the best, and there are even special guards. There are two stone lions in front of the gate, which make the lion's roar, which is lifelike and majestic.

The ancestral hall is said to enshrine the ancestors of the Guo family, but in fact it enshrines Guo Hua, an inner disciple of Zixu Palace who has passed away.

The prosperity of the Guo family stems from him, and it is conceivable that the Guo family members respect him.

Not long after, the patriarch of the Guo clan was notified by others and hurried over.He looks about forty or fifty, with a rosy face, and a strong and strong body, which should have been beaten to the bone.

Jiang Chen looked over, and found that this person's energy was extraordinarily vigorous, and there was a faint purple aura emerging between his brows, which was a sign of having practiced Zixu Palace Kung Fu.

This is also the benefit given by Zixu Palace to the Guo family. If people from the Xu family practice the introductory classics of Zixu Palace, if they get something, they can directly worship Zixu Palace.It's a pity that over 200 years have passed, and none of the countless disciples of the Guo family has entered the mountain gate to practice.

The patriarch of the Guo clan strode up to Jiang Chen, waved his hand, and asked three young women to come forward to offer Jiang Chen a cup of tea, while he himself shouted with a face full of surprise: "The Taoist chief is looking forward to it!" , what a savior!"

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to take the initiative to ask, he poured beans out of a bamboo tube, and told all about what happened in Guo County recently.

The people of the Guo clan are ordinary people, even if they have practiced immortal skills, they have not achieved much, so how can they know what news, what he said is nothing more than how terrible the monster is, how many vicious people are there, and so on, there is not much reference value.

Jiang Chen's expression remained unchanged, while listening to the narration of the patriarch of the Guo clan, he stopped to look around and observe the situation.

There are many people hiding around the ancestral hall, old and young, all stretched their heads to look at this side, but they dare not approach, with a look of fear and anticipation on their faces.

After the patriarch of the Guo clan finished speaking, Jiang Chen didn't speak, but cast his Sun and Moon God Eyes to look inside and outside the Guo clan's ancestral hall.

Then, he discovered that there was an aura spreading from the stone lion outside the door, and a tight aura enveloped the entire ancestral hall, making it impossible to peek, like a formation!
In the depths of the ancestral hall, there is a faint wave of thunder and fire surrounding it. If any monsters and ghosts dare to approach this place, they will immediately startle the formation and cause thunder and fire to bombard them.

This array can make Guo's ancestral hall clear away ghosts and ghosts, so that idle monsters dare not approach this place.

"You said, that Guhuo bird appeared more than a month ago? Why didn't it report it at that time, but waited until today to report it?" After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen asked the members of the Guo clan.

"In the beginning, we only lost a few girls. It happened from time to time before, and everyone didn't pay attention to it. But who would have thought that it would be different this time. After the monster ate people, instead of calming down, it became more and more arrogant."

"It was sneaky at first, but later we saw that we had nothing to do with it, so we showed up and caught children in the county every day to eat."

"At first I ate one or two a day, and later I ate four or five a day..."

"Everyone is helpless and wants to subdue the monster, but the county government and the big clans in the city have joined forces, and several sixth-rank warriors have taken the initiative, but they are still not the opponent of the monster. .”

"The county magistrate had no choice but to go to the county town overnight to ask for help, but no news has come back so far. There must be some accident."

"As a last resort, I moved the token passed down from my ancestors and asked Zixu Palace for help."

The faces of the Guo clan members were embarrassing, and their tone was full of helplessness and resentment.

In today's world, it is common for monsters to eat people. As long as they don't eat much, one or two, everyone can bear with it and it will pass. However, it is rare for monsters like this to rush into the county town to eat people. It's just too arrogant.

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, you must report it to the Zongmen earlier. Don't think that this is causing trouble for the Zongmen, and don't think that the Zongmen will blame you for it. On the contrary, if you report it in time, the Zongmen will Reward you."

Glancing at the patriarch of the Guo clan, Jiang Chen said to him.

Jiang Chen can guess his thoughts.It is impossible to feel that Guo Hua is dead, the relationship between the Guo family and Zixu Palace has been severed long ago, and every point of love is less than one point. If it is not at the time of life and death, it will not be used if it can be used.

In the beginning, aunts caught birds and ate people, and they still couldn't threaten the Guo family, so they naturally didn't think about using the Zixu Palace's relationship, but later things intensified and threatened the descendants of the Guo family, so they were afraid and rushed to Zixu Palace. help.

Jiang Chen understood the Guo family's idea, but he didn't agree with it, so he mentioned a few words to the Guo family members.


"The Taoist priest is merciful!"

Hearing the words, the patriarch of the Guo clan immediately understood what Jiang Chen meant, and thanked Jiang Chen with a full face.

"Patriarch, it will be dark soon, look..."

While Jiang Chen was talking with the patriarch of the Guo clan, suddenly a young man broke in from outside, shouting anxiously, interrupting their conversation.

Jiang Chen felt something in his heart, and let out his spiritual thoughts to look outside, only to see that at some point, a carriage was parked outside, and there were many children sitting in the carriage.

"Who are these children?"

Glancing at the ancestral hall, Jiang Chen had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked.

"These children are all the children of the nearby people, and they were specially sent to my Guo's Ancestral Hall for refuge."

"My family's ancestral hall was personally arranged by the masters of Zixu Palace. There are formations inside, and the monsters can't get close to it. The children in the family are hidden in the ancestral hall. Even if the monster finds these children, it can't break into it. The child is taken away."

The patriarch of the Guo clan explained to Jiang Chen while having someone bring the child in.

The crocodile is only seen at night, and it only shoots at children.Therefore, every night when the night is approaching, the members of the Guo family will ask people to bring nearby children to the Guo's ancestral hall, and use the array inside to resist the attack of the guhuo bird.

"Patriarch Guo is merciful!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but praise the patriarch of the Guo clan.

Many children outside were dressed in rags and were obviously not children of the Guo family, but the patriarch of the Guo family still picked them up. This is a kind deed and is admirable.

"Hey, those who are merciful or not are all from the folks in the village. Since I, Mrs. Guo, have the conditions, I can help them as much as I can."

The members of the Guo clan shook their heads, but did not take Jiang Chen's praise to heart.

"The Taoist priest is here, but he wants to attack the monster? If so, the Taoist priest only needs to stay here. At night, the monster will come by itself, so there is no need for the Taoist priest to go out and look for it."

Speaking of the monster, the patriarch of the Guo clan gritted his teeth.

"Patriarch Guo, don't worry. Since Pindao has come here, he will definitely not allow that evildoer to be arrogant. However, there is something I don't understand, and I hope Patriarch Guo can explain it."

Jiang Chen nodded, reassuring the Guo Clan Chief, saying that he came here to kill Guhuo Bird.

However, when he was talking, Jiang Chen suddenly discovered something that made him extremely puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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