Chapter 220 Dragon Race!

"This Jiang Chen is really extraordinary. His luck is too deep. The Phaseless Heavenly Demon came across the boundary. I didn't realize it, but he ran into him."

"He is like the son of destiny. Everything in the whole world revolves around him. Any major event, whether it has anything to do with him or not, will have something to do with him in the end."

In the Purple Void Cave, there was a sense of immortality, who was shocked by Jiang Chen's luck, thinking that he was the son of destiny.

"Wrong, Jiang Chen is not the son of destiny, but he has too many merits and virtues, so he is favored by the heavens, and his luck is far superior to ordinary people."

"His luck is the result of changing his fate against the sky through acquired hard work. It is fundamentally different from the son of destiny who was born with great luck."

Some immortals shook their heads, denying that Jiang Chen was the Son of Destiny.

"However, Jiang Chen's temperament is indeed far beyond ordinary people. If someone else encounters this kind of thing, they must first hide the matter and plot the opportunity in the depths of the Demon Market, instead of reporting it to the sect first."

People are selfish, if they encounter an opportunity, they wish they could enjoy it all by themselves, so why would they want to share it with others?Like Jiang Chen, after discovering an opportunity, instead of concealing it, he took the initiative to report it, which is really too rare.

"Let's not talk about Jiang Chen anymore, it's more important to find out the purpose of that Phaseless Heavenly Demon first."

"It's strange to say that there is a treasure born in the depths of the demon market, and the first to get the news is not us local creatures from the Xuanhuang Realm, but the Phaseless Heavenly Demon from outside the realm. What a ghost."

"What's the matter, the Heavenly Demon clan has been operating in the Demon Market for nearly ten thousand years, and their understanding of the Demon Market is naturally far better than ours. It is normal for us to get the news of the treasure first."

The topic of several immortals skipped over Jiang Chen, and began to investigate the changes in the Moxu, wanting to know which treasure was born.



"First rank Heavenly Demon Lord? The Heavenly Demon clan pays so much attention to sending such a master. It seems that there is indeed a treasure born in the depths of the Demon Ruins."

After being reminded by Immortal Shouzheng, Jiang Chen analyzed.The more the Heavenly Demons value it, the more valuable the treasure will be.

"Indeed, the sect's art master has already deduced it. Recently, a treasure has indeed been born in the depths of the Demon Market, but as for the specific treasure, it has not been deduced yet."

"However, there are only a few kinds of treasures in the depths of the Demon Market. They are not treasures such as fairy artifacts and artifacts, or the origins left by celestial beings, or the remains of demon gods."

"In short, sir, just be careful, and don't have too much contact with that Wuxiang Tianmo before you get the exact news from the sect."

Immortal Shouzheng seemed to be very anxious, he hurriedly explained to Jiang Chen, and then disconnected.

"The wreckage of the fairy god? The artifact fairy?"

"What a coincidence, they were born as soon as we came to the Demon Market?"

Once again, Jiang Chen felt the treatment of the protagonist, no matter where he went, he could encounter treasures born.

The last time he was in the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, his purpose was to hunt the Heavenly Demon inside to collect the Heavenly Demon Crystals.As a result, he encountered a battle between the Heavenly Demon Clan and the Immortal Dao, and picked up 81 star core fragments on the way.

It was the same this time, Jiang Chen came to the Moxu to collect the crystals of the demon, but bumped into the Wuxiang celestial demon, and accidentally learned the news that a treasure was born in the demon.

He really caught up with every opportunity.

"This incident just shows that senior brother has great luck and is favored by the world. No matter where he goes, he will encounter opportunities."

"Ordinary people follow chances, but when you come to Senior Brother, they follow chances. Maybe this is the preferential treatment that heaven and earth give to living saints."

Li Qingzhao opened his mouth, thinking that this act proved the fact that Jiang Chen was a living saint, and he was a symbol of the love of heaven and earth.

"Junior sister, don't be joking. Although my luck is strong, it is not so strong. It should be because I am with the three of you."

After glancing at Li Qingzhao and the others, Jiang Chen felt that he had found the reason.

Li Qingzhao is favored by God's will, Ye Qing has a big secret, and Zhao Wan'er is a descendant of a fairy, the three of them are not simple, they all have great luck.

The three of them plus Jiang Chen, the luck of the four of them gathered together, and this created an adventure, where there are opportunities everywhere.

"Okay, since the head teacher ordered us not to contact Wuxiang Tianmo, then we will go to our own affairs first, and it will not be too late to meet him after we get news from the head teacher."

"Let's go to the north first, near the North Sea. There is a gathering place of ancient alien species. The black water mysterious snake that Junior Sister Zhao wants to find, and the wood-type treasure that Junior Sister Li wants to find should be there."

Not wanting to talk deeply on this topic, Jiang Chen opened his mouth, skipped this topic on his own initiative, and wanted to take the three of them to the north.

The way of luck is mysterious and mysterious, and it is not something they can comprehend, so it is useless to think about it.

"Well, the Moxu is special. It is bordered by four places. There are many demons near the void passage. The place near Beizhou is a gathering place for demon races. The place near Dongzhou is a gathering place for human races. The place near Beihai is a place of prehistoric alien species. area of ​​activity."

"At the same time, the place close to the North Sea is also the place with the most resources in the Moxu. The alien species of the heaven and the earth are all special, with extraordinary bloodlines, and have the ability to gather the spirit of the heaven and the earth. Therefore, wherever they are, all kinds of natural talents will be bred Dibao."

"There are a lot of heterogeneous species in the north, so the resources there are extremely rich, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth."

Seeing that Jiang Chen changed the subject, Li Qingzhao spoke about popular science in a timely manner, telling what he knew about the Demon Market.

Then, the four of them pushed the cloud boat with all their strength, turned into a ray of light, and fled towards the north of the Moxu.


"Well, headed north?"

"I have hinted so clearly, but I dare not come here, what a waste."

In the depths of Guixu, the Phaseless Heavenly Demon hiding in the void, after locating his position through the demon seed on Jiang Chen, suddenly discovered that Jiang Chen had bypassed the depths of Guixu and rushed to the north. A trace of disdain.

Knowing that the opportunity is ahead, but not coming to fight, in the eyes of Wuxiang Tianmo, Jiang Chen is a sign of cowardice.However, he didn't know that Jiang Chen resisted the greed in his heart, and reported his matter to Zixu Palace, using the power of Zixu Palace to deal with him.

The Heavenly Demon is greedy, and the Wuxiang Heavenly Demon judges others by himself. He thinks that after Jiang Chen learns the news of a chance in the depths of Guixu, he will definitely hide the matter. He will sneak over by himself without telling anyone.

After all, there are only so many opportunities, and if one more person shares them, the benefit will be less, so few people share opportunities with others.

Wuxiang Tianmo still doesn't understand Jiang Chen, he is too cautious, if he is not sure enough, he will never take risks easily, even if there is a huge opportunity in front of him, it is the same.

In Jiang Chen's view, no matter how great the opportunity is, it is not as important as his life.

"However, as long as you are still in the Demon Market, you will not be able to escape from my grasp."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was only going to the north of the Moxu instead of leaving the Moxu, Wuxiang Tianmo felt relieved, stopped paying attention to him, and continued to stare at the front instead.

There is the deepest part of the Demon Market, the void is broken into countless pieces, and the void is turbulent everywhere, which is extremely dangerous.

Even the third-rank powerhouses dare not walk around here at will. If they are involved, they will be exiled to other dimensions, or they will be directly swallowed by the void and die tragically on the spot.

But now, it is such a dangerous place. At some point, a series of powerful figures unexpectedly appeared, constantly shuttling through these turbulent voids, as if they were arranging something.

These figures look like human beings, but they are unusually tall, a head taller than ordinary people, and their bodies exude unspeakable majesty, as if they were born kings, especially their foreheads are bulging to both sides , Just like the head horns mentioned in the photo book.

"It's really hard for the Dragon Clan. Their hard work will not be in vain. My Heavenly Demon Clan will remember their efforts."

The Formless Heavenly Demon hiding in the void, looked at these busy figures, and the excitement in his eyes grew stronger.

These figures are not people, but dragons, all real dragons!

In the deepest part of the Demon Ruins, several real dragons appeared, who seemed to be planning something. If this news spread, it would be enough to cause shock in the Xuanhuang Realm.

And from the words of Wuxiang Tianmo, it is not difficult to hear that the treasure in the depths of Guixu was first discovered by the Dragon Clan.He followed the dragon clan, and he was playing with the dragon clan's idea, preparing to come to the dragon's mouth to snatch food.



Perhaps just as Jiang Chen guessed, after the four of them got together, their luck became stronger.

In short, during the five or six days on the way to the north of the Moxu, Jiang Chen and the others not only did not encounter any danger, but instead harvested a lot of treasures.

There are fourth-rank elixirs and fourth-rank ore metals. Of course, the more harvested are the corpses of many fifth-rank and sixth-rank sea beasts.

As long as a monster has entered a level, it becomes a treasure. There is no such thing as waste. The difference is that the higher the level of a monster, the greater its value.Normally, the value of a complete corpse of a monster is definitely higher than that of a magic weapon of the same level.

Jiang Chen and the others walked this way, although there is no detailed count of fifth-rank and sixth-rank monsters, there are at least hundreds of them. If they were replaced by magic weapons, they would be hundreds of fifth- and sixth-rank magic weapons.

Don't look at Jiang Chen not caring about the fifth-rank magic weapon, but this does not mean that the fifth-rank magic weapon is not precious. You must know that many inner disciples of Zixu Palace don't have fifth-rank magic weapon.

A fifth-rank magic weapon can already be called a treasure, enough to cause some fifth-rank masters to fight.

"Brother, this time we came to the Demon Market, we really made a lot of money. If so many sea beast corpses are taken to the Artifact Hall or the Medicine Hall, they are enough to exchange for many powerful magic weapons and precious medicines."

Holding the sword, Ye Qing beheaded a rushing sixth-grade sea beast, and then raised his identity jade token, intending to put its corpse into it, but the identity jade token was lit for a long time, and the sea beast's corpse did not respond at all.

Looking down, Ye Qing realized that the storage space in the identity jade badge was already full, and there was no room for other things.

"Junior Brother, you are also from a wealthy family, so you should take a long-term perspective. You are just five or six-rank sea beasts, not second- and third-rank sea beasts, so there is nothing to be surprised about." Jiang Chen shook his head, unable to understand Ye Qing's thoughts.

"Sea beasts of the second and third ranks, brother, you really dare to think, even if we have this strength, the entire Xuanhuang Realm may not be able to find so many sea beasts of the second and third ranks for us to kill."

Ye Qing was speechless, the sea beasts of the second and third ranks were really Chinese cabbages on the roadside, let alone beheaded, even seeing them was hard.

"Well, why not, isn't the Dragon Clan not a sea beast?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly got up, came to the bow, and said in surprise: "It's strange to say, I don't know what happened these two days, I always think of the Dragon Clan for no reason, and I can talk about them on any topic."

Jiang Chen felt very strange, talking to the three of them in the past two days, he always brought the topic to the Dragon Clan inexplicably, as if foreshadowing something.

"Brother, from my point of view, you are about to meet the Dragon Clan, that's why you have a feeling, and you often talk about the Dragon Clan."

The three of them have also noticed Jiang Chen's abnormality in the past few days, and now they have found an opportunity to express their views one after another.

"That's right. I suddenly started talking about the Dragon Clan. Maybe it's a sign that I'm going to meet the Dragon Clan. However, it's really strange that you can also meet the Dragon Clan in a place like Moxu."

"The Moxu is so close to the North Sea, and the Dragon Clan and the North Sea have a lot of quarrels. When the Dragon Clan comes here, aren't they afraid of being besieged by alien species from heaven and earth?"

Jiang Chen nodded, he suddenly mentioned the Dragon Clan, it might not be a warning.

"It's nothing. The interior of the North Sea is not an iron bucket. There are many masters who are very close to the Dragon Clan. Generally speaking, as long as it is not in the war stage, it is not a problem for the Dragon Clan to travel to the North Sea, let alone go to the Demon Market."

Li Qingzhao introduced that the world is connected, as long as it is not during the war, they can travel with each other.

"The masters of the dragon clan must not be weak. We have to hurry up while there is still some time."

"Junior Brother and Junior Sister, you have already improved a lot in your strength by fighting against Hai ** in the past few days. It is meaningless to fight against Liupin Hai ** again, and it will not serve the purpose of tempering."

"Next, you can try to challenge the fifth-rank sea beast. With the strength of the three of you, it shouldn't be difficult to kill a fifth-rank sea beast."

In the past few days, the three of them have been fighting sea beasts day and night, and with Jiang Chen by their side, they can help them temper the Yin God with the power of water and fire at any time, which has made the strength of the three of them significantly improved. The strength of a master.

That's why Jiang Chen proposed to let the three of them attack the fifth-rank sea beasts to test their cultivation achievements in the past few days.


As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, the ice layer below suddenly cracked, and a three-foot-long ice python suddenly jumped out of the water, and rushed towards the cloud boat where the four of them were.

This is the ice python, a descendant of the ice chinch that is different from heaven and earth. It is covered with silver-white scales and exudes bursts of chill.

This place already belongs to the north of the Moxu. The sea beasts here are basically descendants of alien species from heaven and earth. They have strong bodies, extraordinary blood, and are extremely powerful, far surpassing ordinary sea beasts.

Of course, correspondingly, their value is also higher, and they can be sold at a very high price.

"I'll leave this ice python to you, and I'll get rid of the group of demons attracted by the demon seeds."

(End of this chapter)

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