Chapter 304 24 Solar Energy Supernatural Powers

The first chime of Taiwei's Proving Dao Clock was blessed by the will of heaven and earth, and contained a ray of heaven and earth dao rhyme. Although it is incomprehensible with the cultivation base of the three women, as long as you keep it in your heart, you can benefit from observing it from time to time in the future endless.

Jiang Chen still has selfish intentions, Taiwei's Daoist Bell's blessing is centered on Taiwei's Daoist Bell, the closer he is, the more he gets.

There are all Jiang Chen's own team nearby, so Jiang Chen naturally has to think about them, let them enjoy the good things first, and then consider the rest of the Zixu Palace disciples.

No one is close or distant.


Taiwei's Dao bell rang nine times in a row, and the Dao rhyme contained in it became weaker and weaker with each sound. After nine times, it had returned to normal level.

So far, Taiwei successfully refined the dao bell, and all the visions began to converge.At the same time, a mysterious innate dao rhyme gushed out from Taiwei Zhengdao Zhong's body, and poured into Jiang Chen's body.

This is the birth of the innate spiritual weapon, and it began to feed back to its master. In an instant, Jiang Chen fell into enlightenment, and various perceptions emerged in his mind one after another.

Thanks to this innate Dao rhyme, Jiang Chen's past life memories once again rippled. Many Dao scriptures that he could not comprehend before, but at this moment, he suddenly comprehended, and many supernatural powers appeared in his mind.


Sunset and sunrise, soon, a day passed, and Jiang Chen also woke up from enlightenment.Besides him, many disciples of Zixu Palace had already woken up.

This kind of passive epiphany can last for a day, which is a great opportunity, which is better than years of hard work, and it cannot be forced too much.

It is also because of the damage to the world. In the ancient times, one day of epiphany would be enough for people to break through the realm, instead of just adding a little bit of insight or comprehending a few magical powers like now.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, some people became enlightened for one day and ascended directly in the daytime, cultivating from a mortal to the realm of a celestial being.

If it is now, let alone ascension, he can be regarded as powerful if he can cultivate to the third-rank realm.The aura between heaven and earth no longer allows such a powerful person to exist.

"Thank you Headmaster for protecting me!"

Waking up from the epiphany, Jiang Chen quickly thanked the void beside him.

It turned out that when he was enlightened, Immortal Shouzheng came to Shouzheng Peak at some time, silently stood by his side, protecting the Dharma for him.

Although Jiang Chen basically wouldn't encounter danger in Zixu Palace, the attitude of Immortal Shouzheng undoubtedly shows that he attaches great importance to Jiang Chen, which makes people very moved.

"Mister, you are being polite. When the nine bells ring, I don't know how many benefits it has brought to the sect. It is also right for the pindao to protect you."

Immortal Shouzheng did not show his face, but his voice was clearly heard in Jiang Chen's ears.

At the moment, he looks very excited.

Immortal Shouzheng didn't expect that Jiang Chen would give him such a great gift. These nine bells contain the will of heaven and earth, and it's not unreasonable.

The first bell was sounded by the will of heaven and earth, and if there were no accidents, it would be enough for Zixu Palace to have one more first-rank powerhouse come out.

In fact, in Zixu Dongtian, many seniors at the peak of the second rank fell into enlightenment after hearing the first bell. If there is no accident, one of them must be promoted and cultivated The realm of first-class.

The other eight bells also have their own mysteries.Immortal Shouzheng calculated in secret, because of the sound of the nine bells, at least nine third-rank powerhouses will be born in Zixu Palace in the next hundred years.

Jiang Chen really sent a big gift to Zixu Palace.If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's cultivation base being too low, the Immortal Shouzheng would want to pass on the position of head teacher directly to him for everything he has done for Zixu Palace.

There is a word that Immortal Shouzheng didn't say, he felt that Jiang Chen, this innate spiritual weapon, had a big secret in Taiwei's Taoist bell.

It's not that he has never seen the birth of a congenital spiritual weapon, but it's the first time he's seen someone like Taiwei's enlightenment bell, who was directly blessed by the will of heaven and earth.

However, Jiang Chen didn't say anything, and the Immortal Shouzheng didn't ask. Seeing that Jiang Chen was fine, he left directly.


"Taiwei Proving Dao Clock, Taiwei Heavenly Supreme Treasure, this world is becoming more and more interesting."

Looking at Taiwei's Dao bell, Jiang Chen's mood gradually drifted away.At first, he didn't think too much about it, but after the birth of Taiwei Dao Bell, he realized the difference of this treasure.

This is the heaven-suppressing treasure. In Jiang Chen's previous life, Taiwei proved that the Dao Bell was the heaven-suppressing treasure of the 36 heavens of Taiwei.Therefore, after it was born, it was immediately blessed by the will of heaven and earth.

"Open up the heavens?"

Jiang Chen realized something in his heart, and the change of Taiwei's Dao clock made him aware of the future trend of the Xuanhuang Realm and opened up the heavenly realm.

If there is no intention to open up the heavens, how can the Taiwei Zhengdao Bell be blessed by the will of heaven?It is nothing more than it changes according to the will of God.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen's cultivation base is too low, even if he knows the future trend of the world, it's useless.It's like a beggar knows that housing prices will rise, but he knows what's the use, and he can't afford it.

The only thing Jiang Chen can do is to practice hard.

"Are you still enlightened? Your aptitude is good. In the future, you may not be able to truly become a heavenly being."

Seeing that the three girls were still enlightening, Jiang Chen showed a smile on his face, and then gently shook the Taiwei Enlightenment Bell to deepen their understanding.

Then, Jiang Chen withdrew his thoughts and began to check his own changes. One day he realized the Dao, and he also comprehended two supernatural powers from the memory of his previous life.

Xu has seen a lot of dragons recently, and the first supernatural power that Jiang Chen comprehended was related to dragons.This supernatural power is very mysterious, and it uses the changes between the 24 solar terms to explain the mystery of the dragon.

This supernatural power has a very lofty intention. At first glance, it looks like a dragon, but after careful consideration, it is expounding the changes of the heaven and the earth, which contains the changes of the four seasons, and has the charm of the changing stars, pointing directly to the true meaning of time.

The seven stars of the Big Dipper rotate in a cycle, and the handle rotates clockwise for a cycle, which is called a year, and the 24 changes in the sky and the earth during this period are the 24 solar terms.

"This is the magical power of time!"

Jiang Chen was shocked, the mystery of this supernatural power was far beyond his comprehension, and it was a field that only immortals could touch.

Therefore, Jiang Chen can only see the most obvious changes of this supernatural power, the change of the dragon. As for the true meaning of time, he can see that this supernatural power is related to time, but as for how to cultivate it, he doesn't know.

Another supernatural power is the supernatural power of the universe, which is related to the opening of the world. Jiang Chen seems to have comprehended it, but in fact it is no different from not comprehending it.

His strength is too great, and this supernatural power cannot be displayed at all.And the field it involves is too mysterious, Jiang Chen can't understand it at all.

This time, Taiwei proved that Daozhong's feedback to Jiang Chen exceeded his upper limit, which prompted him to comprehend the supernatural powers that he can't understand now.

"Let's take one step at a time."

Jiang Chen was a little helpless, trying to practice the 24 solar term supernatural powers.Compared with the divine power of heaven and earth, he can barely use this magical power. Although it does not involve the true meaning of time, it can be regarded as a method of luck.

The essence of the 24 solar terms is actually the change of yin and yang, and the beginning of spring is the starting point for the rise of yang in the yin and yang.

From the beginning of spring, yin and yang are transformed, and yang energy rises, marking the rebirth of all things and the opening of a new cycle. Until the winter solstice, yang energy returns to the starting point and starts a new round of cycle.

During this period, the qi in the human body operates according to the 24 solar terms, and has undergone 24 changes, from birth to death, from prosperity to withering...just to complete a cycle of yin and yang, thus undergoing transformation and giving birth to vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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