At the beginning of the three thousand Taoist scriptures, I became a saint

Chapter 210 4 Pieces of Grade 3 Xiantian Qingshen Pill

Chapter 210 Four Third Grade Xiantian Purification Pills

"Yunpeng is a good opportunity."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, he learned all about Kunpeng's Transformation from Yunpeng's Yin God.

This method is really mysterious, and it can help all spirits to transform into Kunpeng. Although Jiang Chen doesn't plan to practice, he can read it carefully, and it will also be of great help to him in comprehending the Kunpeng's supernatural powers.

Whether it is Kunpeng supernatural power or Kunpeng transformation, they are all comprehended from the escape, and they are different interpretations of this supreme classic.

Yunpeng interpreted Xiaoyaoyou from his own blood, and learned the method of incarnation Kunpeng from it.Jiang Chen interpreted Xiaoyaoyou from the perspective of supernatural powers, and comprehended the way to return to the ruins of the Northern Darkness from it.

It can only be said that the getaway is too mysterious, the purpose is different, and the comprehension obtained is also different.


"Spiritual wisdom is indeed born, but it is not high, and the heart is too pure, like a child."

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, he saw that Yunpeng's yin spirit was pure, without a trace of impurities, and there was more spiritual light shining on it.Jiang Chen suddenly knew that Yunpeng's hidden dangers had indeed been completely eradicated, and spiritual wisdom had really been born.

It's just that Yunpeng's spiritual wisdom has just opened, and his heart is pure. Like the three girls in the sky, he has no experience in the world. He is very innocent and wise like a two- or three-year-old child.

"Oh, it will take some time to grow!"

Jiang Chen sighed, stuffed a sixth-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill into Yunpeng's mouth, and asked him to go to the side to practice.

Innocence has its advantages, at least the innocence is intact, and the speed of cultivation is faster than ordinary people.And the higher the realm, the more accessible the wisdom. Good and evil in the world can be distinguished at a glance, so there is no need to worry about being deceived.

"Master, I have already exchanged for you the heavenly demon crystals at the peak of the fourth rank that you want. There are six in total, three of which are left by the seven heavenly demons, two are left by the eighth heavenly demons, and only one It was left by the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon."

Not long after Yunpeng left, Long Yi rushed over and whispered to Jiang Chen.

More than half a month has passed, and Long Yi's collection of the fourth-rank peak heavenly demon crystals did not progress as smoothly as Jiang Chen imagined.

He thought of things too simply, there is still no shortage of ordinary fourth-grade heavenly demon crystals in Zixu Palace.But the top-level demon crystals, especially those above six calamities, are relatively rare. Basically, they are priceless and difficult to obtain.

Because of the entire group of demons, there are not many demons above six calamities.

Heavenly Demons are disliked by the Dao of Heaven, therefore, Heavenly Demons' Thunder Tribulation is stronger than that of monks, and very few Heavenly Demons can survive the ninth level of Heavenly Tribulation.

Therefore, after the six thunder tribulations, most demons will choose to practice the method of avoiding disasters, skip the next three thunder tribulations, and directly cultivate into the realm of Yangshen.

This has led to the fact that there are very few celestial demons with more than six kalpas in the celestial demon group.Even if there were, they were all elites of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the best of their generation, and it was difficult for them to be hunted down.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally difficult to see the heavenly demon crystals of more than six calamities in the world.

"Hey, after all, I thought it was too simple, six is ​​six, you keep the things."

"By the way, don't stop this matter, and continue to collect. Zixu Palace has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years, and its heritage is extremely profound. I don't believe that they only have six heavenly demon crystals at the peak of the fourth rank."

"It won't be long before the Inner Sect Grand Competition is about to start. In order to quickly improve their cultivation, these inner sect disciples must have a way to get the Heavenly Demon Crystal at the peak of the fourth rank."

Jiang Chen shook his head, and took the six Heavenly Demon Crystals from Long Yi's hands.

He didn't believe that there were only six heavenly demon crystals at the peak of the fourth rank in the huge Zixu Palace, and there must be more.

It was nothing more than some people saw that he was in urgent need of this item, and were going to raise the price on the ground, forcing him to raise the price, and exchanged a higher price for the Heavenly Demon Crystal, so they held the Heavenly Demon Crystal in their hands and did not let it go.

Jiang Chen has a plan in mind, how can he let these people succeed?Now that the Inner Sect Grand Competition is approaching, those disciples must be more anxious than Jiang Chen in order to improve their strength as soon as possible so as to obtain a higher ranking in the competition.

What Jiang Chen has to do now is to wait, wait until they can't stand it anymore, take the initiative to give in, and take out the Heavenly Demon Crystal at the peak of the fourth rank to trade with him.

Jiang Chen is short of the demon crystal, so it is not necessary to exchange it from them, but if they want to obtain high-quality Qingshen Pill, they can only exchange it from Jiang Chen.

It's because they can't do without Jiang Chen, it's not that Jiang Chen can't do without them, Jiang Chen is doing a monopoly business and has always taken the initiative, how could he be controlled by them?

Now, Jiang Chen is holding on to the Diaoyutai, waiting for the crowd to be overwhelmed and give in first.


"Heaven and earth oven, get up!"

With a move in his heart, Jiang Chen sacrificed to the oven of heaven and earth, took out the crystal of the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon, and threw it into the oven of heaven and earth to refine it.


The oven of heaven and earth trembled, and the six restrictions on his body manifested, and six different powers of heaven and earth spewed out, rushing towards the crystal of the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon inside.

At the same time, beside Taiwei Dao Bell, the four stars bloomed at the same time, and four rays of bright starlight hung down, falling into the oven of heaven and earth.

One after another, the power of heaven and earth surged in, gradually refining the crystal of the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon, and turning it into an incomparably round elixir with an azure-colored body.


Seeing a burst of clear light suddenly, the furnace lid of the heaven and earth oven was suddenly opened, and a pill surrounded by nine pill patterns flew out of it, and went straight to the sky.

The third-grade elixir has already produced spirituality, knows the misfortunes and blessings, and does not want to end up being swallowed by others, so the first time the elixir is completed, it is to escape from the elixir furnace and flee to the distance.


It was not the first time for Jiang Chen to refine a third-grade elixir, and he had already prevented it from escaping. The moment he left, mana spewed out from his hand, turned into a big hand and stretched out, grabbed it directly, and arrested him back.

"The elixir has cloud patterns, and the innate light is lingering. The quality of this elixir is much better than the previous one. It seems that after adding one more star, the refining power of the heaven and earth oven has also been strengthened."

After putting this third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill in the palm of his hand and looking at it for a while, Jiang Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Nine is the ultimate number, and nine pill lines are the limit of pills, and ten-line pills cannot exist.That is something against the heavens, an existence that is not allowed by the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, although the power of the ten realms of heaven and earth is strong, it is impossible to refine the tenth pill pattern, it can only make the quality of the pill better.

"go with!"

After repeatedly looking at the third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill in his hand for a long time, Jiang Chen gave a soft drink, crushed it, turned it into strands of pure Xiantian Qingqi, and injected it into the body of Taiwei Zhengdao Bell.

The Innate Artifact Taiwei Demonstrating Dao Bell is still just the embryo of a magic weapon. If it wants to truly take shape and turn into a third-grade spiritual treasure, it still needs to swallow five third-grade Xiantian Qingshen Pills.This is also the main reason why Jiang Chen collected the fourth-rank peak sky demon crystals to help them take shape.

clang clang...

Swallowing a third-grade innate purification pill again, a bright light suddenly rises from Taiwei's Daozhong's body, and countless mysterious runes flow out, evolving rapidly, and will interweave the seventh innate restraint.


Just taking a look at the Taiwei Proving Dao Clock, Jiang Chen looked away from it, and instead took out a crystal of the Eight Tribulations Heavenly Demon, threw it into the oven of heaven and earth, and continued refining the Xiantian Qingshen Pill.


It didn't take long, but seeing a burst of bright clear light burst out, a sky-blue elixir rushed out of the heaven and earth oven, and wanted to flee to the distance.


However, at this moment, only a melodious bell was heard, and ripples suddenly appeared in the void.

Ripples swept over, and this third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill shattered immediately, turning into strands of Xiantian Qingqi, which was absorbed by the Taiwei Enlightenment Bell in the air.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen didn't care about it, but just took out the second Eight Tribulations Heavenly Demon Crystal, threw it into the heaven and earth oven, and continued refining the Xiantian Qingshen Pill.

Soon, the third third-rank Xiantian Qingshen pill took shape, but it still did not escape the fate of being swallowed by Taiwei Dao Bell. It was shattered and swallowed by it just after leaving the oven of heaven and earth.

Next, is the fourth third-grade Xiantian Qingshen Pill.However, the crystals of the Eight Tribulations Heavenly Demon in Jiang Chen's hands have been used up, and there are only three Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demon Crystals left.

The Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demon Crystal is weaker than the Eight Tribulations Heavenly Demon Crystal, so when Jiang Chen was refining the Xiantian Qingshen Pill this time, something happened.

After the eighth tempering was over, a mysterious feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. If the ninth tempering was carried out, this heavenly demon crystal would undoubtedly be shattered.

Jiang Chen believed in his own feelings, and then he stopped.

"Sigh, the Heaven and Earth Oven is not yet complete, and there is no guarantee that it will be 100% refined into the Xiantian Qingshen Pill."

Jiang Chen was helpless, and thought of the reason why the refining failed.

360 After the five stars are all lit, the oven of heaven and earth can be completed, with [-]% rebellious innate capabilities.

But now, the Heaven and Earth Oven has only lighted up four stars, and there is still a long way to go before consummation. Naturally, it is difficult to make full use of it, and there are some flaws.

"If you don't refine the heaven and earth oven to perfection, this defect will be irreparable. When you use the crystals of the Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demons or the Eighth Tribulations Heavenly Demons to refine the Xiantian Qingshen Pill, there will be a probability of failure."

Although he knew the reason, Jiang Chen couldn't solve it for a while, so he had to temporarily put away this eight-pattern fourth-grade Qingshen pill, took out the remaining two seven-tribulations demon crystals, and continued refining.

A moment later, another third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill was formed in the oven of heaven and earth, and was shattered and absorbed by the Taiwei Enlightenment Bell in the sky.

However, next, Jiang Chen's luck did not last long, the last Seven Tribulations Heavenly Demon Crystal stopped at the eighth tempering, unable to withstand the ninth tempering.

"There are only four third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pills, and one more is needed to make Taiwei's Taoism Bell take shape."

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at Taiwei's Enlightenment Bell.

I saw that compared with before, the body of Taiwei Daozhong was clearer, and the runes were densely covered on his body, shining brightly.At the same time, within it, the seventh innate restriction is looming, as if it will take shape at any time.

There is still a small gap, and the Taiwei Proving Dao Bell will be conceived and formed into a third-rank Lingbao.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen couldn't help it to take shape even if it was only short of this line, because he no longer had the materials to refine the third-grade Xiantian Qingshen pill in his hand.

"Just one, don't worry, it will happen sooner or later."

Jiang Chen seemed very calm. Although the heavenly demon crystals at the peak of the fourth rank were rare, but Zixu Palace was so big, there must be some stock in it. If the disciple didn't have it, it didn't mean the elder didn't have it.

He planned to wait a few more days, and if no one came to trade the Heavenly Demon crystals at the peak of the fourth rank, he would take the initiative to go to the Hall of Medicine and make a deal with the elders of the Hall of Medicine.

Jiang Chen could still remember that the Hall of Medicine still owed him three acres of spiritual land, and this matter had been delayed for several months, and he had to go to remind him, lest the Lord of the Hall of Medicine would be too busy and forget about it.

"Long Yi, you have done a good job recently, which makes me very satisfied, so I decided to give you a chance."

Withdrawing his gaze from Taiwei Daoist Zhong, Jiang Chen smiled and said to Long Yi beside him.

"Opportunity? The master is joking, it is Long Yi's duty to do things for the master, and he dare not expect extravagant rewards."

Long Yi has been completely brainwashed by Jiang Chen, hearing that Jiang Chen wanted to give him a chance, he quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Haha, I have always been very clear about rewards and punishments. If things are done well and beautifully, it is natural to reward them."

Jiang Chen chuckled, took out a wisp of the blood essence of the real dragon that Zi Xuzhong gave him, and poured it into the oven of heaven and earth to refine it.

The heaven and earth oven shook, and the six different powers of heaven and earth in the body, mixed with the four stars in the sky, erupted together, drowning this wisp of true dragon blood, and gradually refining it into a golden elixir.

Speaking of which, the level of this ball of true dragon blood essence is at least second grade. The refining of the heaven and earth oven has almost no effect on it. It can't change its essence at all, but can only make it more pure.

But even if it's better than nothing, it's better than nothing.That's why Jiang Chen put this ray of true dragon essence blood into the heaven and earth oven to refine it again.

A moment later, a golden elixir flew out of the heaven and earth oven, and was held in the palm of Jiang Chen's hand.

Well, this thing cannot be said to be a elixir.Except that it is round, the rest has nothing to do with the elixir. It is a relatively pure drop of true dragon blood.

"This drop of real dragon blood comes from Aoji, the sixth prince of the Dragon Palace. Thinking about it, you should know him better than me. I will give it to you today to help you transform your blood and speed up your road to dragon transformation."

Stretching out his hand to inject this drop of real dragon essence blood into Long Yi's body, Jiang Chen said.

True dragon blood essence is undoubtedly a treasure for sub-dragons, it can help them transform their bloodlines, improve their cultivation, and transform into true dragons.

"Thank you master!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Long Yi immediately bowed to Jiang Chen.

As the son of the third prince of the East China Sea, how could Long Yi not know his sixth uncle Aoji.This is the most beloved son of his grandfather, the old Dragon King of the East China Sea. When it comes to blood, he is also at the top among the nine sons and three daughters of the Dragon King, and he is the heir of a god.

The power contained in his blood essence is even better than other true dragons.Refining it is enough to make Long Yi undergo a radical change, initially possessing the characteristics of a real dragon.

"Retire first, remember to refine the real dragon's blood essence in your body as soon as possible."

Waving his hands to make Long Yi retreat, Jiang Chen looked up at the Taiwei Proving Dao Bell in the sky, and began to study its changes, seeking the mysteries of the sky from it.


In the early morning of the second day, Jiang Chen refined the congenital purple qi he had received, and wanted to continue tempering the body Yinshen with the power of the divine origin.But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps next to his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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