Chapter 314
Innate spiritual fruit can only be produced by innate spiritual roots, and the level is still higher than innate elixir.Like the innate flat peach, only some giants in the fairyland can hold such a treasure in their hands.

With Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, even if he knew how to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, he still couldn't collect the innate spiritual fruit he needed.

"Haha, I was thinking too much, junior brother, don't blame me." Taixuan smiled embarrassedly, his face was full of apology, it was because he thought too much.

Hearing this kind of elixir suddenly, Taixuan's mood was fluctuating, and he even thought of taking a shortcut.If he knew about such a elixir, wouldn't it be possible to save countless years of hard work, reach the sky in one step, and directly cultivate the heavenly realm that everyone yearns for.

This kind of temptation is really too great, even the state of mind of Tai Taixuan can hardly hold back and shakes.

After all, he is still young, and his state of mind has not been cultivated to the fullest, so it is normal to be shaken.Because, this is so unfair.

Just imagine, you have worked so hard to cultivate, but you have not been able to cultivate to the realm of a celestial being, but others can easily achieve what you have dreamed of achieving just by taking a elixir.

is this fairHearing it suddenly, it's normal to have ups and downs. If it's serious, some people may even doubt whether it's worth it to cultivate so hard.

If he thinks it's not worth it, then the monk will probably be devastated from then on, and he will just let it go.

It's like in Jiang Chen's previous life, when some people saw people who were better than themselves, who were more slaves than themselves, they couldn't help but feel that they were better than me and worked harder than me, so why should I work harder?It's better to be a waste.

There is always someone who wants to be trash, why can't it be me?
This is rotten.

Those who are not determined, if they encounter a blow, it is easy to get away directly.

But fortunately, Taixuan and the others are the best disciples of Zixu Palace after all, so they won't be so unsteady in their resolve, they will be crippled by a elixir, and they will let go from then on.

The shaking in their hearts was only a short-lived thing, and they soon returned to normal.

"Junior brother, since you have already made plans, then we will not use medicine masters to make alchemy. After the elixir is refined, it will not be too late for us to bother junior brother again."

Tailong got up and bid farewell to Jiang Chen.What he said just now, his Dao heart was also shaken, and he needed to go back to retreat for a period of time to adjust his mood.

A elixir, of course not so.But thinking of Jiang Chen's various performances in the Demon Market, after comparison, it is inevitable that they are not as good as others.

Therefore, they felt that they had been hit, their Dao heart was shaken, and they needed to retreat to strengthen their Dao heart.

When an excellent person meets someone who is better than himself, it is normal to be hit.Geniuses are all arrogant, and the worst thing to see is that others are better than themselves.

"Then I'll send it off to my brothers and sisters."

Jiang Chen got up, and wanted to send them away.However, Tailong and the others waved their hands, and left in a hurry before he could move.

They want to get rid of Jiang Chen's influence on them, so as to strengthen their Dao heart, and stimulate their own aspirations, and strive to surpass Jiang Chen in talent one day.

The weak will be devastated when they are hit, and the strong will become stronger when they are hit.This is the difference between the weak and the strong.


"Senior Brother, what did you do in Moxu? Seeing Senior Sister Taixi like that, I'm afraid you hit her hard, and you hit her hard, otherwise, she would never have shown such an expression."

After the four of them left, Li Qingzhao, who had been standing silently beside Jiang Chen, suddenly said with a smile.

With her knowledge, it is natural to see that the four of them were hit hard, not because of a pill.

This elixir was just an inducement, and the real reason, probably, was Jiang Chen did something unworthy of them in the Demon Market, which made them deeply hit.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Senior Sister Tai Xi showing such a lost expression for many years, with a deeply shocked expression." Zhao Wan'er also echoed.

Ye Qing didn't say anything, Li Qingzhao and Zhao Wan'er are familiar with Tai Xi, they have a good relationship, so they can make fun of her.Ye Qing and the four of them didn't know each other well, so he didn't dare to talk about them, so as not to offend others.

"Okay, don't ask me any more. I didn't do anything in Moxu. The brothers are like this, it should be for other reasons."

What Jiang Chen did in Moxu is not worth showing off, so instead of explaining to the three of them, he told them:

"The Golden Crow Banner was refined by me into the Innate Sun Moon God Banner, which is even more powerful than before. It can absorb the power of the sun and the moon and turn it into a Sun Moon God Wheel. Compared with the Great Sun God Wheel, its power has increased by at least ten times."

"That is to say, in the past, one could only obtain the third-rank aptitude after passing the nine sun-moon chakras. But now, as long as one passes through the nine sun-moon chakras, one is expected to reach the first-rank realm in the future."

"In the future, if you want to break through to the fifth-rank realm, you must at least go through nine Sun Moon God Wheels. This is the minimum requirement."

"For the future, you still need to practice hard."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen waved his hand, and gave each of the three a drop of Innate Water and Fire Liquid.This is a special product of the innate water fire gourd, which can help people refine the Yin God, and after refining, it will be of great benefit to the three of them.

"Sun Moon God Wheel!"

Looking at the nine golden and silver divine wheels in the sky, the eyes of the three suddenly brightened.

Having been by Jiang Chen's side for a long time, their vision has also become higher. The third-rank realm can no longer satisfy them, only the first-rank can.

Moreover, practicing with Jiang Chen in Moxu for many days, the three of them have gained a lot of benefits. If measured by the Great Sun God Wheel, all three of them have the ability to survive nine Great Sun God Wheels.

It can only be said that the timing of the appearance of the Sun Moon God Wheel is just right, and it just meets the requirements of the three of them, otherwise, they will try to break through the realm of the fifth rank.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't let you down." Ye Qing nodded, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

In the past, he desperately wanted to elevate his realm, but after getting along with Jiang Chen for a long time, after clearly feeling his strength, he felt that he could settle down a bit more and not rush to break through to the sixth-rank realm.

You should be like Jiang Chen, constantly tempering Yinshen to improve your own foundation.Not to mention reaching the state where the water is full and overflowing, at least it is necessary to reach the point where there is no way to advance before you can break through.

It can be said that Jiang Chen changed Ye Qing's cognition.If he hadn't personally witnessed Jiang Chen's changes, Ye Qing would have broken through long ago, where he would not have stayed in the sixth-rank realm.

"The tree that embraces is born at the end of the hair; the nine-story platform starts from the pile of soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

"When the realm is low, lay a solid foundation. There will be no change in a short period of time, but after a long time, especially after reaching a high realm, you will find the benefits of a solid foundation."

"Cultivation depends on the foundation. If the foundation is not strong, how can you build a towering building? You won't be afraid of the building collapsing."

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and continued to persuade the three of them with the words of a sage.

"Thank you for your teaching, brother."

The three of them bowed in response, their faces full of solemnity.

In Jiang Chen's previous life, he heard a lot of the words of the sage, and he was somewhat immune to it, so he didn't have much emotion about it.

But it was the first time for the moral mantra to appear in this world. When the three of them heard it for the first time, one can imagine how moved their hearts were.

Even the ancient remnant soul in Ye Qing's body was full of emotion.

"The words of a saint!"

"Brother, you have a great fortune."

"The opportunity he got has a great background, and it has already exceeded the scope of the Xuanhuang Realm. This world can no longer restrain him. One day, his reputation will definitely resound throughout the entire heaven and world."

Jiang Chen repeatedly uttered the words of a sage, making the ancient remnant soul in Ye Qing's body realize that the opportunities he obtained were not conceived by mere heaven-level worlds.

It should be the supreme opportunity that was conceived in the primordial prehistory, when the Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth was just born.What's more, this ancient strong man suspected that the origin of the opportunity in the dream that Jiang Chen obtained was the idea left by the Great God Xuanhuang.

"The way of heaven is like drawing a bow..."

Those holy words in Jiang Chen's mouth must not be spoken by him, but obtained by him in a dream.

One sentence sums up the law of the law of heaven. Only a true sage can make such remarks.And in the heavens and worlds, the only one who can be called a saint is the pioneer of this world, the Great God Xuanhuang.

Therefore, this ancient strongman suspected that the opportunity Jiang Chen got was the legacy left by the Great God Xuanhuang, otherwise why did it come to this.

In one sentence, all the changes in the way of heaven have been explained, leaving future generations with nothing to say.

If Jiang Chen really obtained the legacy of the Great God Xuanhuang, then the Xuanhuang Realm would be shallow water for him.Shallow water cannot support a real dragon, Jiang Chen will rise into the sky sooner or later.

That's why this ancient strong man felt that Jiang Chen would be able to walk out of the Xuanhuang Realm sooner or later, and become famous in all the heavens and myriad realms.



"Okay, it's good that you know what's in your mind, go down and practice, I'm going to start alchemy, it's nothing serious, don't bother me."

Jiang Chen himself has only a half-knowledge of the Tao Te Ching, and it’s okay to occasionally say a few words to pretend to be an expert, but if he talks too much, it’s easy to reveal his flaws and his half-hearted nature.

Therefore, pretending to be forceful cannot be exhausted, and there must be a little room for people to imagine.

"Well, it's important for senior brother to practice alchemy, so let's retreat first."

The three of them knew the seriousness, the elixir refined by Jiang Chen was an innate elixir that could help people become the Yang God, it was extremely precious, if the elixir was broken, the loss would be great.

Therefore, the three of them didn't dare to disturb Jiang Chen, and hurriedly withdrew.They also want to try the difference between the Sun Moon God Wheel and the Great Sun God Wheel, the Great Sun God Wheel, they can break through nine, but they have never tried the stronger Sun Moon God Wheel, and they don’t know if they can break through the seventh road.

In fact, the three of them still had greater ambitions in their hearts. They felt that if they wanted to catch up with Jiang Chen, rank one would definitely not be enough, at least they would need a god.

Therefore, they thought, even if they pass through the Nine Sun Moon God Wheels, they should not rush to break through, but ask Jiang Chen if there is any way to make the Yin God go further.


"Five thousand words of morality, every word is pearls!"

After the three of them left, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to make alchemy, but silently recited the Tao Te Ching in his heart, trying to comprehend the wisdom of the Supreme Dao Patriarch.

"The Tao Te Ching is already so mysterious, I really don't know how mysterious the Book of Changes is above this."

After a while, Jiang Chen came back to his senses and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.Chinese civilization has a long history. Although the Tao Te Ching is mysterious, it is not the number one classic.

The first book recognized by the world is the "Book of Changes", that is, when Taishang Daozu wrote the Tao Te Ching, he also referred to the Book of Changes.

"Book of Changes" is known as the head of all classics, the source of the Dao, and the general program of all Dao.Covers everything, outlines and disciplines, broad and subtle, all-encompassing.All schools and factions all take the Book of Changes as their ancestors.

The heaven and the earth are opened up, everything is muddy, ignorant and ignorant; yin and yang are relied on, the celestial body begins in the field of the North Pole...the sun and the moon rotate in five latitudes;

The Book of Changes contains all things, including the celestial phenomena, the method of the earth, the yin and yang gossip, the three talents and the five elements, the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, all of which are included. This is the real ancient book.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen can't understand such scriptures at all.

Jiang Chen can still comprehend a thing or two of the Tao Te Ching, but in his opinion, the Book of Changes is completely a heavenly book, and after reading it for a while, he will feel dizzy and unable to comprehend it at all.

Jiang Chen's dream of deducting supernatural powers, innate gossip, is hidden in the Book of Changes.However, even though the Book of Changes was in his mind, he couldn't comprehend it. He was really pissed off!

"Hey, I hope that when the realm is high in the future, I can comprehend the innate gossip from the Book of Changes."

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen put aside distracting thoughts, took out the heaven and earth oven, and prepared to refine the little dragon and tiger golden pill.

However, before refining the Little Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill, Jiang Chen still has one thing to do, that is, to sublimate some fourth-grade elixir into congenital elixir after nine times of refining.

Although the conditions for refining the Little Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill are not as harsh as those for refining the Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill, seven or seven 49 kinds of innate elixir are required, but nine kinds of innate elixir are also required.

But now, in Jiang Chen's hands, there is only one innate elixir that can see the light, and that is the innate water fire ganoderma.It is definitely not enough to refine the little dragon and tiger golden elixir, there are still eight kinds missing.

Therefore, he wants to refine the acquired elixir, make it rebel against the innate, and turn it into an innate elixir.This point is not difficult for Jiang Chen who owns the oven of heaven and earth.

"Little Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill is the pill of water and fire. The water and fire in the body work together. If you want to refine it, you need to use the innate elixir with both water and fire attributes as the main medicine."

"The congenital water-fire ganoderma is the innate elixir conceived from the source of water and fire. It just meets the conditions for refining the little dragon and tiger golden elixir, and it happens to be used as the main medicine."

"In addition to the main medicine, eight kinds of innate elixir are needed as supplementary medicines to refine the Little Dragon and Tiger Golden Pill. Their attributes are exactly four fires and four waters."

Going through the recipes of Xiaolonghu Golden Pill in his mind, Jiang Chen pulled out eight top-ranking fourth-grade elixir from the innate water and fire gourd, half of which were of fire attribute and half of which were of water attribute.As long as they are tempered into innate elixir, they will be able to meet the conditions for refining the little dragon and tiger golden elixir.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen robbed 97 demon clan geniuses in the Demon Market, and the last thing he lacked was elixir.Although the elixir for refining the little dragon and tiger golden elixir is precious, he can easily gather it together.

"The Yaozu are really rich!"

Jiang Chen felt that if he hadn't been able to rebel against the innate and refine the innate elixir, then when it came to his worth, he, the direct descendant of the Tianyang Immortal Lord, would not be as rich as the Yaozu Tianjiao.

(End of this chapter)

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